CROOK OOl'NTT JOCBNAL JANTARYM, I0l Crook County Journal BT GOT LAKOLLKTTE Catered at th. postofflc. at Vrinevllle, Oregon, m second-class tatter. MBLISMED EVKRY THl'RSDAY Price $1.00 per year, payable Strictly In advance. In case of change of addresa please notify us at once, jiving both old and new address. mS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING Br THE general orricr NEW YORK AND CHICAGO RANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIE3 upon by the board. $60,000 to be ex act, which waa to be paid to the con tractor as a final amount for all ad justments, the money to he delivered as work progressed on the project. tThis offer wss promptly refused by the contractor. It Is neither wise nor fair for any one to adjudge just how the alleged differeneee between the contractor and the district should be settled, or it anyone Is In the wrong, and the land owners under the project sre to be congratulated that they have a first class ditch system and an excel lent start on a first class storsge res ervoir, and no one should be con demned for delsy In the work, it In any way that delay Is justified. The material, water, power, and I every other necessary element Is av ailable tor putting In a large yardage per month, enough to make a large amount of storage water tor every acre of land that Is included in the project, and complete the reservoir by early fall. If there is delay in completing the dam to the point where the maximum amount of storage Is thus provided, it will be a financial loss to the com munity, and who ever is to blame for such neglect and delay hi guilty of criminal negligence, and should in some way be held financially respon sible for the loss of revenue to the land owners, and the community. The plan suggested in the Journal of last week looks feasable enough to the ordinary citlien. If it is teas bale.Tit should be put Into operation at the first possible moment. If it is not. then some other plan that will get results should be used. TIMK FOR ACTION The board of directors of the Och co District are to be commended Jnr the action taken Monday of this week in the bond sale whereby the final block of $200,000 worth ot bonds of the original authorization af $1,100,000 was sold to Clark, Ken sail & Co., of Portland, and Stephens A Co., of San Francisco. Although the time tor this sale was set just a week earlier, the delay was Justified because of an attempt to ft together with the contractor, Twohy Bros. Company, and adjust such dif ferences as are actual or fancied, be tween the contractor and the district. As resulted on former occasions, lowever. the attempt was ot no avail, and! the matter stands where it has rested for many months, with the eontractor in a measure marking tame and the board of directors, in an attempt to promote the best interests at the district in which they are heavy stockholders, yet attempting to avoid an open breach with the contracting concern. From the standpoint of one who Is aot on that board, but only posted on the affairs of the construction work that are apparent on the surface, it would seem that the offer made by the board of directors was fair enough to everyone, in that they of fered a settlement based on actual performance by the contractor. They offered to pay a sum agreed n.WGKK IX SKCRKCY The world has been taught the dan ger that lurks behind a curtain ot secrecy. The slaughter of the past 4 years would never have been possible had the method ot secret diplomacy w hich made Germany the most horrible ex ample ot secret and untrue methods the world has ever seen been impos sible. The same danger threatens in the world peace conference, and the most enlightened powers there are making a brave fight for all discussion and all proceedings to be made public at all times.' The same conditions prevail in smaller mutters. Some individuals are called good press agnti. They have a faculty of keeping themselves before the pub lic by doir T spectacular things, and in that , manner often become very powerful without realizing just how or why they should have reached that position. In the Instance ot an individual ot a business organization the rule ap plies with even greater force. Two men will start meat markets side, by side. The one has a good pat ronage among those that know him, treats them well, pays his bills, and is an all around good citizen. The other buys all the hogs and cattle in the community, markets them, buys others, enlarges his plant and advertises for yet more business. He becomes a great packer, and does so by progressive publicity methods. INCREASED PRODUCTION Is the Nation's Cry TIIK WORLD IS LOOKING TO AM Klin 'A rTR ltK)l) More Reef, More Pork, More Mlik, More Mutton, Poultry, and Eggs Is expected ot the American farmer. Dr Hess Stock Tonic Makes ailing animals healthy, the whole hard thrifty, and duvet out the worms. Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-A-Cea will stnrtyour pullets and moulted hens to laying Keep the Dairy Bam pure and healthful, the Pig Pen, Poultry House and the Home tree from disease with ' Dr. Hess Dip and Disinfectant AND THKRE IS 1R. HKSS INSTANT LtOSK KILLKIt I-OK LICK. ALL SOLD -ALL Gl AUANTKKD IIY J. E STEWART & CO. A more-striking example would be the case of a man nnmed A. Mont gomery Ward. Starting with a small racket More, publicity alone made him what you all know, him to be, one of the largest mall order men In ' the world. These results are aecom- ! plished by publicity methods and not I secrecy. I will approprinte $90,000 and Harney county $30,000 for the Immediate construction of a hard-surface rond from the city of Hums to Crane. The greater portion of the highway is to ho built during the year 1919, The Crane American. The post road highway from Burns to Crane is now assured. And there is a larger appropriation to build it than was expected. R. L. Mass, coun ty commissioner, returned from the highway convention held at Portland last week, and brought the good news that the state and federal government Best Tire Service Means Firestone and It Means Us Moat Mile, Dollar s f It means that you get the benefit of expert tire building in the first place by equipping with Tfreotone Tires It means the expert tire service, courteous and reliable help which is always available at our shop. Remember that Firestone Tires are made by specialists in the World's Largest Exclusive Tire Factory. But Firestone! building methods and this immense volume, added to their economical distribution, enable them to charge as low as for ordinary tires. And onr shop backs up the Firestone Service. Call on us If fv II - - TTmTP" SN. J Y iJLLjT . , i':xs 1 it LAKIN H'DWARE "Where it pays to trade." Exclusive FIRESTONE Agents Chas. Erekson ot the Princeton section says he was not looking one day lust week for ground hogs or any other sign of an early spring, but was startled beyond conception to discover a live rattlesnake on a rim- rock bill near his ranch. This was on January 7. The snake was up and doing, ready for a fight. The out-ot -season freak of nature was a big specimen, having nine rattles. Crane American. The heavy wind of Tuesday night blew the chimney off the, roof of the M. E. church In Canyon City. The damage will be repaired before Bun day and services will be held as us ual. Blue Mountain Eagle. w. a. . KHTRAY NOTICE Estraycd from my pasture, two yearling heifer.s One red roan and one pale red mottled face. Both are branded 73 on hip and Bar Lazy L6 on right side. End of left ears cut off with underblt and split in right ears. Please notify Chas. Palmer, Roberts, Oregon. 10t3p TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Practically new Tandem disc, 7 ft. cut. T. J. Mlnger llt4p LOST One tire chain 32x3W between Lower McKay school house and Prjnevllle. Leave at Journal o-f , flee. ' llt2p FOR SALE Large family cow, easy milker, gives three gallons or more a day. In good condition. $75 call at this office. . lltfc FOR SALE 2,000 lbs hand picked white beans, 8 lbs. for $1.00 De livered parcel post. Larger amts. write for prices. Geo. Junker, i Terrebonne, Oregon. Ilt2p NTRAYKD Address O. L. Moore, Pres., or 0. H. Slack, Socy., Bend Cattle Abs'd., Bend, Oregon. Brand M left hip, swallow fork left ear. Brand COS left hip. Brand box right hip, both ears split Brand MH left side underblt both ears. Brand bridle bit on reverse 6H6 connected, left ear split, wattle left side of nose. Brand writing CN connected left shoulder right ear off, hole in left. Brand crescent reverse EK connect ed right side, right ear cut oft and double1 split. , Brand 3 lazy H left hip. Brand lazy JB right hip, both ears cut off. Brand MH connected over crescent, left hips or right side, swallow fork both ears. Brand milk bottle left flank. Brand HC connected left hip. Brand F bar lazy S on hip. Brand bar L bar T connected on left hip underblt both ears. Brand At or OUT connected in writing left side under bit both ears. Brand LC left hip left ear split. Brand Y on right neck, crooked stitch on left hip wattle under chin. Brand J left hip. I KOTICR ! Persons interested in a roaa, or a jbridce across Crooned nvei fi: serve tiia Jap creek couiitiv, Montgomery road district, aie Invited to a social and business n.oatim to be held at 'the T. F. McAllister rnnch, Saturday I evening, Jan. Si, I 'J 11. COMMiTTftB. ""START the new year right, by heating your bath and bed rooms Ju with a Majestic Electrical Heater. No litter or dirt, and absolutely safe to operate. Price of a 600 watt Heater, $9.00. Cost of operation $3.00 per month flat rate. 1 ,000 watt Heater $ 1 2.50, cost of operation $5.00 per month. 1 ,700 watt Heater $17.50, cost of operation $7.50 per month. Call and be convinced of what they will do, as we use ho wood for heating our office. Cornd and see for yourself. Des Chutes Power Co. 11. I MAKER JOHN COItXETT CARS OVERHAULED Now Is the time to have your car overhauled and put In shape for the ComliiK season. Rule. lU'ammublo, services rljthL Cars stored by the duy or month... Autos for hire. MAKER & CORNETT INLAND GAIIAUK, HKCOND AND II HTKKKTS IDAHO SAGE GRUBBER Equipped with both tractor and horse hitch, and two sets of blades. The easiest, quickest and cheapest way to clear Sage Brush Call at Journal Office or Phone 611 Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At this critical period In our history our manufacturers are offering their mills and our young men are offering their services to the United States government. Would you like to do your hare and help, by putting your money where It will support the new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the government has established to stand back ot onr commerce, Industry and agriculture? Tou can do this by opening an account with us as part ot every dollar so deposited goes directly Into th. new system, where it will always be ready tor you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK JAT H. DOBBIN, President HENRT L. CORBETT, Vlce-Pres. J. C. AIN8WOBTH, Vlce-Pres. E. F. ROT, Treasurer , S. C. SPENCER, Secretary E. W. RUMBLE, Oen. Mgr. Columbia Basin Wool Warehouse Co. Incorporated Advances Made on Wool Loans on sheep 9 WE BUY NO WOOL DIRECTORS Jar H. Dobbin Henry L. Corbett C. 0. Holt R. N. Stanfleld J. 0. Atnsworth W. P. Dickey E. W. Rumble North Portland Oregon 1