CROOK COUNTY JOVRNAL it: isMiiKit a, lot i SHE KEPT THEM ON THE JOB (!t y Jiii) p (3 Jj LIST OF OOXTRIBVTORS TO ASMXHTKD CHARITIES Continued from page 3 Gray, J. C, 50c Matacivih, Red, $1 Mills, F.. $2 Mtih, George, $1.50 Moar, Geo., 50c Obrina, M.. $3 Saltis, J., $1.50 Shanglin, G.. $2.50 Stanley, Chaa., $3 Swanson, Chas., $2 Williams, Chas., $2 Wilson, T., $2 Total, $36.00 Ochoco Dam Allen, N. A., $4.50 Balzar, Frank, $6.76 Biccum, M., $8.00 Burge, J. F.. $5 Benson, Chas. $5 Bale; ns, J., $2 Bi s! rno. J., $1 Bast Tno, Josephine, $1 Bast .rno, Catherine, $1 BasUrno, Fred, $5 Butovick, Martin, $5 BJithoriche. Robert. $4.75 Boskovieh, Boske, $5 Brazillio, E., $5 Brady, P., $5 Bukoviche, Mike, $5 Claggett, Jno., $5.25 Crowell, R. M , $10 Conners. Tom, $6 Cassar, Bart, $5.50 Clans, John, $5 Carlson, H., $5 Carasin, Louis, $5 Carasin Tony, $5 Carasin, F., $5 Carasin, Q., $5 Donnelly, J. B., $10 Delln, C. M , $10 Ionahue, Pat. $1 Downey, P., $5 Dosen, Goo., $5 Krlga. John, $4.75 Frank. Peto, $5 50 Greenloy, T., $10 (lellita. Tony. $4.75 Johnson, E., $5 Johnson, D., $5 Klrkpatrlck. M. R., $7 Konar, Mike, $5 Klahua, liomian, $8 Kimor. J., $6 l.lnd, Fred, $5 Man. Chas., $1 Lesley. Oha $2.75 Lemke, E., $5.60 Lowry, A., $5.00 Murta. Warren. $6.75 MeQulty, K $6.00 Mol.eod. Fred $10 Merou. Fred. $6.75 Morou.Mohn, $6.75 Morgan, J. J., $2.50 . Matengonlck, Stove, $4.7vS Maturavlck, John, $4.76 Malacarue, O., $5.75 McDonald. R., $5 Melurkeviej, Nick.' $4,75 Msffl, Stove, $6.25 Mloleh, Steve, $5 Newman, Mrs. $5 Notavit'h, Joe. $5 Oby, Nela. $10 Owoiorakl. Vic, $6.75 Oronek. Joseph, $5 Osolame. Frank. $5 Plcralo. O., $5.75 Phltoporlck. Phillip, $4.75 Payne. F., $5 Petrovioh, Mike, $5 Pallnqulst, C, $5 Russell, Otto, $5 Schwab, Jno., $6.25 Schuler, A., $6 Sohule, Don. $6 Stichur, John, $4.75 Serener, Bert, $10 Studdvess. L., $5 Splinter. Wm., $5 Truman. D. L.. $5 Truman, Mrs. D. L., $1 Van Clare. B. F., $5 Vaga, John, $5 Vezmar, R., $5 Zty, John, $5 Zurich. Tony, $5 Zabarach. Steve. $5 Zurich. Steve. $5 Total. $459.75 Iowrr (K lioco anil Mill Creek Allison. G. W.. $5 Anderson. 8am., $5 Barney, Lloyd, $1 Barney, Walt, $5 Biggs. M. It.. $10 Chambers, C. L:, $5 Conway, Anthony, $5 Cralu, Charles. $10 Cram, H. S. ft Sons. $25 Dill, Mr. ft Mrs. Herman, $10 Dobbs, E. S., $5 Evans, D. J.. $10 Fincher, John, $5 Freund, Wm.. $5 Fuller. J.. $5 Garke, Miss Theresa, $5 Good, D. V., $5 Graffenberger, Ray, $5 Haynes, Dan, $2.60 Haynea, John, $2.60 Hoover, Clvde, $5 Huston, K.D., $10 Ingram, Douglas C, $5 Johnson, Jasper, $5 Johnson, J. J., $10 Johnson, W. J., $5 Jones, F. T., $10 Kolni'.v. George, $5 Kitchen, Lee., $2.60 Kvln. Wesley, $2.60 Lafnllolte. L. It . $10 Lewis, Normal, $5 Marker. Pratt, .$1 Mattoha, A. !)., $6 M.'Klmilii. Otis, $5 Morgan. Allen, $10 ONoll, W. J $5 Iarrlsh, Mr. ft Mrs, Powell. Mr. Mrs. Price, Mr. ft Mrs., $10 Knrhnr, II. II., $6 Kaiulnll. W. E. $5 Russell, George Jr., SUIford, K.thlvn, $5 Slnyton. E. T , $25 Smith, Fred, F. $6 Smith l.on. $6 Smith. R. M $6 Stuntou. J. W.. ft family. $10 Stroud Chas., $5 I hlior, Jennie, $5 Valpey, Chas. E., $3 Warren, Riley, $5 Williamson. J. N., $10 Wolke .Geo.. $5 Zell. Abe., $5 Total. $364.00 (To b continued) w. a. a. Cleo, $5 J. O.. $10 15 181P UUUSTMAS CANDY TRY THE SCALES The scales seldom fail to reveal the truth, they are a fair gauge of health. If you are losing weight and are not feeling up to the mark, it is high time to re place the loss and build up the powers of resistance. sot mm a un!::5 rbination of tonic and nourishment, fL . ,: .T4t' -.- reconstructive properties, enriches 3 the Liv. stores weight and imparts vigor and J tone to t1."; whole syntem. If you feel yourself loinjr ground, u. ocvtt't Emulsion the Strength-BuilJcr. m Ceolt ft IIuwm, Uwaokl. . TOO LATK CM i. Y DEMAND FOR TK " " OPER tors Young m uial women trained In few m ', i e r the supervision of u I Dis patcher. Indorsi'il ' r RiUlrnads. Opportunities to . , ice. Write for Bulletin. '" 1 vnph Dept.. 21 S Rullway Kk.:.,..t ... I. Portland. Oregon. Stvc Dr. Turner, Eye Pn-Vst of 't-f t oriiancl. win D in , Vifr ai:iln Saturday, Dec. v. i.e. Turner will visit Prinevllle evei v two weeks la the future. Ho Is n : . .'I 1st of experience and standout in 'I you will make no mistake In c j.ut- Ing him about your eyes anu glueaea. ileadachis relieved, and cross eyes straightened. Satisfaction guaran teed. 8tfu Barnes fl NKWK NOT ICS ES3 FOR SALE Flat top desk andsew liig mnchlne cheap, Mrs. (. C. Claypool. City. 3t2o A (JihmI Supply of Holiday OchxIn At John J. rir Confertlonery A good supply of candles of all kinds, Including box goods, priced up to $5.00. is being offered the Holi day trado this year by John J. Price. Cigars in a wide varloty. station ery, and fruits for the holiday trade are to be had In every kind. The peoplo have learned to look to Mr. Price for the best things In these lines, and they will not be disappoint ed this year. , Look the stock over before the sea son gets late. A stock of Christmas trees will be added In time for your selection. 3t3c w. s. H. H. Cross and wife returned to Salem, after visiting their son,' Earl Cross. "" E. Faught Is at St. Springs, on the Columbia. Martin's LOST Three-year-old blue Jersey, with white spots. Branded L on right shoulder. Reward, John Luckoy. Stfc NOTICE Tit CKKIIITOHH NOTICE III IIKKKHV (ilVKN ht lh. un.Wr- tgned, thv AtlinlnltrtrU of th ttl nf Krnml K. (iuntvr. IHwtwi la nil vmtltiira tt Htct IWvmimhI, unil lo Kil twivoiu luivliiN clHtttu aint Mill l-Uktv tu prvMltt th Mm wilh thv in(Nir Vfiurhvm to tlw unitrttivl HI th ufflr of M. K fMMU in I'rlnvvlllr. Oirun. within ! mnntha twm Um daU of lh flrat publtntWin ot Ihu nitl . Dalrd anil publuhnl th flnt llln. Darambar . 1UIK. CHRISTINA tiUNTKK. AtimintalralrU uf lha Katala ot I tie Krnm t. (iunter, Uccnurd. Cat the G and Avoid Economy Cvtry Cake Some snow visited our vicinity last week and Is still here. Lew Bennett Is on the sick Hat this week. The several cases of measles that ' have been In the valley art) Improv ing. Miss Kulu Bennett, who hits been visiting her grandmother. Mrs. M, K. Bennett, during her vacation, la on the sick list this week. , Dick Kit oil a spent a few days on the creek the first ot the week. Mr. Ulio ilii Just returned from Prinevtlto where he bat been helping Kid Rog ers move some oaltlo. Mrs. Susie Roynton. who returned from the Portland hospital the last of the month. Is greatly Improved. T. T. Armstrong Is hauling lumber from the Mowrey saw mill. Miss Mnry Prelshoff, who is teach ing the Ilames school, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Logan. Karnent D. Smith of this place went to Spray for the winter. George Tackmnn and Hay Morgan have been hauling wood from the mountains for the winter. The ltenr Creek stage line changed schedule today, December I. Jack Morris and wife and Mrs. Ar thur Kverts spent week at their homo near llnrnea and have returned to Prliievlllit. where they have Inter ests. Mrs. Cora George and family are nliln to he out again after a ten days' illneas. Mrs. F. D. Ssammons was a passen ger on the stage enroute to Prinevllle to send her duughter. Miss Wltlma to school. Miss Rimer Ilnrkteman, who spent her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ilackleman, near Itarnes, went to Prinevllle to attend High School again. Gifts for. Old ana Toune aTawfi CHRISTMAS ym X 1 .,lt mm m itjgwt "''TTN -ini HINTS Outing Flannels from 30 Cents Up Ladies and childrens Shoes : special sale of odds and ends from $1 to $3.85 Ladies Cashmere Hose 85c, $1, $1.25 Ladies Silk Hose $1.75 to $2.25 Stamped Linens, Crochet and Embroidery Threads, Ribbons plain and fancy. JOIN THE RED CROSS Ladies Munsing Under wear from 25 Cents Up Childrens Munsing Under wear from $1.00 Up Special lot of mens bib overalls at $1.75 Special lot of mens Work Shoes, all brands, some worth $6.00 $3.85 All our Mackinaws same price as last year. JOIN THE RED CROSS Mens Woolen Shirts from $2.50 to $6.00 Mens winter Underwear in woolens, from $3.00 to $6.00 Mens 1 piece heavy outing flannel Pajamas at $2.75 Mens outing flannel Night gowns at $1.75 Mens Wool Sox from 50c to 85c ...4 JOIN THE RED CROSS Mens Silk Sox from 50c Up Mens Bath Robes $6.50 Boys Suits, ages 6 to 1 6 $7.50 to $12.00 $1.75 $3.85 Special lot of Men's Bib Overalls at a special price ot Special lot of Men's Work Shoes Some worth f 6.00 U ALL OF OTR MACKINAWS AI THE SAME PRICES AS LAST YEAR RLIlllKR SHOKS OF ALL KINDS, INCMJDINO ARCTICS, PRICED WAY DOWN MEN'S AND BAYS' HATS AND CAPS, PRICE RANGE VERY ATTRACTIVE Neckwear for men and boys In all the latest styles and colors, ranging In price i from as low as 60c to Boys' Lace Rubber Pacs with leather tops at JOIN TH E RKD CROSS $1.00 $2.25 JORDAN & HYDE, PRINEVILLE, ORE.