Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 20, 1919, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    crook count journal
MAliril 80, 101(1.
The City
Mrs. L. T. McCoy was visiting rel
atives in the city on Wednesday.
Max Cunning ot Redmond was
business visitor here Wednesday.
Denton Q. Burdiek of Kedmond
was In the city on business Tuesday.
Samuel Hitter of Powell Butte was
called to the city on business Friday.
Jesse Stearns of Portland was a
business visitor in Priueville on Tues
day. Elbert Houston of Roberts spent
few days visiting relatives here last
John and Eddie Bolter of Gateway
nu visitiiir relatives in the City on
Sunday. jg
Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stew-1
art, March 20, a pound,
daughter. j
Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Montgomery
were visitors at the court house ou
Wednesday. !
Warren Brown and W. J. Pancake '
motored to Powell Buttte on busi
ness Wednesday.
Arthur Sears of Howard was look-
ing after business interests in Prine-!
Tille last Friday. j
Frank Post a rancher ot Alfalfa
was a business visitor at the court
house on Friday. j
R. E. Jones and wife of Howard'
were business visitors in the city the
first of the week.
E. L. Ashby, formerly of this city
was getting supplies on Saturday for
his ranch near Post.
tr n VannarA water m&nter. was
attending to some business matters?
In Bend on Monday. i &MS
Mrs. J. W. Horrigan left Wednes
day for Gateway to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Robert Cram.
riday and Saturday Mar. It-21
lkuKa Fairbanks in
1onrsome l.uke in
Sunday, March SS
Charles Ray in
Charley Chaplin in
Mon. and Tuea.. March S4-25
Cortniie Griffith in
From the short story: "The
Green Gullabaloo," by Bud
Billy Parsons in
Wed. and Thurs., Mar. 16-27
Marguerite Fisher in
Charley Chaplin in
j Word has Just been received of the
death ot I). 1. .Wild of l.Grm1o on
March 5th. Mr. Wild was formerly
owner of the Crook County Abstract
Company and managed It for sever
al year. He haa many friend here
who will regret to learu of his demise.
I w. a. a.
j Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Boyoe, of Mad-
I rns, and Mr. ami Mrs. Walter l.llh
gow and family, of l-anuinta. were
guests on Sunday at a dinner given
by Mr. John Bolter for her father.
IS. S. Brown, in honor ot his 76th
; birthday.
I Mr. Brown Is hale and hearty In
spite of his advanced years and en
Joyed the big dinner as well as any,
, but he thought that "5 candles on one
' cake were altogether too many to
; light.
w. a. a.
Frank Brosius, Roy Moffitt and
Warren Yancey have reached New
York ou their way home from over-
Arthur Everett and J. O. Morris of j sea duty.
Barnes were business visitors at the! wag ,yen at the club HaU
court house on Monday. 'Friday evening at which about twenty
George Truesdale was In the city J couples participated. A good time
the first of the week from his alfal-1 was reported by all.
fa ranch at Powell Butte.
D. P. Connes, from Washington, a
From the appearance of sporting carpenter by trade, has come to make
bis home in Prinevine ana ib locateu
In the Cottrel house.
Word has been received that Mrs.
Joe Smelzer died last week and was
buried at Kelsey. California. No
other details have been received.
Ada Morse, who has been employed
for several years in Redmond, has
goods displayed by the Lakin Hard
ware, we are reminded that the base
ball season ia on.
Allen WTilcoxen was in the city
Friday attending to business mat
ters in connection with his sheep
ranch at Powell Butte.
On Monday night at the Lyric
theater the Hawaiian Troubadrs pre- Resigned to accept a position with the
sen ted a high class program of music, Tri-State Terminal Co., Prineville's
singing and dancing. The house was ! new store.
packed and all were unanimous inj ,ad tQ BM that NeII New.
their approval of the performance. gome ha8 e6ntirely re0OVered trom the
F. E. Fortner of Powell Butte has i effects of the operation for apendi
been elected vice president and man-1 citis and is back again in the dry
ager of the bank at Moro. He will goods department of Cornett & Co.
tVat Thlr.t Strotkt (a wnrlhv nf
...w - ...... ....... ... . j - .
... 1.. . I I . t l. C ....... 1
lime, vil Hie uiiu Blue. c.
A Co., have repainted both the exter
ior and Interior ot their store, have
remodeled the Interior to allow tor
a large display rack near the en
trance, which ia covered with enticing
things to eat. and have enlarged the
office to about ten by alxteen feet,
painted and papered It and put In
new off'ce furniture, maklug it strict
ly modern.
Just across the street C. W. Elktns
Is putting the finishing touches to
his new Implement store. He has a
thirty-five foot front with two large
plate glass windows and a wide door
way enclosel with a glass paneled
three section folding door. The floor
space Is thirty-five feet by seventy
feet, and the most of thia will be used
for the display of Implements set up
ready for use. A large office has
been partitioned off In one front
corner. On the other side, at the
front, racks have been built for the
display of extras for the machinery.
The store as a whole is arranged to
ward efficiency In handling the Im
plement line.
w. a. a.
leave In about a week to take up his
duties." Mr. Former's brother, Ar
chie, will manage the ranch for him.
Another seasonable suggestion is
the display of Bpring suits, coats,
rtresaoQ waists, and dress goods in
Lawrence Lister returned Monday each of the two main dry goods stores,
from Camp Lewis with his discharge j Cornett & Co., and Jordan & Hyde,
from military service. He was at j Wo wprB .-hiv .urnrised last
Friday by a call from our old friend
Camp Grant until three weeks ago,
when he was returned to Camp Lew
is for his discharge, which he Just
recently received.
Following the show at the Lyric,
a dance was given at the Ciub Hall
by the Hawaiian orchestra. There
was a large attendance of both young
and old who thoroughly enjoyed the
evening as Prineville seldom gets
such good music for dancing.
George Euston of the Crook
County Bank has purchased the
Warren Crooks property in Noble
Addition with the Intention of mak
ing it bis home. This is a modern
house in a desirable location. Mr.
Euston is to be complimented on his
business sagacity.
Robert Osborn. He is visiting friends
and relatives here while enjoying a
ten days' vacation period from Reed
Our grocery and general merchan
dise stores are sprucing up and get
ting ready for the rush of spring
business. They tell us that the indi
cations are good for a prosperous
season for all.
The "Cedars," the young ladles'
class of the Presbyterian Sunday
school, entertained at a St. Patrick's
party last Saturday evening. Every
one reports a splendid time and de
clare the young ladies royal entertainers.
Two weeks have been added to the
period of the Victory Loan alagon
contest. Instead of closing March
22 the final day will be April 5.
This extension of time was made at
the request ot the Southern California
Liberty Loan committee, which will
make a special campaign to arouse
interest during the last three weeks
in the hope that good enough slo
gans may be created to give South
ern California the distinction of win
ning all three ot the cash prizes of
$30. $20. and )10.
The only limit in the contest Is the
number of words that can be used In
any slogan. Twelve is the limit, but
the shorter the better, declares the,
.Slogan Editor, who adds, "We want a
I stirring battle cry that will express
the spirit of the country in floating
j this last loan." i
! Here are a few of the thousands
j that have been submitted: '
"Victory Bonds Bind Victory."
"Don't Quit Because the Kaiser
'Did." "Are You Grateful? Loan."
i "What is Victory Worth to You?",
("Prosperity for Posterity." "You Or-'
jdered Victory. Pay the Price." "This!
ioan is tne lasi. t inisn u r ast.
I "If You Don't Like Our Victory Loan,
Try Germany s.
Prineville Assembly No. 163. Unit-
Agency for the Oliver Chilled Plow, John Deere
and Syracuse Plows, Thomas and Van Brunt Grain
Drills, Single and Tandem Discs, Spring Tooth and
Spike Tooth Harrows. Special attention given to the
working needs of the Dry and Irrigated Ranch. Farm
Machinery of all kinds at the lowest prices.
Special Alfalfa Spring Tooth Harrow In 17
and 23 tooth. Has narrow cutting point, which
allows It to remove all ot the grass accumula
tions and does not Injure the alfulfa roots.
10 per cent, discount on Page Fence for
short time ouly limited amount ou hand. Place
your order early, t
Lowest prices on Rope Bolt Staples
Farm Oils, and Axlu Grease Complete line of
Poultry Supplies and Feed April 1.
What About Seeds?
Seed guaranteed to be the best obtainable.
Extra Qtiullty Alfalfa Sweet Clover Blue
Grass and Puature Mixtures Fluid Pen Field
Corn Sorghums, oto.
Plant the right seed for your regular crop
then why not uluntCorn Sorghum or other
sued on your luiumerfalluw that will make a crop
or pasture at the same time benefit the soil.
Place your order for semis early the sup
plies ot sonie kind ot seed are limited and muli
be higher In price
J. L. Miner lately moved to his
Those who have business with the old garden place on the Hines ranch.
Oregon & Western Colonization Co. j He reports the prospects look good
In Prineville about April 1, are here- Bna Wju garden more than he has
by notified that B. F. Johnson will be ever before. Watch for his ad In the
on hand for the transaction ot busi-j journal when fruit and vegetables
ness off the above date as promised, are ready for use.
w, s. s.
On Saturday, April 5, I will s!l
but owing to sickness in his family,
Mr. Davidson cannot be here until
about April 5. .
F. E. Lafler has repainted and ren
ovated the interior of "The Art Shop'! half-gallon pails of fard at $1.25 and
He has used a different color tone to one gallon pails at $2.50. Tbcsa
get a better lighting effect in his pho-' prices are for one day only. Ten cents
tograhy work. Mr. Lafler reports and fifteen cents, respectively, paid
that business prospects are good as for empty pails returned. Reiuem
he now has more than he can attend ber, these prices are only made on
to alone and will be forced to get cash sales.
someone to help him. I GERARDO MARiCET.
ed Artisans, passed thirty candidates;
for insurance and membership on
Monday evening, March 17, after
which a program was rendered, fol
lowed by dancing, a five piece or
chestra playing splendid music with
; such effect that the floor was over
, crowded part of the time. Sister
Supreme Deputy Cahow presented
. them with a token of sweets at the
j close of the evening's entertainment.
I The Assembly wishes to thank all
who contributed their services to
hake the evening a success.
The Worthy Grand Matron of the
Eastern Star order will make her an
nual visit to the lodge Thursday night
March 20, which is tonight. A full
attendance is desired.
w. a. g.
We re Informed by the City of
Prineville Railroad Commission that
hereafter stockmen shipping cattle
will have to furnish a liBt of all
brands shipped. These lists must be
made up In duplicate form.
NotKe is hiby given by th. undrrvinnvtl.
Oui silminislniUir ot the rtt uf John I..
Montgomery. deceased, to the creditor, of uii
tieveaaetl snd, to .11 person having I'lslms
fcyainat the sUtts to present th ume to the
undeniiiined. l the office of M. R. Klliott in
i'rineville. Oreiron, with the proper iuihrr.
within six months from the first putliv.tion
of this notice.
toted nd published the first time, Murrb
to, mis.
Administrator of th. tj,te of
.ldlac John L. Montiromeiy, Dttettsrd
w. s. a.
R. L. Jordan ret tired this morning
from a business trip to Portland.
Ray Schee arrived this morning
from Camp Lewis with his di&charge.
Asa Batles arrived this morning
from France with bis discharge trom
military service.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson re
turned this morning trom. a visit
of several weeks in Portland.
. Dolly Hodges returned from Port
land thes morning, where she has
been for-the past two weeks in busl
nes for the Journal.
The local office Is being enlarged
to the extent of an additional room.
When the. necessary plastering, cal
cimlning, etc., Is finished, the office
furniture will be rearranged and the
office force distributed in such a way
that fewer "collisions" will be experienced.
Grazing Examiner Ingram has
rented the Zeil house in the east part
of town and will move his family
here just as soon as road conditions
are surli that a load ran be hauled
without too greut risk of losing wag
on, team and all in somo bottomless
mud hole.
See Mrs J. It. V 345 E K 8t 18t4p
FOR 8AI.K Fine corner Kit on E.
First St. Price 4t) rash. 8i
Mrs. J. II. W., 345 Kast K Street.
SCRATCH rAuo lurfcreiit Nixes
and quality ot paper, Jos' 'he
thing tor your desk or ;... k. t
tor sale at The Journal office.
160-acre ranch, 2ty miles from
Prineville on the Oehnco Project.
69 acres under the ditch. CO acres
dry land can be plowed. Good soli.
Will rent for two years from this
Fall free for clearing, for fur
ther particulars address Box 446,
Prineville, Oregon. 18tfo
For Hale Willamette valley farm
of 35 acres. Well Improved, good
soil, one mile to Cottage Grove,
J. S. Coleman, owner, Cottage
Grove, Oregon. ( 18tfo
ESTRAY Tblack white face year
llng heifer. No brand ear mark on
right ear cut off. Owner can have
same by proving property and pay
ing for feed and ad Pete Jordan,
Roberts, Oregon. 18tfc
FOR SALE 7-pasenger Dorrls tour
ing car. Practically new. Will be
price if taken at once. Inquire at
Journal office. 18t2p.
FOR SALE 3 lots opposite the pub
lic school. , $750 It sold at once.
WANTKI) Position on a ranch for
Man and wife. Call at 004 K th
St. Prineville, Oregoiw 18t2p
i Cii BALK 400 half blood llamp
nhlre lumlis (yearlings In April)
i5 fine wool ewes (will lamb Ap.
rll 101 11 heud full blood Hamp
shire bucks. For purtlculurs call
or write A. B. Matthews, Box 413,
I'rineville, Oregon. It2p
for salo or will trade It for cattle.
For further particulars call Rural
, Mrs. E. T. Clark. itfc
United Artlnuns. No. hj;
Meets first and third Monday ev
enings of each month In the K. P. hall
Martha A. Nevul, M. A.
Wllda Belknap, Sue.
It. 8. McCM'IlK
Box 173 I'RINF.VIIXR, OliK.
lave a
Silk and Grepe de Chine Dresses
Latest 1919 Styles
HE UNSOLD portion
of this shipment will be
returned to the consignors
on Monday next. Don't overlook
this opportunity. The prices are
are right. ;
Our line of Ladies and Misses
Coaft in the latesl Spring styles
is complete. They must be seen
to be fully appreciated.
On Display
No Two Alike
NwPrineville. Oregon r