cbook county journal Anuti 10, 22 Lowney's Chocolates Pure, wholesome, and delicious. Centers surprising and delightful with smooth, velvety chocolate coatings Just Right to Eat Try them, and taste your rights in Chocolates D. P. ADAMSON & COMPANY I WILL Put a new top on your car, or repair your curtains, or do any such work as is needed This u the time to repair harness for spring work. W. J. HUGHES PRINEVILLE, OREGON H. Xi. MAKER JOHN OORJfETT Thoroughly Overhauled Secondhand Cars For Sale MITCHELL GOOD CONDITIO FOR DODGB OVERLAND FORD, FIVE PASSENGER 1 4-CTXINDEB BUICK; 1 4-CTLINDEB OLDS MOBILE 40- H. P. TRUCK $450 $500 $325 $340 $200 MAKER & CORNETT INLAND GARAGE PHONE BLACK 651 Cor. Second and B St. PRINEVILLE, ORE. l f l HI Wl 1 HI Ml l 1 9 it mm useensnsiisiii'tri Mark All Freight -Care of- I City of Prineville Railway Cheapest, - Safest, - Quickest SERVICE Daily freight service to and from Prineville. We specialize on live stock shipments. City of Prineville Ry. Prineville, Oregon PAINT ASAH ASSET. Bankers Say They Lend More Money on Property When Buildings Are Well Painted AN INDICATION OF THRIFT. On Cohmth Advance H Ptr Ctnt Mor If Repainting I Den Ivry r"lv Yun, Doe It pa; to ptnt carefully farm bufldlngat Doe It add to the selling vlu of a farm when building a re properly kpt ap aad regularly paint' dt A cacful Inquiry of a aumbor of leading banker In tht Mississippi val ley, IncladlBf nrh at a tea aa Iowa. Mi aow, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Ula aourl. roTcala th. fact that la erly very caao U banker did not heal tat. to say that they would lead all th way from S to SO per rent more on land where farm bulldlnta wer well painted and kept la good condition. They maintain that well kept-op and well painted bulldlnta and fence ar an Indication of thrift and that th thrifty fanner I food client, aad to him money can be aafely loaned. An average of the return from the banker chow that th Increased loan Talne because of painted building I around 22 per cent. Some of thee banker mike Inter esting comment A Michigan concern aye that, whll not especially pre pared to advla definitely la reapone to thl inquiry, th officer would lean more money on farm where building wer painted than where they wer not so treated. This bank alio flnda that whore house, barn aad fence ar well taken car of the farm I profitable proposition, and beaker In general consider the farmer a good client Another Michigan bank says "farm buildings out of repair and needing paint Indicate that the owner la alow pay." Such farms are rated it about one-third of the assessed rila. for loans. Where the farm building are In good ahape the rating la one half. The president of a middle west era bank say that whan real eatate loan are considered, painted building ar alwaya taken Into consideration in making an estimate. The general ap pearance f th property aurroundlng th house aad barn and lo th field and fence would b carefully observ ed. Re further y that he ha no hesitancy In saying that he woald ab solutely refuse loan on farms where th building war not kept ap and well painted. In hi Judgment, ua palnted farm buildings would redac th loft vein tt least 23 per cat A Minnesota banker saya that h m much mor willing to loan money where th buildings are well painted. In his particular rase he believe that h would loan 20 par cut mor thaa If th buildings war not properly takea ear of. A farmer wh will keep hi building painted take a mach deeper Interest i hi work thaa on who dee aot Another Minne sota bank aays that well painted band ing bar resulted la secariig frets hi bank oMtlm as high as 28 per cent mor money thaa wher th building r Bet paiated. Aa Okie concern aays that It will lota 35 pr eaat more mosey oa a wll kept farm wher balidlag are painted at I .est eace erery At year. A Mather nii aoi baak ay that It has a. bed rale thla, bat tt doe mak a de cided difference whaa wa.r of farm laads apply far loaa. If th buildings ar well paiated aad thus wU pro cured th loaa rat would net ealy be cheaper, bat th aasoaat ef money borrowed weall b larger. A norther mtnet baak com et httte to say that It weald 1ms fully BO per ceat mere oa a farm where building war well paiated aad la good order thaa where they war at Th vie presi dent who ssswer th iaaulry, gee o to y: There probably ar maay farmers good fiaaadally aad morally wh permit their balidlag to remala painted, bat a a ral th mew nb staatial people wh Ut la th coun try keep their buildlag well painted." ' Aa low beak, through tt rice pres ident tate that It wld mak dif ference ef at lat 25 per cent la fa vor f th farm wltb painted bond ing. Another Iowa concern says that It would make a difference f at least 20 per ceat All tat being true, It I perfectly evident that It Is a good business prep osition to keep the farm building wall painted. They not only look better and are mor pleasing to th owner, bat th farm would sell to batter ad vantage, th loan value of th property would be greatly Increased aad th building themselves would last much longer aad -.need lea repair. The American Agriculturist PAINT AMD ILLITERACY. Curleu Fact Oeme to Light That Lo- oalltlee Least Ualng Book Avoid Paint AIM. Washington, D. C. A curious fact haa been brought to light by th Edu cational Bureau and th Bureau ef In dustrial Research her. It la that ia th state wher illiteracy la moat prevalent paint I least used. Th paint referred to I th common or ban variety, of course, for th back wood countries hav no neeii for th finer pigment or facial adornment. It 1 true, though, that la the sections of all states wher whit illiteracy 1 highest paiated borne ar rare and painted outbuildings and barn are practically unknown. Probably th illiterate do not us paint on their building because they do not under stand Its value a a preservative. GARDEN SEEDS' BOTH PACKAGE AND BULK ONION SETS SING E QUART 121-2 CTS. 10 QUARTS $1.25 TT 17 HID iress Irrigation Boots ARE THE BEST QUALITY ' 'L . . WE CAN FIT I YOU $6.00 the Pair $5.50 the Pair J. E. STEWART & GO. Prineville Flour Mills Seed Wheat Seed Oats Alfalfa Glover r L. "EAT MORE .BREAD" .1 I, I