Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 28, 1918, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Dur Nation's Greatness Founded
on Fatherhood of Man and
Brotherhood of God.
irrn the growth of the nation
there has been correspond
ing growth In responsibility.
The raw experiment of a
nation framed from the skel
eton colonlea of the eastern
seaboard ha proved the greatest suc
cess In government the world haa evr
pnown. Democracy alt at the tablea
tf the land today. Brotherhood asks
Its helping from the amply filled
boards of the American home. Theee
two attrlbatea of the American people
fully expreaa the secret of America's
access as nation. The frowth of
the nation haa been In accord with the
extension of theee Idee a. They are
froth home Ideas, and therefore they
Br both Ideaa that expreaa the Inner
plrlt of the day of thanksgiving.
The fatherhood of God and the
Brotherhood of man theee were the
leading conceptions of the Pilgrim Fa
thers. They are the leading concep
tions of the sons of those fathers to
4ay. They are the conceptions that
can never be made hackneyed by hypo
critical nse or by designing abuse.
They will stand forth la the genius
and action of the American people un
til each year shall add praise to praise
n the measure of the fullness of rea
sons for the giving of thanks.
Peace, provision, protection these
are the prised possessions of a na
tion whose one aim Is to exalt the
ends of human liberty, to extend hu-
anan democracy and to exalt the Ideals
of human equality. As this nation
touches the world at large It doea so
through Its leading national concep
tions, and only when these are vitally
assailed can It take up arms for Its
wn defense. It has the obligation
testing upon It to conserve the true
Seeds of liberty, and this ran be done
Mly by Insisting upon the sacredness
ftf human lights and human opportu
nities. Hence the day set aside for
Canka la a day of pure and unadul
rated Americanism, Into which no
lien sentiment can possibly enter.
Bene It la that every head of the
family In acting In his capacity at
the head of the family board becomes
the priest of the things made precious
In the life of the country and of which
mention Is made as thanksgiving
themes of the day. No more can the
nation depart from Its lofty mission
and progressive Ideals than can the
arth swing away from the solar at
traction. The day of home happiness,
the day of praise, the day of felicity
to a sacred and singular day In the
annals of American progress and Amer
ican world Influence.
Principal Events if the Wteh
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Germany at Mercy of
Occupying Force.
. . Washington. To the American
army of occupation has been assigned
the Rhine bridgehead at Coblens.
In fixing Coblens as the objective
af the American advance. General
March furnished a clew to the military
situation that Is to exist while the
peace conference proceeds at Paris.
On the left the British army of occu
pation will stand along the Rhine with
a spearhead thrown acroas the river
at Cologne and spreading Ilk a fan
n a 10-kilometer circle. At Coblens
the Americans will occupy a similar
position and at Mainz, still further up
the river, the French will hold the
third great highway into the heart of
Thus three main roads to Berlin
Itself, each held by a strong, fully
quipped army, ready to sweep for
ward at a moment's notice, will be
held open and constitute a threat
against which tBere can be no or
ganized resistance. All of Germany
will stand at the mercy of the occupy
tag forces.
Atlantic Raider Surrenders.
xiarwicn, jungiana. ine crew or a
submarine which had operated off the
American coast and which was in
cluded in the fleet surrendered here.
Claim they sank 47,000 tons of ship
ping. Their craft carried 42 mines
and 22 torpedoes.
Dunng Convalescence
the aftermath of acute
disease, when physical
strength is at low ebb, the body
needs particular, effective
nourishment to hasten res
toration of strength and vim.
There is no better time to
utilize the peculiar nutrient
qualities of
Being a rich food and tonic, it
quickly aids in the restoration
of the depleted vitality
and improves the blood
quality. Scott's builds
UD the bodv bv Nature's
best medium nourishment.
ScottttBowuc, Bloomficld. N.J. 18-7
If ultnomah county propose to spend
approximately $500,000 en Its roads In
The annual meeting of the Oregon
Irrigation congress will be held la
Portland en January 9, 10 and 1L
The service f the Pacific Telephone
A Telegraph company haa beea dis
continued at Brooks. Marten county.
Milliard Bailey, son of Mayor Harry
Bailey, and Lane Thornton, aon of
A. Ij. Thornton, of Lakevlew, were
drowned while flahlng la Qoeee Lake.
A receat ruling of the War depart
ment prohibiting fraternities from
holding social meetings and Initiating
or pledging aew members, haa been re
scinded. The fourth Oregon state officer'
training camp, which was to have
opened at the University of Oregon
November IS. haa been Indefinitely
Regardless of the fact that 140 con
victs at the state penitentiary at Salem
were Inoculated for the disease, 125
of them are suffering from the Span
ish Influent.
According to the figure of the city
budget Klamath Falls may have a drop
of S.2 mills In Its tax rate. The adop
tion of in occupation tax by the city
la considered.
Storm and high tide last week re
sulted in greater damage on Coo bay
than had occurred In a number of
years. The principal damage was to
industries, Including sawmills, ship
yards and allied linea.
A big convention of the Oregon But
ter and Cheea Makers' organ Isatioa
will be held In Portland December 11
and 12. In eonnectlea with the saeet
a butter aad cheeee exhibit wtH be
held In which prlsv totaling $360 will
be awarded the winners.
Several hundred Oregon trappers al
ready are at work according to Carl
Shoemaker, fish aad game . warden.
who has issued more than 200 licenses
since the trapping season opened the
first of this .month. The season will
close February 1, 1010.
In aa effort to provide Job for sol
diers discharged from the United
States army upon demobilisation, the
war department has requested the
state highway commission to provide
it with information as to how many
en can be provided with job In
As a protest against what they term
unsatisfactory wage adjustments by
the Hacy commission, the boiler
makers' union of Portland will con
tinue to declare Saturday afternoon a
half-holiday and quit work at noon,
aa the men have been doing for a
month or more.
Fourth-class postmasters have been
appointed in Oregon as follows: Col
ton, Clackamas county, Charles P.
Hunter; Crystal, Klamath county, C.
O. Brown; Odessa, Klamath county,
Miss May Klnkald; Redne, Marion
county, Mrs. Marie E. Parker; Three-
pines, Josephine county, Mrs. Flora A.
Sheriff Chrlsraan and Deputy Sher
iff Jarvis made an Important arrest at
The Dallea when they captured three
convicts who escaped from the Sho
shone, Idaho, jail November 6. The
convicts are C. W. Darcy, Frank Sul
livan and Edward Miller. They are
said to be three of the most dangerous
criminala In the country.
Power extended to the supreme court
to call to its assistance three circuit
Judges of the state to sit as a part of
that court when it Is deemed neces
sary and also power extended to the
chief Justice of tit supreme court to
direct circuit judges to sit in any
county of the state will be asked by
the committee on law reform created
by the last legislature.
Small railroads sre denied 24 hours'
free time on interchange of cars with
larger lines in a letter reeeived by
Public Service Commissioner Corey
from Regional Director Aisaton. Mr.
Aishton states that be thinks the small
roads are given very favorable con
cessions now, considering the fact that
they own no cars and what cars they
use are turned over to them by the
larger roads.
Marlon county boasts of about 1200
acres planted in English walnuts, ac
cording to a census made by County
Fruit Inspector Van Trump, and 10
per cent of these are either yielding
or paying big returns to their owners.
Many trees this year yielded 150
pounds, the product selling on the mar
ket at as high as 30 cents. The wal
nut Industry in thla section is steadily
forging ahead as a money-maker.
Totals compiled by Henry E. Reed,
associate director of the state war sav
ings stamp campaign, Indicate that
Oregon counties for the most part are
well up in their war stamp purchases.
Eight counties are "bver the top."
More than half the remaining coun
ties are In such position as to indicate
hat they will make the goal on sched
ale time, December 31.
I Aroused over the proposed lucre
; la telephone rata, a mas meeting ot
business men was held at Albany and
a commttte was appointed to Investi
gate the possibility ot consolidating
the two systems.
The annual meeting ot the presi
dents and faculties of the Independent i
colleges of Oregon will be held at New
berg November 29-30. Faculty mem
bers from eight Institutions ot the
state will be present
The Rogue River Valley Canal com
pany, or Med ford, recently enlarged Its
main oaaala aad lateral in order t
cover ltoo acre more tarsa land for
nsxt year's crops. The Modford Irri
gatloa district board, which recently
voted 11.100.000 for the Installation of
aa Irrigation system t cover 20.000
acres adjoining Medford. Is prosecut
ing the work t preliminary surveys
for Its mala canal from Butt creek.
Plans have been made to obtain 200
goata to be used In connection with
the new milk goat preject whloli Is
kelag added to the boys' and girls'
club work department ot the Oregon
Agricultural college exteaalon service.
Mr. Seymour haa made arrangements
with the Portland clearing house to
loan to every boy aad girl in the state
wishing, to bo a member ot the goat
ekib, money with which to purchase
aa animal. -
Pressure from two sides Is being
vigorously brought to bear to prevent
the Pacific Telephone ft Telegraph
company from Increasing telephone
rates. Through the public service
commission, which threatens criminal
prosecution, steps are to be taken to
declare an Increased tariff Invalid.
The Portland city council la taking
drastic action which may result in the
revocation ot the company operating
license In Portland.
In line with the general letting up
of restrictions following cessation ot
hostilities, the capital issue commit-'
tee haa given Its sanction U the sal
of 250.000 worth of state highway
boade. Already S2.190.000 worth ot
bonds out of the St.000.OOO Issue has
been sold. The state highway com-'
mlastoa will tak under consideration .
the question of whether or not the 1
boads will be sold at a meeting t be
held la Portland Friday, November 22. i
The work which the atate hlghwav j
commission plana to complete with 1
the proceed of the issue ot bonds, the
sale of which has now been approved i
by the capital Issues committee. Is :
chiefly the Pacific highway in the
counties of Douglas, Josephine and j
Jackson, and the Columbia River
highway In Hood River and Wasco
counties. With the exception of the
section ot the Columbls River high
way between Hood River and Mos'r
most f the work will not be under
taken until next spring.
A mixture of barley and cottonseed
meal Is aa excellent substitute tor j
bran and shorts mill run so exten- j
siveiy used as stock reed ana now dif
ficult to obtain, points out E. B. Fltts,
extension specialist in dairying at the
Oregon Agricultural college. "This
mixture costs more than the wheat
feeds but Its feeding value, pound tor
pound, is II Vk per cent greater," says i
Professor Fltts. "It also provides
greater certainty of securing uniform
value than the mixtures of bran and
shorts sold by the flouring mills as
mill run." I
Finis was written to the part that
snruce and fir fnrMta of tha PoHflo !
northwest have played In the war.
when orders were lesued by the spruce j
production dtvjsloD to cease at one
practically all aotlvitte In aircraft
work aatoag the camps and mills. All
shipments of sprute and fir cants to
the huge cut-up plant at Vancouver,
Wash., were halted by the order, while
no more airplane material shipments J
are to be made, f Imllar orders stop
ped nearly all logging operations, and
Instructed that falling of airplane
timber was to cease at once.
Housewives and all consumers of
flour aad sugar are elated at the Issu
ance of orders from the food adminis
tration, which lift the edicts against
these commodities and rsstore them
practically to a pre war basis. The
flour order becomes effective Immedi
ately, while the new sugar regulations
will be In force December 1. Under
the fleur order, the four pounds to
one rule, of white flour and substi
tutes, Is cancelled, and consumers are
now permitted to make their purchases
without the handicap of substitutes
The sugar order provides for an addi
tional pound in the per capita allot
ment, or four pounds per person each
Five fatalities were reported to the
tate Industrial accident commission
for the wek ending November 14
among a total of 522 accidents, and In
addition there were five fatalities re
sulting from injuries previously re
ported. The fatal cases resulting from
accidents during the week were:
Frank E. Baldwin, Knappa, logging;
Charles A. Brooks, Astoria, iron
works; Ray Norton, Coqullle, logging;
Bills Plnkerton, Klamath Falls, lum
bering; Benjamin L. Ward, Astoria,
ihlpbuildlng. The deaths resulting
from accidents previously reported
mere: Frank Dempsey, Bridal Veil,
lumbering; George Magill, Lakeside,
lumbering; Luther Schumaker, Placer,
mining; S. Ota, Westport, lumbering;
fl. H. Gardner, Portland, steel works.
O Bird of Joy
Never has there been, never will there
be so much cause for Thanksgiving as
there is this year. War and pestilence
removed from our midst, the Heavens
smile on America and all the world, and
just around the corner hovers a glor
ious Christmas.
will have observation this year in the
fulest spirit of the word. Eat, drink,
and be merry brings with it a real ring,
more than it has for years.
Let us fill your wants in the grocery
line. We handle especially fine
groceries that will please the most
particular people. You can always
depend on their freshness and su
perb quality; the prices asked are
no higher than goods of an inferior
quality are sold for elsewhere. A
dependable line of fancy and staple
groceries is carried in stock. We
await your orders, which will have
our careful and prompt attention.
If you are at sea, as to where to buy
groceries of quality at reasonable
prices, we suggest that you give this
store a trial order. You can always
depend upon getting a square deal
when you buy from us. Your or
ders, either personally given or by
telephone, will receive our usual
prompt attention. We pride our
selves on our service and the qual
ity of our merchandise. May we
expect a call from you today?
Good things for the Thanksgiving Table. This store comes about as near
meeting every gastronomic want as it is possible for any store to provide:
fine select groceries of all kinds; the freshest the country produces, fruits
and nuts of all kinds, the best of every variety of canned delicacies, noth
ing lacking for your table or your culinary preparations. Our prices on
comparison will be found properly low.
Good Catsup for your meals,
you like It, most people do.
We have the catsup you
want, made from good, rich,
rip, red tomatoes In clean
factories by modern sanitary
methods. We carry several
brands of the best quality
catsup made. Some like one
some like another, for the
necessary relish on the ta
ble for Thanksgiving.
The store from' which good
tiling come. The best fed
are the healthiest and the
happlet. No one lives better
for less money than our cus
tomers. When you buy here
you can depend upon our
giving you just what you
ask for. And you get full
measure of the best goods,
too. It has paid us to
serve this way In the past.
New Walnuts. The sales on
those have been euormously
heavy. We have the choic
est selections of the Callfora
nla crop. You will do well
to place your order for these
with us for Thanksgiving.
Thore are so many ways to
use this delicious nut that It
becomes almost a necessity
for a properly rounded out
It's here: honey, raisins, prunes, apples, dill pickles, sauerkraut, olives,
grape juice, maple syrup, cheese, sweet potatoes, figs, cranberries, candy!
peanut butter, fancy cookies of all kinds, everything in jellies and jams.
Do this: telephone us when you are in a hurry for your groceries; call in
when you have time. . '
Community Plate Silver Ware.
Nearly everyone knows, or is fast
learning that Community plate is
long wearing. It lasts for 50 years
if you want to know. We now have
. a complete line of the very latest
patterns in this line of ware. Why
not select your silverware for
Thanksgiving. And tell your wife
or sweetheart that : they are. her
Christmas present.
Aluminum Ware
Fuel conserving, easy to clean, safe
and sanitary. We have a large and
complete line of aluminum ware,
almost anything you may wish. It
has just ' arrived several new
pieces of the very best kind of al
uminumware. Ask to see this line
of ware when you are in the store
again. If you are not a regular cal
ler in our store, get the habit.