MARCH SO, 1010 CROOK COUNTY JOCRXAL Page r SHIPP & PERRY DEALERS IN Lumber, Moulding, Shingles Doors, Windows, Paints Oils, Glass, Lime and Cement PRINEVILLE, OREGON AaallcatlaM rc Cratlaa Psnalta Nitlra la barabr livm thai all applications for permits to srssa rattls, hnnwa, and shaap within tin OIIOCO NATIONAL KIKKHT Sar ins' Um asaaoa of 1V1S. aiuat ba lilxl la air off Ira at PHiwvllla, Ortn. oa or bafora Marrh Int. mm. MA VfcKNON V. HARPHAM, uvsrlaor. NOTICE Of fROI'OHKI) OPENING MAIN HTKKKT or NOTICE 1ft HKRKIIY OIVEN that tha Cltr Counrll of tha Cltr of Prinavllla, Cmpm, on tha 7th dajr of January, ll, dlractad tha City Huavaror and anitlnaar to naka a aurvsr and plat of tha pmvmmi opening, laying oat and aaUndlng of Mala Btmt In aald City, and flla tha aama with tha City RacnnWr, whlrh aald aurvay and plat was duly mada and ftlrd with aald City Rsw.nVr on tha tth day of January, LUIB. and tharaaMar. b.rlt. on tha 4th day of r'sbruarr, Will, tha City Council of aald City Commlwlona and aalarlaa paid TMorsit or run anwttal state meni or Tata "Stuyvesant Insurance Co. Of Naw Tark Otf la tha ataU af Naw Tark ' an ma sl.i flay oi sarmar, iwia, anaaa to tha Inauranca eommlaaioaar af toa atata of Oragun, purauant ta law; Capital. Amount of eapltal atock paid up 7M.0M.M Nat pramlnma racalad daring tha yaar fl.M4.2tfl J Intaraai, oivloaaOa and rant ra- rfnrina tha at . . ft 1M U larama from othar aoureaa ra- i aaWad during tha yaar t7t,SI.M Total taeaaia Sl,T2,0o.lS lilabsjnwanrata. Nat loaaaa paid during tha yaar larrlurllfts' aajuatmaoi aspanaa.f Taa.a71.z7 ..LLmIL.. UU nlat mnA all r y, dWmad it aspadlant and for tha boat In- tanata of aald City that that eartaln portion 01 land oWrlbt! aa followa t COMMKNCINO on tha booth Una of First fttnx-t of tha Third Addition to tha City of Prtnsvllls, Oraann, aa tha aama la on flla and of rarord In tha offka of tha County Clark of aald County, at a point thirty fort aaat from tha aaat Una of aaMtoa II, townahlp 14 aoum, Kanga la Eaat, Wlllamatta Martdlan. Croon County, Orraon, thmea waat along aald aouth Una or Flrat Btraat a dlalanea of aixty leoi faat. thanca aouth alonv a Una oarall.l to and thirty frot waatarly fnm tha aaat Una of aald action II, a dlatanea of afavan hundred forty four and al-tntha 1 1 44.6 ) fact to an Intrr aactlon with tha aouth city limlta Una, bains on tha aaat and waat ona-quartar Una through tha aantar of auction II. thanra aaat along aald aouth eliy llmlia Una, a dtatanea of thirtydDift. to an Intaraaction with tha aaat Una of aald faaa paid 70.401 durlna tha vsar llrnssa ana duiina lha yaar. . . Amount of all stbar axpandl turaa Joa.4M.77 41.J710J Total aipandlturaa l,4a,27a.M Aaaata Kataaaraaea Daa. Valoa af real aetata f 47.S67.I2 Valua of atoc'ka and boada owned (market valua) l,744.ol.l7 Laana aa mortgagaa and 00 1 - Utaral, ato. ................. 16,0n.Sq Oeeh In bank and aa hand. .. .Ila.ka7.74 pramluma In eouraa of oollae- taction wrltun alnca Bapt. SO. 273, 806 .Ot Intaraat and renta dua and ac crued .014.11 Total 1 ,.2.SKI4,7.1 Total aaaata admltud la Oragoa 2.204,i7.M LtabUIUaa. Oroaa elalma for loaaaa anpald. .1 111,7(0.74 You Carry the Only Key Safe Deposit Boxes in our Fire-Proof and Burguiar-Proof Vault may be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for your valuable papers and jewels Ask Us CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON eertton II, thence north along aald aaat line Amount ,( unearned premiuma of eectlon il. a dlatanea of tan hundred thirty two and i-tenlha. MUS2.4I fart to an Inter aertion with tha aouth Una of lot , block S of tha Third Addition to aald City, thrara aaat a ona aald ashth line of aald lot I. a diatanee of thirty (IMI fart, thrive north along a Una parallel to and thirty feet eaaterly mm tha Una 01 aald eertlon 91, ail Autaiandtna rtaka. . . T1S.2DS4S All other UabiUtiea..... 3,14a.M Total Of course ioh costs more jysDi acco sa 'Everything else does. What you want to do is to get genuine tobacco sat isfaction. 1 saved money by switching from ordinary plug to Gravely." 'an x J Good taste, smaller chew, longer life is what makes Genuine Gravely cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Writ! fa. GENUtNE Gravely. DANVILLE. VA. (or W.f t a tktwlnt . hundred twelve (Hill fret to tha point of ginning! containing eighty-four hundrrdthe .M) arrea mora or leaa; ba vacated, layrd out, and aati-ndrd an a part and portion of Main Blrart of aald City. And all petwona IntrnMted are further noti fied that tha Council of aald Cltr will meet in regular eeeeion on tha let day of April, mill. at lha hour of 8 o'ctork. p. m., thereof, at whirh time aald Council will hear objections. Irompleinte for damatrra and rrmonettanrea, if any tliera be, to eaid propoeed Improvement, and any peraon through or over whoae land aald pruuoerd axten.Un of Main Htreet ahall he aurveyrd or platted aa aforeaaid, ihall feel that he or aha would ba Injured by tha opening I of the aama. aurh peraon may make complaint thereof In writing to tha Council at tha time mentioned In thia notice. Thia notice la published In tha Crook County Journal in I'rinrvllle, Oregon, for four full wtka, beginning with tha of rebruary to. ltll, and ending with tha iaiua of March 20th, llabllltlea, . eacluelve af capital atock of (l.ssa.231.17 Baalaeaa la Oregon far tha I ear, Oroaa premiuma raoalad during . . 1 20.ftaS.oi a auiance 01 one pramiUDU returned during tna tha ,20.2II 4.607.32 IvoMaa paid during tha year - - inrra durlna year e, BTIYVEBANT INHI RAM P. COMPANY. J. I. yKELINOHUVBKN, Praaldant. O. F. H0TCHINO8, WALTER C. XUEHTER, aacratariaa. Statutory resident attorney for eerrtoei 0. . DAVUJBON. gVaJOPalSOFTHC AhMUAL $TATf MIMT OFTHE Central National Fire Insurance Company W !. Molnc, Ui the U! of Inwa. 00 the thlrtr- lalD, and uoatrd in at leaat three public I b, rl. c lrrolirr, IBIS. nsl- to thr laiurancr and con.plruout placea la aald City for tha I aama length of time. Dated rt 1'rinc villa thia 20th day of Febru ary, lulu. CEO. F. KUSTON, 16t6e City Recorder Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch IHJ4 ' NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. V. S. Land Of fice at The D.I Ira. Oregon. Kch. !l, 1919. NOTICE la hereby given that 0I.K M. OLAUHKN of Bend, Oregon, who, on July it, 111, made Ilomeataad Knlry No. Btl4. for Lota l-l NKt and Rmi IWtlnn 4, Town.hlp 20 South, Kanga III Kaat, Wlllamatta Meridian, haa filed notice of Intent Inn to make Klnal Three Year Proof, to aalabltoh claim to tha land above da aerlbed. before M. C. Ellla. II. . Commiaeion rr, at Bend, Oragoa. oa tha Uth day of April, lnis. Claimant namra aa wltneaaeat tt..n.i w. Mrrill. Himon A. Rlmoneon. rtamuel E. Lnckey, Patrick H. Coffey, and John M. Stewart, all of Brothera, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, lttSp . Reglater Range 111 Eaat. Wlllamatta Meridian, haa tiled notice of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof to eaUblUh claim to tiie land above de aerlhed, before H. C. F.llla, t.. A. Commlaaloeer at Bend, Oregon, on tha Uth day of April, Kit Claimant namea aa wltneaaea: Elmer J. Merrill, Kay W. Wllklnaoa, Ot la C. Hlnkle, Chariot H. Hainea. all of ktrnd, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Utte KeglaUr NOTICK TO CKKDITOIW NOTICE la hcrnby Klven that the undersigned haa been appointed ad ministrator to the estate of Albert Lane, Deceased, and all creditors of said Deceased and all persons having claims against the said estate must present the same with proper Touch ers to the undersigned at the office ot It. M. Bechtell, Crook County Bank Building in Prlnevllle, Oregon, with in six months from the date ot the first publication of this notice. Dated and published the first time February 13, 1919. ARTHUR LANE, Admin istrator ot the Estate of Albert Lane. Deceased. L. M. BECHTELL, Attorney for Es tate. ' 14t60 summon. roK ation of fork- CI.0HURK OP TAX L1KN IN THK CIKCIIIT COtJKT OF THE STATE OF OHKC.ON FOR CROOK COUNTY. J. A. Cell, Plaintiff, ea, Oregon Weatern Colonlaatloa Company, a corporation, Charlaa Altarhul, and all other prreona or part lea un known claiming any. right, title, Inlereat, Ilea or eatata la the real aetata deacribed herein, Defemlanta. To Oregon Waatem ColonUatlon Company, a oorporatlon, Charlea Altarhul, and all othar peraon. or part lea unknown, alalming any right, title, internal, "en or eatata in tha real aetata deacribed herein, tha above named defemlanta t IN THE NAMK OF TUB STATE OF OREGON You and each of you are herhy notified that i. A. Oell, of Prlnevllle, Oregon, la tha owner and holder of Certificate or Delinquency Num bered 247 baued on tha lit day of November. IBIS, be the Tal Collector of tha County of Cnnk and State of Oregon, for tha amount of Fiva and 21-100 Dollar, the aama bring then dua and delinquent for tha taxei for tha yaar 114, together with penalty, Inlereat and coat, thereon, upon the real aetata aaeeaaed to Ore gon A Weatern Colonlaatlon Company, a cor poration, of which Charlea Altarhul appeara of record aa tha awncr. altuata in aald County and State, and mora particularly deacribed aa fol lowa, to-wltt Lota numbered Ten. eleven and Twelve, Block numbered Nina, Fifth Addition to Frlne- oille, Oregon. You are further notified that aald J. A Oell haa paid taxea on aald property and the whole therenr for aubaequent yeara, Wltn Ml' tarrat on aald amount aa followa ! Taxea for the year 191 ft. paid Dec. IB. 191 R, Tax Receipt Number 673S, amount 14.90, rata af Intaraat 12 per cent. Taxea for the year INS. paid December IS, 1118. Tax Receipt Number 2179, amount 11.10, lata of Intaraat II par cant. -. Taxea for the year 1017, paid December 18. H1H. Tax Receipt Number 1091), amount of Tax A 29. rata of Intaraat 12 par oant Taxea for tha year 1918, paid February 2, 1919, Tax Receipt Number 79, amount 16.68, rata of Inlereat 12 per cent. , Said Oregon A We. tern Colonlaatlon Gom pany. a corporation, Charlea Altachul aa tha awncr of the aald deacribed real eatata, and all other partial unknown claiming any right, title, In tercet, lien or eatata in the real eatata herein draoribed, an further notified that J, A, Oell will apply to tha Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon for Crook County for a .de cree foreclosing tha lien agalnat tha property ahova deacribed and mentioned In aald Certl flcata. And you are hereby aummoned to ap pear In tha above entitled Court within alxty day. from the data of the firat publication of thia aummona, excluaiva of tne data of tha firat wubllcation. and defend thia action or pay aha amount dua aa ahown above together with aoeta and accruing intaraat, and in caaa you fail to do ao, a decree will be entered herein forecloilng tha Hen for taxea and eoata agalnat aha aaid deacribed real property above numed. Thia aummona it aerved upon you by ptiBk . Ilcatlnn thereof in pursuance of an order of the Honorabja T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Crook County, aaid order being dated the 2Bth day of February, 1910, and the date of the firat publication of thia aummona la the 27th day of February, 1919, All pmccaa and paper" In this procwdlnli aw be aervcil upon the untlcrHlgned residing within the State of Oregon, ut liio aildrcue heruiimftcr given. N. 0. WAI.LAW, Attorney for Plaintiff, Ri'niliiiK ut l'rini-ville, Oregon. 161-90 NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN by tha un deialgned. the Administrator of tha batata of Eraatua P. Buchanan, Deceased, to al! par aona Intonated In aaid aetata, that be haa made mA HlmA with the Clerk of the County Court hia Final Accounting of hla admiiij.nittlon of aald estate, and that the court nae et rrioay, tha 4th day of April. ll, at Ten o'cloeg In lha forenoon at the County Court Room In Prlnevllle. Omen, aa the lime and place tor hearing and settling aaid Final Accounting, at which uid lime and olace any persona IntereaU ad in the Eatate may appear and object thereto. Dated thia 6th day of March, C. C. BUCHANAN. Administrator of tha Eatate of Eraa IStac tua P. Buchanan, Deeoaaed CITATION In tha County Court of tha State of Oregon, for the Cnuntv of Crook. In tha matter of tha Eatata of John i. Mo Grath, Deceased. Citation. To Joseph Mc(l rath. Jeremiah McGrath, Mary McGrath, Winifred McGrath, and Bridget Mc Grath, Greeting. In tha name of tha State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear In tha dHwT'tJoC 8 NWU County Court of the Stat, of Oregon, for the 7AiiiS? f pL.Sn 11 T County of Crook, at the Court Room thereof Nbj4. ',tlNE ?EW of Section 11, Tc at Prlnevllle. in the County of Crook on Mon day, the tth day of May. 1919 at 10 o'clock In tha forenoon of that day, and then and there to show cause If any there be why an order for the aale of tha following deacribed real eatata belonging to aaid eatata should not ba made by thia court authorising tha administra tor to aell the whole thereox in one parcel xor the payment of the clalma agalnat the eatata and expense of adminlatratlon, to-wltt Tha Southwest quarter of the Southeast quar ter of Section One, the aouth half of tha North east quarter and tha Northwest quarter of the I Nnrtheaat auarter of election twelve In town ship Twenty South, Ranga Thlrt a Eaat of the Willamette Meridian In Crook County, Oreeon. Wltneaa tha .Hon. N. 0. Wallace. Judge of lha County Court ot tha dtate of Oregon tor the County of Crook, with the seal ox aaid Court affixed thia 3rd day of March, 1919. ATTEST I WARREN BROWN, Clerk. I 16t6o NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Be virtue of an execution In foreclosure duly issued by tha elerk of the Circuit Court of tha County of Crook, State of Oregon, dated thia 4th day of February. 1919. In a certain action in tha Circuit Court for tha aald County and State, wherein Hugh Glenn recovered judgment against John Danlela, Individually; Lou Smith and Tom Smith, partner doing business aa Smith Bros; John Danlela, Vera L. Campbell Busby, Alice M. Campbell and Porter Camp- be II. heirs of Nellie Danlela. Deceased : Jo A. Wilea, as administrator of tha estate of Nellie Danlela. deceased; and Busby, hus band of Vera U Busby : and all other parties unknown claiming any right, title, eatate Hen, or interest in the real eatate deacribed in tha Dlaintlff'a complaint, defendants for tha sum of 1362.00 with Interest at the rate ot 10 per cent, per annum from May 13, 1915, togetheT with 1100.00 attorney e feea. and tha luruutr sum of 117.60 aoeta and accruing eoata. Notice la hereby a ven that I will, on Satur day, the 8th day of March. 1919. at the North front door of tha courthouse In Prlnevllle, in said County, at 10 o'clock in tha forenoon of aaid day, aell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, all right and title that tha above named defendant John Daniels haa or had at data of aaid Judgment in the following SWtt SF.V. of Section 11, Township IS South, Range li Eaat ot Willamette Merid JOHN COMBS, Sheriff of Crook County. Dated at Prinavilla, Oregon, thia 6th day of February. 1919. Data of Firat Publication, February a, !! Date of laat publication March , 1919 1816a r,omnIMir of the state or ur. - !: , CAPITAL. Aiaouat of estMtal stock paid up 6u0.00v.00 INCOME. !trt premiums irceltrd durlns the year I H7.JI1I.44 Inunet. dHldVnd. and nnts rlrd durlns lb" I' S7.4S0.U Income fnas othrr sources reodied during the year Total taeoaai 224.71l.el DISI1URSEHENTS. rSrt loeve Held durlns the year, todud- Ins adluslnwnt .xp-na-e W.0M.W Dividends psid oa capital stoca aunns um year Coanalssloas and salaries paid during the rear Taxes. Ureases sod fees paid during the rear 6.4.U.S Amount of all ether axpeBdlturea None il.tlt.4f Total expenditures ..I Ut.71i.M ASSETS. Yeluo of real eatata owned (market value) Ktae Value of stocks and bonds owned isoarket raluel 4.00.00 Loana oa moruaiM and collateral, eta. 7W.5O0.OO Cash la banks and on band , 75.A7S.S6 Premiums la course of eoUectloa writ tea September to. 1911 U.leT.ti Inter sod rants due and accrued, and aU other assets Mi ll Total aaerts I 9l,7a.61 lass special deposits In any euta (if any there be) f Total assets admitted In Oregon....! Wl.TU.SJ LIABILITIES, tiroes claims for loss-s unpaid ,. Amount of unearned premiums oa all outatandlni risks Due for commission and broaeraea ... All other liabilities, taxea and eontln . gents ... ..I 1.071.31 lto.iwi.n 471.04 Total llsbilltles. rxriuette of capital atock of 1500.000 ..I U4.81I.M BUSINESS IN 0RES0N FOR THE YEAR, Gross premiums recelred during the rear I None Premiums relumed during the year... Nona Ltieeus paid during the year ........ Nona Uxwes Incurred during the year ...... Nona CENTRAL NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. oca J. deuiiiox. PneldeBt. THBO. T. OHEFC, rSecretsry. Statutory resident sttorney for serrleal FKANK M. BAJUIGR, Festlaad, Or. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE i SERVICES . At Masonic Temple every Sun day at 11:00 a. m. Sunday school for all under 20 years of age at 10:00 a. m. 'All are welcome. NOTICE OF BALE OF AN ESTBAY NOTICE la hereby given by tha undersign ed that purauant to an order mada and enter ed by the Hon. A. R. Bowman, Justice of tha Peace in and for District No. 1 of Crook dun. ty. State of Oree-on. on tha 28th day ot Febru ary, 1919, an astray animal, to-wit: A nine- or ten-year-old mare : color, brown ; with thi wite feeL ona In front, and with aald face, weighing about 800 pounds, and branded with an Iron reoembling at, anchor on the latt shoulder, which waa taken up about a year ago by ma at my plana about nine miles In Northwesterly direction from tha city of Prlne vllle. in Crook County, Oregon, commonly call ed tna Gibson or Circle ranch, will aa sold at public auqtion at the Hamilton Stables in the Main street of said Citr of Prlnevllla at I o'clock In tha afternoon of Saturday, the .2nd day of March, 1919, to the higheat bidder for cash, to aatlafy tha costs of keeping raid ani mal, and all expenses of taking her up, includ ing justice feos, costs of advertising and audi other eoata and expenses aa may accrue. Datad th Cth day il March. A. D.. 1910. l6t.Ho (Signed) S. KASMUSSEN J, ENLIST the services oi The Jour nal Classified Ada for sure results. 011947 ' NOTICE FOR I'liM.ICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Lund Of' flee nt The Dulles, Ores.m, Feb. 8H, UH'J. M0T1CU ia hi-tvhy Kivrn Unit CHARLES E. HOVER of Brothers. Oregon, who. on u'Uit !, Ill mnile Hnmealrntl Knlry No. DIIIII7, to- S"iitli Half (SMi) of Section 11, TownHhip 211 South, Wanted AT ONCE 0,000 .COYOTE PUBS Will pay fancy prices to get" thetn. Also all other kinds of furs. I will pay all ex penses and refund Paicol Post charges when shipment imounts to $50.00 or more. 1UED CHUMP, Hums, Oregon Reference: First , Nat'l Rank of Burns or any trap per in Harney county. WB'rlffflpRrMya'rllr' .'" T?ii t--'1--- i iiaaaaasxasssaaaa ia fall II rl irAjeeer SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Dubuque Fire and Marine Insurance Company Of DubuQUe, la the State of Iowa, on the thirty first dsv of December. 1918, to the insurance commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to lie; CAPITAL. Amount of capital stock psid up $ xOO.OOO.OO INCOME. Net premiums received durlna the rear. II, 324.738.31 Interest, dividends and rents received durlns the year 1K.618.M Income from oilier sources reorlred dur lns ibe year . Total Income- DISBURSEMENTS. Net lOMes nald durlns the rear, inolud- ins adjustment expenses s Dividends nald on capital stock durlns the rear DC.ewi.ea Commissions and salaries Paid dur lns the rear t6J.665.70 Taxes, licenses end fees nald during the rear aj.sran Aasount of all other expenditures 4T.447.6e Total axpeadltuns 11.170,906.68 ASSETS. I Talu. af real estate owned (market val ue) ll.15l.vt Value ef stocks and bonds owned (mar ket value) Leans oa mortaases and collateral, ate LHS.iOO.O Cash In banks sad on band 154.238.IS Premiums la course of collection writ- 4 lea slnos He Dumber 30. 1811 s5c.7M.17 Interest and renta due and accrued.... 15.438.85 Total assets Leas special deposit. In any state (St any there as) Total sawta admitted in Oregon LI ABILITI fcS. Gross claims for losses unpaid I Amount of unearned premiums oa aU euutandlni risks 1 Due for oummissliin and brokerage ... . AU other liabilities .13.37,303. 31 .t3,m.303.3S 80,000.00 For Sale hy It. P. AI.AMSON & CO. PBINEVIliLE DRUG CO. Total llsbilltles. exclusive of capital stock of i H.683.115.W BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Gross premiums received during the . ear 1B.UM.1I I'reiulimis ri'turneil during the year.... 5,70!). 87 Uisses ptilil durinit the ye.r ,. Xtx'i.DS 1,oml uurliiK the yi-sr Ul'i.l, DUBUQUE FIRE AND MAKINE INSUKANUt COMPANY. N. 3. Mllll't". S. F. WEISKB. )rval J m . S.wtarj. StatuMry r-MuVnt .tterncy for sTnlee: FUANK M. BAltliblTT. l'uril.nd. Oru'gon. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT PILOT BUTTE INN Central Oregon's Finest Hotel! . Built for YOU, Operated for YOU Prices made for YOU! Why not Enjoy it? Others Do! WALLACE C. BIRDSALL, Mgr. 2 JAY H. DOBBIN, President HENRY L. CORBETT, Vlce-Pres. J. C. AINSWORTH. Vlce-Pres. B. P. ROY, Treasurer S. C. SPENCER, 8ecrery E. W. RUMBLE, Gen. Mgr. Columbia Basin Wool Warehouse Co. Incorporated Advances Made on Wool Loans on sheep WE BUY NO WOOL 8 DIRECTORS Jay H. Dobbin Henry L. Corbett C. C. Holt R. N. 8Un0eld J. 0. Alnvworth W. P. Dicker B. W. Ramble North Portland Oregon 8 H. 1m MAKER JOHN CORNETT CARS OVERHAULED Now la the time to have your car over hauled and put In shape for the coming asMwon. Ratea Reasonable, services right. Cars stored by the day or month Autos for hire. MAKER & CORNETT INLAND GARAGE. SECOND AND B STREETS raRZaaaT A V.K PaaaaaaasaaasaaaaBTI Wa ; SCALE BOOKS Neatly printed and bound. Send 11.00 to the Journal and one will be mailed jrou, postage paid. 2tfc Host Miles per Dollar With Oar 'Service and COtewe Tires Ours is the champion service the expert, courteous kind that makes mo toring safe, easy, and almost trouble-free.' So we sell Firestones a complete line of Tires, Tubes and Accessories in order that you may get that service in the highest degree at lowest cost. ' Come in and let us prove it. LAKIN HARDWARE Where it Pays to Trade A Classified Ad Brings Quick Results