I1 'm-.gi?l : KKIIM'AHY BO, 1010. CBOOK OOCXTT JOt'lMAL Aaallratlaaa Far Gratlag FtralU Notlca la haraba glaaa thai ill appllratkina fur parmlta tii graaa raltla, hiiraaa, anil ahaap allhln lha OHOIO NATIONAL 0KKHT Sua. tag tha aaaaon of lm, must In fllaa In mr olllra m I'rtnwvtlla, Urnmn, an ui bafura Marat 1.1, I UI W I alio VkHNUN V. IIAHI'IIAM. lumrvbwr. KOH BALK HIiikIo comb Whltn Ur. burn chick from fins luyliiR ilrnln. Dr. Howard Uov. , 14t(o 1IAKVKY JIOl'HK Uti.l.ir new man ittiiituit. Hoard by day or week, lloonii. Lydls, M. McMillan. Ht&p NWTICM or PROIMIHKII OPRNINU OR MAIN NTKKKT NOTICR IM HKMKIIY CIVKN thai tha City Caanrll of lha City uf I'rlnaallla, Oragain, on tlx Tlh day uf January, lam, dlraalad tha City Sarvaror and anatnaar t maba a aurvay and plat uf lha firtitajaad uuanliig, laying out and aumlln ul Main MtiMt In aald Clly, and flla tha aama with lha Clly Kar.irdar, whlrh aald aurvay and plat waa duly ma. la and fllad with aald City Haaonlar on tha th day uf January, ll. and tharaaftar, to-wit, un tha 4th day of Katiruary. lain, tha City Count II uf aald City ftar dua aunaldaralion uf aald plat and aur a, daalnad It aauadtant and for tha aaal In laraata uf aald Clly that that rartaln portion of land daarrlbad aa folluwai . CUMMKNCINO un tha aouth Una of Ural Mlraat of tha Third Addition la lha City of I'rinavllla. Oragnn, aa lha aama la un flla and uf rarord In tha offtra uf tha County Clark of aald County, at a point thirty faat aaal front tha aaat Una uf aat'thin SI. towilahln U aouth, Nanga I Kaat. Wlllamatla Marullan, Crook Cvuaiy, Oration, thanra waat along aald auutk Una uf Klral Mlraal a dlatanaa uf alaty U faat, lhanra aouth along Una aarallal to and thirty faat araalarry from tha aaal Una of aald auction II. a dlatanea uf aiavan humlrad forty four and ati-lunlha (IU4i faat tu an Intar aaatlun with tha aouth ally llmlta Una, balng on lha aaal and waat ona-quarUr Una through lha tanlar uf aaatlun 11, thanaa aaat along aald aouth rlty llmlta Una, a dlalanra of thirty 111). II. to ft Intanwilon with tha aaat Una uf aald aarrVm II, thanra north along aald aaal Una of aartlon l, a dlatanaa of tan humlrad thirty two and alt-taiitlia lloast al fart In an Inlar aaatlun with tha aouih Una of lot a, bloik uf lha Third Addition la aald Clly. lhanra aaat alona aald aoulh Una of aald kit , a dlaUnra uf thirty. (Hi i faat, thanra north alona a Una uarallal la and thirty faat aaatarly from tha aaal Una uf aald ao-llon 11, a dlalanra of ona humlrad twalva HUI faat to tha point of ba glnnlng I containing alahly-four hundradtha ( 41 ant mora or laaa : ba varatad, layad out, and aatamlad aa a part and portion uf Miiln Ktraat of aald Clly. And all paraona Intaraatad ara furthar nni. flad that lha Council of aald City will maal In rraular a. kin on tha tat day of April. Itllll. at ilia hour of o'rk'k. p. m., lharaof, al whlrk lima aald Counrll will hear gl.jn-a.ru, complalnla f..r damanaa and ramunalianraa, If any thara lia, to aalil pnrnoard Impnivamrnt, and any paraon through or war whma land aald pmiaiaad aatan.lort of Main Hlraat aliall ba aurvayrd or plallad aa aforaaald. ahall faal that ha or aha would ba Injured by tha opanllig of lha aanta, aurk jwra.il may niaka complaint tharaof in writing to Ilia Counrll at lha lima nianiHinad In thla noli, a. Thla noilra la pulihahad In lha Crook County Journal In I'rinavllla, Oregon, for four full waaka. beginning with tha Uaua of rVbruarr nd anillng with tha laaua of M.r. h Huih, lata, and roaiad In at Iraat ihraa publlr and ronaplcuoiia plaraa In aald City for lha a nia lanalh of tin,.. ry'Vl'llT1 ''r'n,',"U 2u,h d" ' r'rbru- KO. r. KU.HTON, TKACIIKIW KXAMI.VATIONH Notice li hnreby Riven (hut the County Hiipiirlntcnrimit of Crook County, Ornxon, will hold an examin ation of appllcanta for one year kitate Ctirtlflratm (one year only) at Prlnevllle, OrcKon, Keliruary ll, 17, and 28, couiinuiiclng at 9:00 o'clock a. m. fllnni-d, Mt2p ' , E. MYEHH, Supt. NOTICR Or HMKRirn iALR fly vlriua uf an aiaaullun In foraaluaura duty Uauad by lha flark of lha Clrrult Court of tha County uf Crook, Ulala of Oraaon, da lad thla 4th day of Kal.ruary, ll, In cartaln aetlos In lha Clrrult Court for lha aald County and Uuta, wharala Ituah Olann raaovarad Judamant aaalnat John llanlala, Indlrldually Im9 Smith and Tom Smith, partnara doing bualnaaa aa Hmlth Brnai John banlala. Vara L. Campball Huaby, Allra M. Campball and Fortay Camp hall, huira of Nallla llanlala. baaanaad I Joa A. Wtlaa, aa admlnUlrator uf Iba aatata of Nallla tmhlala. dat-aaaad; and rluaby, hua- band uf Vara I Uualiy I and all othar partUa unknown alaimlng any right, lltla, aatata I Ian, or Intaraut In lha raal aatata daarrlbad In tha plaintiff's aomulalnt, dafandanta for lha aura uf JZ 00 with Intaraal at tha rata of I par cant, par annum from May It, Ikla, tugatnar with 1100.00 atuirnar'a faaa, and tha furUxr aum of 117,60 auata and a-ruing cuata. Notlca la haraby glvan that I will, on Halur day. lha lh day of Marrh. I VI. al tha North front dour uf tha anurthouaa In I'rinavllla, In i aald County, at 10 o'clock In lha foranoon uf I aald day, aall at publla auctkm. tu tha htghaat blrmar for raah. all right and lltla that tha , abuva namad dafandanl Juhn Danlala haa or j had at data of aald Judrmant In tha following ' daarriljad pro parly, lu-wll i HKV, HW'a Bactkia t, NKV4 NW, SWVJ ' NKV. and NK HK4 oi Baatlon II, Townahlp l Huuth, Kanga l aat M wlllamatta Mcrid 'lan. JOHN COMrlH. Rhariff of Crook County. thtlad at I'rinavllla, Oragon, thla 6th day of Fabroary, )). . 1 1 la of r'lral I'ublU alkm. K.bruary I, ! I lata of laat publl.allon March t, Ittltt Ut6 I Mr I lly llaronlar XOTK'K TO KTH K.MK.V Ori Kon & V.tirn Calonlznilon Co, nng a Iiitkh avrouRo of KrunliiK lanilg In Imlh Crook ami Harney counties for aitlii or Inline., unil pnrtlca ilmirliiK to iiuniuin,, or icune ahould do no at onco. for hurdnra will toon lit nlucod on ilia unlcatnd lunilrt. and In ordor to avoid lri'H.aHHlnn write or call on IJ V. JolniHon at Vul, Oregon. I3t4c NOTICK TO f 'KKIHTOIW NOTICE la hereby given that the undoralgnml haa been appointed ad ministrator to the catate of Albert l.ane, Dnceaaed, and all creditors of aald I leconmxl and all pemoiia havlnit rlalma aaalnat the aald cut a to inimt pronont the aamo with proper von h era to the unileralitned at the office of L. M. Bechtell, Crook County Dank UulldlnK In Frlnnvllln, OroRon, with in alx month from the dute of the flrat publication of thla notice. lintcd and putillnhod tho flrHt time Ktibruary 13, 1918. AKTHUIt LANE, Admln latrator of the Eatate of Allinrt Lann, Uoceaaed. L. M. UECIITKI.U, Altoruoy for Ea tnto, Ht6c TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ltmi Hilt hAI.K Sealed bliU will bo rocvKett for the County Kurd car up to and Including Mur.h 6, 1919. WAKKKN UHOWN, County Clerk STUAYKI) 1 yenrlliiK heifer, brand ed JHJ on left hip. Notify Jim KorreatiT, Ht2p KOH SAI.K Jersey Cow, will Jiavo a third cnlf In three weeks, "or In fiiriiuttlon call 8. II. 1 1 liny. 14l2 ASKS FOR MEMBERS KKKOKT MADK TO KH l'KK I'l-Xil'LK I. KACH UK AMTV WORKERS NAMED FOR CROOK To Includn I('irrM-ntalive People From Kvnry litirallty In The CViunty A memborahlp drive for the Ore Ron State Chamber of Commerce baa been launched. The aim Is to secure Individual member from the repre sentative citizens of every town, com munity and rural dlatrlct of Oregon, and organization mcmbnrthlpa from every local, commercial or develop ment body, Jay. II, Upton of Prlnevllle has been appointed chairman of member ship committee for Crook county. Al to the following of Crook county have been appointed chairmen of the membership committee for their res pective localltlea: B. I). Muatard, Powell Butte; Har old Baldwin, Prlnevllle; Hugh J. Lit ter. Paulina; Herb. Angell, Suplee; Frank llacklnmnn. Held; Homer Nor ton, Newaom Creek; J. It. Breeae, Breete; R. A. Amnions, Mill Creek; W. A. Donnelly, Upper Ochoco; Alex lllnton, Upper McKay; John Crimea, bower McKay; K. T. fltayjon, John ton Creek; 11. MeCall, Montgomery; J. J. Romberg, Klfe; t'lkher Logan, Dry Lake; Claude Dunham, Roberts; Henry Curlln, Hear Creek. w. s. s. The Journal doos modern printlnr on short notice. MAHOXH JOLHXKY TO UK XI) To receive tome advanced degrees In Masonry, a party of Prlnevllle men motored to Bend laat night. The fol lowing composed the party; Dr. J. H. Hoaenberg,' Homer Ross, E. J. Wilson, W. J. Pancake, Lake M. Bechtell, Hugh R. Lakln, Oeorge Noble, and J. W. Carlson. iff ) N I !Vr For Sale by H. P. ADAMHOX A CO. PRIXEVILLK DKIO CO, CHICHESTER S PILLS aV TBt IrlAMOMSi BKaNDw A TfakkdJ i m x . -a.-, a tllU ia lUel moA 4a. 14 bo saw, tmimA VMa, Bits RUwtv Us. H m avT aMB dUk toCirM-irKfvTFS t Mfaffl aafwwB M Bflrst. Strfatt, Awtl RsMfsotl SOLO BY DSUGQtSTS EVEOTWHUS Aw- if lilt. Tl'RNKR Kye SpeclallBt will be In Prlnevllle again Friday, Feb. 21, at Hotel Prlnevllle. C'limult him We Beg to Announce THAT THE Central Oregon Title & Loan Company Has taken over the Abstract and Insurance ' ' Business of the Crook County Abstract Company And will be found at the former location of the Crook County Abstract Company on Court (Third) Street D. W. GRIFFITH PRSENTS "THE GREAT LOVE" AN ARTCRAFT PICTURE the ca8t includes: 1.ii.1.iax gihh roijkrt harrox hkxry walthal rosemary theby george fawcett , george hiegmav maxfikld ktaxley glorU hope 'You saw them tn "The Birth of Nation" and In "Hearts of the World." A picture showing the Dowager Queen Alexandra,' and the first families of England do le g menial work to beat the ii un, iiicinwivc, noi unperson- KS1 ators. 1 L X "Luke's Wild Women" Lyric Theatre FRI. & SAT., FEB. 21 & 22 WANTED Three Turkey hens and Toms. Mammoth Bronze preferred State price. Write Mrs. T. P. Burke, Route 1, Prineville. 15t2p To set dates, arrarge the lists of events and formulate rules for the annual tricounty interscnolastic track and field meet and declamation con test, County School Superintendent J. Alton Thompson and Ted Sexton, representing the Bend high school faculty, will go to Prineville tomor row morning to meet with delegati from Jefferson and Crook counties It is probable that the meet anrfaee lamation contest will be held on the third Saturday in May, but this, witk other details, will be decided on at the conference Saturday. Bend Bul letin. 1 ' mmmmmmmmmmi.- . . . PieeTlbe SIMPLEX SILO MAN ll j,,J,,'",jaaaa III li-iajaaiaaaiaaaaaaaaaaMa 118 II Get These ;TjX72f H II ' ( Facts on Silage j j )fyM 3 andSilos- PMf' II IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMLIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInillllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll f73"? V WllllllllS 1 1 11 - .s myytBti s - lilt T about the New SiniDlex" the bilo that was I3l i Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiniiiiiMi'.Mihii' i This valuable folder should be in the hands of every dairyman. Gives valuable facts about the New "SiniDlex" the Silo that was designed and built for dairymen. Shows how a silo will save yoi from high leed Dills, g teWTvqfBmmK villa jntu i mw ' 'ij .vw,, "7diy it's ABSULUTELX ViULUl SPECIALIST On Ensilage Silo Erection Silo. Equipment t 4 F 1 mTT KZr fZyk Portland, faiw Orason 1918 "Simplex" is a better silo than ever. ' Three great exclusive patented features make g it indestructible. Cnsell Tangent Top Con- struction. Famous Interlocking Anchoring a System, New "Two-Way" door, both lift f and hinge. 1918 will be a big year for f dairying and dairy products. To be a'a, sure of your profits you MUST have Ar4y& a si 10. uraer eany. uom risK trxvy a 11 YEARS xpenence In Silo Erection Silo Filling Ensilage Feeding aw .V not getting your silo up this year, Mail Ma eoapM TODA T frr SIMPLBX rati W -rm rinins lor uia . .W Front St. fa Y A s r u Will be at the Prineville Hotel this week and at the Oregon Hotel at Redmond the first half of next week. Will appreciate talking with anyone interested in Silos