Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 16, 1919, Page Page 4, Image 4

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jamahy in. toiii.
J. V. Demarls was In tho city Inst
week end.
James Mace na in tho city several
day last iwk.
Will Wuriweiler is spending the
week in Frinevillo.
O. V. Wells of Powell Flutte was a
visitor in tlie city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hen Tone of Sisters
are visitors in Prineville.
Orvsl Davis was a visitor In the
city Tuesday from Barnes.
Wm. Uoepu ot vuiver, was a duhi-
ness vtBitor here last week end.
Floyd Warner returned home from
Camp' Lewis Tuesday morning.
R. M. Templeton attended the Irri
gation Congress last week lu Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Foren ot
Burns are visiting relatives In Port
land. Deputy Floyd Rowell made a busi-
. . . . . ... , i. .,i . mills nas a uui
net trip to Portland the first of toe,, pauljna yester,,aT-
K. A Hamilton was a visitor from
Post Saturday.
Frank Post of rowell Butte was In
the city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ityr.n are in the
city today from lleud.
F. J. Warner of Roberts was In
Prineville yesterday.
Hud lliiilon was a business visitor
In Prineville Saturday.
Herbert Angell was In the city yes
terday from Paulina.
Charles Parrish was In the city
from Powell Butte Saturday.
S. S. Stearns returned Sunday from
a week's business visit in Portland.
G. W. Allison was a business vis
itor in the city Monday.
I. M. Mills was a business visitor
John Nelson of Silver Lake was a
business visitor in the city the first ot
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Buick of Lakeview
are spending the week at the Prine
ville hotel.
E. D. Terrill was in from his ranch
on Crooked river Monday.
Major Henry Smith is expected to
arrive home in a few days.
J. L. Galther was a business visitor
here yesterday from Bend.
Charles Rachor is In Prineville this Mr. and Mrs. James Twohy of Port-
week. He has been mustered out of . land, are visitors in the city.
the service.
Paul Mertsehlng was a business vis-
Lee Anderson of the Tri-State Ter- itor from Alfalfa last Saturday.
minal Store, was a business visitor
in Portland last week.
J Arthur and Max Wurxweiler were
! visitors in Priueville this weeV.
Robert Libby of Post, who brought J Davd GrimM returned TuP8l,ay
oad of cattle down for O. C. Gray. f business trip to Portland,
iturned home Monday.
. ,i Judge A. U. Wallace ret anted on
Frank Brosius has been promoted Mondu, Irom , busilless trip t0 Moro.
to Sergeant. He Is in France and ex- "
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mertachlng
were visitors In the city Saturday.
Kdward Meyer was In the city yes
terday from Paulina. Tie has just
returned from Camp Kustls, Va.,
where he has been for several months,
M. K. Brink returned tills morning
from Portland, where lio went to
make aningc mcnta for having the re
mains of the late T. M. Muldwin
lirouitht over the PrincviUe, '.ut.liou.l
on a special train.
w. a. a. 1
Spartacarts Reported to Have
Lost 1300 Killed In
'W J
... ' ' vs .
New poi masters have been appoint'
ed In Oregon aa follows: Fox, Grant
county, Augustus Behme; . Kuhler.
Douglas county.' George A. Hum
phreysj Ten Mile, IViuglas county
llemle U Newlnnd; Harlow, Clackamai
couuty, Mary K. Tull; Cherry Grove,
Washington county. August Frld.
Approval has bi-en given by Slate
Engineer John It. Lenta to an appll-
, cation of James 11. Slurgis for the up
proprintlon of 50 second-feet of water
, from the Umatilla river to develop ' Merita. Government fore. have
horsepower for commercial purpose, captured the police headquarters after
' The proposed project Is uear Barnhart hrl bombard ment. Whea (he
: and the approximate cost la f 20.000. flahilni began the troops fired a few
' At a conference with the war Indua " 'hen waited to ee what
tries board Senator MeNary waa In-' ,'n,','t D" made upon the Hpartn
' formed that the board would endeavor i ' lattr railed to show
i to encourage the production of chrom- j '" of yielding two men were sent
Ite In Oregon and to that end would j forrd lth a white flag, demanding
; seek to Discourage Importations and to Uf render. They were fired Upon and
I fix a price for the domestic product tll"ttl' No oveniinent troops were
j that will yield (he producer a profit. ' k",'d' The BoUhevlm ar believed
I Questionnaire for men of the 37-to-
Major General J. Franklin Bell,
commander of tht department of the
east, who died last week
pecta to be sent back soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald
left Tuesday for Willows. California
where they will visit relatives.
Miss Tressie Houston left today
for North Bend, where she will en
ter the hospital there to train for a
C ff08Ieret"rntd ?onda7i Elbert Belknap, at Prairie' City. Jan
uary 7.
from Portland, where he has been at
tending the Irrigation Congress.
J. H. t'pton returned Monday
from Portland, where he has been at
tending the Iiirigation Congress.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Luelling of
Klamath Falls, have been guests at
the Prineville Hotel for several days.
Mrs. Frank Weiner returned from
Portland Saturday. Mrs. Weiner has
Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Gervin left yes
terday for Chicago. Illinois. They
will be gone for several weeks.
Ralph H. Sehneelock of Clark. Ken
dall & Company. Portland, was a
; business visitor in Prineville Monday
j M. E. Brink went to Portland
i Tuesday night to take charge of the
urrru viamug UKl Bisier lur everui t m ni.i,.,;,.
Lieutenant Carey Stearns is expect
ed home soon. He will probably be
mustered out of the service about the 1
20th of this month.
George Stearns made the Glee Club
at the first tryout at the Vniversity
of Oregon. This is unusual, as a
freshman rarely gets in.
Fred C. Roberts returned home on
Monday. Fred has Just recently re-
tnrned from six months service over
seas in the Aviation Section.
Mrs. H. P. Belknap, Jr., went to
Portland Tuesday. She will be ac
companied home by Mrs. Wilfred Bel
knap, who is improving rapidly.
Glenn Coshow, son of Price Cosh
ow, who has been in a hospital in
Portland for several weeks, is greatly
improved and will be home in a few
Harold Charlton was a visitor In
the city Tuesday from Powell Butte.
Harold was Just recently mustered
out of the service from Camp Eustis,
Miss Morna Farrand of Prineville,
who has been visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mclntyre for the
past few days, left for her home this
afternoon. Bend Bulletin, Jan. 13.
G. M. Cornett left Saturday for
Kentucky, where he will visit his old
home. He will be Joined in Portland
by his daughter, Zoe, who will ac
company him on the Journey. They
expect to be gone several months.
In Crook county the quota for the
Fourth Liberty Loan was $161,400
and $175,000 was subscribed, making
a percentage of 10S.39.
Alonzo Wright turned up at the
High School Wednesday morning af
ter an extended sojourn at Boise, lilu-
ho. He will enter school next semes
ter. Services at Presbyterian church
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. In the
evening Rev. W. L. Van Nuyg will
preach at the Christian church in this
D. F. Stewart returned Monday
from Portland, where he attended
the Reconstruction Convention called
by Governor Withycombe and also
the Irrigation Congress.
. The Presbyteran Ladies' Aid Soc
iety, which was to have met with Mrs.
I. H. Gove next Thursday afternoon,
hag postponed the meeting indefinite
ly. The date will be announced later.
Mrs. H. P. Belknap, Jr., received
word a few days ago that her father,
Mr. Andre, was accidently killed in
Scotland December 28. He was an
officer with the Canadian Army three
years and had been in action during
most ot the war.
Orland Prindle this week ground
a ton of cottonseed meal for the Stei
wt"l Stock Ranch, and had previously
ground two more tons. The cotton
seed meal is being mixed with chop
ped barley and fet to beef steers.
Fossil Journal, Jan. 10.
For removing congestion and
soreness, use
A Clay Preparation which
makes an ideal poultice. In
1-2, 1 and 51b sizes.
ii and IS year age classes under the
draft were ordered released by Pro-
j vost Marshal-General Crowder In all
local board districts where the classi
fication of other groups has been com
pleted. Local board sending out
questionnaire must release 10 pel
cent a duy.
"Other thing being equal, the de-
i partnient of agriculture, In granting
privilege on the national forest, will
give preference to persona who have
subscribed for liberty bond to an
amount considered reasonable," ay a
tuesaage from Washington received by i
. W. Cryder. lunervisor of the I'm'
tills national forest. ,
At last there are sign that Oregon
to have luffered the lost f to killed
and many wounded.
Hosa Luxemburg, awoclated with
Dr. Karl Llebknecht Is the leadership
of tk rbelllou Hpartacan force In
Berlin, ha been arrested by govern
ment soldier, according to a report.
London. Karl Kadek, on of the
Russia BoWhcvIk tmlssarlc In Ber
lin, ha been, arrested, according to
Merlin advlcra.
Report Indicate the flpartaran
force have lost 1300 killed since the
outbreak ot the revolution.
It 1 reported that several banks
and hnp were plundered by mob
and that great armed crowd ar con
tinually parading the street.
There I no confirmation of th re-
l t' .,,:s u 'tr .'
" 7 ' ,f M ,1 . A.W '
Brunei romnuirtflin riul for n nf h
United State and allied armle. are to! T!! "r L'"bk'"" 1,1
Miiea. lie nil, nowever, raara from
Washington. Immedlat considera
tion of the interior department' re
quest for $100,000,000 for the reclama
tion and occupation of 215.000.0.)
acre of tillable soil la this country by
returned soldier was asked by Secre- t Oregon
move. Message received by F. W.
Arlss, of Portland, assistant commis
sioner of the bureau of co-ordltuirion
of purchases, and food administration
officials, brought promise of early re
lief for growers and packers.
That the government has not aban
doned Camp Mills, L. I where Third
boys had their lives endun-
slght with Chief of Police Elchhorn.
tary Lane at an Informal meeting of
member of congress held in the lions.'
Th plan of th department not only
would provide labor for thousands of
men discharged from military service.
Secretary Lane said, but would greatly
incrtaae the resources of the nation.
Briefly the programme contemplates
th employment of discharged soldlerx
at current wage a vast reclamation
schemes In many state, who would be
permitted latr to select section of
the reclaimed land for farming pur
pose, the gavernment furnlBhlng
money to pay for th cost of develop
ment This mosey, together with the
full oo it of th land aad Intereat,
would later be returaed to th gov
ernment. Necessity for bast In making the
appropriation waa emphasized by Sec
retary Laa. Soldier are being dis
charged from the service at the rate
of thousand a day,- a said, and pro
vision for tmplbylsg thm should be
mad soon.
gered In slush, mud and storm last
winter, I Indicated through the re
ceipt of order for 9.000,000 f.-et of
lumber to be moved there. The order
Washington. TValktr I). Mine, as
ststant director grurial of railroads,
has bees appointed director gsneral by
President Wilson, ucceedlg William
Is now being allocated by the fir pro- - McAdoo.
ductlon board to the mills of Oregon
and Washington.
I Plans to erect a monument In Al
bany in "dishonor" of the liberty bond i
slacker of the community have been 1 ,'t Pprl"l and ha supported most of
launched by officer, of the liberty ! ilr Hide of the retiring director
general. He orirlnated many pullcli-s
of the railroad admlnlitratlna. If con-
Mr. Hlnna, who wis rcommndcd
by Mr. McAdoo, is an advocate of th
latter's plan for five-year continuation
of government control to provide a
Carter Glais, Congressman from
Virginia, namd 8orUry of tho
Treasury to uocd W, 0, McAdoo.
Tn r r r n n IT
loan committee. Tho plun Is to erect
a concrete monument and place there
on the names of well-to-do citizens who
have refused to buy bonds. The space
on the monument not occupied by
Barnes will be painted yellow.
Mis Cornelia Marvin, state librar
ian, has been appointed by the date
council of defense to serve as state
historian for the purpose of compiling
permanent official record of Ore
gon' participation In the war. Includ
ing the military and naval career of
all Oregon laus. To facilitate the work
Miss Marvin wilt appoint a county his
torian for each county tn the (tatc
W IT I r B in 'Ml
Ajk roar pm4W. H
yoa th. eoma unttt.
with its four hundred pictures and four hundred articles each month, is bigger
and better than ever. Our correspondents in all parts of the world are
continually on the watch for new and interesting things for our readers.
Ask them to show you a copy or send 20c for the latest burnt, postpaid. Yearly sub
scription $2.00 to all parti of the United States, its posaeuions, Canada and Mexico.
POPULAR MECHANICS MAOAZINE. C N. Michigan Avonu., Chleaco, Illinois,
In excellent condition that
we will sell at bargain prices
to make room for a car load
of new Buicks now en route.
Prineville, Oregon
Kress does not enact new railroad legis
lation at an early date. Mr. Mines
favors returning the roads at oae to
private management and this I i
pected to develop Into a (trongly con
tested tasua within tk next month or
Until he became a menil:er of the
railroad admlalstratlon stuff, n j .
iko, th new director geiieirl .
chairman ot the Banta Fe and was
me of the youngeat railroad execu
tive In the country. He 1 now 40
year of age. II became alEllaUd
with railroad a a lawyer.
HtlD.lY AMI N.m illiAY
"Mil. HV IT"
"ri..iti:-n n.i."
TIIOSK ATlll.inH' ;ltl.H"
;i,iiys i i si.n:
I'ltiirr Milt MILLIONS"
Session of National Commltt la Held
In Chicago.
Chicago. Party leader from nearly
jvery stat attoaded th Meeting of
.lie Republican National Committee.
Denunciation of Bolshevism and In
.Idiom Socialistic doctrine marked
iiumerou addresse at the masting,
The names of possible candidates
'or president most porsistantly mn
iloned In Informal gossip wore Qner-
il John J. Pershing, General Leonard
wood, Ooveraor Frank O. Lowden, of
Ulnois; Senator Warren 0. Harding
tt Ohio, and Ssnater Hiram Jokniou,
if California.
The member of tk commute do
lared it wa too early to discuss the
-lainis of caudldatos.
Two women occupying seats In the
onimlttea were admitted to th Inner
ouncll of th parley of proxies.
They wer Mr. Josephine Corliss
'reston, of Washington, who held the
roxy of S. A. Perkins, national com
mitteeman from that state, and Miss
lary Garrett Hay, of Nw York, who
eld th proxy of Herbert Parsons.
President Sign Bill In Franc.
Washington. Notice of th signing
,y President Wilson In France of the
-irst bill sent to th Whit Hous by
jongrcs aftar the president sailed
ast month was cabled to Secretary
Tumulty. It wa th xnaura author
ing the payment of transportation
liom of war worker leavtag th gov
ernment service.
Relief Bill Ordered Considered.
Washington. Democratic members
f th hous rules committee have re
eried th committee' previous ac-.
ion and ordered the report of a rule
;lvlng immediate consideration to th
ill appropriating $100,000,000 for Eu
opean famine relief, requested by
'resident Wilson.
mid w
Will design and bultd Schools,
Churches,' Btore, Apartments, Oar
ages, Residences Anythln. Price
Appraisal and Valuation Expert
311 I'anuma bldg. Main 9208, tfl 7761
Portlund, Oregon
WANTED Clean cotton rags at the
journal office. Five cents a pound
NOTICE la hnrnhv o-lvon l,v h. n
derslgned that thnv hnvn nn iki.
dissolved the partnership agreement
imrouuure existing Detweun thorn,
and that hereafter nneh win nn
er be responsible for the other' bus
iness uaoiuties.
m9ated thlB l8t day of JanuRrJr.
Slened. V. T t.tttutv
10t6c R. A. HRASFIBII n
Dr. Turner, Eye Specialist,
f4 r?wiu vlBlt Prineville every lit
VssVand Srd Frldnv of en eh month
Consult him at the Prineville Hotel. -
8an Francisco Dona Mask.
San Francisco. San Franolscans
re again to don gauze mask la an,
'fort to stamp out th Spanish luflu-
nza epidemio, i
Ha No Equal
No Rival
No Substitute