JAM' ART 110. "sirr'. (BOOK COCVIT JOVUtkL HIPP & PERRY DEALERS IN Lumber, Moulding, Shingles Doors, Windows, Paints Oils, Glass, Lime and Cement PRINEVILLE, OREGON JeffSays: that ho used to think lie was getting more (or his money by buying a big plug of ordinary to bacco, until he ran across Real Gravely. Now you couldn't moke him switch back to the ordinary plug again. Gravely has that PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug eacft piece packed in a pouch IJ.Mi'ilVflM:F.W-l.gittr.J.H;HIUft'H good taste that every man wants. It lasts so much longer that you get the tobacco satisfaction you are looking for without extra cost ll fees furthrrlhal'l mhy sea ran Itl A food latU ihii asu ' tf lobacn trllkout titrm ml. Washington, D. a (Special., Ac cording to rvport mad to tht United Slates Public Health Service, the epi demic of Influenza la Spain has al ready caused an Increase In tba prera lence and deaths from pulmonary tu berculosis. A atmllar aaioclBtlon be tween influents and tuberculosis was recently made by Sir Arthur News holme, the chief medical officer of the English public health service, In bis analysis of the tuberculosis death rats In England. In order that the people of the Unit ed States may profit by the experience of other countries Surgeon General Itnpert Blue of tli Culled Stales Pub lic Health Service has Just Issued a warning emphasizing the need of pe els! precautions nt the present time. "Experience events to Indicate." enye the Surgeon General, "that persons whose reslstnnce baa been weakened by an attack of Influenza are peculiar ly susceptible to tuberculosis. With millions of Us people recently affected with Influenza this country now of fer conditions favoring the spread of tuberculosis." tored aerelnat you. foreeloatnt the lien of Mid rerttflralea of dellnqueitey and airainst the land heretafore deeeribed, and directing that ssme be Bold to satisfy said lien, judgment and decrea, eeeta. Densities, Interests and accruing costs, according to law. Thta Summons la published by order of the tionoarnie T, .. J. Initfr, judre of uta said Circuit Court of tha Stale of Oregon for Crook County, aald order having been made and dated tha lech day of November, 11)18, and the date of the flmt publication hereof being the Slat day of November, ivia. All proeeaaea and pa pera In this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned, district attorney of the State of Oregon, for Crook County, and attorney for I'laintirr herein residing at Prineville, Oregon, and whose post office address is Prineville, Oregon. Date of last publication, January 18, IBIS. Signed WILLARU H. WIRTZ, lilatrlct Attorney for Cmok Coun ty, and Attorney for Plaintiff. Tost Of flea Address i Prinevtlla, Oregon. NO. Mil SUMMONS In ths Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Crook: Cmok County, Oregon, a public corporation, Plaintiff, VS. D. H. Peoples, Janle Hlnilrrman, Oeorge Robs, Minnie L. Moses. J. W. McKay, and all per sons unknown owning, or claiming to own any right title or Interest in the real property here ftaafter described. Defendants. To Minnie L. Mosea, J. W. McKay, and all persons unknown, owning or claiming to own any right title or interest in the real property herelneftrr described, Greeting: IN THS NAME Ur TUB STATUS Ur UKK- CON, You, and each of you, are hereby notified that Crook County, Oregon, a public corpora tion, and the Plaintiff herein named, is the owner and holder of Certificates of Tax Delin quency Noa. KVU, E68I1, K636, KIM 7, and E9, Issued on the 1st day of June, 181S, in the total sum of Ons Hundred Forty and 16-100(1140.811) Dollars, the said sum being tha amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year lain, Don real property assessed to you and of which you are now tha owners as appears of record from the tax assessment rolls now in tha hands of the sheriff and tax collector of Crook County, Oregon, which said property Is lorsted In the said county and stats and Is par ticularly described as follows, together with the names of the owners of each parcel or tract, tha correaponding numbers of delinquent certificates aforesaid, and the amounts dus on said 1st day of June, 1918, to-witt X 944 against D. H. Peoples for the NEV. of ths N WV4, tha EMi of the NEVi and tha 8W' of the NE(4 of Section 12 In Township 15 South, Range 18 East, of the Willamette Meridian for ...141. IB E BS19 against Jania Hlnaerman for Lot 1 In Rlock 6, Robert. Townsite for 81.00 E 880 against George Roba for Lota 1, t, 8 and 4 in Block 2, of Paulina Townsite in the sum of ....$29.87 947 against Minnie L. Moses for tha NWW of the NB 14, the KH of the NWU and tha NEV4 of the SWU of Section l6 in Township 18 South of Range 21 East of tha Willamette Meridian in tha sum of 886.60 t OHO against J. W. McKay for the EH of Section 16, In Township 17 South of Range 16, East of tha Willamette Meridian, In the sum of 882.28 And you and each of you, the said D. H. Peonies. Janie Himlerman. George Roba. Min nie L. Moses, J. W. McKay, and all persons unknown, owning, or claiming to own, any tight, title or interest in said rent property, are further hereby notified that Crook County. reifon. tha aforesaid plaintiff, will nunly to the Circuit Court of the State of Orejion for Crook County for a judgment and decree fore closing the lien of said delinquent tax certi ficates against the property above described, and you, and each of you ai-e hereby summoned and required to appear herein within sixty days from the first publication hereof, exclu sive of the first dixy of such publication, or on or before the 24th day of January, 1919, and defend this suit or pay the amount due as above shown, together with the costs, inter ests, penalties and accrued costs, and in case Of your failure so to do, a decree will be en- NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed proposals will ba received by tha Hoard of Dirtrtors of the Ochoco Irrigation District at Its office In Prineville, Oregon, for tha purchase of 8200.000.00 of bonds of said district, til tha hour of twelve o clock noon on Monday, January 18, 1919, which said Issue of bunds will bear date July 1, 1917, bear interest not to exreed 8 per cent. Bar annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of January and July In each year, same being the unsold por tion of an authorised issue of 11. 100.004. M. principal and interest payable at the office of County Treasurer of Crook County, Oregon, or at the Fiscal Agency of Ule State of Oregon In New York City, at tha option of the pur chaser, said bonds being In the denominstton or si.uuu and louo each ana maturing appro imately as follows: At the and of 11 years approximately 6 per cent. At tha and of 12 years approximately 64 per cent. At tha and of 18 years approximately 7 ner cent. At the and of 14 yean approximately 7 per cent. At tha cad of 18 year approximately 7 per cent. At tha and of 16 years approximately 7H per cent At the and of 17 years approximately t par cent At tha and of 18 years approximately t per cent. At the and of 18 years approximately SVi per oant At tha and of 8 years approximately 10 per cent. At the and of 21 years approximately lOVfc per cenu At tha and of 2 years approximately 11 per cent. Rids for said bonds must be accomoanied be certified check on a Prineville, Oregon, bank for at least 8 per cent, of the purchase pries and said bids must be unconditional as to le gality, subject, however, to the certification thereof by the Secretary of State and approv ed by tha Capital Issues Committee. Ths Hoard reserves tha right to teject any and all DIUB. fitSe B. A. SORDAL, Sec'y. sppear and abject as aald Tlnal Aesoaatte Dated this 111 Say ef December, 1 9 1 St. Itle NORA GIBSON. Aemlnletralrts of the KstaU ef HI I4888-4I684S NOTICE l-OB PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S Land or. flea at Tha Dalles, Oregon, December 8, 118. nuilK Is nerehy given that CLARKNCE O. STOVES of Poet, Oregon, who, oa June 21, 116. gaada nomesteaa Kniry Mo. sissss and oa July 18, 1916. nude additional No. VI8248. for N'A See. tlon 8, Township 16 South, Range 20 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of In tention to make final three year Proof la es tablish claim to the land above described, be fore Warren Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court at Prineville. Oraaua. oa the III das of January, llt. Claimant names aa witnesses: Homer Norton. Willises H. Poet, both of Post. Oregon! Robert W. RstsmsiL Willi, Ladfona, but of Prineville, Oregon. If. FRAN It WOODCOCK, tJp keg later NOTICE Of PINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HKRKBY GIVEN by the ander. signed, tha Administrator of tha Estate of El mer N. Hawthorn, Deceased, that ha has mads and filed with tha Clerk of the County Court hie Pinal Accounting on his administration of said Kate la and tha Court hen set Friday, tha Tenth day of January, 1919, at Ten o'clock in we forenoon at the County Court Room In Prineville. Orecon. aa the time and oIkm for hearing and settling aaid Pinal Accounting at wnicn time ana place any person interested In tha Estate may appear and object to the Final Accounting. W. 1. WRIGHT, Administrator of tha Estate of StSe Elmer N. Hawthorne, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN be the and. signed, the Administratrix of the Estate of Brnesl E. Gunter, Deceased, to all creditors of said Deceased, and to all neraone bavlna claims against aald Estate to present the same wim tne proper vouchers to ths undersigned at tba office of M. R. Elliott, In Prineville. Oregon, within alx months from tha date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and published the first time December 6, 191H. CHRISTINA GUNTER, Administratrix of the Estate of SIS Ernest E. Gunter, Deceased. Dr. Turner. Rye Specialist, of J ) Portland. "Ill be at the Hotel V Prineville again Saturday, January 4. Consult him. 7t2c CLAMHIFItn AOS yOU BALE FOR BALK Standard bred norae, o yoars old, wt. 1126. Will make a good saddle horse. Inquire of Al. Oregon. 6t3p KOlt SALE I have about 1,200 fine wool ewes, bred to Lincoln bucks to lamb In March. Will sell any number. Address W. M. Wilson Powell Butte. Ore. 7t3c FOR SALE grain and potato aacks. Call at J. E. Stewart & Co. It4e TITON 10-20 TRACTOR Pulls 3 14 Inch pllws. Practically new. Ara buying larger tractor. Will sell cheap for cash or terms. Will dem onstrate at ranch In Lone Pine Gap. Patterson & Galbreath, Terrebonne, Ore. Inquire W. F. King Co. 62tfe FOR SALE A few small hogs. In quire of G. P. Reams, Cornett ft Co. 62tfe FOR 8ALE 800 bushels exoellont seed rye. Write Tapping Imple ment ft Grain Co., Culver, Ore. FOR SALE ZOO bushels 8wedlsh seed Rye. Archie Powell, Prine ville. 44tfo SEED RTE Order now. Supply Is limited. Ochoco Warehouse Com pany. 41tfo FIVE PASSENGER FORD In good condition tor sale at $340. Call Black 651. Btfc M&C. BUFF ORPINGTON Cockerels, ex cellent strain, well developed. J. H. Gray. - Btfc FOR SALE Flat top desk andsew Ing machine cheap. Mrs. O. C. Claypool, City. 3t2c LOST LOST A two-year-old white face steer, long yearling heifer, red with white spots, branded HI on right hip, no ear marks. Information or bringing of the calves will be paid for. Hans Jacobsen, Powell Butte, Oregon. 7tfo LOST A roan Durham bull, coming two-year-old. Branded Rafter N on left hip. Notify H. W. Neal, Prineville, Ore., Box 192 6t5p LOST A fountan pen Christmas day on the Btreet In Prineville. Return to Miss Halverson. 7t2p LOST Three-year-old blue Jersey, with white spots. Branded L on right shoulder. Reward, John Luckey. Stfo LOST Auto Tire 30x34 Firestone, with old tire on outside, inner tube and chain. Lost on Ochoco between Cram's and Lafollette's ranches. Leave at Journal office. 6t2c TREKPAftsj KOTICB Hunters srs hereby notified to keep oft ths property of A. I. Nobis. No trespaslng will be allowed. Signed A. J. NOBLE. WANTED WANTED All kinds of plain sew Dig and relally children's gar ments. Mrs. R. T. Conruble. WANTED Position on ranch by ex perienced man and wife. Inquire t this office. 7 tic DEMAND FOR TELEGRAPH OPER atora Young men and women trained In few months under the supervision of a successful Dis patcher. Indorsed by Railroads. Opportunities to earn expenses. Writs for Bulletin. Telegraph Dept., 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. Portland. Oregon. 2t6o LOST One nine months old calf, Hereford markings, branded Lazy G and quarter circle en each side on right hip. No ear marks, dew lap on brisket. Notify J. H. Gray, city. Btfo 01411 814818 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tha Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at The Dalles, Oregon, Dee. 8, 1918. NOTICE Is hereby given that ELSWORTH E. ALLEN of Prineville, Oregon, who, on January t, 1818, made Homestead Entry No. 814808, Janaef 18, 1916. made Add. No. 01886 for Ntt Section 24, Township 14 South, Range 17 East, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed aotleg or tateattoa to make final three year Proof to estabitaa claim to the land -above described, before Warren Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court nt Prineville, Oregon, on tha 22nd day of Janu ary. 1919, Claimant names as witnesses : James E. Fuller, William J. Johnson, Joat J. Johnson, and Jasper Johnson, ail ot Prase villa, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK 6tSc Reglatai NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the undci signed, the Administratrix of the Estate of Hi rum Smenil, Decensoti, to all persons interested In said Estate that she has made and filed with the Clerk of tha County Court her Final Ac counting of her Administration of said Estate and the Court has sot the Tenth day of Janu ary, 1919, at Ten o'clock in tne forenoon al the County Court Room in Prineville, Oregon, as the time and place for henring and settling Baid Final Accounting, at which mid time and place any person interested in tha Eatiue muy ESTRAYED TO EXCHANGE A member of my family needing a higher and dryer climate,, I would like to trade ths below described ranch for alfalfa land In Central Ore.: ie'i acres In Lorane Valley. Lane county, Ore. 60 seres in cultivation, over half fine bottom land, balance rolling, but not steep. Good buildings, well fenced, Joins county road and free range. Fine water, telephone, daily mail, abundance of fruit and close to school. C. L. Frost Lorane. Oregon. 7t3p TO LEASE 100 seres under Ochoco Project, All cleared and plowed. In wheat stubble. R. W. Rea. 47tfc AB8TRACTOK8 CROOK COUNTT ABSTRACT CO. Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, pre Usvt, J. B. Bell, secretary. Ab tracts and Insurance. Prineville Oregoa. ygt)0fre City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams. Baccn and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vsrfetable in DENTISTS DR. H. G. DAVIS Dentist. New modern shop. In Kamstra Build Ing. OPHTHALMOLOGIST DR. F. H. DAT Physician, optlia mologlst, neurologist. Specialty of eyes and nerves. Glasses fitted. Hours: 0 to 11:30 a. m.; 1.80 to 6 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Prineville Hotel, Prineville, Or. tf ATTORNEYS WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office Crook County Bank Building, Prineville, Oregon tf M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law Court Houss St. Prineville, Or CHIROPRACTORS DR. F. H. DAY Specialist Eyes and . Nerves. Prineville Hotel tf PHYSICIANS BELKNAP ft EDWARDS Chas. S. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physicians Surgeons and Oculists, Prineville, Oregon, tf You Carry the Only Key Safe Deposit Boxes in our Fire-Proof and Burguiar-Proof Vault may be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for your valuable papers and jewels Ask Us CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON OPTICIANS DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist from Portland; regular monthly visits to Prineville; watch this pa per tor dates. 4tfc CHICHESTER SPILLS W- THE IAMNt BRAN1X A 1 hilksw-tr fill la steal botes, tosilaxl A. k Aw c Tfl .r I fSS W s blA)Il1l BRAND PILULfa, S reus saewa ss Best. Ssfeit, Has Renew SOLO BV DRUGGISTS EVDtfWXRE WHEN IN BEND STOP AT PILOT BUTTE INN Central Oregon's Finest Hotel! Built for YOU, Operated for YOU Prices made for YOU! Why not Enjoy it? Others Do! WALLACE C. BIRDSALL, Mgr. Vay?ftalefefrysyJ?yj A Classified Ad Brings Quick Results ESTRAY Red cow branded IL with bar underneath on right hip, side and shoulder; E5 on left ribs, 96 with bar underneath on left riba; Waddle cut on left fore leg; dulap cut out at top; crop off of right ear; half undercrop on loft ear. 1 yearling with 55 on left ribs. same flesh marks as cow. Notify Paulina Cattle & Horse Ass'n. Bt4c STRAYED Five miles west of La 'ine on Oct. 8, 2 mares, one bay 11 years old, wt. about 1350, branded H on left stifle. One black mare 9 years old, wt. about 1160, branded ? with V below, both bad roached manes; also kind and gentle. Any information as to their whereabouts will be thankfully received. Bill Jonson, Powell Butte, Oregon Ctfc IX)U RENT FOR RENT Residence of six rooms on Second Street, partly furnished. inquire of Mrs. Eva Doak. 2t4p, niriaaE WMmcmm US tef- afe-VVClari t.m, i i mm er. aai nst. svs rjiVT.iB,A'ev-:'SsaaoaaaaBsai: aaas "More Tread on the Road'9 HERE is the Ajax Road King master mile maker of them all. The tire for endurance and abuse on all roads in any weather. Made doubly strong where the road strain comes. It has more tread on the road more rubber where it should be more grip to grip with because of the special patented feature Ajax Shoulders of Strength These rugged supporting eV "lders of the tread mean longer wear. They cushion against shocks. Shoulders of Strength distribute road wear evenly. It cannot come in one spot and quickly grind through to the fabric. 97 Owners' Choice This big percentaga of all. AjaxTiresgoesto individual motorists who select them to take the place of tires that HHIi! Hid LAKIN HARDWARE Where it Pays to Trade "Viilo Others Are Claiming Quality, We Are Guaranteeing !t" pjEf ros mm praEi whscf szzm i lFrJ.aWEsiiS.V"B"Ct'ar3 I ' "' "- -- '' " 1 '1 MM v ri 1 kith tiii VS e I came with their cars. See them here at the Ajax Tire Supply Depot.headquarters for Ajax Tires and Tubes. tB r?