Arm i, it, CROOK OOUKTT JOCRJfAt CLASSIFIED ADS ion HALH FIVE PAHHKN0KH FOItI In food condition for sale t 34. Call llluck 651. 61 fc MAC. BUKKOIU,IN(T()N Cock!rl, ex citlliint itruln. witll duvuliipod. J. II. amy. ttfo KOU BALK A small Imiieh if cst tln. Knr Informal Inn se P. II. riilmloxtiT, 1'rliievllln, Ore. 21tfc roil 8AI.K HIiifIm comb White leg horn chirks from fine lnyliiK strnln. Dr. Howard (Iovd. Htfo For Hull) WlllHinette valley farm of 35 cr. Wi'll Improved, food coll, linn nillo to Cottage (Irovn, J. 8. Coli'nmn, ownor, Cottuice Urovu, OrcKon. 1 Si fc roil BALK 100 hnd of two, and . tlinie ycur-olil stor and CO hoad ef ymirllng hulfora. John II. Ilnrrl on, Korl llock, Oregon 17tfo roil SAUK A matchud team of fr rul giilillnics, S and 6 yean old, weight about 1260 narh, Broken to work any pluce. For particulars ns Ed. Abbott. JOtfO BUY YOUH LAND PLASTER at tht Ochoco Warubouio. JOtfc FOR BALK OR EXCHANGE for cattln, 2 Mammoth Jacks, one tlx, the othor three year old, also S Jonmtt. Will soil all or separate ly For pnrtlculara write John Ayr, Wamlc, Oregon. Ilt2o OOOD OITOKTUNITY for someone 160-acre ranch, 2 miles from l'rlnevlllo on the Ochoco Project. 69 acres under the dft b. 0 acres dry land can be plowed. Good soil. Will rent for two years from this Full free for clearing. For fur ther particulars address Dog 445, ' Prlnevlllo, Oregon. lBtfo WANTKI) WANTED Anyone wishing services of experienced nunin pleaiie call Mrs. Ctmter. llluck 163. 8tfc CONTRACTOR AND lU'ILDEK E. J. Wilson. Job work, repairing, painting, cabinet making, furniture making, emlmates furnished. Leave call at Curtis' restaurant. 21t4p WANTED Men and teams by Peo ple's Irrigation Co. Phone or call on Wm. 8. Ayres. 16tfo WANTED To rent an Incubator Cyphers preferred, 240 eKg capac ity. F. T. Foster, Lox 66 R D 1 Prlnevlllo, Ore. 2U2p BUILDING AND KEPAIIUNQ of all kinds, repairing and Job work done at reasonable rates. Call at Curtis' restaurant, Prlnevllle, for Wilson. 21t4p LOHT LOST OR ESTRAYEI One white faced, spoted mnlte row, branded B with bur beneath on right side and J I' connected on left hip; crop and umlerblt in right ear and un derlet In left ear. Geo. J. Brown, Prlnevlllo, Oregon 21t4c LOST One sow and five slx-motiths-otd plgn. All white In prime con dition. T. II. Lafollotto, City 21tfc LOHT On -the Htreeia In Prlnevllle Saturday, a black leather purse. Return to Journal office and re ceive $15 rwwurd. 21tfc -l'NI FOUNT-- On the street, a ring. The , owner can have same by calling at the court bonne, proving property, and paying for this adv. Ray Putnam. 17tfe FOUND Ciolcl Klk Pin, No. :!Hfi, Sa lenT. Pin has a bunch of cherries attached.- Owner may hnve same by paying for this adv. ; 17tc EKTKAYRD STRAYED Three young steers, 1 black, 1 bl'k and white, 1 red, nder sloped In each Sir. Red has crop and split In right ear and hqlf un dercut In left enr. All branded with 17 with quarter circle ander It on loft ribs. F. T. Cox. lotfo DUNTIHTS DR. H. O. DAVIS Denl 1st. New modern shop, In Kamttra Building. OPHTHALMOLOGIST DR. F. H. DAY Physician, optha mologUt, nourologlat. Specialty of eyes and nerves. Glasoes fitted. Hours: to 11:30 a. m.; 1.30 to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Prlnevllle Hotel, Prlnevllle, Or. tt ATTORNEYS WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office Crook County Bank Building, Prlnevllle, Oregon tt M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law. Court House St., Prlnevllle, Ore. PHYSICIANS BELKNAP & EDWARDS Chas. 8. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physicians Surgeons and Oculists, Prlnevllle, Oregon, tf OPTICIANS DR. J. O. TURNER Eye Specialist from Portland: regular monthly visits to Prlnevllle; watch this pa per for dates. 4tfo LOST A crescent shaped china - brooch bearing the word 'Shumia.' . Reward for its return. Mrs. E. ' Evans, Prlnevllle, Oregon ltlp Evans, Prlnevllle, Oregon. 21tlp " Dr. Turner the Eye Specialist will be at Hotel Prlnevllle on April 4. -Talk to him about your optical troubles. FOR SALE Wool Bags and Paper Fleece Twine at the Ochoco Ware- tmw$ von n n wtAWh 'mm 1 I . 7 si IWi -fop a wflnSllo mm ml SIXTY THOUSAND OF OUR AMERICAN BOYS lie among the poppies af Flanders' Fields in France. To them only is the war over. They have paid the price in full. To countless other thous ands of these boys returning home maimed and broken the war will still go on; they will be paying the price every day, during the remainder of their lives. Can we who stayed at home carelessly and thought lessly assume the "war is over" attitude until our bal ance of account is paid until we have redeemed our pledge to bear the final cost no matter what its amount? n 1 ! M tTU Af is in liquidation of the debt for men and munitions we amassed, and which brought about the end of the war saving for every day it was shortened billions more in money and thousands more in lives. ;.r'.MENo The imprint of fme upon the name of our fair state will turn to a stain of shame if we do not meet the obligation this Vidtory Loan represents. You are face to face with the real te& of citizenship true Americanism. Let this te& find you measuring up one hundred per cent loyal. At If " The Parent Bond of Them All The government bond is the Parent bond of all bonds. Back of the gov ernment bond are all the assets and all the resources that supply the value of all other bonds, all other securities, all other investments. The government bond is a prior lien on lands, homes, chattels and every thing else, and the bonds to be issued under the name of the Victory Lib erty Loan are the highest of the hih in. government bonds. They constitute a contract of the United States government, entered into by unanimous vote of congress,-and therefore a contract and mortgage behind which stands the possessions of One Hundred and Ten Million American people with their entire resources developed and undeveloped; the intelligence, ambition and ability of these One Hundred and Ten Million people mortgaged to pay the bill. ' ' The Victory Liberty Loan Bonds will bear an attractive rate of interest and, together with all other desirable elements, when compared with other investments as to strength, collateral and return, have rio equal. This is one of 176 advertisements inserted simultan eously in every newspaper in the State of Oregon on behalf of the success of the Victory Liberty Loan for we believe in this cause and are willing to contribute to the full extent of our power. MORRIS BROSM Inc. JOHN L. ETH BRIDGE, Vlc-Prldeot PORTLAND, OREGON THZ rk&MI&JL BOND HOV&X bouse, 21tfo