Al'ltll, ill, 11)111. CltOOK OOCJCTT JOURNAL Hlmrirf Julin ('(itnlii wm a Port lukU vlnllor tliii wiM'k. Mr. and Mn. C. N. llrmlfoni nmnt Ticmluy t Ktl. HI J. W. Itoon", um(tiiHKliir, I apt i.d liif (ha wni'k In I'lirtluml. Mr. and Mm. Hoimrt DoukIui art vtaiMtm In Portlund for a few day: Mr. anil Mr. lm Cram of Hob rl wnra In Oiw city limt week end. Mri. Bylvi'uli-r and ilnUKhtcr, Slul lu, wr In tin city Thursday even- , Jamiii and Muni"' farltn of Rnhnrti r In the city itvral duya luat waek. i. W. Moor", pimlmuiti-r at I'od Diund, wit a vlnltur In 1'rliivvlllu Hut unlay. MIm Plcard of I'urtland la the few auuoKraphur at tha office of Jay II. Vatun. Mr. B. J. Newiuro la "- 'tin week at I'oat with heq aun, B, J. New ton and family. Julian Uarnener went out to John Perry'a on the linnd-Burnt auto road after aonia freight. were week end vlaltort In rrlnavllta They were RuNti at the home of Mrt. J. II. Wlmlom. Mr. and Mrt. C. F. Smith returned Saturday from a anveral wei-ka' to Juurn In Portland. Don't forget the bin mui-tlnn at the Club Hull Frlduy nlktit. It It lupor tunt that you thould be out. A dnuKhter wat born to Mr. and Mrt. Ji'Ki Tetherow April 16 aitbelr ranch home m ar Uiwer llrldKo. Mrt. J. It. Wray It In the city from Oram Valley vlHltlnx her par enlt, Mr. and Mrt, K. T. Jonet. Nute and Kurl Wurzwi-llcr. who bue btten overai'at tivcral montlia are epwtd to arrive In Now York In a few dnyi. Mr. and Mra. Carey Hiirrlt of Hnml Mr. and Mrt, i- Wlmlom of Culver vlaltitd at the home of Mrt. J. II. Wlmlom over Sunday. Sheriff John Combt drove out from Portland Sundiiy In hit new Premier car. He wut accompanied by Mint Nora Dobbt and Ituy Putnam. Mrt. J. K. Morrlte, who hat been vleltlnK her duinihtnr, Mrt. Fred Ilidlmp; for ivenil montht, returned home from Portland Snttinlny. Mint I.oiiIho Summert and Mian Wlnlfrml linubllt are with Itn Hoh pltul No. 40. which unit wat expect ed to arrive In New York IiihI Satur day. , Many thlnicn of vital Intereat to Crook county uud Prlnevllle will be dlacuaaed at the big meeting at the Club Hull Krlduy nrM. He ture to attend. p Tim city and aurroundltiK country wat nearly depopulated Tueadnjr and AVednetdav by the abaenre of thoae attending the Htorknum'a meeting at Uend. Pete Harrlt hat returned from . France, where ho bw aervlce In the trencheft. lie bus recelveil bla tllH chnreii and will make bit home here for tome time. (ieorge l-:ler arrived Monday from Portland, where ho Iiiih been vltlllng allien hit dlai'hnrge from Military aer vlce, lie will rcaum a hit old poallion wMh the lnliwl Auto Compuny. Dr. and Mrt. F. M. Hloom of Port land arrived In Prlnevllle Sunday ev ening to visit their ton, J. K. Ulitom and family. Dr. I) loo in left for Hend Wednetday morning, and Mrt. Hloom will reninln for a lelmirely vlait. At a retult of high water In the Oohoco a great ninny talmon-trout and other fish have ventured to as cend the river at far aa the Oehoco dam. Several have been rnught re cently and much snort promises to be hnd In catching others. The T.nVIn hardware deserves to be complimented upon iiu public gulrit ednott In Installing a free air and water station for anto tourists. The equipment Is placed In a booth at the edge of the sidewalk within easy reach of evoryoiro. Who will ho the next to make a public iplrttnd move? Lincoln Kyle hat returned from over-seat duty. Mrt. Wm. J. Page spent Friday vle Itlng In the city. II. Manceau of Powell Hutta apent Friday In the city. John Kommllng wat a Prlnevllle visitor last Thursday. 8. 8. Btearnt apent Saturday visit ing frlendt near Ilarnea. MIni Hem lee Orant of Larhonta wat visiting frlendt here Monday. Mr. and Mrt. F. F. MrlUa are Prlnevllle vltltort thlt week. John Ryan of Rend apent Friday visiting frlendt In Prlnevllle. Kddle Holler of Gateway wat In (he city Friday visiting relatives. Bid Rogers of It a met wat busi ness visitor In the city latt Friday. Mr. and Mn. John Houston of Pow ell Hutta spent Friday In the city. Mr. and Mrt. 8. J. Newton arrived Monday from a visit In Portland. J. E. Warner of Roberts wat a bus hiest visitor In the city latt Satur day. Letter Ferguton and wife of Rob ertt were buslnett vltltort here Sat urday. - Mr. and Mrt. Robert Douglat of thlt city are visiting In Portland thlt week. Servlcet will be held at the Catho lic church Sunday morning at ten o'clock. Oren Noble it visiting at noma thlt week on furlough from the Nuval Do- part men t. Klhert Klllott, aon of Mr. and Mra. John Klllott, haa returned from mil itary service overteat. "Tuck" Hlxby arrived home last night from Camp. Lewis with hit dis charge from army tervlce. II. E. Croat bought Holder tract or and It plowing the Newtoin tract opposite the cemetery. The Klks of thlt city went to Bend Monday night for the Elk celebration and Initiation that night. Joa. F. Wlegand and Sons bought a big Heldcr tractor and set of plowt from C. W. Elk Ins latt week. (Jen. Graft, who hat spent the win ter trapping around Prlnevllle, left Monday for his home at I. a Pine. Mr. Cox. a prominent Paisley mer chant was hero last 8aturdn buying from the Marshall Wells talesman. Joe Bmelxer arrived In Prtnevlllo Wednesday and expects to visit his' frlondt here for a couple of weeks. A great many people are planting potatoes this week and the prospecla are good for a good season for such crops. . Ernest Sewell Cashier of the Citi zens' First National Rank of Inde pendence. Kansas. tumtness vis itor In the city Monday, I.uther Wyntt. who has been visit leg relatives In Portland the past twvi weeks, returned Friday to continue work on S. S. Stearns' ranch, Mr. end Mrs. Chas. Sherman, Mr. nnd Mrs. It. Haas; Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Street and family, Mrs Carl PauHih, Calvin Sherman and Cecil Swngirert, all attended Grandma Ronnetfs blilbdny party at her home on Camp Creek on Sunday, April 20, and spent a very enjoyable day. Henry M. Crnnt. represntlng tbe Oregon Social Hygiene Society, wag In the city Wednesday, arranging for a meeting to be addressed by Dr. Louise Rlehter on Friday, May 2, 1 f 1 9. T)r. Rlehter will also address the girls of the High School and the irlrls of the 7th nnd 8th grades. C. J. SmuliiulRt has resigned bis position as foreman of the excavat ing work at the north end of Main street nnd has accepted a position with the Forestry Service as foreman on the road construction work on the Prlnevllle-Mitchell Bond. J. P. ,Tneo'i'n Is th formnn succeeding Sundquist on the city work. FOR SALE 160 acres, the NE'4 NW Vi, NM, NKLi, SWi'. NE' Sec. 24, T 14, R 10 E: Will accept any reas onable offer. Clear title. S. Gll bertson, Olds, Alberta, Can. 24t6c THE LYRIC THEAT Friday and Saturday, Apr,-25-26 Mury Garden in "THAIH" CAST: Thalt ,. Mary Garden l'uphnutlus',;. Hamilton Kevelle lolllut Crawford Kent Cynlut, Lionel Adams Nlclat Charles Trowbridge Mother Superior, Alice Chapin Nun Mary Towntend Tbe most widely known operatic artist In her known role. A rival In splendor and ttory to Cleo patra, HmllinK Hilly Pantona in "III LUCK 8WKKT1K" Sunday, April 27 Knld Ilennett In "A PKHKIIT WOOIXO" Avlce Dereton, a Debutante Enid Bennett Barton Matters, rich Westerner ... Jack Holt Dr. Forteacue Van Fleet Donald Macdonald "Keno Clark, westerner John P. Lockney Billy Bereton, Avlce's brother.:.... Charles Bpere Mrs. Bereton Elinor Hancock Mixing the prim and proper East with the big and burley West wat like mixing oil and water, but they got around It by getting rid of the water. 1IKJ V COMEDY i j,. i L - 1 IT'.n Monday and Tuesday, Apr. 28-21 Franklin t'arnum in THE EMPTY CAB" Henry Xerxet. .. Franklin Farnum The Girl Eileen Percy "Big Ed" Frank Brownlee The Detective Fred Kelsey Did you ever go Into a ttrange bouse In the dead of night, bent on the capture of a criminal whom you would not recognize If you met him? t least you've gotten np out of your bed to Investigate the sound like footstept which broke Into your slumber. You know the feeling. But that Is only a suggestion. Henry found It the least of hit thrills. And they were indeed numerous. "THE Rl'HTI.EK" A Rlp-Hnortlng 2-Flee I Western Wed. and Thurs., April ?0- May 1 Priwilla Dean in "KISH OR KILL" Ruth Orton Priacllla Dean Henry Warner..Herbert Rawllnson Mlddleton Alfred Allen Craig Harry Carter Ruth Orton had two chancet: Kisa or Kill. Which thould the chooee? And why? She wat not a hasty girl.. She wat tlncere and if the believed a certain course wat right the would pursue It regardless of the end. That'e why the got what the got. We do not want to tpoil your pleasure by telling you what the got. We want you to come and see. Lyons and Moran In "PONT WEAKEN" ON THE CORNER OF MAIN AND SECOND STREETS ARRIVALS AT PRI NEVILLE The following people have visited our city and registered at Hotel Prlnevllle during the past week: Mommy, April 21, 1IMII. F. H. McCoy, It. L. Miller. Port land; Virgil Conn, Paisely; Mr. and Mrt. 0. E. Snlvely, Meadow; Calvin Wasco; J. F. Jones, Baker; Stanley Balfour, Fife; P. L. Mead, Redmond. Huiiduy, April 20, 1011) P. L. Mejul, Redmond; JameaJ Grant, Irvine Grant, Bernlore Grant, Lnmonta; H. H. Ralfour, Fife; F. M. Clunelly, Pendleton. ' Monday, April 21, 101 1. Will Wurzwoiler, Prlnevllle; Er nest Sevier, Wm. Nlge, Kbiishs; Jno'. E. Hobs, H. C. Dealer, Portland; M. A. Edwards, A. S. Coulee, C. D. Bar nard, F. W. Lee, fossil; Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Lister, Lawrence Lister Paulina; Mrs. Edith Washburn, Su idee. H. E. Wooley, Suplee, T. lj A person, Wasco. SO. H3?4 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Lnd Of fice l The Dalle. Onwun, April 21, NOTlC'fc ia he-eby ifiven mat KI.MKK W. THOMAS of Prinevitle, Omion. who. on January 9. 191. made Homentead Kntry No. 014324 for 2-3 SE I 4 NW'a, SW NK!4 Section 2. Town. hip It' S.Mith. Kame K Kat, Willamette Meridian, hiui filed notice of intention to make Final: Three Year Proof to mtablinh claim to the land aliove dmrribed, before Lake M. Berhtell, ' 1J. S. t'ommiiiKii'ner. at Hrlneville, OreKon, on! tne zna nay ol June, Clnimant nameit ai witneiHea: Hoifan tlaimn. Jrant-tte llannen. Jamra K. Stewart, and Columhua Jobnaon, all of Frine ville, Oreaon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 2 4 trie Km inter BIDS WANTED Bids will be received for the fur nishing of 250 cords of wood for the High School and County Court House. Bids are to be accepted for all or any part thereof. Delivery to be made on or before October 1, 1919. Said bids to be filed with the County Clerk ou or before Wednesday, May 7, 1919. BEFORE YOU SIGN a life Insur ance contract in any other com pany examine tbe superior, con tract and low premium rates of Oregon Lite. See. T..L. Qulnn. the local agent. 24tfc The Journal does modern printing on short notice. I- ATTKNTION LADIES! Tuesday, April 22, 1019. Henry M. Grant, A. E. BrewBter, H. K, Smith, Portlnnd; William II ' Lewis, Seattle; A. J. O'Reilly, Cor vallls. w. s. s. j The State Irrigation Securities: Commission has reached a decision,! refusing to certify the bond Issue of! $1,100,000 sought by the Teel lrrl-j cation district In Kastern Oregon.! The hlnh estimate of the engineers of the cost of the work is said to be responsible for tbe decision. Attor ney J. T. Hinkle and Asa B. Thomp son, leaders in the project move, are trying to do something with the board to Becure a favorablo action. The outcome may be looked for In a few days. Stanfleld Sentinel. Call and see my beautiful new dre?s goods samples, the latest goods Just from New York, prices reduced for spring sales. Lovely new waistlnKS and skirt goods, silks, serges, etc. MRS. LAl'RA BROWN, 24lfc 141 Cor. 2nd and Mill Sts. -i W, g. S. IS VOI R HAIR FALLING OCT? Hairo is a scientific preparation which will positively STOP FALLING I HAIR, and will within three weeks -start new hair, fine and downey at first, but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A three weeks' sup-! ply of Hairo post-paid and guaranteed for J1.00. j HAIRO REMEDY CO., Pept. P. ' 21t4c Chemical Bldg., Chicago, 111. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY j FOR RENT Furnished house-keep-1 Ing roos. 725 E 3rd 23tlp LOST OR STRAYED Jersey heifer, two years this spring light red, white dirty spots branded B lazy H on right side, ear marka.erop underbit in left and undermt in left. Notify the Journal office, at Prlneville. 24tfc FOR SALE One ton Velie truck in good condition. Will trade for a Ford or Dodge car. Chas. Boggott, Redmond, Oregon. 24tlc FOUND in the post office, a gold scarf pin with stone setting. Own er can have same by identifying property and paying for this ad. 24tfc t Dr. Turner, the well known X- Eye Specialist will be in Prineville again Friday, May 2, at Prineville Hotel. Have your eyes examined by a graduate regis tered Specialist of experience ant standing. Consult him. WANTED Plowing by the day or acre. Address H. E. Cross, Prine ville, Oregon. 24tfc. FOR SALE OR TRADE Studebaker 6, model 1918, 6 casings and tube included. Will s -11 for $1,000 cask or trade for cattle of equal value. Address B. L. Cummings, Culver, Oregon. 24tlp WANTED I will pay 20c for dry long wool pelts and 25c for err beef hides, f. o. b. Prineville Set) Frank Weiner, 353 6th St. 24t4c FOR SALE CHEAP 50 bead ot stock cattle. Cows, calves, year lings and two year olds. A permit for 75 head on the Big Marsh la the Cascades goes with them. For further Information see J. T. Mof fitt, Powell Butte, 24tfe NO. 0I67 NOTICR KOR Pl'III.ICATION IMmrOmnt of the Interior. II. S, Land Of fire al The Dallea. Oreiron, April IS, 11IIS). NOTICE h he chy ir'ven that RKUBKN I). GKORfiE of Bond. Oivtron. who on October l!R. 1!12. made Iwrt Land Kntry No. 01USB7 for SK'i Sm-tion ail. T.mnnhlp 16 Smith, Kanm 15 East, Willnmottp M,rMiin. hm filed notice nf inten tion to nutke Final DfHert Land I'roof to es ttihlish cliiiln to the land above described, be fore II. C. Kills, II. S. Commissioner, at Hend, Oregon, on tbe tith-day of May, 1919. Clnimant lurnim an u-itneasefl : I'arler C. Hardy. Bob Lik, Neln Delude, Ocornc 11. Baker, all of Bond. OreKon. 11. FRANK WOODCOCK, !Mt5c KeKistrr A FULL CARLOAD Wire Nails Fence Staples Barbed Wire Woven Wire Poultry Netting From Factory to Prineville Will Arrive About May 1st i You are to git the benefit of this factory shipment, Come in and get prices. BELTING"., leather and com position, sizes and prices to fit your needs. A full line of Farm Machinery and General Hardware. The W; Company , vrrA :i 4 il l ilk :1a m m &ffla:?:. - UC'-v.-.O:- :?:, W " c-:50 ' i. " t' H' ! I 1 III' u Iil i; . i L ii iU .lit! I WK. ..-a J"lfF mtmmm Kaiiiiiiiii - jm " i i1 "IliMii i VSSiKv- jgl 9r I 6 iu kn(. ToVPy rd bat; tidy ran nnt. pound tin Aumidoraon inat coy. procficof poena crtaf glatt eamiaor ten fpon moi.ten.r top that Aeesa tnm fooaccw " -v mmrfmet eonJitwa. PUT it flush up to Prince Albert to produce more smoke happiness than you ever before collected 1 P. A.'s built to fit your smokeappetite like kids fit your hands 1 It has the jimdandiest flavor and coolness and fragrance you ever ran against! Just what a whale of joy Prince Albert really is you want to find out the double-quickest thing you do next. , And, put it down how you could smoke P. A. for hours without tongue bite or parching. Our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. , Realize what it would mean to get set with a joy'us jimmy pipe or the papers every once and a while. And, puff to beat the cards 1 Without a comeback! Why, P. A. is so good you feel like you'd just have to eat that fragrant smoke! R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C i