APRIL 10, 1019. crook oocimr journal rtmnttiimi ii . H lllll'l IMII I II M I r 8 I HUWULtUrAlllAO SHIPP & PERRY DEALERS IN Lumber, Moulding, Shingles Doors, Windows, Paints Oils. Glass, Lime and Cement PRINEVILLE, OREGON Wise up on tobacco? says Buck Ml. "A lot of you fel lowi are cheating yourselves out of real tobacco satis faction. That's what I get out of good old Gravely." Good taste, smaller chcw.lon.er life is what makes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plu- WriU H . Gbnuinb Gravel DANVILLE. VA. ftr fceerf s fireWsf Wes. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Phig packed in poach. UMMONR rot PUBLICATION Or FOB CLOfttIBB OP TAI LIEN TV TBI CIRCUIT COURT Or THR STATE or orcoon roa crook county. J. A 011. PUIatiff. ve. Onm k We. tare CelenleeUoa Coeapenr, a corporation, Charlaa Altsekal, and all ether Bereoas or psrttes an kum claiming any riant, title, lateraet, Sea or auu la tka taal eelale eatcHeaa herein, Defendants. Te Ornroa A Waaler Celoalaatloa Compear, eorporatloa, Charles AltarhoL aad alt eahar aanaaa at aartlee aakaewa, etatmlas ay rlghl, title, latereat. Ilea or tat la ah Ml atat deaerlasd hereta, tka asm aamed defendant SW THI NAM or THI tTATB OF OREGON Tee aad eerk ef yoa an krby aetlf lad that t. A. Oett, af MaaeUm, Ore, b) tka ma) Bawl koldar ( Certiflcal of Delinquency Nub. haaad Ml leased aa tka lat day at Novamtor, , ay iim Taa Oolleetor af taa Coaaly of WH m Stat of Oreejoa. for tha lamt mi r t aaa u-m uoiiara, nt mbm anna una We aad dellaaaent for tka tana for tka rear 114 toeother with penalty, uteraet sad aoale tktina. apo tba taal aatata aaaaeaed ta O re eves m waun uoioaiaauoa Company, eor eeatioa, af klek Charlaa Alterant appears af NOTICB TO CRIDIT0R8 Motlea Is kmby gives by tka aadmlgnod. tka admlalatrator of taa aatata of Joha L. MoaUjoawry, deceased, to tb creditor af tald dcecsaed and to all panose hvtng claim ssaiast Um aaUU to present tba asms to tb BBdsnlgatd, at tba offlc of at. B. Elliott la Prlnsvllls, Oregon, with tha pro par voucher, wltbla month from tba first publication of thai aetioa. Datad aad pobllehed tba flrat Urns, March 10, HI. CHARLES UONTOOMERr. Admtnletrstor af tka Batata af .ItU Joha L. Moatsomsry, Dccaaatd amid aa ta ar. ettuale ht aald Coaaty and -r----l aaaal Tl Mm a a.iM. Maak aamamd Nlaa, fifth Addlttaa ta Mb. Ode. Oraaoa. Taa ar farther aotlfM that aakl J. A ael ha aald taiaa aa aald property aad tba aula tbafaaf for aaaaaaomt rear, ahtk m See aa aaM amnaat aa folkji Taaaa for Uw yaar Uli, aald Daa. 11. 1111. Tta BMalpt Nuataw f7M, aaaomat H H, rata af tntaraal If a ant Tazaa for tb yaar Itld, paid DMnbar It. IPla. Taa Baarlpt NaaaWr tin. aoat M.1. pat af latai-t II par aaa. Taiaa for tka yaar 117, paid DaaaBkar It. Itla. Taa aMrlpt Naaiatr lOtl, aawaat of Tu raU af la Una it . .." -r Ifla. paid rabraary M.I Di Ult. Taa kalpt Naaaar It, aawaat M.H. lata of lalaraat It par am. , Bald Oraajoa A Wartara Oaknlaatloa Com- Baay. a aorporatloa, Caartaa Altoehal aa tba -ar or uw aaM aaaarlbad raal aatata, aad aO tbr partlaa anhaawa clalbilac any riaat. -aai, iai ar atata- ta tn raal harala daMitkai aa fartk-r aoUfbd that J. A. tWI UI apply to tha Ctrearl Coart af tha Mala af Oraaoa for Crook Coaaty for a da- a a aonawataa iaa lua aaalaat taa aaaaaiar daaarlbad aad aMBtload la aald Cru Aad yoa an baraby auauaornd to ap- aaa la tka akor aatltlad Coart arltkla ataty aya from tha data of tba flirt pabllaatioa of aa aa aaaianaa, axeman of tha data af tha flrat nfcltaatioa, aad dafad tftia actios or pay aa aaiooat dua aa abowm abora tontbar with aaa aad aacraln taitonat. aad la aaa yoa "- -ll aa aaUrad banla aWaaloalaa tb llaa for taaaa aad aoata aaataat dkaaald daaarlbad raal proparty abor aaiMd, Tbb naam b aa d apoa yoa ay ana Oaatloa tbraof la parnanca af aa ardn of Olmilt Coart of tba Stato af Oraaaa lar rok OooBty, aald ordar bdaf dated tb ttb T of rbniary. ll. and tha date af tha rural publication of thle (amawni It tha 17th v. vaoraary. in. AU proaaa and aarjaia In M. hmWU. ka aarriid upoh tha aadmiriad raaldlna ZSuafut 'ul ftfWW " AA4 v. , ... K - WALLACE, Attonuy for Plaintiff, Raaldlng at Prinavilla, . lltta Na. tl7 ' NOTICB FOB PUBLICATION Dapartmmt of th Interior, U. A Land Of flea at Tha Eallea, Oregon, March 10, Kit, HOTICB b htraby (Iran that ""''' " IDA F. HOWE, Ona of tha hln and for th hln of Arthur Blnlna, dmaaad, of Botwrta, Oraaon, who, on April 1th, 11S. mada Homeataad Entry No. 14721 for Lota Lt-M SENE.Sae T, T 17, M, Hang 18, E, EH 8E, SE NE14 Sec 12 T IT Sooth, Rang 17 Eatt Wlllamatte Meridian, Aad filed notice of Intention to nwk Final Tbra Year Proof to aatebllah claim to tha land above deeerlbod before Lake M. BochtaL V. B. Commlttloner, at Prinavilla, Oregon, on tb 28rd day of April, ltlt. ' Claimant nanut aa witnaatat i Arthur Lane, Thomas H. Connor, Charlaa H. Howa, and Edna Quen, all of Roberta, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Ma. tlttlt NOTICB FOB PUBUCATIOM DapartaMBt of tha Interior, U. 8. Land Of- flea, at Th Dal tea, Oraaoa, Marck It, ltlt. Notice b hereby given that MILDRED 8WARTZ BINEY Widow af Beajaala W. Blaay, Dacaa.it of Sheridan, Oraaoa, who, on December t, ltlt. aud Homettead Entry No. tlttlt for SW14 NEM. BE NWfc, EH 8WU, WU SEU See. 11 m NWK. NW14 NEV4 Sea It Town, aklp If tootk. Range II Eaat Willamette Mer idian, aa filed aotlce of latentloa to make Final Three Yaar Proof to eatablbk alalat to tha laad abora deacribad. before Lake M. Baeh. tall. U. S. OoaualatioBtr, at PrinerUla, Oregon, en tb Ird day of May, Hit, ' uuumaat naraaa aa wltneaeeei Darld Bbaaa, amea JoRnaov, Hoaaer Nor- Oeorg Eaox, alt af Pott, Oraaoa, - H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 10 Ue Bagbter a CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES At Matonlo Temple erery Sun day at 11:00 a. m. AU welcome Sunday tchool for all under 10 yean of age ot 10:00 a. m. For Sale by D. P. ADAMSON & CO. PRINEVILLE DRUG CO. New Process Invented to Pre serve Surface of Monolith In Central Park. e HIEROGLYPHS OBLITERATED. "I.era af Waattm CllmaU Caaaaa Khedive's 0.1ft to Dleintoarato. Painting Anolant Obellak WlUt Special Preparatlen Stay, eel DecayRuined Per tlene Restored. New York era awoke one asorctcg te Snd In their breakfast keadllaee tt aewt that a teal out park employee had discovered alfna of dlslotegrttloa en the surface ef the city's most treasured antique Cleopatra's Needle. Pboto frapbs revealed that the monolith was peeling, large pieces of sandatono bar ing fallen from the tall shaft, carrying with them part of the prised biero- siypns. London's twin sister of Cleopatra's Needle was reported as resting com fortably and endurlngty oa the banks ef the Thames, snd the rival port won dered whether a preparation would bo found to stay the attacks of their harsher climate. 8uch a preparation was sooa forth coming. A new paint combination aa a preservative for stoae was Invented QUESTIONNAIRE ANtWIM WHICH WILL IOCVB PKNfLBXINO PROBLEMS OP THIS RBOONSTRUCTION BRA. THE OBELISK. mm l?w"-fiiv-B mm w . m ii EaTTPt. f Ua Tha Obellak was preaeated ta tha Cltv ef New Tork by th Khedlra ef Kgypt. Ueutanant com mander Oorrtage. U N., artar a tnre rear' affort. obtaJn- BoosMateB i it and morod It to It present poeltlaa. at f ipaaa or aearir liot.oo, it was a- aallr awuna lata aa- aittoB at noon. aaa- aT . taai. Tba kalekt of thla I moaumant, from base . ' ta tia la aa raat. a w - Inchaa. Tba mass- square through Ita is. IS 7 ft. l laches. The entire weight ef tka mono lith te lit teas. SlBO It was auar- rld sear Ua tarrld sane, it has traversed tha entire length af oat of that Madltarra- aaa aaa ta e WISth af tka Atlaa. B '. tls Ooeaa a dls- rV lane of t.o mil proving Uaalf a A rat rata traveler far one e e d e Ulrty-Sv ki vwi,.wrv. u, mm eeuraa of Ita exist ence rt kss saaa Pkarask aad hie koat going ta their de atruetlaa ta Ue Red Bh ahak aaarak. Ins ts ths Caaauaat af Jerusalem : Cam- byaaa daaolatlae the aaa: HaraSntua Flat aad ethsr Greek siuaeata afageS la Buraatt ef Esrptlaa Alaxaaaar tba Q rest sa his Tletort- sus s s. p e d 1 1 1 a n through Ike land af Oeekea; all aad a half eeatarlsa . ef Reman aovarelsatv sad Chrlatlaa strug- ! at Alaxaadrta; all , ie leas Una ef fcfae Ism rulers etnoo Caliph Otsari aad laaviBST aita. gather Its aatTvelaaA It stands looking aa aa tka mlUlsa Swell . ere ta this metres Ua. wkaa alt was aa kaowa te the Maetma world at a Uma wkaa taa Obelisk bad beam la astetoaee far two ''aaa yaara, by Dr. William Eark re, chemist af tka netropolltaa Museum of Art. Ila yeara previous coating with paraf-t bad beea tried, bat the application had act entirely accomnlishe Its Burwoaa, The aew, palatlag precees, however, proved a ancceaa. DltiategratWa was halted and the damaged porta roster eo. Hew York breathed easily tala. PAINT PROTECTION AND ITS ECONOMY. Tba preservatloa ot structural near terlala, which may bo obtained threafh the application of paint, constitutes a most vital meana of furthering tha con servation of our natural resources. It moreover, the most economical method of sustaining the appearance and general upkeep of any commu nity. A structure coated with sheets of In dia rubber would not be aa well, protect ed from decay aa a structure coated with a good oil paint This Is due ta the fact that a sheet ef rubber la not so durable or as waterproof aa a thla dried 81m ef paint The latter mate rial when applied dries to a coatlnuous elastic dim containing finely divided particles of metallic, wear restating pigments, a square loot of such a film upon a wooden surface costs leaa than a penny, yet It will beautify and protect a dollar's worth of surface for many years. Thla la a low rata of la- surance. Dwellings, barns, outbuildings, sheds. posts, fences, stock enclosures, wagons, Implements, windmills and other struc tures, whether of wood, Iron or cement should be preserved, through the use of paint, from rapid decay. High grade paint may be used successfully for all such purposes. Colored paints will be found the nrost sevleeahle, the coloring matter In the paint adding from two to three ranra to tha Ufa of tb coating. Query. TO government bse laaachod aa sdaeattoaal campaign te eaeourase eutldia- la arder te put mr ma to wars. Weuld as a similar nwvemeat to Shew bow Ue eld structures oas ka beat sd most eesnemleallr repaired aad auSe aad ss sew alee kelp Answer. -It bj learned that such a plan la In effect and 1 linked directly with tha Washington propaganda. Industry nust be turned beck from works of war to the ways of peace. Employment must bo found, la tha meanwhile, for those whose occupa tion bas beea Interrupted. There la aa real surplns of labor to the United States. Rather there la a shortage. which would be acuta If normal condt- dltloos were already restored, aad one step towards restoring them will coma with resumptloa of repair work. Government restrlctloaa. Imposed by the seceeslttee of tha war program, have for maay atoatha past retarded or altogether prevented construction, Improvement and repairs. These i strlctlons are now off, and there scarcely a tows, a city, a factory, dwelling or a farm that does not reveal a crying need for prompt attention. Nothing delays sack Instant action ex cept tba feeling that prices are high for the time being and may be lower. Thst Is not logical. No matter what It costs to repair, tha cost Is less thaa tba cost of neglect No matter what tha cost of paint tha wind aad tha weather will collect a higher bill deterioration and decay. Queer- Whs de yea think ef aalat as aa lavaetaieat, astds (rant the appears n la ass T Dose It really PAY to nalat sous regularly, say, e-vary throe ar tear yssrsr i Answer. uooo paint properly ap plied when needed la the main thing la making a house last long aad weU. A bouse worth 12,500 can be painted at a cost of a boat 1125. la SO years that Bouse will need about 15 pain tin gm, the total cost of which win be 11,890. Left without paint such a bouse would tall Into complete rula la 80 yeara. Sa taking 60 yeara as a basis for our rig- urea we Snd that with paint a homa will last that time la good condlttoa aao will cost plus palat SiSTS. With out paint the bouse would hare to be rebuilt at the end of 80 yeara and weuld be ready for aa ether complete reaovatloa whoa tha sixtieth year ar rived. Coat, without palat SS.S00 far a heme ready te fail te alecea. Does regular painting payl At the Dutch adage saya: TAINT PAYS FOR ITSELF. QBarr. 1 have a aueatltr ef eld palat ad. Caa I use It fee the Brat seat la I rapalaUBC my karat Answer. On aa account should eM palat which haa become fat be sd tor priming either old ar new work. Old paint la that condlttoa la beat aaad a fence, brickwork ar ttowork. If yoa value your barn euffldently ta paint It do It the justice of. a good job. mmm$nww x u.ws f 2 0. 8. Invents AntJ-Ruet DeeM." Incident to tba war, tha loveraateat haa faced tha problem that haa aa leaf proved baffling to cammerslal coa- I corns of protecting Iron aad steel froea I rust la aa attempt to solve this fed- sral specialists have perfected various forma af protective coating. la thla ceanecttoa it may bo pertinent to ask whether eooaverctal uses will act be feuad also for the so-called "dopes" which tha govern meat baa Invested to lbs applied ta alrplaao wtags aad which are possessed of valuable waatki slsttnf aad fireproof qualities. EPPECT OP COLOR UPON TNI DURABILITY OF PAINT. owners who may have ua- dar conslderatlea tha palatine sd dwellings and ether structures skeulf remember that rirore durable results are ebtolaed whea tinted palate are Perm as sat coloring materials which hare beea grouad by machlae lata a high grade white palat base bava tha affect af preventing "chalk ing" and "checking," two defects which are oftea observed wkea white paints are used. PRETTY COLOR COMBINATIONS, Orouad fltlppla StenoU Coat Coat Color White Light Rase Medium. Light Orar Walts Light Orar Dull Bias, Oray-Orssa White Light Warm Light Cobalt Yellow Blue, Neutral Llgkt Drak Ufht Orar Bam, Gray. Gray, Oray a little dark- Or sea ar ar Light Cobalt Blue Ltht Gray Light Blue Gray, Bias ot Light Oraaaa Yellow light Orar Oroaa , Usbt Dray, Ndutral Drab , tvery OUve Oroea Ivory or Oraylah Light Oreea Light Cole- light Blue Neutral nial Tallow Gray, Ivory Gold Bronas Dark Oreea Light Wax Drab, Me dium Olive, Warm Gray, Cream. Aluminum Blue Delft Blue, Bronse Light Ivory, Light Neu tral Gray Ivory Taa Brown, Burnt Um ber, Cream Ivory Dark Brown Light Tan, Cream, Light I Gray Drab You Carry the Only Key - Safe Deposit Boxes in our Fire-Proof and Burguiar-Proof Vault mav be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for your valuable papers and jewels Ask Us CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON WHEN IN BEND STOP AT PILOT BUTTE INN ' S"Sbbbbbbbbb l-----l--HlliH-H----i -B-H----53 Central Oregon's Finest Hotel! Built for YOU, Operated for YOU Pnrsi marie, t- Vr.IT! I- r-w-r "asv wa WW Why not Enjoy it? Others Do! WALLACE C. BIRDSA1X, Mar. JAT H. DOBBIN. President E. F. ROT, Treasurer HCNBT L. COHBETT, Vlce-Prea. & C. 8PENCEB, Sexratary J. C. AINSWORTH. VlcsvPrea. Columbia Basin Wool Warehouse Co. Inyotorated Adrances Made on Wool Loans on sheep WE BUY NO WOOL W , DIBaSCTOBa Jay PL Dobhta Henry L. Corbett C 0. Holt ' B, N. Btanflald I. 0. AJaurworU ' W. p. Dickey swSe)SSSSSaS North Pcrtb.d Oreca H. Ifc aaUaSB JOHN ooiunxT CAHS OVERHAULED Vow la turn ttaaa to hav yoerr car ovTrhaoled aad pat ta ataas for tha txitadac aaaamav. Rates BMttoaable, scrvloes richt. Cars stored by the day or month.. Antoa for hire. MAKER & CORNETT INLAND OABAOE, SBCOIH) AND B 8TRKT8 swaaavwaaaaaiwi)i j jjj m j . ffMliiltoaaewkM We Beg to Announce THAT THE Central Oregon Title & Loan Company Has taken oyer the Abstract and Insurance Business of the Crook County Abstract Company And will be found at the former location of the Crook County Abstract Company, on Court (Third) Street 8 Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At thla critical period In our history our manufacturers are offering their mil la and our young men are offering their services to tha United State government Would yoa like to do your ahare and help, by patting your money where it will support the new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the government haa established to stand back ot our commerce, industry and - agrlcaltareT Toa can do thla by opening an account with aa aa part of every dollar eo deposited goea directly Into tha new system, where It will alwaye be ready for yoa when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK i rTrTTfiriTw:iicwii:iisse)awtwtssi