Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 19, 1918, Page Page 4, Image 4

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The Tri-State Terminal Company wishes you a Merry Christmas
From S5e th Do ten and op to 75c, as per site.
PUIn Mixed, at SI cents the pound.
Cream Mixed, at only SS cenU the pound
Mixed Nut at 28 cent the pound
Seeded Raisins at IS centa the pound
Cranberries at JOe the pound
Our fruit and candy and nuts are new and fresh; bought expressly for
this year s Christmas shoppers
The Tri-State Terminal Company will be Jurt six months old o January 1, 1910. It has grown to be a hanky youngster In that time and due to
In our growth. We wish jou to know we appreciate It anf as we enter the New Year we are determined to put forward extra effort to be more
. your selection. Again we thank you and wish you Merry Christ mas. . '.'
Ladles' Comfy 81lpper from 1.60 to 11.95 the pair
Children's Felt Cotutyt at 11.15 the pair
Men's Slippers at S1.1Q snd 11.50 the pair
Man's Flannel Shirts at from ss low as IS. 50 each up
A few suggestions for your needs
Standard Sweetcorn at 14.10 the cast of II runs
Btandard Tomatoes at It 10 the cas of 14 csns
Standard Sweet Teas at 14.40 ths case of 14 cans
Btandard Btrlnf Deans at 14.40 ths case of 14 cans
Special Prices on fruit by ths case or lu doieu lots. Peaches, Pesrs,
Cherries, Strawberries, or Raspberries.
Nice lares Dried Peaches, at 8even Pounds for a Dollar '
your rare and patronage. We thank you very heartily for your share
worthy of your patronage. We will have a larger and better stork for
5 i ; " ' " ' " " i
The City
Henry Gomer is home this week on
James Mace is s visitor here this
week, from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Rnv Davenport mot
ored to Bend last Friday, . ,
Dr. C. S. Edwards made a business
trip to Redmond last Friday.
- Frits Peterson Is spending a few
days at his home, on a furlough.
Mrs. Mary McDowell has returned
from a week's visit in Portland.
Walter Morris of The Dalles was a
visitor in the city last week end.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Davis of Post
ware visitors In the city Saturday.
Marion Templeton returned Satur
day from a business trip to Portland.
Hiss Lulu Thorp of Athena Is visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Gail New
som. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. King have re
turned from Portland, after attending
the stock show there.
Mrs. Catherine Custer and daugh
ter. Miss Catherin Love, returned to
Prineville Saturday. Miss Love is
recovering rapidly from her recent
operation and has resumed her duties
at the telephone office.
Grant Mays of Portland wss a busi
ness visitor in the city last week end.
Mrs. James Cantrlll and Mrs. Alta
Cantrtll returned from Portland Fri
day. Dr. H. P. Belknap visited several
of his patients st Terrebonne lust
G. M. Cornett returled Friday from
several weeks' visit in Portland and
Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Breese were In
Prineville Saturday from their ranch
on Combs Flat.
Warren Brown returned Tuesday
from Portland, where be has been vis
iting for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Tlrrill were tn
the city Saturday from their ranch on
lower Crooked River.
Mrs. D. G. Remple. who has been
jn California for several weeks, re
turned home Tuesday.
Mrs. E. S. Long has gone to The
Dalles, where she will visit her
daughter, Mrs. Walter Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Faught returned
from Shepherd Springs Saturday. Mr.
Faught is improving in health.
Mrs. W. L. Ferguson of Athena Is
in the city visiting with her daughter,
Mrs. Horace Belknap, Jr. She is at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Belknap.
Granville Nye of Roberts was In
.Prineville last week end.
Ralph Jordan . is in Portland this
week on a business trip.
George Tackman was in the city
from Barnea last week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kizer of Rob
erts were visitors in the city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. F. Anderson
were in from the ranger station Tues
day. Mrs. Adeline Yancey returned from
Portland Sunday. She has been at
tending the stock show.
George Russell returned Sunday
from Portland, where he has been at
tending the qtock show.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Nichols return
ed Sundsy from Portland, where they
have been visiting the stock show,
M .R. Biggs returned from Port
land Sunday. While In Portland he
purchased several head .of registered
stock at the stock show.
Friends of Spokes Wheeler receiv
ed word from him recently from Nice,
Italy, where he Is stationed. He ex
pects to return to Prineville soon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Powell and
daughter, Mrs. Vera Sears, returned
from Corvallis Saturday. They have
been visiting their son, Lieutenant
Rei Powell, who Ib an instructor at
O. A. C.
Hamer Norton was a business visit
or from Post Tuesday.
. Harvey Dunham was a business
visitor from Post Monday.
March Logan was In from Burnes
the first of the week on business. .
Mr. Ha Id win is visiting at the home!
of his daughter, Mrs. K. G. Smith.
The Monday Afternoon Bridge Club
met with Mrs. Mattle Elliott this
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carlln were
visitors in the city from Roberts the
first of the week.
J. F. Blanchkrd has returned from
Eugene, where he attended the Offi
cers' Trslnlng Csmp at U. of O.
Mr. and Mrs. Noll srrlved Monday
from Yamhill to visit Mrs. Noll's pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlln of Roberts.
Mrs. Barnes of Spoksne, who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. R.
W. Rea, for several weeks, returned
to her borne yesterday.
Mrs. W. C. Randall of The Dalles,
arrived in Prineville Tuesday. Mrs.
Randall came here- to care tor her
daughter, Mrs. Bert Randall, who Is
Mr. and Mrs. Pleb Abel are the
pround parents of a baby boy born
Monday, December 16. The father Is
at present stationed near Newport In
the Spruce Division.
Elmer Schroy returned home last
week. He wss discharged from the
service because of III health.
Misses May and Nora Barney re
turned Tuesday from Ifood River,
where they have been for several
Ray McKlnnon returned to Prine
ville Tuesday. Kay was stationed at
Camp Fremont, California, and has
Just been mustered out of service.
George Nlcolal, who has been a
mom her of the 8. A. T. C. at Corval
lis, has been mustered out and re
turned to Prineville yesterday.
Owing to the limited room In the
church the Christmas Pageant will be
given In two services, the first com
mencing promptly at 7:10, the sec
ond at 8:30. In the I'resbvterlan
! church. The lecture room in the
basement will be found a comfortable
waiting place tor those unablo to find
seats for the first service.
Presbyterian church, Dec. 21, 1918.
At the morning service the theme will
be "The Muster's Pathway -of Peace,"
a meditation for this Chrlstmaa seas
on. The theme will he continued In
the evening under the title: "The
Gateway to thta path that Is open for
every man today." (Despite the
work our Christmas program Involves
we have the promise of special music
at both services. The stereoptlcon
will be used, for some Illustrated
songs In the evening.)
E. B. Wade, of Supine was a vlxltor
here yesterday.
Charles Palmer of Roberts was lu
ths city Monday.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Frml Cay
ton, Monday, a boy,
Frunk Carter was a business visit
or from Powell Uulle yesterday,
A. C. Rarneycoff. salesman for
0 lass ft Prudbomme Is tn the city tor
a tew days.
L. 8. Hlnes of the Powell Butt
district contributed 110 to the War.
Work Fund, Instead of f 1 ss appear
ed In the list published.
-Miss Pauline Trueadaln was here
kfmulnv vliittlfiff frli,fltlii ttlm In nn
at the home of her parents at Powell
Aaron Hoffman returned yesterday
from Vancouver, Wn., where he has
recently been mustered out of the ser
vice. In the Spruce Division.
Ms. J. H. Rosenberg received a
message yesterday from Captain
Kosenberg saying that he would be
mustered out of the service lu a few
days and would be home soon.
w. s. .
Sugar Cured Hum at 40c
Sugar Cured Bacon at 40c
Ureakfust Bacon at 45c
At Gerardo's Meat Market Otto
For Appropriate Gifts
We offer the Holiday Trade an attractive assrtment of gifts for
.all ages and at prices that you can afford to pay.
Our Line of Stationery
for Gifts
includes beautful cabinets of sizes for
every need, and nothing is more
appropriate for any friend
or relative
Greeting Cards, Post Cards and Book
lets, up-to-the-minute in design
and price. If it's new we
-v have it here.
Books and Toys for the little ones,
made to last and priced to suit
the most particular. Look
these lines over
Manicure Sets In cases for traveling
from 12.50. to 115.00.
Shaving Sets and Military Brushes In
' appropriate traveling kits
Pyralin Ivory Sets and also in the
Individual Pieces.
Candy in Christmas Gift
In sizes and prices for everyone. A
fresh stock and put up in beauti
ful and useful boxes.
Price them
Christmas Gift Cigars In Boxes from
25 cigars and up in each box
Priced from 12.50 to
15.00 per Box
Phonographs at from 115 to 1120.
Nothing is more appropriate
for a Christmas Gift. A
good Phonograph with
records properly select
ed, brings the best mu
sicians into your home.
Look them over
WE ARE PREPARING for the Christmas festivities
by stocking all the good things to be found that will
go to make the occasion one to be long remembered. In
preparing your Holiday order, we ask that you give us a
chance to figure with you. Below are just a few things
that might interest you. Come and examine our stock.
See Our Christmas Tree Trimmings. A Good Line at
Prices That are Right.
Oranges, Per Dozen
Bananas, Per Dozen .0c
i e r
Grape Fruit, large XJ
Apples, all kinds and var- d O 7 C
ieties from $2 to :....
Cranberries, Per Qt
Columbia Sliced Bacon
Per Pound
Bargain Counter, consisting OC
of kitchen necessities, 10 to
Candies by the pound from A(
35c to ...
We can fit any head in Oregon with
a "bang-up" hat Come in and get
our prices and you will be surprised at
the values for the money.
The most complete and moderately
priced line of canned goods in all the
county. ; You will need something in
this line for the holiday "eats," and
you will find an endless variety here.
Prineville Drug Company