FKIIIU'AIIY 20. 1010. CROOK COCCTT JOURNAL r SHIPP & PERRY DEALERS IN t Lumber, Moulding, Shingles Doors, Windows, Paints Oils, Glass, Lime and Cement PRINEVILLE, OREGON Prlnavltls. Ommn, aa th tlnw and placa tot warinc and srttllna as Id Unal Accounting at whkh tlnw and plac any parson lntarsatl In ths Kaiat mar aipsr nd object Is Mid KlnsJ Arrminllna. IttUd this ttnmt 4ar at Sanitary, 1lt, (J W. NOIll.K. ArimlnLlrstnr of ths Kstata nt E Slip William C, Comrlston, tlacsasr-Q' lllM-aUKI NOTICB FOB PUBLICATION Dsps at tha Interior, U. ft. Land Of fice at Tha Dallaa, Omt'm, January 4, XI. NOTICE is baraby lan that WILLIAM LEDFORD of Prlnarllla, Oman, who, on October II. I'll nana H. D. entry No. 012 183 and on April II, lll marfa add H. D, entry No. 01M2I, for W NE, W HWVi. and Eft Wli Bsctlo 12. Township II South, Banm II East, WillametU Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to make final three year Proof to aetablUb claim to tha land above dsarrlbssl, before Warren Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court nt Prlaerttla, Ore tun, on the 17th day of February, till. Claimant names aa wltnaaaass C la mica gurv.r, Homer Norton. Oscar Fields, all of Post, Oroiron, and Carry W. Footer, of Prlnevllle, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Rectatet NOTICE OP DIHHOLLTIOtf OK i PA RT N ERHHIP Bill says to ihe Doctor-sezze "There may be some plugs that look bigger but it's the pood taste of genu ine Real Gravely and the way it stays with you that counts." Good taste, smaller chcw.longer life is what makes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Writ if; Genuine Gravely DANVILI.B, VA. ar hoklrt in chewing plmf Peyti eyton orano REAL CHEWING PLUG mefu Plug packed in. poi NOTICE li hereby f Iven by the an derslKned that they have on this daU diMolved the partnership agreement heretofore existing between them, and that hereafter each will no long er be responsible for the other's bus iness liabilities. Duted this lit day ot January, 1919. Signed, E. T. MJTHY, 1015c It. A. BRA8FIELD WALKER D. HINES V ' 1 '&?'' rJV t - ' 'f Walker D. Hlnes, who aucceeded W. 9. MeAdoo aa director-general of rail roads. You Carry the Only Key Safe Deposit Boxes in our Fire-Proof and Bureuiar-Proof Vault may be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for your valuable papers and jewels Ask Us CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON IMil NOTICE FOR PI MUTATION IBOLATKI) TRACT Public Land Hale. Department of the InUr lor. U. 8. Land (Kfire at The Dalit. Ormon, Ito-vmhrr 2ilh, ItllH. Nii K is hrn-l.y glvm Ihst, aa dirrrtrd by the Ommlssionrr of the tjrncral (.and or (ire, un4.-r in.viskns tit Hec. tiUb, U. S.. pur suant to the smmration of AMANDA L. DKAI.Y Serial No. 01KII3, we will v!Ur at sate, U. the hiuliiel bld'l-r. but at not lesa thnn 12 it ir errr, at 1U:3I o'clork A. M . on the Itth day of Marrh, npst, at this office, the f.lloln trart of land: W'A UK",. NWVi HK'i, N'i HW'i. Hertlon 28. Townhip IN, houth Itanur 16, Kl. W. M. iConlnininK IftO arrm) This Irnrt is ontervd into the market on a showina that the irrvatcr pttrlion thvrtnf is mountainous or t.Ki muwn (or cultivation. The sale will nt be bet open, but will tie declared closed when those present at the hour nsmcd hsve ceased biildine. The person mskinir the hurhest bid will be requited to tm mvlistly pay to the Receiver the amount th.reor. Any persons claiming adversely the above desrriord land are advised to file their claims. or objection on or before the time designat ed for sale. 11 lip U A. BOOTH, Receiver 400 ARTICLES 400 PICTURES EACH MONTH POPULAR MECHANICS MAQAZINI a roil aAia BY AU. awsnoauiuRa Ask tbem to show ro a entiy or send SOe foe . v. - i . . n.wM. vai v sulMerlptloa itUU i.i sll psru ( the I ailed Mtalee, lis poaseaatuus, uoela, aua rorvuta asicMSNica maoazinc M. Mleaasss) Aveaas, eMeaaa, M. Prlea Limit 8ugfleetd To Pretldent Washington. Prealdent WlUon hat been aoked to name a committee of Industrial leaders and government representatives which will have the es " power to Investigate and suggest a NOTICB POR PUBLICATION scale of prices for basic commoditlee Department of tha Interior. U. 8. Land Of-' at which the government will buy dUP fke at The Dallaa, Orean. December U, WIS. . , nsirlnrl Sperelarv of NOTICB la bcreby aiven that Ing the post war penoo, secretary OI . ,Mi.MTHA -,.8M1TH1 , .... Commerce Redfleld announced. wA PrltwvilU. Oretton. who. on June B. 1916. made Desert Land Application No. 01M0S, for; gWH 8WH Hertlon , Township 1 South., Rente 17 Kaat, Willamette Meridian, baa filed amice OI III . II i h in h, in. n. i li i t. i ii I , Proof, to establish claim u th land above, Washington. woman suffrage by fcJri0"." S federal constitutional amendment wa. th day of February, IVlt. Claimant namra aa witnesseat Samuel at. Bailey, I. Pay Bailer. Albert Way. Mary K. Way, all of I'rineville. Omton. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. )tip Register. Suffrage Defeated In U. S. 8enate. Now turn to tha Classtfled Ads beatea again in the senate, when the house resolution for submission of the amend stent failed ef adoption with 66 vetes in favor of It and 29 against, one lass than the necessary two-thirds. NOTICB ' Dr. J. H. Rosenberg has returned to Prlnevllle and has resumed his Jiractlce. He will be bare permanent v and will be located at the same ot tlce. Calls will be answered day or lght. NOTICE NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN that on tha 7th day of October. 1918. 0. Sprinter executed and delivered to J. P. Blanchard his promis sory note for tha aura of 18,000.00 payable to his wife one year after data. The note Is void and will not be paid.. All persona are warned not to purchase tha Sanaa. Dated this 6th day of January, ltlf. v '. W. H. WILSON. ttSe ' Attorney for 0. Springer NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the nnder signed the Administrator of the Estate of Wil liam C. Congleton, Deceased, that he haa ms.le and filed with the Clerk of the County Court of Crook ounty, Oregon, his final Accounting of his Administration of said Estate and that the Court haa aet Monday the Third day of February, 1919, at the County Court Room In Wanted AT ONCE 6,000 COYOTE FCItS . Will pay fancy prices to get them. Also all other kinds, of furs. I will pay all ex-; pomes and refund Paicel r'OSt churgeB whuit a'uiliuimil lmounts to S50.00 or more. FKE1) CRUMP, Burns, OreRon Reference: First Nat'l Bank of Burns or any trap per in Harney county. rlEXlRA URGE leteCjSEWr' 1 ilj TRA TO AVtRAOi QIISBDQi BLACK HORT NARROW BROAD Liberal Aisortment MUSKRAT WINTER FALL 12-OOto 10.00 8.50(o 7.50 6.50to 5.50 4.00to 3.00 N'l.EXTRA URGE EXTRA TO AVERAGE 3.00to 2.50 , 2.30to 1.90 N MARGE EXTRA TO AVERAGE 9.00lo 8.00 7.00to 6.001 5.00to 425 2.75(0 225 N'I, LARGE EXTRA TO AVERAGE 225to 1.75 1.80to 1.60 N'l.MEDIUM EXTRA TO AVERAGE 7.50to 7.00 5.75to 525 4.00to 3.50 2.00to 1.80 NI.MEDIUM EXTRA TO AVERAGE 1.60m UO 1.50to 120 N'l.SMAU EXTRA TO AVERAGE 6.00to 5.00 5.00to 4.00 3.00to 2.50 J.60to 1.40 NHSMALL EXTRA TO AVERAGE 1.10(0 .90 1.00to .80 GOOD UNPRIME ASTOSIUtQUAUTY 4.50lo 2.50 3.50lo 1.50 2.50lo 125 125to .75 N?2 ASTOSITEaQUAUTV 1.00(0 .75 85to .60 POOR UNPRIME ASTOSIZEtqUAUTY 2.00(0 125 125(0 .75 1.00 (o .50 .50 to 25 N9 3 ASTOsiiUQUAUrvi ; JOtO .40 35to 25 DON'T SELL YOUR FURS AT"ANY OLD PRICE" when "SHUBERT7 is paying such extremely high prices. "SHUBERT" Wants Oregon Furs All Yoir Can Ship For more than thirty-five years "SHUBERT" has been giving Fur Shippers an honest and "fKJ I highest market prices sending returns oui promptly - - paying the I 1 Wak TME QUOTATIONS ABOVE VJABE fOR IMMtDIATe-f9 t,lgllKl ( JI(kU . , . - . ..fwTmww,ei rm A emTWV AnVfl eVitnmonf ttlMnt "morfl BIOHeV r "UJai!.jrs. AAU UlTUivi-si uu yuu. 7. .V ij (or your Furs-MquUW "the beat and promptest SERVICE in the world. GET A SHIPMENT OFF TODAY. A.B.SHUBERT THE LAMEST HOUSE IN THE WORLD DEALING EXCLUSIVELY IN AMERICAN RAW FURS 15 -IX W.Austin Ave .'Dept. 1512 Chic ago, JJ.&A. GERMAN FOREIGN MINISTER DEFIANT Basel, Switzerland. Count Ton nrookdorff-Rantzau, German foreign secretary, discussing Germany's for eign policy In the national assembly. Iwlared he had resisted and would ontlnue to resist allied attempts to nake Germany demobilize all her mili ary forces. The task of the German nation might be summed up, be said, under to heads: First, ending of the tale of war; second, establishment of normal relations with other peoples. "Unfortunately," he continued, "Ger many's voluntary disarmament has not softened our enemies, who recent ly attempted to settle, on the basis of disarmament, questions undoubtedly appertaining to the peace conference." The foreign minister urged that no war indemnity should be paid and that no territory should be ceded to the victors. He continued: "If we rebuild what has been de stroyed by us In territories we occu pied, we will do so by our free labor. We protest against the slavery now being Imposed on German prisoners of war. "Moreover," the foreign minister continued, "Germany cannot enter a league of nations without colonies." TROOP MOVEMENT FASTER Practically All Troops In the United , States Have Been Demobilized Washington. Embarkation of sol diers from France is speeding up. At the same time demobilization of sol Hers in 'American camps is about end d for the time being. Practically all that will be left In United States sta tion" In a few days will 'be the "over head," which must be maintained for .some time to come. These facts developed from Chief of Staff March's press conference. Total demobilization has reached 1,103,310 men and 71.235 officers. The umbarkation of overseas forces has eached 306,30, of whom 68,000 em- harked In the first 10 days of Febru- iry, and of whom 227,000 have actu ally reached American ports. Tacoman Named French Ambassador. On Board the U. S. S. George Wash ington. President Wilson has nomin ated Hugh C. Wallace of Tacoma.i Wash., ambassador to France to fill he vacancy caused by the resignation. af William Graves Sharp. Miles Asked For Ships For Hoover. Washington. The shipping board will ask that England and France pro-' i-lde vessels to meet future require-' raents of the European relief commis sion headed by Herbert C. Hoover, Chairman Hurley announced. .THE MARKETS WHEN IN BEND STOP AT PILOT BUTTE INN Central Oregon's Finest Hotel! Built for YOU, Operated for YOU . Prices made for YOU! Why not Enjoy it? Others Do! WALLACE C. BIRDS ALL, Mgr. JAY H. DOBBIN. President . HENRY I. CORBETT, Vlce-Prea. J. C. AINSWORTH. Vlce-Prea. E. F. ROY, Treasurer 8. C. SPENCER, Secretary E. W. RUMBLE, Gen. Mgr. Columbia Basin Wool Warehouse Co. Incorporated ' Advances Made on Wool Loans on sheep WE BUY NO WOOL , DIRECTORS Jay H. Dobbin Henry L. Corbett 0. 0. Holt R- N. Stanfleld J. C Aln worth W. P. DicYey E. W. Rumble North Portland Oregon H. L. MAKER JOHN CORNETT CARS OVERHAUL ED Now la the time to have yom.- car overhauled and put In shape for the coming season. Rates Reasonable, service right. Can stored by the day or month... Autos for hire. MAKER & CORNETT r INLAND GARAGE. SECOND AND B STREETS Portland Barley Standard feed, $44 50 ton. ) Corn Whole, 6466; cracked, 166' 68. Hay Timothy, $30(332 per ton; al falfa, J26.B0. Butter Creamery, 46c per pound. I Eggs Ranch, 45c per dozen. Poultry Hens, 3032c; ' roosters, L8c; turkeys, dressed, 41c " j Seattle Hay Eastern Washington timothy, (38 per ton; alfalfa, $34 per ton. Butter Creamery, 50c. Eggs Ranch, 4648c. Potatoes $1.60 per hundred. Poultry Hens, heavy dressed, 40c; light 38c; live, 3637c; springs, dressed, 40c; ducks, live) 37 38c; dressed, 3641c; geese, live, 3334c; dressed, 38c; turkeys, dressed, 45 18c. V. --s TWta Our '-" 'Service and fiFSCtette Tires Ours is the champion service the expert, courteous kind that makes mo toring safe, easy, and almost trouble-free.' So we sell Firestones a complete line of Tires, Tubes and Accessories in order that you mayget that service in the highest degree at lowest cost. Come in and let us prove it. LAKIN HARDWARE Where it Pays to Trade A Classified Ad Brings Quick Results