CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL NOVEMBER SI, IOIH. Here are some popular uses for Mapleine FOR DESSERTS AND rUD DNGS IT GIVES THEM THAT TEMPTING 'MAPLKY TASTE TO MAKE SOUPS RICHER, MEATS BETTER AXD GIVE A BROWNISH TAXG TO GR.. VIES, BAKED JIEAXS. SWEET fOTATOES, TEC. Corn Syrup dilut ed with warm wat er and flavored with Meplelne .makse.. a ..tine spread fir hot cake. ask for recipes. 2-oi Bottle S5e at all grocers m Crescent Mapleine ALL HIGHWAYS LEAD TO PRINEVILLE ONLY TWO TOWNS HAVE AS MANY THI NK LINES CX)MMUN1TY HONO SKRV1CK ON THANKSGIVING IftY AUTOMOBILE ROAD HAP OUT In The Official Document Of The State Highway Commission Give Mileage "THE MOVIE KID.' Albert H. Lowry has a new song, "The Movie Kid," Just off the press, which is receiving the endoresment of the professional singers. He has composed several songs which have become quite popular. Mr. Lowry is a first class electric Ian, employed at the Ochoco Dam, nd composes his music to the hum of a 600 h. p. electric motor. A new highway map has Just boon issued by the State Highway Commis sion, which shows the importance of Prinevilie In the highway system of the state. Leading from every direction, like spokes in a wheel, eight highways are designated, centering at Prlne- Tille. This Is a greater number than any other town, excepting only Portland and Salem, each having the same number as Prinevilie. Trans-State lines leading north and south, and east and west pass through this, the oldest and best situated city in the interior, as well as the road from Baker to Eugene, through the John Day valley. The new map, which is a beauti ful piece cf work, shows the distances from one point to the next along the automobile roads, in even miles. Distances given from Prinevilie to principal points over these roads are as follows: The Dalles, 147; Port land, 238; Eugene, 135; Burns, 153; Lake View, 197; Klamath Falls, 189 Mitchell, 53; and Baker, 221 miles. w. s. . . MRS SHATTVCK IS XEW AGENT FOR OREGON LIFE Mrs. C. L. Shattuck has taken an agency with the Oregon Life Ins. Co, and expects to specialize on women's policies, the Company having decided recently to write women on all forms at the same rates as men. The 10, 15. and 20 year endowment policies of Oregon Life have become popular with women as their savings fund and insur.r e combined. WhyC bmpare Beef and Coal Profits? Swift & Company has frequently stated that its profit on beef averages only one , fourth of a cent a pound, and hence has practically no effect on the price. Comparison has been made by the Federal Trade Commission of this profit with the profit on coal, and it has pointed out that anthracite coal operators are content with a profit of 25 cents a ton, whereas the beef , profit of one-fourth of a cent a pound means a profit of $5.00 a ton. The comparison does not point out that anthracite coal at the seaboard is worth at wholesale about $7.00 a ton, whereas a ton of beef of fair quality is worth about $400.00 wholesale. - To carry the comparison further, the 25 cent profit on coal is 3Vfc per cent of the $7.00 value. The $5.00 profit on beef is only 1 per cent of the $400.00 value. The profit has little effect on price in either case, but has less effect on the price of beef than on the price of coaL Coal may be stored in the open air indefinitely; beef must be kept in expensive coolers because it is highly perishable and must be refrigerated. Coal is handled by the carload or ton; beef is deliv ered to retailers by the pound or hundred weight. Methods of handling are vastly different Coal is handled in open cars; beef must be shipped in refrigerator cars at an even temperature. Fairness to the public, fairness to Swift & Company, fairness to the packing industry, demands that these indisputable facts be considered. It is Impossible to disprove Swift ft Company's state ment, that its profits on beef are so small as to have practically -no effect on prices. Swift & Company, U. S. A. Mrs. J. H. Rosenberg has just re- wived the following letter from Mrs. C. H. Chester: "My dear Mini una Chairman: "Thanksgiving Day, November 28.1 has been designated as a National j community sing. At 4 o'clock In the j afternoon, every community in the Untied States will Join In a song ser vice. As County Chairman of the Lib-1 erty Chorus for your county, you are asked to at once begin arrangements 1 for a monster community sing In ev ery community In your county, l ie' such songs as youA deem proper. Please give this service the most widespread publicity, that you mav! do your part toward having the role-' es of every community In the state of Oregon raised In song on this, our .National Thanksgiving Day. "Very sincerely yours. MRS. C. H. CASTNER, , "Chairman Women's Ac-1 1 "ttvitles. State Council of, Defense." "MRS. C. H. CASTNER, Everyone should respond to this request and make the aftair a sue- cess. w. S. s. NEAL M. KKNZ1E The relatives and many friends of ' Neal McKenzie regret deeply to hear! of his premature death, which oc curred on Tuesday evening, Novem ber 12, 1918. at Paulina. The agent i of his untimely departure was pneu-j monia, wnicn was contracted from the Spanish influensa. rxeai fticneniie was born neari Kent, Washington, on December 27, j 1900. where he lived a portion of his life, the remainder of which was! spent at Grizzly, Oregon, and Paulina, I uregon. Besides a host of friends he leaves the following relatives to mourn his loss: his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKenzie, three sisters, Mrs Oroi Quinn of Suplee. Oregon, Mrs. Katie Gardner, of Paulina, Oregon, aud Miss Vera of Prinevilie, Oregon, four brothers, Ernest, of Grizzly, Cecil, wno is now in the U. 8. service In France, Clifford of Paulina, and Chester of Prinevilie. He also leaves half-sister, Mrs. H. Clark of Kent. Washington. Neal McKenzie was talented In many ways and will be greatly missed uy uui a lew. i w. s. s. . J IRRIGATIOXISTS WILL MEET JANUARY O, 10, II The annual meeting of the Oreeon ' Irrigation Congress will be held at, the Imperial Hotel In Portland, Jan uary 9, 10. 11, Just proceeding the opening of the legislative sessions In Salem. J. W. Brewer is chairman of the committee In charge of the pro gram. The lrrigationlsts will plan their work for the coming year. , Officers of the organization are: J. H. Upton, president; Fred f. Wal-, lace, Tumalto, secretary; and Denton j G. Burdick, Redmond, chairman of the executive committee. w. s. s. IMPORTANT COUNCIL MEETING ! HELD MONDAY EVENING.' A council meeting was held Mon day evening at which time Judge N. G. Wallace resigned as councilman and Robert Zeveley was appointed to take his place. Judge Wallace was appointed City Attorney. Bills were paid and other business disposed of. . 1 LYRIC THEATER PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY November 24, 1018 Charles Ray in "SON OF HIS FATHER" Scnnett Comedy "ARE WAITRESSES SAFE?" MONDAY AXD TUESDAY November 23 and 20, 1018 Gladys Lenlle in 'WOOING OF PRINCESS PAT Episode No. 5 of "THE FIGHT FOR MILLIONS" Edith Johnson and Joe Ryan WENDESDAY & THURSDAY November 27 and 28, 1018 Ruth Htonehouse in "THE PHANTOM HUSBAND" Frank Daniels in "CAPT. JINKS GREAT EXPECTATIONS" 7.' WML THANKSGIVING .0 i iYtro been, never will there i cause for Thanksgiving at year. War and pestilence n our midst, the Heavens rica and all the world and he corner hovers a glor- ND YEARS t this year in the word. Eat, drink, an ' cc rncsrry, brings with it a real ring, mere t an h has for years. Let us fill your wants in the grocer,,' line. We handle especially fine groceries that will please the mos'. particular people. You can always depend on their freshness and si perb quality; the prices asked are no higher than goods of an inferior quality are sold for elsewhere. A dependable line of fancy and staple groceries is carried in stock. Wc await your orders, fchieh will huv? our careful and prompt attention. '.i :':- ;;re at sea, as to where to buy nro-.orics of quality at reasonable ?:kc?. we suggest that you give this s 'oo a trial order. You can always end upon getting a square deal vlion you buy from us. Your or ders e'uier personally given or by ieliv'.one, will receive our usual prompt attention. We pride our so! C3 on our service and the qual ity of our merchandise. May we exnrct a call from you today? Good things for the Thanksgiving T ble. This store comes about as near meeting every gastronomic want as h is fcssiVle for any store to provide: fine select groceries of all kinds; the fresl cs. he country produces, fruits and nuts of all kinds, the best of er ry variety of canned delicacies, noth ing lacking for your table or your culinsry r reparations. Our prices on comparison will be found properly low. Good Catsup for your meals, you like It, most people do. We have the catsup you want, made from good, rich, rip, red tomatoes In clean factories by modorn sanitary methods. We carry several brands of the best quality catsup made. Some like one some like another, for the necessary relish on the ta ble for Thanksgiving. The More from which Rood tliltiK come. The best fed" are the healthUst and tho happlet. No one lives hotter for less -money than our cus tomers. When you buy here you can dopnnd upon our giving you Just what you ask for. And you get full measure cf tho best goods, too. It has , paid us to serve this way In the piist. New Walnut. The sales on" these have been enormously heavy. Wo have the choic est selections of the Califor nia crop. You will do well to place your order for these with us for Thanksgiving. There are so many ways to use this delicious nut that It becomes almost a necessity ' for a properly rounded out meal. It's here: honey, raisins, prunes, apples, dill pickles, sauerkraut, olives, grape juice, maple syrup, cheese, sweet potatoes, figs, cranberries, candy, peanut butter, fancy cookies of rill kinds, everything in jellies and jams. Do this: telephone us when you are in a'hurry for your groceries; call in when you have time. , . , . i .,; ! Community Plate Silver Ware. ' Nearly everyone knows, or is fast learning that Community plate is long wearing. It lasts for 50 years if you want to know. We now have a complete line of the very latest patterns in this line of ware. Why not select your silverware for Thanksgiving. And tell your wife or sweetheart that they are her Christmas present. Aluminum Ware Fuel conserving, easy to clean, safe and sanitary. We have a large and complete line of aluminum ware, almost anything you may wish. It has just arrived several new pieces of the very best kind of al uminumware. Ask to see this line of ware when you are in the store again. If you are not a regular cal ler in our store, get the habit. ' s. TELEPHONE '351 l-'RINE.VILL.E. URE.W3N TELEPHONE 351