JaMAHY , 1010. KOI ALL ll!S FAULT Incident Shows Peril of Loneli ness in Cig City. YoungiUr Eailly Ld Atray When Hem Folk Filled to Keep In Touch With Him Whole Bar. men In Jud;e' Comment The wnnli'ii if L ) ii-iM Jul I In New York city nut it I Ihn ilftk dually worklus on nine ri-cunl whvii tlirre w M Ik I'd lulu I he iillke Diivld liuniiiin froai a llltl rurnl ciiiiiiiiunlly tuckvd away lit I In" fur lilll of Veriuuiil. II win pathetic, ftlzvurd figure a b lood tUnre lu aguiiy dud ciuliMrrmw meat twirling bio lint aud waltlug fur th ward to Iwok up. Ther wit b'ttft ktiufar a kl y lUal uiol the mut at Hi dk with pity. "U Juaapti Uaauoia -- prUoumr brrr a ttially suiuuiertd. be could barfc brUkf Uia Uugue to any lb word. "T," Mid lb warden promptl. "Wi bad a youag m by Uiat luiiua Itroagbt k uibt bafor Uat fur bar glory, kllraik uu at Ut wrung kind at fellow to b la ttutt buaJuaaa; too la tuMiMtlowklug aa too alralgbtfor ward appearing. Ar you bL faltiarT "Tea," aaJd tb old man aa h dropped wearily lata Ui pruKcrad ctuiar. "I dual a buw b over cum to do tout sort of tblug. It lao't ac (yrUla' to bl brtnglu' up. kl aud bla 'mother never bad do education to 4uk of. but w wa alwuya boiit-at, and bruuglit tbe children up strict Uka. He' breu In New York lr'n all inoulbs." "Walt a minute and I'll cull til in In ud nee what lie bus to any for him a'lf." an III I lii warden u be touchrd but too on till! (leak. In a fi'w uinmriiia a cliun, open faced young fellow waa brought in by guard, and one of those agonizing areuea that only Julia behold t-naued. When tli flmt lKK-k of the meeting was over tbe warden aalil to the young own : "Now tell your fiither and me how you got Into thin scrape. Nothing you any will be uaed against you at your Irlul." "When I flmt came to New York," the young miin liegun, "everyt lilng went all right. I got a Joh and found good boarding house. I didn't feel bomeali'k at flrnt. brCRUae I was mo In lereated In my work through the duy, ud at night It wua Inlereatlug to go out and ace tbe alghta. Hut after I got uaed to my Job and bud aeen moat of the Night I bud more time to think and to get homesick and lonesome. The folk at bciine didn't write, and I didn't know anyone here. I uaed to alt In my room evenlnga and picture the toma toes ripening on the window allla at borne, and I could ace my mother mov ing about the yard In the aunahlne ml dud plowing In the back forty. I could ulniDKt aincll the apple In the orchard and heur the dry corn leavea Walling, and It nil made me ao home nick and lonesome I juat bad to go out and wnlk the afreet. Thut wua the way I run Into the gang I waa caught with. I gueaa they uaed me aa tool. Anyhow, I got caught at the flrat attempt," "That sound" straight, and If I'm ny Judge of faces I gueaa It la tralght," aald the warden. "I want you to get your atory before the Jadge through your attorney. Your record haa been clean till now, and I thluk '.! will make a difference In the v:ece." The trial wna held and the facta pre aented to the Judge. "Sentence ana pended," he announced at the close, with a grnlTiii'KH of voice to hide his emotion. Then he added, looking at the father, "if I had my wuy I'd lm poae a Jail sentence on parent who let their boys and girls come to this city und don't write them at lenst twice a week to let them know that some one In the world cares for them nnd Is thinking of them. More young people go wrong In this city from lone NomcncHK t hit n we ahull ever know. Tou should have had backbone to stand alone, young man. Hut as your parents are piirtlceps crlmlnls, nnd I can't sentence them, I'll suspend your sentence. Next cuHel" Youth's Com piinlon. Hooverixed Country Breakfast. Excerpt from the Hooverlz.ed food experience of the nmn who edits the "Missouri Notes" column In the Kan tus City Times: "The friends who entertained us warned us that they were living very frugally and proved the assertion at very meal. For example, for break fast one morning we had nothing but cereal and real cream, home-made sausage, fried potato cakes, steweil fruit, hot biscuit, two kinds of pre serves and coffee. The menu for the next morning, as announced the night before, was nothing but waffles, and that's all they had, with the exception of bacon and eggs and few little side dishes. We horrified our hostess thnt morning by eating only 20 waffles. Our allotment was 87, and she said It wiu unpatriotic not to clean the platter." Beautiful Feet In Hartford. We have observed that a large ma Jorlty of the men who traverse out residential streets In this time of anon and Ice wear overshoes of some kind and that the large majority of women do not. Whether It Is woman suffrage or plain recklessness that accounts for this difference we cannot say. It can not be because overshoes are unbe coming to woman, for those wearing them look very trim. Hartford dour 'at. RtDUCiHG MOUSE AND RAT DAMAGE Co-operation and Organization Is of Utmost Importance. MOT EFFORT IS BEST Permanent Result Can Only B Ob talnd by Building Animal Out of Shelter and Food Oovtrn mnt Ready to Help. (Prepared by U United Stat Depart ment of Arlgultur.) Tb necessity of co-vpratloa and organisation lu the work of rat d unction Is of the utuioft importance. To deetruy all Ui animal ua Ui prwulM ut alugia faruiar iu a oum uiauity has lltu priuanut vaiua, ainc tbvy ar soon replaced from Bear-by farms. If, bowvr, Ui farm er of aa entire townabiy or county METHOD OF BAITING nnlte In efforts to get rid of rats, much more lasting results may be at talned. If continued from year to year, such organized efforts are very effective. Community Efforts, Co-operatlvo efforts to destroy ruts have taken various forms In different localities. In cities, municipal em ployees have occasionally been set ut work hunting rats from their retreats, with at least teniKirury benefit to the community. Thus, In 1IHM, at Folkestone, England, a town of about 1 2ft,0U0 Inhabitants, the corporation employees, helped by dogs, in three j days killed 1.015 ruts. j Side hunls In which rats are the only animals that count in the con- j teat buve sometime been organized ) and successfully carried out. At New l Burlington, 0 a rat hunt took place some years ago In which each of the two sides killed over 8,0X10 ruts, the beaten party serving banquet to i the winners. There Is danger that organized rat hunts will be followed by long In tervals of Indifference and inaction. This may be prevented by offering prizes covering definite period of effort. Such prizes accomplish moro than municipal bounties, because they secure a friendly rivalry which stim ulates the contestants to do their ut most to win. In Englund and some of Its colonies contests for prizes have been organ- IMPORTANT FACTORS IN GROWTH OF HOGS Problem of Exercise Is Difficult to Solve in Winter Good Plan Is Outlined. Exercise Is one of the most Impor tant factors In the growth of hogs. Hogs that are confined In a small lot do not develop sutiluleut stretch and frame, points out Ituy Gatewood, In structor In animal husbandry In the agricultural college. "The problem of exercise,", said Mr, Gatewood, "Is more difficult to solve In winter than In any other season of the year due to the fact that hogs should be kept off the pasture for the good of the pasture. "Exercise can best be provided by allowing the hog free range on a field which Is fenced hog tight and which has not been plunted to any crop. Stalk fields In which cattle are running make a desirable place for stock hogs. Be cause hogs are likely to remain In their sheds too much In the winter they should feed some distance from their Bleeping quarters. This forces them to take a certain amount of ex ercise." MULCH AS SOIL PROTECTION Chief Value la In Keeping 8urfaee From Packing Under Weight of Snow or Heavy Rain. , The mulch is of value chiefly In protecting the surface Roll, keeping It from packing under tbe weight of snows or heavy packing ruins. The mulch also prevents heaving as a re sult of thawing and freezing. It pro tects the crowns and roots, adds fer tility and sometimes retards budding out In the spring. This may be de sirable when there are late frosts. mOOK OOCJfTT JOURNAL XW to pro,. .ill..- ..! Ural ruction of I tint KriKllsh, or I.oi.hc, ap.irrow, but: tunny of the ao-culVd apnciow cltiiis aro rcal'y h.iurnw nnd rut clubs, fori the destruction of both peats Is tbe u vowed object of the organization. A sparrow club In Kent, Knulund, nc- j rornpllslicil tlio destruction of 2H,IHH), sparrows and lil.OW rats In three sea-j sons by the annual expenditure of but 19 (1TJ.)) lu prize money. Had ordiuary bounties been paid for this destruction, the tux on the commu nity would lmvo been about I'SM (over lU'OO). Many orgatiliatlon already formed should be Interested In destroying rata. Hoards of trade, civic societies, and citizens' associations in towns and farmers' and women's clubs In rural coiuiuuultlus will find the subject of groat importance. Women's mu nicipal leagues In savers! large cities already have taken up tbv inattar. Tb loagu lu Haltlinor recently so cured appropriations of fund for ex penditure In fighting tnosgultovs, flJw and rat. Tb league In Button dur ing Ui past year, supported by volun tary contributions for the purpose, mad a highly creditable educational campaign against rat. Boys' cornj clubs, tb troop of boy scouts, aud GUILLOTINE TRAP. similar organizations could do excel lent work In rut campaigns. State and National Aid. To secure permanent results any general enmputgn for the elimination of ruts must aim at building the ani mals out of shelter and food. Build ing reforms depend on municipal ordi nances nnd legislative enactments. i ue receni puigue eruuiciiuou worn of the United States I'ubllc Heulth Service In San franclsco, Seattle, New Orleans, nnd at vnrlous places In Hawaii and Porto Rico required such ordinances and laws as well as finan cial aid in prosecuting the work. Tbe campaign of Danish and Swedish or ganizations for the destruction of rats had Die help of governmental appro priations. The legislatures of Cali fornia, Texas, Indiana and Hawaii, have In recent years passed lows or made appropriations to old in rat rid dance. It Is probable that well-organized efforts of communities would soon win legislative support every where. Communities should not post pone efforts, however, while waiting for legislative co-operation, but should at once organize and begin repressive operations. Wherever health Is threat ened the public health service of tbe United States can co-operate, and where crops and other products are endangered the bureau of biological survey of the department of agricul ture Is reedy to assist by advice and In demonstration of methods. REPAIR MACHINES IN WINTER Farmers Should Give Careful Atten tion to Tools and Implements for Next Season. During the winter months farmers should give careful attention to the work of repairing all machines which will be used next season. Also, orders for repair parts and new machines should be placed as soon as possible. This will acquaint manufacturers and their agents with the demand in differ ent sections and enable them to make the beet possible distribution. At the same time It will eliminate expensive delays In transportation at the busy season. NATURAL FEED FOR POULTRY Hen Should Receive Grain and Other Milling Product, Meat Meals nd Green 8tuff. The natural food of poultry consists of grains, Insects, green forage and grit, and accordingly In domestication It Is reasonable that tbe hens receive cereal grains and other milling prod nets, and such animal feeds as meat meals and skim milk, and should also have an abundance) of green feed or euch substitutes for It aa roots or teamed clover. Oyster shells, grit and plenty of fresh water should also be supplied. WHEN SOIL IS UNHEALTHFUL 8ometlmes Becomes 8o Saturated With Droppings That Hens Are Likely to Contract Disease. Ground may get so saturated with the droppings that It becomes un healthful ; If food Is thrown on the ground, the flock Is likely to contract diseases common to filth. Where such a condition exists, It Is best to remove a couple of Inches of soil and fill In with clean sand or coarse gravel. I mi r,. "'if? MkM Groc. Coo i 5 III Special Special Comfort of Body Many children and adults are constant sufferers from cold hands and feet and are acutely susceptible to every chill and sudden climatic change. There is definite help in SCOTT S EMULSION which furnishes fuel to warm the body, helps make pure,) Ted blood and maintain the system j in a state of robustness, so that: the buffeting winds or the sudden! chill of evening are enjoyed rather j than feared. For comfort of body and bouyant health, take Scott's Emulsion, Scott & Bowuc, Bloomfield, N. J. U-U WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS FOR SPOT CASH ANY ISSUE sso S500 $100 $1000 Send us your Bonds by Regis tered letter and receive the highest market price by return WESTERN STOCK AND BOND COMPANY 200 Central BIdg., Seattle Wn. The Oregon Baptist state convention, which was scheduled to meet in Part land last month, haa bn postponed until October, 1111. Demobilization of the Student' Army Training corps unit In th Uni versity of Oregon began Wednesday, nd th university will return to It pre-war status. A second wav of the Spanish In fluenza, which surpasses the first, 1 weeping over Klamath Palls, la (pit f tbe fact that th restriction had hot bean ramoved. Th Solssons, last of a fleet of M auxiliary powered vtsatls built at Portland for th Frraeh govramat by th Foundation oampany, waa launched Thursday . Special Special We will have some real Specials to offer next week on some odds and ends in our dry goods stock. WATCH THIS SPACE You can't afford to ov erlook it. After inven tory sale. Everything must go. BAVARIA TO BE INDEPENDENT Separat Peace With Entente Allies Now Sought London. Bavaria will open nego tiations for a separate peace with tho entente allies, according to an Ex change Telegraph dispatch from Zu rich, which adds that the rupture be tween the governments of Berlin and Munich is now complete. The government of Germany Is sup ported by Field Marshal von Hinden burg, who placed the army at its dis posal and refuses to resign or dismiss Dr. W. S. 8olf, foreign secretary in the coalition cabinet, or Dr. Mathlas Er berger. Kurt Eisner, th Bavarian premier, explained to a meeting in Munich that the breaking off of relations between Bavaria and the Berlin government was due to the fact that the German foreign office was the base of a coun ter revolutionary movement, accord ing to a Copenhagen dispatch. MP I WILL Put a new top on your car, or repair your curtains, or do any such work as is needed This is the time to repair harness for spring work. W. J. HUGHES PRINEVILLE, City Transfer & Express Jap Ireland, Prop. Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice Pajre ! if 17477(1 OREGON HEWS NOTES OF GENERALINTEREST Principal Events of tho Wot Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. 1 More than $12,000 was realized from tit tag sale held In Portland In tb Interests of the Waverly baby homo. Petitions are being circulated ask Ing that Glen R. Metsker, district s torney tor Columbia county, be ra called. The 33d annual meeting of th Or gon State Horticultural society wUL b held in Roieburg December S, 4 and 7. Work of demobilizing member V section B, of the S. A. T. C. at tb Oregon Agricultural college, begad Monday. HARNESS and SADDLERY OREGON