f Paige 2 f ROOK COUNTY JOtRNAL ritn, 21, i')n. Crook County Journal BY GUY LAKOLLETTli I Hend. If tUo IVscutes road should ; after wo and our childronaro dead Entered "Ttoevllle, tter. at the Oregon, postofflce at aa aecoud-claM CBLISHED EVERY T1URSDAY Price $1.00 per year, payable strictly In advance. Ia caso of efcange of address please notify ua of the Strahorn roads nor to the groat bo connected with the Strahorn road and if the latter should he built from Hend to Klamath Falls, the lutli'r town miKht claim tlm lame rate as Hend enjoys. ' The possibility that the Bond rate would be revised up ward to meet the Klamath rate aeeina to have been the motive for the liend Commercial Club'a vote against aid to the Strahorn road, for the only speaker was the manager of one of the mills. "No consideration appears to have been given to the other ways In which Hend would profit by construction ml once, giving both d dress. old and new f!CS FAFER REFKrSENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE benefit which wuuld acme to the gnat roadless area of Central Ore gon. The Strahorn nwd is project ed not njone to connect Hend with Klamath Falls. Another line ia to Our heritage of thia war will be our record of patriotic achievement and this record will be made in two wavg: It will be the record of our boys who were in the service and the record of these of us who stayed at home and tried to do our part by support ing our government and the boya. Oregon's military record stands head and shoulders above Unit of any other state. Oregon was first in the enlistment and had a larger percentage of Its population under nrms than any other state In the I'nion. The records of the old Third Oregon the Coast Artillery and the 91st Division are records which will never die and of which every Oregon cftixen mav well be proud. The record of Lieut. Burgard who was five times wounded and wlio led 2a Oregon GENERAL O'RYAN National Mazda Lamp For better light and longer service ljUljlHI ' throughVleClo' th j -- mr - .. - -it, --m i system, opening th GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO fciANCHFS IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES THE BEND SPIRIT? Commenting on the action of the! pend Commercial Club in opposing . n . . . , , . (.Till. f .111 11 ion 1 ' I- Oil ' T LI l' T tte Strahorn railroad, at the request th h rairoaJSt m,rth Bouthi ea8t i'.L1' Uh th! regTaniand west. These railroads will make "Opposition to the Railroads": run lo lakeview and a third to Crane boys over the top. of which 21S were where it would connect with the O. left upon the battle field after an railroad eastward hour and twentv minutes of flKhtinir lie Union Pacific is onh one of a number of Instances e great Harney of valor by Oregon men which will valley. A wide agricultural and a never be forgotten. l.lout. Dorris! stock-raising country would then be made his way to lirlgnde Headnunr opened, and the Bend mills would ters after having his lower Jaw shot I have a more direct line, thus fortify- away, in order that another officer lug their rate position, which Is none m'jtht be detailed to his company too strong. jail of the other officers having been "In saying that 'under the present killed. Although ho was decorated railroad administration rates never with the erolx de guerre for this act go down and the Bend mills might ; of heroism, the best appreciation of suffer from an upward revision," Mr. , this act will be found In a never dv- Keyes not only overlooked the very! log recollection of It by the people j temporary character of the present; of Oregon. There is no Instance of railroad administration but the prob-j record where Oregon troops failed ability that federal railroad laws and J under fire, and the record of our the entire rate system will soon un-iboys In service is 100 per cent perfect. I dergo Yadical revision. When that So far the record of Oregon's clt-! rate revision is effected, a town which ' trenry in Its patriotic duty has been) felt the rate position of Its chief perfect. We have been foremost In! Industries to be so weak that It found I patriotic drives of every kind, having oposition to construction of a new j twice led the Nation In Liberty Loan , road through a wide stretch of conn-j campaigns. It is a distinct privilege try necessary to fortify itself would for those of us who stayed at homo to be an inviting object of attack. bo permitted the wonderful record of "The Interests of Bend are not, our boys by making a 100 per cent, wrapped up with those of Its saw-; record in our duties of citizenship.! mills alone. They are identical with I Yet It is a tremendous responsibll-1 lite interests of all Central Ore- ity, as the people of thn state would ! gon, which can best be served by never live down the disgrace of taint-1 ing our military record by failure to !8 Ccneral O'Ryan, commander of th famous 27th division, composed of New York troops, which recently re turned from France, U. S. WAR 'VESSELS ! REACH f.ijRMANSK1 Washington. Arrival of the Amer ican cruisers Galveston and Chester at Murmansk Is expected by officers to relieve the situation among Amarl c m troops in the Archangel region, a company of which ton days sgo re fused to go to the front until argu- C" U"'xp Pfm A For sale by Des Chutes Power Co. ments were presented, by cers. "The vessels carried lean an outer states in mis last great ; r.u,.r.i w j rni,,.in veuirai urfguu uevtiiop huu piusper, patriotic endeavor, and nit it nrosners. so will Ranri.i w "If every town in Oregon which j Bend will not fully prosper as a big I VICTORY LOAN QUOTAS ZiL J Zt ,u ,8awmiu l0Wn " Rn lrrlSatea oasls Quotas for the counties In Oregon ,hL,, l r",ad leSt f'?erlin the midst of a de8ert He,,ce'l in the Victory Loan were determined towns should come into competition to condemn Central Oregon to stag-'hv ,he Federal Reserve Bank of the' Twelfth District at San Francisco. wun us industries, we mign as well nation in the .interests of local in reeord the end of railroad building' dustries is not onlv narrow and sel aad therefore of development in the; fish, but it is shortsighted, for It is interior of the State. Yet that is the to condemn Bend to a restricted position taken by Bend in regard to grpwth. extension of the. Strahorn road from! "These are days of progress, not Iks Klamath valley to Bend. of stagnation. They are days of "Bend appears to look at the mat- broad vision, not of parochial selfish ter solely from the viewpoint of ' ness. Bend should become imbued its sawmills. The latter have a rail-1 with the spirit of the times. It is up Umir offl Brigadier who is to assume command of the American forces, and two companies of railway engineers. General Richardson and the engin eers were ordered to Murmansk at Ihs road rate on lumber to Denver and similar points which Is six cents less than the terminal rates to the Pacific coast and only 1 cent more than the rate from Spokane, Baker, and other joints in the white pine group sev eral hundred miles nearer the mar ket Klamath Falls pays the coast terminal rate, and Is therefore under handicap of 6 cents as against to Bend to reconsider." -a -t - "OREGON FIRST!" The world war through which we so recently passed is the greatest event in the world's history since the beginning of the Christian era. The part which Oregon played In this world war will be remembered long tlm it - - A I 1 .1 1 - .IlL I . 1. - age bank resources of each Oregon entlr alIled '"N ln northern Russia county for June and December, 191S. n 'heir arrival Is expected to reas- j No one In Oregon had any part In sure the American troops and prevent ' the quota, except that the Federal ' any Bpregd of the mutiny. Reserve Bank statement of resources i .,., , ,v , . , , , is made from the official statements! Arrlval of ths tw0 American cruls-! of the banks. Thus. It will be seen j er l Murmansk Increases the Amer- i that the quota for each county Is nai lean naval force thers to three vessels. I nearly exactly Its proportionate share: These vessels, with whatever forces ! of the sUte total as can be determln-j Brlt(lh ,r iH,d,nK wl M ; There is a mistake In the belief , creen for th withdrawal of the en-I In some localities that the various tire expedition as soon as weather por 1 quotas have been Juggled. There Is mlts. In the meantime th additional ?TJU8tlf,!.atl0n.f0r DT v"UCh ''l"? ' British troop, being sent forward will ' Under this system Crook county s . t. . . " tuu,tj IU IVIUIUIVCU1QU1I U IIIHJ are needed. bank resources being $1,132,000, the quota thus determined Is $118,125. Cleveland Tractor !'J t r-. , , ,.,. ,1 - , r V r -. "f - 1 6',;s H Has stood the test of time and made good under Central Oregon conditions. I offer City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters ; AMERICAN FLYERS HONORED ; Woman of Francs Present Banners to Aviators, Paris. An Interesting ceremony i took place at the Opera Comlque whan ; 140 American aviators were each pre sented with banners made by the wo ( man of Francs In honor of the Lafay ette escadrllls. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, dressed ln a khaki tailored suit and ' wearing a hat much Ilka the little ' bonnet worn by aviators, attracted much attention. She received a great , welcome, many ln the audience re marking that she was dressed "like an honorary colonel of the American aviation force." The American aviators came from the 1st and 2d armies, arriving by air rom the xones of occupation. Gen eral A. Y. E. Duball, former military I governor of Paris; Colonel Edward M. ! House and Mrs. House and Admiral William 3. Benson and Mrs. Benson and Josepbus Daniels, secretary of the American navy, and Mrs. Danlols ware ! ? present Fruit and Vegetables in Season Influenza Fatal to Americans. London. More than half the deaths ttmong the American soldiers In Great Britain were due to Influenza. The total number of cases of the disease In the three months of the epldemlo among the Americans here reached 7512. SWAT THAT FLY ran iwo Ban ams One new CLEVELAND at - $1,100 One slightly used demon strator CLEVELAND at $900 In Al condition r Either of these machines will do more work than six horses. Do your work while soil conditions are right. Prineyille Oregon Hogs Bring Top Prices. Sioux City, Ia. All previous records tor hog prices on the Sioux City mar ket were shattered Saturday when a half dozen loads of prime heavies were old for $20.40 per hundredweight H. L. Maker THE MARKET8 Portland Oats No. 2 white teed, 150.50 ton. Barley Standard feed, $51.10 ton. Corn Whole, $66067; cracked, $67 69. Hay Timothy, $3032 per ton; al falfa, $21. Sutter Creamery, !9o per pouad. Eggs Ranch, 44c per dozen. Poultry Hens, 3335o; roostersj I2o; stags, 25o; turkeys, aresied, 4le. . Seattle Hay Eastern Wasnlngtea tlmetky, $3$ per ton; alfalfa, $34 per tea. Potatoes IHo per lb. Butter Creamery, COo. Eggs Ranch, 47c. Poultry Hens, heavy dressed, 400 1 42c; light, St40o; live, 2lf$Tej springs, oresssa, ego; aucks, live, 40c; dressed, 4142e; geese, Uv. 122034c; dressed, 38c; turkeys, dress- KWAT THE FLY AND THIiltR VVII.t, I!K KKVKRAIj MILLION Li:.HS TIILS HCMMKIt W 10IIAVE A C OMPLISTE LINK OP FLY KWATTKUS, , GALVANIZED AM) BLACK SCREEN WIRE CU)TH, ..ADJ U 8 T A 11 L E WINDOW SCREENS, AND SCREEN DOORS A 81TERIOR PATENT CATCH WILL KEEP THAT SCREEN DOOR CLOSED. Lakin Hardware "WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE" OREGON DAILY JOURNAL DAILY BOc ' DAILY AND SUNDAY 05c i If yan don't get your paper reg ularly, phone Red 482 and we will send one np by special messenger. i PRI NEVILLE DRUG CO. Local Agent When writing advertisers, please HillsBros JpA COFFtt Has No Equal No Rival No Substitute IT IS THE BEST J. E. STEWART&CO ', 45042c. mention The Journal.