CROOK CXH'MV OlXAU Avnih ir, Safety in Piano v Buying , I With every Piano we sell we give our unqualified guarantee of satisfaction. But better even than our guarantee of satisfaction is our forty-five years of t giving it. The Best Guarantee in the world is the one you know you I will never need. 4 f s mm piano a. iimi ii) t . .! ?.it 4u I I IK) VOU LIKE TO K1XU OH OAMK? ONR CAN IMAGINE NO MOHK rEHFBOT DANCE A C C O M V A N 1 M IS N T THAN TIIK i:ITIKNA INNEK-I'LAYEU. NOU A .MOKE DELIGHTFUL St'PrOUT IN HINUINU l'OITLAH 80NGJ OK 1H VOr I'ULTKR TIIK PIMPLE HAM. ADS AND HOMK HOMiH? THE ST1KIUN0 MAKCHKi AM) TIIK SACKED SONUS WHICH IIWK A I'l.AC'K IN KVKIIY HOMK. ' YOU. YOUKSELK MAY PLAY T11KM ALLAND I'LAY TIIKM A9 THEY SHOULD HE PLAYED WITH THE EITHONIA P LAY EH PIANO. THIS IS THE PLAYER THAT YOU WILL FIND MOST FREQUENTLY IN COLLEOE FRATERNITY HOMES. HOTELS. CLVUS, AND MOD ERN HOMES. 3 The Wiley B. Allen Company J. FELLOWS, Eautcrn Orrfu Itcprvwnlitllve t Hold "rliicvllle me Week in Society IUSKUAIX LEAGUE TALK RUTH ADAMSON, Editor AH reports of social events. Including club meetings, weddings, par ties and all affairs of this kind should be reported or telephoned to Miss Ruth Adamson, Society Editor of the Journal as early in the week as possible. Call Red 391. erable saving made In this shipment by having It come directly from the Prlneville baseball fans are up and : factory instead of through the Job comliiK when league talk Is started, bers. As a consquonce the prices on The Commercial Club of the Crook j these goods will be materially lower, mimlv sunt ta htirhlv In fnvnr tt lha ' in tha liu-ul 4.,inautn,ir ! $ j proposal made by the Bend Amateur! w. s. . ! Atniciic tiuo xor tne organization or WHY TIIK VHToKY l)l ! ''"u od nT1t,r Although the armistice was slgmnl appointed with instructions to make the necessary arrangements for a UNION ENDEAVOR MEETING The Christian Endeavor Societies of the Christian and Presbyterian churches will unite for special ser vices at, the Christian church Sunday evening. A special program is being arranged for the occasion. W. B. THE SHUMIA CLCB. The Shumia Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. E. J. Wilson Satur day afternoon. A musical program wa srendered by a quartet composed of the following members: Misses Blanche and Madge Rowell, Myrtle Lister and Marjorie Wilson. Mrs. W. I. Dishman gave a splendid review of the popular new novel, "Joan and Peter." by H. G. Wells. The club had as its guests: Mrs. C. M. Elkins, Mrs. J. H. Lister, Mrs. W. H. Lister and Mrs. L. E. Hvde. AN" EXCURSION PARTY A party composed of Arthur Michel, Mr and Mrs. M. E. Brink, Mrs. Bald win, Mrs. Seth Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. John Becaas, Mrs. E. S. Dobbs, Mrs. Willard Wiru, Mrs. E. J. Wilson, Miss Marjorie Wilson and Miss Madg Row eH enjoyed an excursion over the rail road in the new gasoline coach to the Junction, Sunday evening. Prlneville nine as one of the- four corners of the league. Bond Bulle tin. w. a. . . IS VOIR HAIR FALLING OCT? Halro is a scientific preparation which will positively STOP FALLING HAIR, and will within three weeks dHurt'S of the United Stuti'g llovcni-nn-ut whs carried nftor Unit dute. Expenditures fur the six months to tlm end of February were the heavi est of all periods. This statement leads strongly to the conviction that the Victory loan bonds Is the real need of the Government for funds.' In order to pay the accumulating! costs the Treasury Department has been obliged to Issue certificates of start nw hir fi ,. .. i Indebtedness In the amount of 1300. . . . ' ' flOO nnft . weW ThAu utiH first, but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A three weeks' sup ply of Hairo post-paid and guaranteed for $1.00. HAIRO REMEDY CO., Pept. P. 21t4c Chemical Bldg.. Chicago, 111. w. a. a. CARLOAD OP WIRE The W. F. King Company Is ex pecting a carload of woven wire and barbed wire and nails about the first of May. There has been a consid- APRIL D ANCE 1 Powell Butte Community Hall II HI mm kr rirrMiwi notes are almost du and must be taken up with the funds realised from the sale of Victory Bonds. j w. a. a. j Green leafy plants are brushes and brooms that help keep the digestive tract cleur and sweep the body clean of impurities that breed dlsciBu, bas M. Winona Cruise. Instructor In household science at the Oregon Ag ricultural College. They give the. body a regular "housecloaning" ev-; ery time they are eaten, which it sad-' ly needs after a winter's diet lacking. In greens. Early greens are eagerly j gathered in snrlna or bnnirht In thn' market, "for all the family nwdskS greens." Mineral elements In greens Neutralize the blood and aid muscular Kiiia, aosorpiron or algesic J food and elimination of waste products. They give bulk or ballast against which the muscles exercise. Their chief value Is the so-called vltarume, which Is essential to growth and health. Leafy plants are protective foods, preventing disease In under nourished children who subsist most ly on seeds, tubers, and seed prod ucts. The lettuce leaf is entitled to new respect, for Its worth is very great O. A. C. Dept. of Industrial journalism. Roscoe Howard of Deschutes bai sold his ranch and tine borne at Deschutes to W. R. McCornack, who win iaae possession the middle of June. Accompanied by his family, Mr. Howard will motor to California spending several weeks visiting the points oi interest enroute. He may return to Deschutes county later io the summer, if plana he Is consider. ting materialize. Bend Press. tVVHEN IN BEND STOP AT PILOT BUTTE INN Central Oregon's Finest Hotel! Built for YOU, Operated for YOU Prices made for YOU! Why not Enjoy it? Others Do! WALLACE C. BIRDSALL, Mgr. WANTED A girl or woman for gen eral housework. Mrs. A. R. Bow man, Prlneville, Ore. 23tfc APRIL 18TH, 1919 "Spec" Young's Jazz Orchestra SIM0NDS SAYS AMERICA MUST . END RED RULE Europe Knows That Only Chance for Safe Peace Lies With U. S. Frank H. Simonds," the noted war correspsndent, In one of his compre hensive peace conference stories from Paris, says: "All Europe recognizes the fact that the war Is not yet over; that It will not be over until Its consequencei have been liquidated In a aure peace. "All allied Europe equally recognizes that only with America's continued aid can a safe peace be obtained and preserved. Accordingly, America's aid being priceless, no price is too great to pay, tne one essential thing Is that! America should stay to finish the Job. If she doesn't we ma;' have anarchy and Bolshevism from Kamchatka to Land's End." Simonds Is on the Job and knows. He Isn't writing Victory Loan propa ganda but the Victory Loan must be "put over" because of the very facts I that ne brings out. We have got to finish the Job. To finish the Job costs money. Every American citizen has got to dig down and help finish it with the Victory Loan. , , You Carry the Only Key Safe Deposit Boxes in our Fire-Proof and Burguiar-Proof ' Vault mav be vented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for. your valuable papers and jewels . Ask Us CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON f Look for the sign The Ked Crown sign signals Mtisfisction. It stands for straight-distilled, JUrefinery gasoline high quality every drop I Look for the Red Crown sign oeiore you till. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Gasoline uality C. E. MARTIX, Special Agt., Ttedmoml, Oregon United States Government War Rnv. I Ings Stamps bear four per cent Inter. est, compounded quarterly. Make your money make money for you. After all. the fact that thnro u Victory Liberty Loan la the big rea son lor subscribing to it. iii. a Ik U. -11L t i.j.. i.W Standard Furniture Co. V BEND, OREGON IP YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FURNITURE AND GET WHAT IT IS WORTH, WRITE US WHAT YOU HAVE AND WE WILL CALL AND MAKE YOU A CASH OFFER New and Second Hand Furniture Dealers A Classified Ad brings quick results.