IWKMIIrft 10, lom. CROOK COVJITT JOlTlSfAI. I S 8 n ' 1 iWHHIBI II I : I TIT In making up the Vjl list of good things -lJ for the Christmas dinner, please bear in mind the one important point, that the freshness and purity of the ingred ients 'is what insures the success of the undertak ing. Our goods are all fresh and their purity is guaranteed. Purity is a thing we insist on. The Han of the Hour J mmm tefxJ Pyres Casseroles ft f f r from $3.76 to Universal Percolator! from $4.00 to $5.50 Gold lined Bon Bon dishes, Fruit Baskets. Hand Painted China in Vases Cake platea and iota of Sugar ana Creamers, Spoon Trays, Salad Dimes ana comports priced id Comports f s-o g from 2 2S tob.JJ Cut Glass Marmala.de Jars, Tumblers, Flower Bowls, Sundaes, Sugar and Creamers priced d P " t ( , at from $1.25 to J00J Daby Plates with holder for 90c Inersoll Watches from Nv as low as $2.76 to JJ0.)U Pocket Knives at all prices to as low as 50: Simple Alarm Clocks fa m fr dandies for only Groat Mogul Alarm Clocks at $3.50 High grade Chocolates In fancy Xmas boxes priced from t on 85c up to Jpl.O Box Stationery lift f4 wm v big ariety 36o to 3) 1 Q Men's Neckwear in prices q r ranging from 35c to OO C Wool Nap Blankets beautiful sH o patterfts from $4.75 to $0 Ladles Cblldrens Mens tf m . r r wool gloves 36c to A I . Ml I And theroj were in the , . - . mar j lime country shepherds S2 ( abiding in the field, keep-ft , by night. $ And. lo. the an pel of th K Lord came upon them, and T K the glory of the Lord fhone Si round about them; and J they were sore afraid. JI ij And the angel said unto Jj K them, fear ribt; for, behold, VI M I bring you good tidings of 2 great joy, which ihall be to i K all people. & For unto you is born this i if K day in the city of David a ?J 4 Saviour, which ( Chrl.f . - . J the Lord. 2? And this shall be a sign is umo you. xe snail find fg the babe wrapped in I wad re dling clothes, lying in a manger. SAnd suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly host praising P God, and saying, yf Glory to God in theK re highest, and on earth peace, $f jjuou wui lowara men. ?ff a a u ruiw veuuc iu pass, as irk the angels were gone away S3 V (mm fh.m U,A U .L - Ca 3 -w... .tiviu tica veil, UlC nf1 & shepherds said one to an- SI J$ other: Let us now go even J unto Bethlehem, SS this thing which ii re pass, which the L A? made known unto Snno xney came witn haste, and found Mary, and tt Joseph, and the babe lying VV IS in a manger. ?1 JKft - AJ ...C t i 4 " .t miu wucn nicy naa seen " it, they made known abroad if M the saying which was told S 3 M And when they had seen M M tne saying which was told K g them concerning the child. t gj mm ui nicy uiai neara K it wondered at those things K which were told them by me snepneras. lb But Marv kent an V... things, and pondered them in ner neart. ,- . v.- S turned, glorifying and at nraminir f.u1 (a .11 r 1, v. .w. BU UJC things that they had heard ffS and seen, as it was told M unto them. B . St Luke ii:8-20. rkn.t.A h. . unurcua loooggan caps f r in Dig variety 35c to &J Q Fancy Christmas Boxes of Ladles' and Children's Handker- a f chiefs all prices down to Q A big line of Handker- m r chiefs from 6c to - - 4JC Men's Chippewa Stag Shirts fine val. at $9.75 Men's Mackinaw coats at $10.50 Men's Chippewa Wool Shirts at $4.75 Ladles' High Grade Shoes in Brown, and Gray, some beautiful shoes and priced right at from tt f f $8.60 to as high as $57. OU Hosiery to match these shoes. Men's Armless Sweaters in khaki color at Men's Auto Gloves liAn f blk dog skin at $5U Children's Bow Peep Hair Ribbons In a large variety to select from. Come in IK yd lengths and are r f priced at from 39c to ijiC Men's Suspenders, Arm Bands, Hose Suporters and Belts. In our Grocery Department we have a complete stock of fruits of all kinds and also anything you could want to supply your holiday needs. We have probably the largest stock of groceries In Central Oregon and are prepared to take care of your wants in good shape. We handle -only high grade merchandise and our prices are as low as can be had with this fact in view. Good goods cost more than poor goods or medium quality goods, but they are worth It. We have cured meats, nuts, candles, and all the good things that help to make Christmas the grand holiday It Is. All kinds of canned and bottled fruits, vegetables, pickles, olives, In fact anything you can think of that is good to eat, we have it in the best brands obtainable. TIT In the matter of M real common sense Jj gifts for Christmas we wish to say that our lines will fill every need of the season. Come in and let us show you how inexpensive good goods really are. We will do our best to make your shopping easy. o E I ' 1 i. . ""aaB I The Best Gift ofT $3 :! i I 1 ll NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN by tha nnd.r. lirnwl, tht Admlnbtnitrlx of th EiUU of Ernut E. Guntcr, DMeutd, to ail erwllton of uld DMMHd, nd to all persons having claim acalnit mid Eitata to present tht aama with tha propar vouchera to tha' undenlgned at tha offlca of M. R. Elliott, In Prinevilla, Orriton, within ilx montha from tha data of tha first publication of Mill notlca. Datad and published tha tint tima Oacambar I, 1H18. CHRISTINA OUNTER, Administratrix of tha Esuta of (tta Ernest K. Uuntar. Deceased. CHRISTMAS CANDY A G(mx1 Supply of Holiday Goods At John J. lrlce Confectionery A good supply of candies of all kinds, including box goods, priced up to $5.00. is being offered the Holi day trade this year by John J. Price. Cigars In a wide variety, station ery, and fruits for the holiday trade are to be had in every kind. The people have learned to look to Mr. Price for the best things In these lines, and they will not be disappoint- eu (ins year. Look the stock over before the sea son gets late. A stock of Christmas trees will be added in time for your selection. 3t3c Is Your Money Supporting the H Government? At this critical period in our history, our manufacturers are' offering their mills and our young men are offering their service to the United States government Would you like to. do your hare and help, by putting your money where it wlU support tha new Federal Reserve Banking System, which -the government has established to stands back of our commerce. Industry and agriculture? Tou can do this by opening an account with aa si part of every dollar so deposited goes directly lntp tha new system, where it - will always be ready for you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS FOR SPOT CASH ANY ISSUE sso $500 SlOO 81000 Send us your Bonds by Regis tered letter and receive the highest market price by return mail. . WESTERN STOCK AND BOND COMPANY 800 Central Bldg., Seattle Wn. of Poet, Oregon, who, on Juna 21, 1915, made Homeatead Entry No. 014666 and on July 13, 1916, made additional No. U1S243, for NVi Sec tion 8. Township 16 South. Ranire 20 East, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of in tention to make final three year Proof to es tablish claim to the land above described, be fore Warren Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court at Prineville, Oregon, on the 24th day of January, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses : . Homer Norton, William H. Post, both of Post, Oreiron; Robert W. Raymond, William Ledform, both of Prineville, Oreiron. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, tp - Register CHICHESTER S PILLS W-f- TUB DIAMOND BRAND. Jk r t4 Hrti OOP f)hllllatsa.tjtSi Itloi llll In Haul a rut sUnM ...iii bolt. MtltKl with Blik) Rlbboa. Prantrt. Ask fbt C ifi-O IlK V KB f DIAMOND BRAND FILLS teU mus known u Best, StlMt. AlwmtarM SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 014666-015243 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land 'Of fice at Tha Dalles. Oregon, December 9, 1918. NOTICE Is hereby given that NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the under signed, tha Administrator of the Estate of John Mocho, Deceased, to all creditors of said Deceased, and to all persons having claim against said Estate to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned, at the office of M. R. Elliott, ia Prineville, Oregon, within six months from tha first publication of this notice. Dated and published first tima December 12, 1918. ISAAC M. MILLS, Administrator of tha Estate of John Mocho, Deceased 6t6c NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by tha under signed, the Administrator of tha Estate of El mer N. Hawthorn, Deceased, that he has made and filed with the Clerk of the County Court his Final Accounting on his administration of said Estate and the Court haa set Friday, the Tenth day of January, 1919, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon at tha County Court Room in Prineville, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing and settling said Final Accounting at which time and placa any person interested in tha Estate may appear and object to the Final Accounting. W. J. WRIGHT, Administrator of tha Estate of ,6t5e Elmer N. Hawthorne, Deceased NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the under signed, tha Administratrix of tha Estate of Hi ram Smead, Deceased, to all persons interested in said Estate that she has made and filed with the Clerk of the County Court her Final Ac counting of her Administration of said Estate and the Court has set the Tenth day of Janu ary, 1919, at Ten o'clock in me forenoon at tha County Court Room in Prineville, Oregon, as the time and placa for hearing and settling said Final Accounting, at which aaid tima and placa any parson interested in tha Estate may appear and object to aaid Final Accounting. Dated this 12th day of December, 1618. NORA GIBSON, . Administratrix of tha Estate of te Hiram Smead, Deceased. NOTICE OF BOND 8ALE Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Dirtctora of the Ochoco Irrigation District at its office in Prineville, Oregon, for the purchase of S2O0.0O0.0O of bonds of aaid district, til tha hour of twelve o'clock noon on Monday, January 18, 1919, which aaid issue of bonds will bear data July t, 1917, bear interest not to exceed ( per cent, oar annum, pyMa semi-annually on tha tint day of January and July in each year, same being tha unsold por- twn r4 an .i.V I I 1 - . M .principal and interest payable at tha office of ... uivuk vuumy, uregon, or at tha Fiscal Agency of tne State of Oregon in New York City, at tha option of tha pur chaser, said bonds being tn the denomination of $1,000 and (600 each and maturing approx imately as follows i At the end. of 11 years approximately 6 par cent At tha and of IS yean approximately (U per cent. , At tha and of IS years approximately 1 per cent At the end of 14 yean approximately 1 per cent At the and of 15 years approximately 7& per cent At tha and of 16 yean approximately TV4 per cent At tha and of IT years approximately 8U per cent At the end of 1R mm anTimlM.l.l. 01 per cent At tna ana ol 19 years approximately U per cent At tha and of 20 years approximately 10 per cent At the end of 21 years Aimmvlmaf.lv 1 nix per cent At tha and of 22 years approximately 11 per cent Bids for aaid bonds must be accompanied by certified check on a Prineville, Oregon, bank tor at least 6 per cent of the purchase prioa .and aaid bids must be unconditional as to Ie gality, subject however, to the certification thereof by the Secretary of State and appro, ed by tha Capital Issues Committee. The Board reserves tha right to reject any and aB bids. 6t5c " B. A. SORDAL, Sec'y. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNTING NOTICE IF HEREBY GIVEN by tha under signed. Administrator of the Estate of Mary E. Burria, Deceased, that he has made ani filed with tha Clerk of tha County Court foe Crook of the County Court for Crook County. Oregon, the final accounting of hia adminis tration of the affairs or tha said estate, aasj that the Honorable County Oourt aforesaid haa fixed Mnday, tha 8rd day of February, 1919, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of aaid day at tha county courtroom in the -on rt house at Prine ville, Oregon, in Crook County, as tha time anal place for hearing and settling said final ac counting. ' Dated thia 12th day of December, A. D., ISM, (Signed) D. O. BURRIS, Published last time January 9th. 1919. WILLARD H. WIRT. Attorney for Administrator . . ? '' Jtfc' 014101 014181 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tha Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at The Dalles, Oregon, Dec. , 1918. NOTICE ia hereby given that ELSWORTH E. ALLEN of Prineville, Oregon, who, on January 2, 1911, made Homestead Entry No. 014808, January 18, 1916, made Add. No. 01385 for NH Section 24, Township 14 South, Range 17 East Wil. lamette Meridian, has filed notlca or tntentloa to make final three year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before) Warren Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court at Prineville, Oregon, on the 22nd day of Janu ary, 1919, Claimant namea as witnesses ! James E. Fuller, William J. Johnson, John J. Johnson, and Jasper Johnson, nil at I'll ville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK 5t5c Register- I y