JAM-AtiV IB. 1010. CSOOK COUJTTY JOUK.f AL Pe) T SHIPP & DEALERS IN Lumber, Moulding, Shingles Doors, Windows, Paints Oils, Glass, Lime and Cement PRINEVILLE, OREGON There was a Crowd in K the Store r j and they were trying to "Have a chew on me,"says he."Break off just two or three squares. That's a man's size chew of Real Gravely. It holds its good taste PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in a pouch no. iu SUMMON! In the Clrrull Court of tha Slate of Oregon lor the County of Crook i Crook County, Oregon, publu) corporation, rMalnllff, va. e). H. Peoples, Janle Hlndrrman, Georira Roha. Minnie L. Musa. i. W. MrKsy, and all per sons unknown owning, or claiming to own any right title or Interaat In the real pru party here taafter described, Ilefenilanta. To Mlnnla U Moeea, 1. W. MrKay. and all paraona unknown, owning or claiming to wn any right till, or interest In tha real rroprrty hereinafter described. Creating: N THE NAMK OK THIS STATK OF OKK OON, You, and each of you, ara hereby notified that Crook County, Orvgun, a public corpora tion, and tha Plaintiff herein named, la tha wner and ht.Mer of (Vrllflriuea of Tx HHIn auanry Noa. KV44, fcoati, KUa, h47, and t'JS'J. esaued on tha lat day of June. 11)11, In tha total aam of One Hundred Forty and 86-100HH0.3M Dollara, the aald eum being tha amount then due and delinquent for taea for the year 1UU, aion real properly aseeased to you and of vahlch you ara now tha ownera aa appears of record from the tax assessment rolla now in the hamla of tha aheriff and tax collector of Qron. County, Oregon, which aaid pniperty la lorated in tha aaid county and atata and ia par ticularly deerrihed aa followa, together with tele namea of tha ownera of each port el or tract, tha eorreapondlnu; numbara of delinquent eertiflratea aforesaid, and tha amounts due on aid tat day of June, 1918, to-wltt K 844 avainat I). It. Peoples for the NEW of tha NWVi, tha EVfc o( tha NK'xi and the 8W', of the NK14 of Section 12 In Township It South, Kanire 18 Eaat, of the Willamette Meridian for 111,16 6H8 against Jenle lllnnerman for Lot 1 In Block 8, Roberta Townslte for 11,00 E 6a against George !"ba for Lota 1, 2, 1 and 4 In lllock !!, of I'aullna Townslte In the sum of 828.87 V47 against Mlnnla L. Moses for the NWU of the NK the Klfc of the NWl', and the NB(4 of the 8W of Section 19 in Township IIS South of Kanga ill East sf the Willamette Meridian in the sum of 136.60 vail against J. W. McKay for the KM, of Sect Inn I , in Township 17 South of Rang 16, Kaat of tha Willamette Meridian, in the sum of ......... .. ,.$32,5S And you and each of you, the aaid 0. H. Peoples, Janie Hinrierman, George Roba, Min aie L. Mosea, J. W. McKay, and all persons Unknown, owning, or claiming to own, any right, title or Interest In said real property, are further hereby notified that Crook County, Oregon, tha aforesaid plaintiff, will apply to Mm Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Crook County for a judgment and decree fore dosing the lien of said delinquent tax certi ficates against tha property above described, and you, and each of you are hereby summoned and required to ap)ienr herein within sixty days from the first publication hereof, exclu sive of the first day of such publication, or on or before the 24th day of January, 11)19, and defend thla suit or pay the amount due aa above ahown, together with the costs, Inter ests, penalties and acci-ued costs, and In case of your failure so to do, a decree will be en tered against you, foreclosing tha lien of aaid certificates of delinquency and against the land heretofore described, and directing that aame be sold to satisfy said lien, judgment and decree, costs, penalties, interests and accruing aosts, according to law. This Summons Is published by order of the Honoarble T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of the said Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Crook County, said order having been made and dated the 16th day of November, 1918, and the date of the first publication hereof being the 21st day of November, 1918. All processes and pa pers in thla proceeding may be served upon the undersigned, district attorney of the State of Oregon, for Crook County, and attorney for Plaintiff herein residing at Prinevillc, Oregon, sold whose post office address is Prinevillc, Oregon. Date of last publication, January 28, 1919, Signed W1LLARD H. WIRTZ, , District Attorney for Crook Coun ty, and Attorney for Plaintiff, Post Office Address: Prineville, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the under signed, the Administrator of the Estate of John Mocho, Deceased, to all cieditors of said Deceased, and to all persons having claim against said Estate to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, at the ffice of M. R. Elliott, in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated and published first time December 12, 1918. ISAAC M. MILLS, Administrator of the Ustate o John Mocho, Deccused ' iUc """" 'i PERRY josh the Tobacco Man so long it costs noth ing extra to chew this class of tobac- CO. goes further that's why you can get tin good taste of this class of tobac co without extra cost. 814888 tutai NOT1CB FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Of fire at The Dalles, Oregon, Dec. 8, 1918. NOTICE ia hereby given that KL8W0RTH E. ALLEN of Prineville, Oregon, who, on January I, 1811, made Homestead Entry No. 014803, January in, 1918, made Add. No. 01886 for Ntt section 84, Township 14 Boulh, Range 17 Bast, Wil lamette Meridian, baa filed aotlee or iatawtasai to make final three year Proof to eslabltsk claim to the land ahava described, before Warren Urown, Clerk of the Circuit Court at Prineville, Oregon, oa tha 82nd day of Janu ary. 1919, Claimant namea aa witneaaaat Jamca E. Fuller, William J. Johnson, Joaj 1. Johnson, and Jasper Johnson, ail of fnaw vllle, Oregon. a FRANK WOODCOCK 6t8o RrgisU' NOTICE or PINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by tha under signed, the Administratrix of tha batata of Hi ram Smead, Deceased, to all persons interested in said Estate that she haa made and filed with the Clerk of the County Court her F'lnal Ac counting of her Administration of said Estate and the Court has set tha Tenth day of Janu ary, 1919, at Ten o'clock In tne forenoon at tha County Court Room In Prineville, Oregon, aa the time and place for hearing and settling said Final Accounting, at which said time and place any person interested in tha Eatat nay appear and object to aaid Final Accounting. Dated thla Uth day of December, 1918. Nora uibson, Administratrix of tha Estat of 6tSc Hiram Smead, Deceased. 614868-811:48 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Of fice at The Dalles, Oregon, December 9, 1918. NOTICE la hereby given that CLAKKNCE O. STOVER of Post, Oregon, who, on June 21, 1918, made Homestead Entry No. 014666 and on July 18, 1918, made additional No. uir.343, for N', Sec tion 8. Township 16 South. Range 20 Eaat, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of in tention to make final three year Proof to es tablish claim to the land above described, be fore Warren Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court at Prineville, Oregon, on tha 24th day of January, 1919. Claimant namea as wltneaseat Homer Norton, Wlllism H. Post, both of Post, Oregon; Robert W. Rnymond, William Ledform, both of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Ct5p Register NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at The Dallea, Oregon, December 28, 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that MAKTHA E. SMITH of Prineville, Oregon, who, on June 8, 1916, made Desert Land Application No. 01M08, for SW4 8W4 Section 26, Township 16 South, Range 17 East, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make final Desert Land Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 6th day of February, 1819. , Claimant names as witnesses: Samuel M. Bailey, I. Fay Bailey, Albert Way, Mary E. Way, all of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. ?tP Register. 011534 018186 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice ut The Dallea, Oregon, December 18, 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that CHARLES PALMER, of Roberts, Oregon, who, on April 9th, 1918, made Homestead Entry No. 011534 and on Mac 7th, 1914 made Add Hd. No. 013186 for SVT SEW. Sec. 17, SEV4 SEU Sec. 19 Stt SW tf, WV4 EW Sec. 20, Township IT South, Range 17 East, Willamette Meridian, haa filed nottee nf Intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to tha land above described, before Warren Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Prineville, Oregon, on tha 6th day of February, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Joseph E. Robers. John E. Campbell, Jacob P. .lncobaen, Claude C. Dunham, all of Roberta, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 7t5p Register NOTICE Dr. J. H. Rosenberg has returned to Prineville and has resumed hit practice. Ho will be here permanent ly and will be located at the same of fice. Calls will be answered day or night. PRINCE ALEXANDER ( (sP Crown Prince Alexander of Sarvla, who was appointed regent of the new Jugo-Slav etate. VICTIMS ' OF TRIPLE MURDER ARE FOUND Olympla, Wash. Throe pcraone, In stead of one, a at first thought, were murdered and their bodlee buried In the woods on Hawks Prairie, It waa disclosed, when Coroner Mills and Chief of Police Cusack of Olympla un covered the bodies of two boys, 4 and 6 years old reflectively, buried In shallow graves at a lonely spot among the trees. The discovery was made after the searchers had come across a child's straw hat 10 feet from the rude grave where the body of a woman was found on Wednesday. N. E. Burnett, who was arrested for the alleged crime, denies any recog nition or knowledge of the hats and clothing found with the skeletons, and Identified as belonging to Burnett's wife and children. In accounting for their absence he has given several eoav fllctlng versions, and evidence Is ac cumulating that convinces the officers they are close to a solution of the crime. CAMPS' PURCHASE ADVISED Uncle Sam Urged to Buy Land for Future Training. Washington. Government acquisi tion of all 16 national army canton ment altes, leaving determination of their ultimate use to the future, was urged by Assistant Secretary of War Crowell before the house military com mittee. Two of the cantonment sites Camp Washington are owned by the gov Funaton, Kansas, and Camp Lewis, ernment, and the cost of the land of the remaining 14 would be $9,654,000 for 131,000 acres, the annual rental of which Is $858,000. General Snow said that 300,000 American artillerymen were in service abroad during the war, using guns bought in England and France. He said American production of guns was beginning in quantity when the armis tice was signed. Lithuanians Take Riga. Copenhagen. Riga Is in the hands of the Lithuanian soviet troops, ac cording to a wireless dispatch from the Russian Bolshevik headquarters received here. Polish Battalion Sails for America. New York. The French line steam ship France, which sailed from here, carried a battalion of Poles, number In; 1564 men, recruited In America tor the Polish army. War Vessels Returning. Washington. Thirty-one destroyers and seven submarines have sailed from Europe and should reach their home stations within the next 10 days or two weeks. - . THE MARKETS Portland Oats No. 2 white feed, $53 per ton. Barley Standard feed, $49 per ton. Corn Whole, $69 73; cracked, $71 075. Hay Timothy, $30032 per ton; al falfa, $27.50. Butter Creamery, 65o per pound. Eggs Ranch, 73c per dozen. Potatoes $1.501.75 per hundred. Poultry Hens, 28 30c; springs, JOo; roosters, 23c; ducks, SOc; geese, 2025c; turkeys, 40c. Seattle Hay Eastern Washington timothy, $38 per ton; alfalfa, $34 per ton. Butter Creamery, $6c. Eggs Ranch, 76o per dozen. Poultry Hens, 2629c; springs, 27c; roosters dressed, 272Sc; ducks, Slo; geese, 26c; turkeys, 4447c. KEPT PLEDGE TO SEND BREAD American Nation Maintained Al lied Loaf Through Self Denial at Home Table. AVERTED EUROPEAN DESPAIR, With Military Domande Upon Ooean Shipping Relieved, World Is Able to Return te Normal White Wheat Bread. Since the advent of the latest wheat crop the only limitation upon Ameri can exports to Europe has been the shortage of shipping. Between July 1 and October 10 we shipped 65,980,305 bushels. If this rate should continue until the end of the fiscal year we will have furnished the Allies with more than 2,1700,000 bushels of wheat and flour in terms of wheat. The result of Increased production and conservation efforts In the Cnlted States bas been thet with the cessa tion of hostilities we are able to re turn to a normal wheat diet Supplies that have accumulated In Australia, Argentine and other hitherto inacces sible markets may be tapped by ships released from transport service, and European demand for American wheat probably will not exceed our normal surplus. There Is wheat enough avail able to have a white loaf at the com mon table. But last yesr the tale was different Only by the greatest possible saving and. sacrifice were- we able to keep a steady stream of wheat and flour mov , ing across the sea. We found our- selves at the beginning of the harvest I year with an unusually short crop ': Even the most optimistic statisticians ! figured that we bad a bare surplus of . 20,000,000 bushels. And yet Europe I was facing the probability of a bread famine and in Europe bread is by far ! the most Important article In the diet All of this surplus bad left the country early In the fall. By the first of the year we bad managed to ship a ; little more than 6X1,000,000 bushels by practicing the utmost economy at borne by wheatless days, wheatless i meals, heavy substitution of other 1 cereals and by sacrifice at almost ! every meal throughout the country. in January the late Lord Rhondda, then British Food Controller, cabled that only If we sent an additional 75, 000,000 bushels before July 1 could he take the responsibility of assuring bis people that they would be fed. The response of the American peo ple was 85,000,000 bushels safely deliv ered overseas between January 1 and July L Out of a harvest which gave us only 20,000,000 bushels surplus we actually shipped 141,000.000 bushels. Thus did America fulfill her pledge that the Allied bread rations could be maintained, and already the American people are demonstrating that, with an awakened war conscience, last year's figures wlU be bettered. Veterans te Stay Abroad. Washington. Secretary Baker gave it as his personal opinion that none ef the veteran divisions of the American army in France will return home be fore peace formally is declared. He Indicated that the tried fighting men would compose the bulk of the forces to be kept in Europe for the present. If" HI jMiiaiffi!BgWMlli CI HERE is the Ajax Road King master mile maker of them all. The tire for endurance and abuse on all roads in any weather. Made doubly strong where the road strain comes. It has more tread on the road more rubber where it should be more grip to grip with because of the special patented feature Ajax Shoulders of Strength These rugged supporting oilders of the tread mean longer wear. They cushion against shocks. ShouVVrs of Strength distribute road wear evenly. It cannot come in one spot and quickly grind through to the fabric. 97 Owners' Choice This big percentags of all AjaxTiresgoesto individual motorists who select them to take the place of tires that W5? 4 LAKIN " ' Where ""TiHo Others Are Claiming Quality, We Are Gatraner!ifj li" V'lVrSarV r l'SetfWFt LOST Jan. 7, gold locket with en graved lady's head on outside, a lock of hair Inside. Lot late in the evening. Notify F. E. Droslus, Prineville, Oregon. lOtlc NOTICK OF FINAL ACCOUNTING NlIiCfc- 18 HEREBY GIVEN by the anoVr sldied. Administrator of the Eatat of Man K. Burria. Deceased, that be baa made an filed with the Clerk of the Count Court fo' Crook Count. Orrcon, the final aeeountina of hie administration of the affairs of aald eaUU and that the Honorable Countr Court aforesaid has fiied Monday, the 8rd dar of February, 181, at 10 o'clock hi the forenooa of aaid day at the county courtroom In the courthouse at Frlnerllle, Ornon, ia Cromt Countr, a the tlm and place for bearing and settling aaid final accounting. IMtted thla 12tk day of December, A. D., 118 (8ined 1. O. BURRIS, Published last tlm January 8th, 1818. WLLAKD H. WIKTZ, Attorney for Adminfetrator stSe 81 144 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tha Interior, U. S. Land Of fice, The Dallea, Oregon, December 88, 118. NOTICE ia hereby given that WILLI A at H nHTFB ' of Prineville, Oregon, who, on March 81, 1918, J mad homestead entry No. 0114U4, for W'A J 8E Section 18, Township IS South, Range 17 I Eaat, Willamette Meridian, aas filed notie of intention to make Final Fir Year I'raof to establish claim to the land above described be- ior warren Brown, Clerk of tne Circuit Court at Prinevill, Oregon, on toe 7th day of Feb ruary, 181. Claimant names as witnesses : Charles F. Pen-in, Robert Vasee. William Ire land, Otto Radloff, all of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register f !sSsgi!at sa)stas You Garry the Only Key Safe Deposit Boxes in our Fire-Proof and Burgmar-Proof Vault may be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for your valuable papers and jewels Ask Us CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON 'f'wVratSr WHEN IN BEND STOP AT PILOT BUTTE INN Central Oregon's Finest Hotel! Built for YOU, Operated for YOU Prices made for YOU! Why not Enjoy it? Others Do! WALLACE C. BIRDSALL, Mgr. A Classified Ad Brings Quick Results '.A1:-.- ore Tread on the Road" came with their cars. See them here at the Ajax Tire Supply Depot.headqucrtsrs for Ajax Tires and Tub&s. HARDWARE it Pays to Trade NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the under, signed the Administrator of the Eatat of WiU I ism C. Congleton, Deceased, that he has mad and filed with the Clerk of the County Court of Crook ounty, Oregon, hia final Accounting; of hia Administration of aald Estate and that the Court haa set Monday the Third day of February. 1818. at the County Coo t Room la Prineville. Oretron, aa the tim and plac for hearing and settling aaid Final Accounting at which tim and plac any person interested ia the Estate may appear and object to said Final Accounting. Dated this Second day of Sanuary, 1818. O. W. NORLB, Administrator of the Estate of E tISp William C Congleton, Deceased) 811188-818828 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, V. 8. Land Of fice at The Dalle, Oregon, January 4, 181. NOTICE la hereby given that WILLIAM LEDFORD of Prineville, Oregon, who, on October 81, 1118 mad H. D. entry No. 012188 and on April IS, 1918 mad add H. D. entry No. 818828, for WH NE14. WV4 NWVi, and Eft WVi Section If, Township 18 South, Rang 1 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notie of intention to make final three year Proof to establish claim to hae land above described, before Warren Browa, Clerk of the Circuit Court at PruMrtll, Ores gon, on the 17th day of February, 1818. Claimant name aa witnesses : Clarenc Stover, Homer Norton, Oscar Field, all of Post, Oregon, and Carry W. Foster, at Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, tie Register tJgrW IsstartTsiTj ii J, tip ' 1 ' M 'fill V --!i; VxA AI It "'-lltnJ1''','"