JAM'AHY Id, I01. fT.OOK COUNTY JOURNAL Fair $ t t r t ' ' ' ' i CLASSIFIED ADS roit HAI.K KOIl SAUK 100 huart of well lind durhama, coming two- and thrmt yoai old. I.mh tlinn 30 n r emit. Imifori. Nuiih Hnm., NmhIivIIIh, Or. ; "liL r'Oll HAI.K Htamliird br-d homo, yoar old, wt. 1 1 2D. Will miike good saddle liomo. Inuulre of Al. Orugon. Bt.lp KOIt BA1.K I have about 1.200 flm wool ewes, bred to Lincoln hucki to lamb In March. Will (ell an nunilicr. Address W. M. WIUod Powell llutte. Ore. 7t3o roit BALE grain and potato aacki. Call at 3. K. Htuwart A Co. lUo T1TON 1O-J0 TRACTOR Pulls S 14 Inch pllwt. Practically new. Are buying larger tractor. Wilt toll clmap for cash or terms. Will dm onatrato at ranch In Lone Pine Uap. Patterson Oaltireath, Terrebonne, Ore. Inquire W. K. King Co. 62tfc FOR SALE A fnw small hogs. In quire of 0. P. Reams, Cornett Co. 62tfc FOR SALE BOO bushels exoollont send rye. Write Tapping Imple ment A Uraln Co., Culver, Ore. FOR 8ALK 200 bushels Swedish , md Kya. Archie Powell, Prlne ' villa. tfo 8EE11 RYE Order now. 8upply Is limited. Ochoco Warehouse Com pany. 42tfo FIVE PASSENGER FORl In good condition for sulo at 1340. ('all llluck 661. 6l(o MAC. liUFK ORPINOTON Corkorols, ex cnlli'iit slrulli. well developed. J. II. Uray. 6tfo FOR SALE Flat top desk ondanw lug nuichlne cheap. Mrs. O. C. Claypool, City. 8t2c HORSED FOR SALE 1 bluck team. weighing 1400 Urn., perfectly sound and true. One three-year-old colt, two four-year-old colts, all will bred. Write or sue John Hkwn, Powell liutto, Oregon. 7t8p. FOR HAI.K Oil TRADE Ford runa bout with truck body, to trade for henvy work horaes or cuttle. Ross Douglas Co. lOtlc WANTED WANTED All kinds of plain sow- nig and especially children's gar moots. Mrs. It. V. Constable. WANTED Anyone wIhIiIiik services of experienced nurse please call Mrs. Cuater, llluck 163. Hlfc U)HT LOST A two-year-old white face steer, long yearling heifer, rod with white spots, branded III on right hip, no ear marks. Information or bringing of the calves will be paid for. Hans Jacobscn, Powell liutto, Oregon. 7tfc LOST A roan Durham bull, coming two-year-old. Uramlod Rafter N on loft hip. Notify II. W. Neal, Prlnevllle, Ore., Box 192 6t6p LOST Three-year-old blue Jorsey, with while spots. Branded L on k right shoulder. Reward, John Luckey. Stfo 8TRAY A yearling stud, branded R over J on right hip, ear mark un dorblt both ears, swallow fork both ears. Call at Journal oflce for In formation. lOtfc Send In your orders early to Salem Heights Nursery QP Conts FOR CHOICE Per d0 Each ROSE BUSHES Dosn JpjeOU Hone In your orders and have tliom shipped In the spring. AU of our: roses bloomed this year. Description sent on request. Cash must ac company order. Shipment mode In April. Address: .... II. H. CROSS,, SALEM, OREGON City Transfer & Express Jap Ireland, Prop. Auto Delivery to all ParU of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin't Red 951 fee I WILL Put a new top on your car or repair your curtains, or do any such work as is needed This is the time to repair harness for spring work.. W. J. HUGHES I PRINEVILLE, OREGON ' " LoHT One nine monthi old calf. Ilrfnrd markings, branded La.y U and quurlor circle on oach side on right lilp. No ear marks, dew Inp on hrlskut. Notify J. II. Gray, city. etfc KHTItAYLl) KHTUAY Red cow branded IL with bur underneath on rlKbt blp, tide and sliouldor; 65 on 1 ft rlba, 06 with bar undorniiuth on loft rlba; Waddle cut on li ft fore lug; dulap cut out at top; crop off of right ear; half undnrcrop on loft ear. 1 yearling with G5 on loft rlba , iiiino flesh marks as cow. Notify Paulina Cattlo A Homo Aas'n. 6Uc STRAYED Five uilliss west of La 3liie on Oct. 8, 2 marcs, one bay 11 years old, wt. about 1360, branded H on left stifle. One black mare t years old, wt. about 1160, branded . with V billow, both had roachod ' manes; also kind aud gentle. Any Information as to tholr whereabouts will be thankfully received. Will Joiison. Powell Uulte, Oregon Ctfc FOR KENT FOR KENT Residence of six rooms on Hecond Street, partly furnished. Inquire of Mrs. Eva Doak. 2t4p. MISCELLANEOUS TO TRADE For an Improved farm: Store building, stock of notions. holme and lot 17.600. Mtg. $600. All in Springfield, Ore. 6 cent car faro to Htato 1'nlvcrslty. Address E. E. Kepner, Springfield, Or. IH3p TAKEN UP Dec. 1, heifers, 1 red. 1 roun, ear marks on both. Owner call and prove property aud puy cx- pitiisuH. Geo. KlHHler, Powell Hutte, Oregon. 8Up. TO LEASE 100 aero under Ochoco Project. Al) cleared and plowed. In wheat stubble. R. W. Ilea. 47tfc AilHTllACTOKM CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT CO.- Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, pre ldeat. i. B. bell, secretary. Ac tracts and lusurauce. Prlnevlllf Oregon. DKNTIHTH DR. H. O. DAVIS Dentist. Ne modern shop, In KaniUra Build lug. OPI ITllALMOlAXilST DR. F. II. DAY Physician, optha mologlst, neurologist. Specialty of eyes and nerves. O lasses fitted Hours: 9 to 11:30 a. m.; 1.80 to 6 p. m. Evenings by appointment Prlnevlllo Hotel, Prlnevlllo. Or. tf ATTORNEYS WILLARD II. WIRTZ District At tomey. Office Crook County Bank Building. Prlnevllle, Oregon tf M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law Court House St., Prlnevllle, Ors CHIROPRACTORH DR. F. II. DAY Specialist Eyes and Nerves. Prlnevllle Hotel tf PHYSICIANS BELKNAP & EDWARDS Chas. 8 Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physicians Surgeons and Oculists, Prlnevllle, Oregon. tf OPTICIANS DR. J. O. TURNER Eye Specialist from Portland; regular monthly visits to Prlnevllle; watch this pa per tor datea. 4 tic Ml FAYS TfJS'JTE TG KESiSEOT WILSON - Visit to Italian Capital Is Cu- ihti One of European Trip. i:ai:.c The president's visit here Is accounted by those who have been with him In London and Paris as the greaUst piTHonRl demonstration of his rip, King Victor Emanuel, who met the prcnldent at the station, attired a general's war-worn uniform, got no greater measure or acclamation from his own people than did the president of the United States. After the procession from the sta tion to the Qulriital, the president vis ited tbs queea mother, had conferences with Premier Orlando and Foreign 1 Minister Sonnlno, gave an audience to tbs council of the Royal Academy of Science, was received at the bouse of parliament, was the guest of honor at a state dinner given by tbs king, and I ended the day with a reception at the 1 capltol, where be received the citizen ship of Rome. There appeared to be more onlook-j era than there were leaves on the palm j trees of Rome. There were too many people for the streets and great j squares and too many for the trees, ' buildings, monuments and other points of vantage. j In Parliament house a Joint recep-, tlon was given President Wilson by the members of the senate and the chamber of deputies. The function was an Impressive one. The large and distinguished gathering gave the pres ident an ovation. Pope Benedict received President Wilson at the Vatican Saturday. President Wilson left Rome for Parle shortly after 9 o'clock Sunday night, with the cheers of the Roman throng that had gathered to witness his departure ringing In his ears. Ills visit to the Italian capital had proved the busiest of his European trip, aud It was the most demonstrative. 9IST DIVISION . IS GRCEIiED HE Washington. Three combat divi sions, the 30th. 37th and 91st, have been designated by General Pershing for early return from France, General March announced. The 91t includes Wsshlngton, Ore gon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Mon- tent, Wyoming, Utah and Alaska troops. The 30th Includes national guard troops from Tennessee, North Caro lina and South Carolina; the 37th, Ohio and West Virginia guardsmen. These three entire divisions and the 2d corps headquarters, wh,lch operated with the British army In Flanders under Major General George W. Reed, has been added to the priority list and will be returned home as shipping becomes available. The three divi sions and the headquarters comprise 83,000 men. Units abroad assigned to early con voy, In addition to those already em barked, now total 292,000. Troops In the United 8tates and abroad desig nated for demobilization, General March said, total 1,379,000. Demobilization of the army at home has now reached the last class, the combat division. Orders for the break ing up of these units already have been sent out and the task will pro ceed gradually, under week to week designations of the number to be let out. Official reports show an Incom plete total giving 630,619 men and 40.491 officers discharged up to Jan uary 3. U. S. MUST FEED HUNGRY President Pleads for Relief of Desti tute Europeans. - Washington. President Wilson's first recommendations based on his study In Europe look to the relist of distressed populations "outside of Oer- many" which are threatened with starvation. Request for Immediate appropria tion of $100,000,000 to supply food to liberated peoples of Austria, Turkey, Poland aad Westers Russia, who have ao recognised governments and are unable to finanoe International obliga tions was transmitted to congress by Secretary Olass on cabled Instructions from the president The president's message said that food shipments worth (1,100,000,000 must be made from the United States to Europe in the next seven months. An international erganlsatton, direct ed by Herbert C. Hoover, will super rise the distribution of the supplies, most of which will be paid for by per sons able to find the necessary re sources. Typhus Spreading In Ruasla. Washington. Typhus Is spreading in Russia, according to advices to the E7Z J.C0VUM.D. DENTIST I specialize In porcelain fill ings and crowns which make teeth look and feel natural. I also do gold Inlay, crown and bridge work; silver fillings and extracting. I do no plate work. My motto: "One think well done." OVER CROOK COUNTY BANK r WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS FOR SPOT CASH ANY ISSUE 850 $500 $100 $1000 Send ns your Bonds by Regis tered letter and receive the highest market price by return mail. WESTERN STOCK AND BOND COMPANY 200 Central Bldg., Seattle ffn. CHICHESTER S PILLS THE D1AJU.ND BKANO. yk .V CklkM-Ur.il . PUU I. BX u V 1 boM. Mlt wt DIAMONB a HAND PILLS, to S4 MMtawm.Sm,lnil.ai.w SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYKSH DR. TACKMAN DENTIST Room a Curnett Bulldlaf V Member of Preparedness League ot American Dentists OREGON DAILY JOURNAL DAILY BOc , . DAILY AND SUNDAY 65c If yau don't get your paper reg ularly, phone Red 481 and we will send one up by special mes senger. 4 PRINEVILLE DRUG CO. Local Agent Ik Bla. RlbbofcV 1 Special Special We will have some real Specials to offer next week on some odds and ends in our dry goods stock. WATCH THIS SPACE You can't afford to ov erlook it. After inven tory sale. Everything must go. Groc, C Special Special Franklin Talks No. 1- The gasoline you get nowadays has to have the right kind of handling to get results in cold weather. It isn't as Tciatile as It used to be and it is hard to mix properly with air so that the engine will staA easily and run steadily. There is also the tendency for the. cylinder mixture to condense and cause fouling or thinning of the lubricating oil. The Franklin gets around these conditions by some . simple devices which most cars are just coming to. No cars go after the question as thoroughly as the Franklin, we believe. For instance, there's the electric primer that makes the gas vaporize when starting; the suction yoke heater that keeps the mixture at the right tem perature; the needle valve that regulates the mixture, rich or lean or between points; the master vibrator that furnishes an extra hot spark for starting; the patent ex panding piston rings that keep the compression up to snuff t'l the time. Air cooling always gave the Franklin advantage ov er other cars for cold weather use. These other points help out that much more. WALTHER-WILLIAMS COMPANY, GEO. E. McCLURE, Representative, FRANKLIN DEPT. BEND, anc. THE DALLES City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams. Baccn and Lard Fresh Fish Fruit and Vegetables in Season and Oysters I state department ' -