CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL KKIIRCAHY X), lUttf. The City Prentiss Seeds left Friday for Pen dleton. B. L, Tone was visitor at Sisters Tuesday. Mrs. Tho's. Houston visited friends her Tuesday. Henry Bernard of Suplee was in the city last week end. Leland Casey of Powell Butte was In the city Friday. Wm. Ledford returned Friday from . business trip to Portland. Zeke Hendrlckson spent Sunday and Monday in Portland. ' H. P. Ostreich was a business vis itor In the city Thursday. Ed. McFarland of Paulina was a business visitor here Friday. W. F. King was a business visitor in Maupin the first of the week. Mrs. George Nicolal is visiting rel atives at Sumner, Washington. Robert Demaris of Post was a bus iness visitor in the city Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cox of Powell Butte spent Thursday in the city. Oeorge Dickson returned Monday fro ma business trip to Portland. J. J. Romberg of Barnes is busi ness visitor in the city this week. Lee Curtis of Summit Prairie was In Prineville several days this week. Sid Rogers was a visitor in the city the first of the week from Barnes. 0. E. Mast of Bend was in th city yesterday. Thomas Barnes was a visitor In th city yesterday. J. L. Gaither was in the city from Bend Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Lens were Bend visitors Saturday. W. M. Wilson, an attorney of The Dalles, Is in the city. Max Crandall was a business visit or in the city Monday. W. A. Donnelly went to Portland yesterday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ingram are in the city from Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Piose are tn the city viBitiug relatives. D. H. Peoples was a businea vis itor from Bend yesterday. T. L. Qulnn returned yesterday from a business trip, to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cook of How ard, were visitors in the city yester day. Zeke Hendrickson returned yester day from a several days' visit in Port land. Harry Stearns left yesterday for Portland and will be gone several days. W T. and M. T. Davenport were visitors in Prineville yesterday from Howard Ralph Elder, formerly a ranger in ' the Ochoco Forest, has returned from overseas and is at Camp Lewis. Mrs. Herbert Angell and son left vesterdav for Boise. Idaho, whom Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stover were , tnev were called because of the illness In the city, last week end from Post. 0( jjr. Angell. Henry Carlin of Roberts was a xrm. Lewis, Jr., of Seattle, Wast., business visitor in the city Wednes- arrived a few days ago and will re day, main for a short time on business Mrs. W. A. Lincoln and daughter, connected with the Ochoco Project. Mrs. Bosch, are visitors iu Portland Mr. an(i jjri j. Q F Anderson, were this week. pin the city Tuesday on thair way to Miss Louise Jordan has, returned Albany, where they were called by the from Summit Prairie, where she has ; rlu 01 nl Anuersou s moiner, Airs been for several weeks. Eddie Bolter and Miss Nell Cram of Gateway spent Saturday in the city, visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris have gone to Spokane, where they will make their future home. Mrs. T. H. Brennan and daughter, Mrs. Edward McFarland, were in the city this week from Paulina. Mrs. Belva Smith of Marshfield is visiting her father, Marien Temple ton, and sister, Mrs. Wm. Arnold. Norman and Pearl Wei sand, of La monta. were visiting in the city Fri day evening for the K. P. dance. Mrs. Ross Robinson returned Sat urday from Portland, where she has been visiting her mother and sister Mrs. Norris Morgan returned Sat urday from Denver, where she was called because of the illness of her sister. Miss Eva Jackson, domestic science teacher at Crook county high, resign ed her position and left for Portland yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Rimpler and family will leave toworrow for Walla Walla, Washington, where they will make their future home. The. many friends of Asa Battles will be glad to know that the 69th C. A. C. arrived at Newport News on Tuesday, February 18. Dr. E. O. Hyde has returned to Prineville after spending several months in Redmond. He practiced there during the absence of Dr. Hosch who was in the service. Mrs. Ed. Merrltt passed away at her borne In Albany a few days ago. The particulars of her death have not been received, but a message stated that Mr. Merritt was also very ill. Mrs. Horace Belknap received a cablegram Sunday from her husband, Lieutenant Horace Belknap, Jr., that he had been released and was on his way home. The message did not state the date of his sailing. j ! Merritt G. H. Russell is spending the week in Portland. He attended the ban quet given in honor of Wm. Daugh trey, the retiring president of the Union Stock Yards. Friday and Saturday Keb.21-22 A D. W. Griffith production: "THE GREAT IA)VE" "LUKE'S WILD WOMEN" Sunday, February 23 i. Stuart Blocktou in . "MILD YOUTH" . From the Novel by Sir Gilbert Parker Monday and Tuesday Feb.24-23 Gladys Leslie in "BELOVED IMPOSTER Billy Parsons in "BIRDS OF A FEATHER Wednesday and Thursday, 2H-27 Vivian Martin Iu "PETTICOAT PILOT" Ben Turpin, Charley Lynn and Polly Moran in "SAUCY MADELINE" A comedy Salad with a little bit of dressing LYRIC THEATER jCoyal Oregoniaris "are Proud of this Tlnmatched Record iNCOMtV gTyi76S$57i6 JeoV5 119141$ 311 336&t) fwi.42ij.$ hum 472. 370700A MMki $ 564.582.00 wefc to, 502.4A4.oo " him 12. 64O.922.0b 5g$5.488.504.00V urn A , .COaA tStAK A'OjW W;06,$cA 5M7e5:AtBJo6 97f$ 1. 404. 768 . 00 W$637bM APfl$l.689.614.00 A (19181 $ f.390.469.00 Th$e Figure$ Show Our Marveloui and Continuout Growth All Business Written in Oregon. All Funds Invested in Oregon Securities Excepting Our lnv$tmtntg in United States Liberty Bond s OnSIIlIff? Insurance Company is epidemic proof. All war claims paid in full without extra premiums or deductions on account of war service. QrCSOIl I jlC Successful Conservative Progressive Home Office: ronBKTT m u.nio KUtb mmd 1lorUta Sim. Portland, Oregon A.I. lrrlilrnt. c. s. ni:i (.earful MuniiKrr. AanWtunt Hmtngrr. R. L. Schee arived In Prineville this morning from Camp Lewls.- A. R. Bowman returned Monday from a business trip to Portlana. Charles and Clifford McKenzle of Paulina were In the city yesterday. 0. F. Wallenberg of Terrebonno was a business visitor in the city yes terday. M. Biccum, who hits been employed at the Ochoco Dam for several months left for Portland and Seattle. Vern Merchant and Elmer Martin, former Prineville residents, were vis iting friends in the city yesterday. The Christian Endeavor gave ft party last night In honor of Arthur Wonderly, who has Just returned home from service overseas. All re turned soldiers were guests. j Robert Lister returned to Prlne-' ville this morning, having Just been mustered out at Camp Lewis. Rob ert has been In an eastern training camp for several months. Barnes Wjg NEWS NOTES Wgj jl Some snow fert on the I Tali and made the roads pretty bad for a few days. Mrs. Ira Cox and Ray Morgan were visiting at the home of Grandma Ben nett last Sunday. Jim Dixon passed through this section with a bunch of cattlo. Harry Hackleman Is at the 90 ranch for a while. Claude Duy, who has been cutting posts for George Tack man, has com pleted the work and Is visiting at the home of C. A. Simons. Mrs. Chas. George has been on the sick list but Is now able to be up. w. s. s. eliminated her from any chance for I'io peiuinnni Aijout 125 rooters motored over from Prlnevlllo to wit ' lien the game and help the boys win. I The best dopestors on the buaket : ball situation have It figured out that I the championship lies between I'rlno : ville anil MHilras, with the iIim idiim In ull probability to be played on the lli'iiil floor. Of course these figures ttio tiuHeil on the prohlemutlcul out cuiiio of the next two games. w. s. S. INfOME TAt OKI-it KIM fOMIXG OTIS MrKIWOX INJURED Chapped Hands ? TRY OUR Almond Toilet Lotion Witch Hazel Creams Benzoinated Almond Cream 1 Soothing and Healing Preparations for irritations of the skin New Taplex Handy Warmer The little heating device that can be carried in the muff or coat pocket. Ask to see them. 1 I D. P. ADAMSON & COMPANY WANTED! EXPERIENCED DITCH RIDERS Write or Phone 491 OCHOCO IRRIGATION HIST. PRINEVILLE, ORE. 3 HIGH SCHOOL 5n news NOTES We buy all furs, but particular ly want MUSKRAT, SKUNK, MINK, COYOTE, WILD CAT Furs shipped to us are made up by us. We pay no commissions the shipper gets the middle man's profit. By sending ns your Furs you get the quickest cash returns and save the express or parcel post charges to distant points. Write for big Price list to H. LIEBES & CO., I4 ISroadway, Portland, Oregon The girls of the Freshman clans gave Miss Jackson, the English In structor, a set of sliver salad forks. The Skukaliek Society held an el ection of officers last week. John O'Kelly was elected president, Ches ter McKenzle vice-president, and Vera Dunham secretary. The Freshman class held a meeting Monday evening for the election of the following officers: Evelyn Hyde, president; Beulah Blanchard, vice president; Inez Iverson, secretary; Richard Bloom, class reporter. w. s. s. K. OK P. DAXCE A MXVES8 One of the largest crowds of the season was 'in attendance at tho Knights of Pythias dance at the club hall Friday night. An excellent four piece orchestra from Bend furnished the music. The hall was tastefully decorated with the colors of the order and the shaded lights cast a beautiful glow over the assemblage. Many out-of-town guests were present Frank Johnson served sandwiches, Ice cream and drinks during the evening. w. a s RECEPTION KOR MR. AND MRS. OHCAR PROSE Income Tnx Officers Rogers and Booth will be stationed ut the Court House at Prlnevlllo from March 8th to March 10th. 1919, Inclusive. (Where forms have been Kent net tho parties receiving tlm s-ir.; ju;., produce tho forms to the c fh i as a referenco number Is nnlgnei, i-.u Mini to the return of siu li puriv. The Treasury Departim-ni tended tho time for filing Incoimi ''. Iteturiis to March 15, 1919, and any one not thoroughly familiar with the porvlalons of the Income Tax Law and their obligation thereunder, should at once make Inquiry of J he ahoce mentioned officers or write this office direct,- as this will be the lust opportunity to do so In connect ion with the filing of returns of In come for the year 1918 prior to the due dale of filing. - Otis McKlnnon wan '-rleuinly In jured Saturday night, when his nut overturned between Prlnevlllo and Johnson Creek. He had driven a lorn of paHHenKers to the dance at John son Creek and was returning for an other loud wheii'u h mi-ho rait In front of the citr and caught one fuel in t tin wheel. The cur wax overturned on the driver but he crawled out iiiul walked A short illHiiince to the d;-m and wan liroiiKht finni Iheiato Prlne. ville. I r. ItiiHctilirrg linineillutely discovered that he had hr.ikeii his collar hone and had sovtj.ut oilur minor bruises. w. s. . I KNTKAL OKKGON TITLE X). III VH Hl hlNKSS Ciinipaiiy ( 'ontrdleil Ity llowmnt) Taken Over Abstract IttiKinCKS A deal was closed yesterday whero. by the Central. Oregon Title & Loan Company took over the ahstruct and InHiiranco business of the Crook County Abstract Co. The sale Includes the building and grounds of tho last mentioned con cern on Court street. Thrt building was especially designed fort the ob struct business, and will lie occupied by tho new owners, commencing to day, f A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Prose, who were recently married In The Dalles, was held at the home of the groom's mother last night. Only relatives of the newly married couple were present. w, s. . ARTHUR WONDERLY RETURNS Arthur Wonderly returned Sunday from ten months' service overseas In the Aerial Division He was sent to Camp Lewis to be mustered out of the service. , He is very glad to be at home again. , . W. 8. S ' VALENTINE PARTY Mrs.. C. J. Johnson entertained her Sunday school class Friday afternoon with a Valentine party. The guests enjoyed games after which refresh ments were served.- w. s. s. C. C. H. S. WINS AT REDMOND " In a fast game of basketball at Redmond last Thursday night, C. C. H. S. defeated Redmond High 22 to 21. It was some afrap and almost ended in a riot but there were no fa talities. This game was the final blow for Redmond. High, it having HERE IS A REAL SHOE LEATHER COUNTER . POCKETS SOLE "LEATHER COUNTERS SOLID LEATHER HEELS SOLID LEATHER SOLES & INSOLES, $6.00 tf $6.50 J. E. STEWARV & COMPANY