DacEMnicn la, idis crook oocim JOCR'AI, D?iys .You'll Never Frget (takc Hi. To k0Jt -ry,E J I X V niiT1 J V hi I 'AKP HIM y. BAUToo!'.' 0OT MC.S p WW. MA" ( TFR.RIBL&-7 1 1 ( PAWED ITM"K0 Filled -- U, S. HEALTH SERVICE ISSUESWARNING Increase In All Respiratory Dis eases After the Influenza I Epidemlo Probable. Influsnia Ixpsctsd to Lurk far Month, How to Quard Against Pntumonla. Common Coldo Highly Catching Im. portaneo of Suitable Clothing Could Savt 100,000 Uvsa. Waihlngton, D. a With tho subsld onco of tbo epidemic of Influenu the attention of heultn officers la rllrwtml to pneumonlai Bronchitis' and other diseases of tbo respiratory system which regularly raua largo Dumber of deaths, especially during tho winter season. According to Itupert Bine, Burgeon General of tie Called 8tatee Public Ileal lb Service, these dlaoaaea will bo especially prevalent this win ter unless the people art particularly careful to obey health Instructions. The present epidemic," said Sur geon General Blue, "has taught by bit ter experience bow readily a condition beginning apparently at a slight cold nay go on to pneumonia and death. Although the worst of tbt epidemic la over, there will continue to be a large number of scattered cases, many of them mild and unrecognised, wblcb will be danger apots to be guarded against" The Surgeon Oeneral likened the present situation to that after treat ftret sajlng. "No Ore cblet tth Obaersfanrie nTs EualiieW stops plsytng the hose on the charred debris as soon as tbt flames and risible fir bavt dis appeared. On the contrary, he con tinues tbt water for hours and vea days, for be knows tbst 'there la dan ger of tbt Are rekindling from arool derlng embers." "Then you fear another outbreak of Influenzar bo waa asked. "Not neces sarily another large epidemic," aald tbt Burgeon Oeneral, "but nnlesa tbo people learn to realist tbt sertousneaa of the danger they will be compelled to pay a beavy death toll from pneumo nia and other respiratory diseases. . Common Colda Highly Catching. t "It la encouraging to observe thai people art beginning to loam that or dinary roughs and colda art highly catching and art aproad from poraoa to person by tneana of droplets of germ ladeo mucus. Such droplet art aprayed Into tbo air when careless or Ignorant people cough or sneeze with out coveting their mouth and nose.' It la also good to know that people bare learned aometblng about 'the value of fresh air. In aummer, when people art largely out of doors, the respira tory dlseaaea (coughs, colds, pueumo Dla, etc.) art Infrequent; In tho fall, as people begin to remain Indoors, the respiratory diseases Increase; In tbt winter, when people art prone to stay In badly ventilated, overheated rooms, the respiratory diseases become vary prevalent Suitable Clothing Important "Still another factor In the produc tion of colda, pneumonia and other re spiratory diseases Is carelessness or Ig norance of tbe people regarding suit able clothing during the seasons when tbt weather suddenly changes, sitting In warm rooms too heavily dressed or, what la oven more common, especially among women, dressing so lightly that wlodowa are kept closed In order to bo comfortably warm. Tbla la a very In jurious practlca. Could Save 100,000 Lives. . "I believe we could easily save on hundred thousand Uvea annually In the United States If all tbe people would adopt the system of fresh air living followed, for example, In tuber culosis sanatoria.' There la nothing mysterious about It no s peel Be medi cine, no vaccine. The Important thing la right living, good food and plenty of freab air. i Droplet Infection Explained In Werturaa. "Tbt Bureau of Public Health, Treasury Department, baa Just Issued a Striking poater drawn by Berrymaa, the wall-known Washington cartoonist The poater exemplifies the modern method of health education. A few years ago, under similar circumstances, the health authorltlea would bav is sued an official dry bnt scientifically accurate bulletin teaching the role of drople In fectlon Injho spread of ra splratory diseases. Hit only ones' who would bavt understood tbt bulletin would bavt been those who already knew all about tbe subject Tbe maa In tbt street tbt plain cltlten and tbo many mUllona who toll for their living would have bad no time and no desire to wad through the technical phi ology." i use: The HANDWKCHffV , .."JO.. cold, mnvENZA. mvMOfflA, Arm Tuawcuiosji am annuo TMS WAT Copies of this poster ran he oh talaed free of charge by writing to the Burgeon General, U. 8. Public Halili Service, Washington, D. C CHICHESTER S PILLS W - Tll lMMVNB BBAXBl A - I aUaUtMt Aa fjmw Wrmm&il vail aataaiaar aj arm si em nrM mils la Ktl I beta, fUd) wtsk Blu RUMs. Taka) tikmr. Bar mf VIAMVXW HKAHD ru ywrs axaovm m Bo. ihMl SOU) BY DRUGGISTS EYERYftSJS CHRISTMAS CANDY A Good Supply of Holiday Goods At John J. Price Confectionery . A good supply of candlea of all kinds, including box goods, priced up to $5.00. Is being offered the Holi day trade this year by John J. Price. Cigars in a wide variety, station ery, and fruits for tbe holiday trade are to be bad In every kind. The people have learned to look to Mr. Price for the beat things in these lines, and they will not be disappoint ed this year. Look tbe stock over before the sea son gets late. A atock of Christmas trees will be added In time for your selection. 3t3c TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice la hereby siren that the County Sup erintendent of Crook Countr. Oregon, will Bute Certificate at Prtneville, aa follows: bold the regular examination of applicant for Commencing; Wednesday. Dec 18, 1918, at :00 o'clock a. m., and continuinc until Sat urday, Dec. 21, 1018. at 4:00 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Pereneoa U. 8. History, Writing (Penmanship), Draw ins, Music Wednesday Aftenwoa Physiology, Reading, Manual Training, Com position, Domestic Science Methods in Read ing. Course ol Study for Drawing, Methods la Arithmetic Thersday Porenean " Arithmetic, History of Education, Psycholo gy, Methods In Geography, Mechanical Draw ing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Dom estic Art. Is Your Money Supporting the Government?. At this critical period in oar history oar manufacturers art offering their mills and our young men are offering their service to the United State government. Would yon like to do yonr share and help, by putting your money where it wilt aupport the new federal Reserve Banking System, which the government has established to aland back of onr commerce. Industry and agriculture? Toa can do this by opening an aceoant with aa aa part of every dollar ao deposited goea directly into the now ayetem, where k will always be ready for yoa whan wanted. t f -.-. , Member Federal Reserve System FIRST. NATIONAL BANK ' Thursday Alunm Grammar, Geography, meilography, Ameri can Literature, Physics, Typewriting, Methods In Language Thesis for frlmary Certificate. Friday Persasea - Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling), Physical Geography, English Literature, Cbeav iatry. . Friday Afteraeea School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Govern ment, j . , ( . ' Saturday Fereaeea Geometry, Botany. Batarday Aftem General History, Bookkeeping, sue i. E. MYERS, Sunt TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY DEMAND FOR TELEGRAPH OPER ators Young men and women trained in few months under the) supervision of a successful Dis patcher. Indorsed by Railroads. Opportunities to earn expenses. Write for Bulletin. Telegrapit Dept., 218 Railway Exchange Bids. . Portland, Oregon. 3t6c WE, BUY LIBERTY BONDS FOR SPOT CASH ANY ISSUE S50 $500 $100 . $1000 Send ns your Bonds by Regis tered letter and receive the highest market price by return maiL m Dr. Turner, Eye Specialist of t Portland, will be in Prinevlllo again Saturday, Dec. 7. Dr. Turner will visit Prineville every two weeks in the future. He is a special ist of experience and standing anil you will make no mistake in consult ing him about your eyes and glasses. , Headaches relieved, and cross eye straightened. Satisfaction guaran-, teed. 3tfc FOR SALE Flat top desk andsew lng machine cheap. Mrs. O. C. Claypool, City. . 3tzc LOST Three-year-old blue Jersey, with white spots. Branded L oa right shoulder. Reward, Jotua Luckey. 3tfc NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the under signed, the Administratrix of the Lstate of Ernest E. Gunter, Deceased, to all creditor-, of said Deceased, and to all parsons baviner.-' .. claims against aaid Estate to present the sansa I with the proper vouchers to the undersigned I at tbe office of M. R. Elliott, in Prineville. ' ' Oregon, within six months from the data of I the first publication of this notice. I Dated and published the first time December t, ms. CHRISTINA GUNTER, Administratrix of the Estata oC ItSe Ernest E. Gunter. Deceased. i; WESTERN STOCK AND BOND l "JVJjl I v - -company v ( fSX4)jS&20 I 200 Central Mdg., Seattle Wn. 8' Jfnn Everyi Ca&l Sot for Old 1 mm M I CHlISTiM HMTS I Outing Flannels from 30 Cents Up Ladies and childrens Shoes special sale of odds and en ds f rom $1 to $3.85 Ladies Cashmere Hose ' 85c, $1, $1.25 Ladies Silk Hose, $1.75 to $2.25 Stamped Linens, Crochet and Embroidery, -Threads, Ribbons, plain and fancy. f .lOTN THU RED CROSS '' ' ' Ladies ; Munsing Under wear from 25 ? Cents Up Childrens Munsing Under wear rrom $1.00 Up i Special lot of mens bib overalls at $1.75, !; ? Special lot of mens Work Shoes, ail brands, some worth $6.00 $3:85 i All our - Mackinavs same price as last year. JOIN THE RED CROSS Mens Woolen Shirts from $2.50 to $6.00 Mens winter Underwear in woolens, from $3.00 to $6.00 Mens 1 piece heavy outing flannel Pajamas at $2.75 Mens outing flannel Night gowns at $1.75 '. Mens Wool Sox from 50c to 85c JOIN THE RED CROSS Mens Silk Sox from 50c Up Mens Bath Rob es $6.50 Boys Suits, ages 6 to 1 6 $7.50 to $12.1 $1.75 $3.85 Special lot ot Men's Bib Overalls ' at a special price of Special lot of Men's Work Shoes ' Some worth $6.00 at 1 ALL OF OCR MACKINAW9 AT THE SAME PRICES AS LAST YEAR , . RUBBER SHOES OP ALL KINDS, INCLUDING s - ARCTICS, PRICED WAT DOWN MEN'S AND BAYS' HATS AND CAPS, PRICE t. 1 . RANGE VERY ATTRACTIVE j Neckwear for men and boys In all the latest , styles and colors, ranging In price i r from as low as 60c to , Boys' Lace Rubber Pacs with leather tops at " JOIN THE RED CROSS $L00 $2.25 JORDAN m HYDE, PRMEVILLE, ORE.