race CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL MAIMil 117, IUIW. 4 FISHING TACKLE THE FISHING SEASON OPEX9 APRIL 1ST. WE HAVE JVST RECEIVED A COMPLETE I.IXE OF FISHING TACKLE CONSISTING OF RODS, REELS, LINES, FLIES, SPIN XERS LEADERS, FLY RAIT, AND LEADER BOXES, FLY BOOKS, LANDING NETS, RAS. KETS, SINKERS, ETC. MAKE VOI R 8KL ECTIOXS EARLY WHILE OCR UXE IS COMPLETE. Lakin Hardware "WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE" Friday and Saturday, Mar IS 19 Mlle N'ornmml In "IKMMilNG A MILLION" Lonesome l.ukc iu 'WIIS ARE TRl'MPS" . Sunday, March SO lMrolhy Ilton in "TYRANT FEAR" Fatty Arbuckle in "tiOOD xitillT M'RSE" Mod. and Tues., Mar. 31-Apr. 1 Earle Williams In "THE HIGH K.ST TIU'MP" Bill)' Parttona In "DAD'S KNOCKOUT" Wed. and Thurs., April 2-3 Carmrl My era in , "ALL NIGHT" From the atory, "One Bright Idea." v Lyons & Morgan In "HEARTS AND LET I'S" ., LYRIC THEATER urn vii x SEED GRAIN ALFALFA AND CLOVER SEEDS. BLUESTE M AND MARQUIS WHEAT, BARLEY, RYE, PEAS, OATS, ETC. Place your orders while stocks are availab le. Ochoco Warehouse Co. I Ralph Breeae spent last week end In PrineTllle. Percy A. Munro was a risltor in the city Saturday. T. B. Price was in the city last Fri day from Powell Butte. Frank Kissler of Powell Butte was in the city last week end. C. H. Miller was a business visit or in the city Friday from Bend. James E. Fuller of Howard was a business visitor In the city Friday Guy Lafoilette returned Monday from a brief business trip to Port land. T. A. Wiley of Pendleton was a business visitor In the city several days of lust week. K. V. Smith, who has been employ, ed on the highway near Prlnevllle, returned to his home In Aberdeen, Washington. GET YOUR TOGS ""3 TT"a A LA iror . at- nUHntCI dL Y This is the season to put on a glad smile and . "glad rags," to match. How about that Spring Suit? We can fit you. Everything else in the line of wearing'' ap parel for men can be found here. Our slock is clean, kept slridly up to date and our prices are right. Call and see us. 1 We have just receiv ed a large shipment of the snappiest Neck wear -that you ever laid eyes on, Fancy Dress Shirts, silk ones in designs that are simply irresistable, in sport and stiff collars, in all of the latesl styles. Also a large assortment of the very newest models in hats expected today. Ross R. Robinson PRINEVILLE, OREGON At Special Low Price for a Short Time Only 2 W. B. Syracuse Chilled Plows 12 inch. 2 W. B. Syracuse Chilled Plows 14 inch. 2 Center Sections for Sy racuse spring tooth har rows. 2 Van Brunt Drills 10 Disc 1 Van Brunt Drills 14 Disc. 1 Hack Top. Several Pairs of Wagon Springs. 1 Iron wheel John Deere Wagon. Several Grass Seed At tachments for New Ken tucky and Hoozier Drills. - Pitcner Pumps in good sizes. Lawn Fence in 36 inch height. SEED We handle only the best Seeds no cheap grades the best is none too good. A No. 1 Alfalfa Seed, sack lots, 23 1 -2c. in less than sack lots, 24c. ROPE 1-4 in. to 3-4 in. AT A BIG SAVING WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK COLLINS W. ELKINS PRINEVILLE, OREGON Mrs. A. B. Roller Is spending the week In The Dalles. F. F. McRae was a vlBltor la the city several days this week. '- Mrs. Nell Newsom spent several days in Bend last week. , C. M. Charlton was a visitor In the city Saturday from Powell Butte. George Russell returned recontly from a business trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson of Iled mond spent Saturday iu Prlnevllltt. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ingram are moving into Prlnevllle from their ranch on the Ochoco. f Miss Ada Smith, who has been In Prlnevllle several months, returned to her borne at Dlllard. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Biggs, Mrs. Prince Glaze and Miss Stella Hodges motored to Bend Friday. Henry Edwards was a business vis itor in the city Saturday from bis ranch at Powell Butte. Mrs. Carl Fisher and Mrs. M. D. Nye were visitors In the city Sat urday from Powell Butte. Mrs. E. C. Faught returned Satur day from The Dalles, where she bas been visiting her mothe.r Miss Ada Morse returned laHt week from Portland and Is employed In the Tri-State Terminal store. T. B. Zell returned to Portland Saturday after spending two weeks visiting relatives and friends in Prlne vllle. ber, these prices are only made on cash sales. CEUARDO MAKiCET. w. s. s. .NOTICE OK MEETING A special meeting of TV"' ' rt' sans, Prlnevllle Assembly No. !i3 Is called for March 31, 1919, fsir the purpose of Initiation ami imv '. 'v.:; I liens which may come before ' As sembly st that time. Candidates will present themselves at eight sharp for Initiation. Meet ing In the K, of P. Hall. MARTHA A. NKVEL. M. A. WILDA BELKNAP, Sec. FORDS FORDS A carload has Just arrlvod over the City of Prlnevllle Hallway and sever al yet remain to be sold. If you see us at once we can wake you Imme diate delivery. INLAND AUTO COMPAQ FOR BALE -A matched team of sor rel' gildings, 6 and 8 years old, weight about 1250 each. Broken to work any place. For particulars see Ed. Abbott. ZOtto BUY YOUR LAND PLASTEIt at the Ochoco Warehouse. 20tfc City Transfer & Express Jap Ireland, Prop. Auto Delivery to all Part of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick .erv.ee at Hugh Lakin' Red 951 FOR SALE3 One DeLaval cream sep arator, and one 120-egg Rayo In cubator in first class condition. Ray W. Constable, Prlnevllle, Ore. 20tfc WANTED To hire two spans of work horses for one month. In quire at this office. 20t2p No. I16H15 , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Of fice, at The Dalles, Oregon, March 19, 1919. Notice U hereby given that MILDRED SWARTZ HINEY Widow of Benjamin W. Hlney, Dec caned, of Sheridan, Oregon, who, on December 8, 1916, made Homestead Entry No. 016816 for 8W. NEW. SE!4 NW, EV4 SWW, W 8E. Sec. 12 NEVi NW(4, NW NEW See 18 Town ship 17 South, Range 18 East Willametta Mer idian, hat filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Lake M. Beeh tell, U. 8. Commissioner, at Prlnevllle, Oregon, on the 3rd day of May, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses! David Rissue, James Johnson, Homer Nor ton, George Knox, all of Post, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK,' 20 t6e Register FORDSON TRACTORS We will unload a car of Fordson tractors here within the next few daya and we will be glad to arrange to make you a demonstration. INLAND AUTO COMPANY w. a. . A BIG LARD SAVING On Saturday, April 6, I will sell half-gallon pails of fard at $1.26 and one gallon pails at $2.60. These prices are for one day only. Ten cents and fifteen cents, respectively, paid for empty pails returned. Remem- The Tie That Binds Our Policyholders To Oregon Life 1 Liberal low premium policies. (No fine-print restrictions) 2 Insurance in force from date of application if insurable. ( A poln to be romombered.) 8 We have never disputed or com. promised a claim. ; Always paid In full on the day proofs of death were presented, t 4 All assets except U, 8. Liberty Bonds invested In Oregon there by upbuilding your own state. Oregonltfe Insurance Co. Successful Conservative Progressive HOME OFFICE A. I. Mills, Pre CORBETT BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON Fifth and Morrison -V C. 8. Butnuel, Gen. Mgr. E. N. Strong, Asst. Mgr.