A nil I- 21, loin. (HOOK COUNTY JOURNAL DOINGS OF THE VAN L00N3 I ' I 1 I I I f MIMT ADMIT S Vl- MOMCID A xTTTT Tr s I MM VlAM Plf, I lCHr ALOHC; rA7 Hfc IA QUICK. O ltd WIWy CL,t-,vt4 I ' I Ml- MA AM AtTWIJ J UtAHN THINGS VC.I Hi M hHAlN ANt OC.tXvCJ HB SlCK.S UP ST I I-VZ-KXTM,, I -Trt.NCS iO 1 "I f I t a t . v j . 'I - II . I I ill! -1 . I v I - . I y CLASSIFIED ADS Mlt HAI,K KJVB l'AH8KN0EK KOHI) In Rood condition fur lulo kt $340. Cull tlluck 661. btfo MAC. UVfV OKP1NUTUN CoKknrnll, ex cnllmit llraln. wull dovi-lopi-J. J, II. limy. Ctfo roll BAI.K A unittll liuni h nf eut tlit. Kor titforuiiii ton io I. II, t'otndpxtor, rrlnnvlllo, Ore. 21tf KOll HAI.K - Kliiclo comh Whllit I,i-(f-horn 1-lili'kn from flnu liiylux ulrnlii. Dr. IIowbiiI (iiivn. Hlfo Kor Hnli W'lllainnltB viillciy farm of .ID cnm. Well Imprnvi-il, K"0'1 Noll, linn mlln tu t'o(tUK (inivi), J. 8. Col. -in. hi, owin;r, ColtiiKO (jrovf, Ori-Koit. lstfo Foil BAI.K.-100 li'ii.l of "iwo'Tmi tlir )-iur old bIim th mid fi() hi-iiil of (mi r 1 1 !i k Iiki fiTM. Jiilin II. Itnrrl oii, Fori Uiick, OrcKon 17tfc IIUV VOt'H LAND I'l.ASTKIl -lit the Ocliooo Wuri'lumno. 20tfc COOD OITOim'Nn Y- TiiriTi"mu"Iie ICO Bern rum h, 2 tnlli-i from I'rlnnvlllo m llio Orlioco I'roji-ct. B urri-i undir tlin ditch. 60 lur'S dry Innd enn b plowed, flood noil. Will runt for two yt'nra from th! Kali frco for riinrlnR. Kor fnr tlior uirlloular uddrcM llox 4 4 5, I'rlnovlllu, On-Kon. lSlfc Fo1T8aTk-VooI Ham nd raper KloiH'o Twlue at tbu Ucboco Wure boimi). Sltfo FOK SAMC My li-imo on Hie Crnm-ont hoy ranch Julnlnic tho town of Cr" ci'iit, an I liuvit diHpoMi'd of hncp. I'hone or write W. M. WIIboii, Itud moinl. Uri-non. 2:ttfo t UH 8 A UK A not of tii-Bvy work liarni'HH und Kt.liL !1 14 wunon. 8o Frank Uowlin at llunilllun Ktahlci rriiinvlllo, UrcKon. 2IH3p WAXTI l WANTK.I) AnyoiiB wIhIiIhb m'rvlc of experienced mirm plcann cull Mr. CuHtiT, Hlack 163. tllfc 430NTHA('T()U AM) IH'IUDKH K. J. WIlHon. Job work, repairing, pul it 1 1 ii k . rnlilni't nui k I n K, furniture niaklnc. i Htlninles fumlHhud. Ucave call at CurtlH' renlaurant. 2H4p WANTKU - Men and tennis by l'oo plo'i Irrigation Co. l'hoim or call on Wui. a. Ayrcn. 16tfc BU1UDINO AND ltKl'AlltlNO -of all kinds, repulrliiK and Job work done at reimomililn rates. Call at Curtis' restaurant, rrinuvlllo, for Wilson. 2U4p I.OHT LOST On the I'rlnovlllo-lledmond road Sunduy One wire auto wheel with now caslnR. Kinder return or notify Hotel Kcdtnond and re ceive reward. 22tfc. LOST Gold brooch with small dia mond In center, surrounded by a number of small pearls. Kinder re turn to Journul office mid receive reward. 23t2o LOST OH KSTUAVKD One whltn fnced, spoted mulle cow, branded B Willi bar beneath on right side and Jl' connected on left hip; crop arid undurblt in r t li t ear and un derblt In loft oar. Geo. J. Ilrown, Prluevlllo, Oregon 21t4o , LOST One sow and five Blx-months-old pIks. All white In prime con dition. T. II. Lafolletto, City 21tfc TOIX1) FOUND On the street, a rlnK. The owner can have same by calling at the court houBO, proving property, and paying for this adv. Kay Putnam. 17tfo FOUND Gold Klk Pin, o. TU, Ha lorn. Pin hns a bunch of cherries attached. Owner may have same by paying for this adv. 1 7tfc ESTHAYKD STRAYED Three young Bteers, 1 black, 1 bl'k and white, 1 red, nder loped In each oar. Red has crop and split In right ear and half un dercut In loft ear. All branded with 17 with quarter circle under It on left ribs. F. T, Cox. lOtfo DENTI8T8 DR. H. G. DAVIS Dentist. New modern shop, In Kamutra Build ing. PHYSICIANS BELKNAP & EDWARDS Chas. S. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physicians Burgeons and Oculists, Prluevlllo, Oregon. tf OPHTHALMOLOGIST DR. F. H. DAY Physician, optba mologlst, neurologist. Specialty of eyes and nerves. Glasses fitted. Hours: 9 to 11 :0 a. m.; 1 .80 to 6 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Prlnevllle Hotel, Prlnevllle, Or. tf 4)l'riC'IAM DIt. J. O. TUKNJSU Eva Bpoclail.it from Portland; regular monthly vlHlts to Prlnevllle; watch this pa pur tor dates. 4tfc ATTOltXKYH W1LLARD H. WIHTZ District At torney. Office Crook County Bunk Building, Prlnovlllii, Oregon tf U. It. EULIOTT Attorney at Law Court House St., Prlnevllle, Ore HVNOI'HIH or THK ANNITAC BTATKMKM UK 1'IIK Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company 'if IUrr.iiit. Ill Ho. lint t.f C'.fifi.:U(-ul. on lh .111 .la) o? .. .tit.r, litis. (i.h.Ih l lliw liiM.iruiii'w (-nii.lHli'inr of tli NUlc Hi UI..K..I,, vu'nuuiii lu Uw; liirumr, T"il rt-mhim lti ,iti $ 11,3"!!. 7(1.' WH Ininr.ii. iijvi.L'ml dud rnt r- IVtl (lur.UK Ul "!,...., 3.Hlll.U'J.i,0. liu-.u from illn-r wiuici r tvlvvl (liiflnM Hi ,r Sl.h'ln 4ii Ti.ml Incorn $1 :i.a73..l75TTj llUlturwrnrall, I'Mld fur liiKm. n.towmrnia. in nuitu himI .irivii.li.r VMiu.a I ff 48.1 tuft fly lllvl.lfi.'l t.ni.l to p.illiy hi.ltl. mrm (l.irlnic III yir 1 ,70tt. 1 rltl 4(1 '-t.iiuni-i..,,. ,111,1 BHii.rl.-a paid I.,rlK tl, v.ir 71.76in7 II. Mil,, f0 pttllj .l.iniii "i in- -..r 4UW..-.47 OS Am.. urn of m oilier Kpii()l I urn n-JT, li.1l) 0 Toi. xi'vixlHur , Hn,?M..y;ij v.i , rt (mttrfct-t vnluri f 2,277. lsmi:i , .wtie0 (omrWt or iinuitincU viti 2f),n(..i:;H no ; I..ni un fnirtitap and euihtt- j 'Tl, ntr $H '.0,f7fl 4U I'rciiilum mil' muA pulley nnj, U.n-s i;j.n j nmtt In l.,iib iiml on t)nd ... .'I'i.'i l,"."t i Nn( uin i imI mill J-frrrrd. lr itiiu'tiK 1-s7,ti?l Ifl i vm iir ! ( nu . Hi:t,07n tt-t ' T-iml aar( , , , :h , 01 Mitli,mifa. rrvrt , . , , , . , 172, 1'W 17 1 1 Total n.ih !nim .'.;, t . 'I All uHi.r lit'lill(v.. . S.Hi,7ihI it 3,a,:.;.,:.ua iw Tooil llnl.llltlu, nxcluNlv vt i-niltl mni-li S2,3SI.4S!1.0.1 llulnr In Ori-Kiio for tile Vrar. Tooil liiauritiK- wrliun durliiK 4 111. SIC 00 On, 330 J 72 :lt a 3ii in 4-.ul7.ou iii"i pi mliiriiB r(lvpij durliiK 11. .ir I'i.-iiiiiiii.i rmurned iIuiIhk tti I,..hm.-n iml.1 d-iilriK lh year... l.orMS In. urrvtl il.irlux tl. year l.i'AI atitouiil ..f liiMiir.iii.- mil- tuii.llKR In Or.'Hti lii-cpmlir ai. IUIK t.N2X.47S.INI TIIK ( UNM I'Tfl'l T Ml Tl tl. I II K IN. Nl IIIM'K (nvi-ASV. JAMKH l..;K l.l.d.Mln. U--rr...rn. JiimN i ..I;K1.II Ai Wp,r.-tiiry Klii.liil.ii r..pi.l..i.l ..nullify rr nvrvl.;e: I). C. Ill HMIlAtiWH. U. A., I'urtluiid, (.r No. M7Jt NOTICE rOB PUBLICATION D-prtmnt of th Interior, U. 8. Land Of (lr t Th. D.llrt, Omroo. March 10, 191. NOTICE U horrby iilvrn that IDA F. HOWE, On of th heir and for th heir of Arthur Hlnlnff, dereued, of Robert, Oregon, who, on April 8th, 1016. made Hommtnd Entry No. H14TJI tor LoU l-i-S-4 SEUNE.S7. TIT. S. Kan II. a, GVi Hl'A. Sm KKi hill 17 Kuul. Kans 17 Eaat WUIaawtU McHdian. ha Iliad aotlr at taUaUoa to nalo Final Thrr Yar Pmnf to tahllk flalm to the land abuv dvacrlbed Wior Laa M.. BmIiUI, U. 8. Commllonr, at Prlnmilla, Ongon, on th S8rd dar of April, 1019. Claimant name a wltnmaesi Arthur Lan. Thoma H. Connor. Charln R. How, and Edna Quca. all of Bokart Orviron. IL FRANK WOODCOCK. No. IIIIIS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice, at Th fiiillen, Oreiton, April 10, 1019. NOTICE in h.-.Thv riven thnt WILllKRT L. BKAN if Prlntrvllle, On-Kiin, who, on ' June 8, 1018. made Homeatcnd Entry No. 016145, for 8 NWI4. Wil, SUM. SWVi NEW. WH sww, Seetlon B. SEVi NEH. Section 6. Township 14 South. Ranire 17 Eiut. Willamette Meridian, naa tiled notice of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to eittablliih clRim to the land above described, before Lake M. Fechtell, U. B. Commimiloner. at Prlneville. Oregon, on the 8th day of June, 1019. Claimant name as witnesses : Albert I. Cniin, Bill McKinnon. SRmuel Oulllford, Wra. H. Klrkham. all of Prinerille, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. SStBe Register No. 13310 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at The Dalle. Oregon, April 10, 1019. NOTICE Is hereby given that OEOROE 0. TACKMAN of Held, Orewon, who, on June 1, 1014, made Homestead Entry No. 018810, for Nft 8W4, NWV,, Sec 14, EM, NE14 Section IB, Township 18 South, Riinire 20 East, Willamette Meridian, ha filed notice of Intention to make Final Hire Yenr Proof, to establish claim to the (and above described before Lake M. Bechtell, U. 8. Commissioner, at Prlnevllle, Oregon, on the 10th day of May, 1019. Claimant name aa witnessed William Tackman, Mariora E. Tackman, of Prlnevllle, Oregon j Charlea Birdsong Reuben Bnatrong, of Held, Oregon. H. FRAJJK WOODCOCK. I8tSo Register CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES At Masonlo Temple every Sun- day at 11:00 a. m. All welcome Sunday school for all under 20 years of apra'ot 1&:00 a. m. Spring Suits Appealingly Graceful its ' A . . t; i 1 A 4 V- Spring suits make tlielr appeal to us from new angles this Benson, for there are aluxmt none ninotiss them that no mueh u suggest severity of line or finish. They lire easy iiml graceful und deeldedly chic. They lk thoroughly Comfort ii hie for summer time, and rely upon the Venice to provide warmth for crisp spring days. They are more or less ornamented with narrow, flat or aoutache braid, or with long and short etltch embroidery or couching. Among decorations, embroidered band effects are in great demand. Crisscross tucks or narrow silk braid, faultlessly stitched on, In a crisscross bund pat tern, ore among the details that have captivated the devotees of tullored clothes everywhere. These decorations of embroidery, pin tucks and beautifully stitched braid are among the luxuries, for they add as much or more to the cost of a suit as Is asked for the goods It Is niadn of. Some women who are clever with the needle buy a plain, well-made suit and embroider or brnld It to suit them selves. ThtB lifts It out of the ordi nary immediately and places It on a new plane among those aristocrats In Btreet suits that are priced at some thing like a hundred dollars or more usually more. These high prices are explained as the result of the great advance in tlie price of labor. If tula Li IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 44 SEED I 3 fjT Alfalfa and Clover Seeds, Blue jI stem and Marquis Wheat, Bar ley, Rye, Peas, Oats, etc. Place your orders while stocks are available. c Ochoc oil Warehouse Co; A Classified Ad brings quick results. It Is k- h b 1 V". . I : - '. : " V Is the case It Is some consolation to consider that those who do the work are being well pnld for It. The suit pictured Is the most popu lar of new models Hnd is of belge-col-ored tricot. The skirt Is without deco ration and has a four-Inch hem. Sou tache braid, stitched on one edge, forms the attractive ornamental band that enriches the coat. It widens at the center where three small bone but tons are set In each side of the center panel. The round collar and. flaring sleeves are embellished with a braided pattern. Jet Buckles, White Shoes. White buckskin shoes shown for the South show Jet buckles of va rious sorts. Usually they are very effective. One method of mounting the buckle Is to pluce It on a foun dation composed of closely plaited black ribbon, which extends Just far enough to give the buckle a little backing. Sometimes, too, white satin evening slippers show Jet buckles, or small Jet buttons fastened flat agalust the tongue seetiou or the edge of the shoe as it slopes up to the Instep, GRAIN 3 ,1 I .'. -A V very evident thai, yjhui ( Standard Furniture Co. BEND, OREGON IF YOU WAST TO SELL YOUR FURNITURE AND GET WHAT IT IS WORTH, WRITE 18 WIUT YOU HAVE A.VD TK WILL CALL AND MAKE YOU A CASH OF PER New and Second Hand Furniture Dealers Moneysvmih ai?:,'' ..iLAa'v m au isli rf . i mwj..i. jMm..inv Jhe Gasoline of Quality C. E. MARTIN, Special You Carry the Only Key Safe Deposit Boxes in our Fire-Proof and Burguiar-Proof VauJt may be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for your valuable papers and jewels Ask CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON 'rN-i-?1f?NtT.VsfVs WHEN IN BEND STOP AT PILOT BUTTE INN Central Oregon's Finest Hotel! Built for YOU, Operated for YOU Prices made for YOU! Why not Enjoy it? Others Do! WALLACE C. BIRDSALL, ' Mgr. I WILL 1 Put a new top on your car, or repair your curtains, or do any such work as is needed I This is the time to repair harness for spring work. W. J. HUGHES HSARDD?ERYd PRINEVILLE, OREGON MSSS$SSS3S3gSSSS$t$$$S$ liothgr says la '.. 9 SO M"i y.N I.0ON' I H-t DCC1A. flRT V vviTrt THINGS VOu Awmwi t-xi'p.cT he. would: HE V., J; WOW Red Crown gasoline i high quality, full-powered every drop. Xook for the Red Crown sign before you 1L STANDARD OIL COX PANT (California) Agt., Redmond, Oregon Us a.