INOVKMIll'lt Bis, IMA. CROOK OOCNTT JOURNAL Pure T Absorber Florence . Gray, 1IU lurvird-Yala fiHiiliull giime wm on at the m (Hum, and a diMiioiinirmioo i i or ma nouna Aiorbor waa I jj I shortly to ba on. 1 JL J Hon. Wllllnm datukea, the nilllloiiitlrs, who srmid tt ha renewing hta youth, ant rlmttlng iHtwIly with tha Itm-ntor and a Irt7 of frlenda. It atwma tlrnt tha linn. Gntukoa had rtK-enily bci-n forcVd, through a practical Joka on hlmaclf, 1o beeoma lntnrtd la thla aound ab orber and to reallxa that It bad a va riety of poMltillltloa, for hla friend. Faxon, tha Inventor, bad lain In wait for him ona day by tha alda of a build ing. I la had awn tha mtlllnnalra com. In toward Mm. eat-neatly enKRged In couvunwitlon, and winding to demon elrnta hla Invention, ha had quickly aprung upon a barrel and, aa quickly, ha had act tha ahaorber In rapid vi bration, ao aa to dlnturb the atmo t here before the facea of the gi-ntle-inen. Neither waa able to hear the lher and after much conatornatlon Faion. with twinkle In hla eye, con fronted them. The millionaire then became anxlona to try It on crowd, and bad aecured eata for hla frltmda In little 'group bout tha atadlum, all of them being located within tha Tale cheering line. "Little do people about ua know what we hare on our nilnda," be waa faying. They were happily expectant and laughed aa the old gentleman added : "Or should I aay: 'on our coatar " for each one of the SO men In the party vaa enpptled wltb aound ahaorber. Thla Invention waa simply a clrcn lai plnte,'lih curving edgca, looking nifthlng like a flattened bowL The Had Lain In Walt for Him. fiate waa to catch vibrations, which re carried In waves to their cars tl-rough the stmosphere around them, la the center of the apparatus were mall revolving pliitea, which, being fanlike, when set In motion would trcak up, by an arm if disturbed nir, SHIPP & DEALERS IN Lumber, Moulding, Shingles Doors, Windows, Paints Oils, Glass, Lime and Cement PRINEVILLE, OREGON " ' "'" " 1 1 TOMORROW'S MAN What is done in childhood days to enrich the blood and build up rugged health often makes or breaks the man of tomorrow. The growing youth, with nervous energy overwrought, needs constant, care, and UTS Ik H to help maintain strength and the dual strain ot growtn ana wear auu ica. . u The reputation of Scott's is based upon its abundant nourishing qualities and its ability to build up strength. Scott & Bowuc, BloomfieU, V- h 18-4 me aounq waves aaaemtilod In tha r,owu vat, aa the Inventor argued, wa cannot prevent tha creation of nolaea, but we can In a great meaeure atop them from annoying na. . Not caring to attract attention, the men had hooked the iliili-e acroea their Inner coate at tha cheat, hanging them from tho front edgea of their overcoat aleeve holea. and allowing tha flapa of their coata to bang out and MiIh them from the iMa m.. batterlea which wera to aet the fane in motion were In an Inner pocket of frach coat. Harvard rooters were buay, alter nately with Vale'a, , The game atood 60 for Harvard at the flrat half. Hands were pluylng and college eougs had been aung. Ited and blue Diiga and burner, were waved In the spirit of the giime of the acaaon. The women, whoae rout times displayed predom Inimtly the colors of their re)ctlvs teams, lent a gayely to the scene. Tha Crimson had emitted In one roar "Hun rah rah I Knh rah rHhl rtah rah ruh I llnr-vurd I" and Tale waa get ting ready. Young men, swinging their anna to get the Kile to yell together, looked In surprise that there waa no response. Again thny. trled, but could not bear themaiilres. Everyone was wondering what was ths matter. Plainly the leaders had r-wo heard In the first place, but there was no response. No one bad Amaztment on Every Face. sense enough to close his uiouth, not withstanding It had apparently become aseless, for there was only an occasion al aound, as though hulf articulated, where amne voice had not como with in the range of the sound absorbers distributed through the crowd. "Kay. I shall bust," groaned the In ventor. "We will raise the devil. We must shut these things off," for amaze ment was evident on every face. "Am I bereft of my senses?" one man muttered. Ilnrvurd, from her sde, was shout ing: "Whnt's the matter with the Kliat They've lost their wlndl" Everyone waa keyed to a great ten sion, especially the finzukes men, and all of them were greatly relieved when, on tho third attempt, they beard the leaders of tho Blues call: "Now, to gether. Itah rah run! Rah rah rah I Tale! Hoo-rnyl We're all right!" Mr. Oaxukea knew It would not do o Interrupt the cheering again, and exhilarated with the first experiment, tt was with much uneasiness that he waited for a further test at the thea ter luter. Aa the game proceeded, the Inventor was whispering to the millionaire: "Wouldn't It be more fun than a bar rel mtt monkeys to take It into the rallcry of the stock exchange when I Ids were being made? Orders would be given and, not being heard, would forever full to be carried out What PERRY vitality equal to withstanding IP t:nderaonlum would result flow funny It would be to see ths quota tion men running back and forth he fore' the board as the prices came In, but with no noise In the pit "I rather think, though," said ths millionaire, "that It would not be soj tonrliit'y funny, when we were put; out." . That evening at the performance of "Nancy's Fancies," ths party was Waiting Expectantly, close to the orchestra. During ths second act one of the conspirators leaked toward the millionaire, when, ar previously arranged, they all turned on tho absorbers suspended over thelt vests, and endeavored to whisper, "They can't Imagine what's the mat ter." But the Joke was on him, for hs could not besr his own voice, and Mr, Qnzukes could only guess at whst hs meant A trio behind the footlights was waiting expectantly for -an Introduc tion to their song. Thejvmductor, who at first was quietly waving his baton and Indicating for the first violin to commence, tfittn looked angrily at him and nodded his bead wildly to go on. People were surprised. Although those In the front seats could see the bows passing over the Instruments, there wss no sound. The leader of the orchestra then Indicated for tho drummer to drum. The velna on hla toinples stood out and his hair seemed to rise from his forehead, while his spectacles slid along hla nose to ths furthest distance from their proper position. Now there was consterna tion that while be seemed to he giving orders, no results were forthcoming, and, not understanding, the audience was getting restless, looking around. Harvard's night at the theaters when she wins are dreaded perhaps as much by conductors as by the act ors, who know that Interruptions may he expected at the moat Inopportune times, and, awakening to the fact that this was some joke, the conductor com uenced to scan the audience. All this had taken but a few mo ments, although the time seemed .an eternjty to the men who occupied tho entire second row. Already one of thf chorus girls was "on," and they be gan to fear the partial obstruction of the persons In the front row would not be enough to shield them from the scrutiny of the actors. Involuntarily they drew their coats together and shut off the batteries. The millionaire rather sheepishly nudged the man next to him, but he was enjoying to tho utmost bis diabolical plan. When things went smoothly again. the star improvised: "This was no fancy of Nancy's, neither was it a fanoy of ours." . Hon. William Oazukea then whis pered to the inventor: "I am convinced of the satisfactory working of the marvelous sound absorber." (CopTrlrht. 1918. Western Nempiim Tnloa.) 0W42 815464 ' NOTICB FUR PUBLICATION . Department of the interior, U. S. Land Of fice at The Dalles, Oreiton, November 11, 1818 NOT1CK is hereby given that CHARLES 8. CONGLETON of Paulina, Oregon, who on January 26, 1915 made H. E. No. 014426 and June 10, lttlt made Additional Entry Na 015464 for SW4 NWVi, NW NWV,. NE4 NWV4,SE4. Sec. . Township 16, South. Knnue 23 Hint, Wil lametta Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof to establish claim to the land above deecribed. before L. M. Miller, United States Commissioner at Paulina, Oregon, on the 6th day of January, 191 U. Claimant names as witnesses: Earl H. Lauiihlln, Sylvester Faulkner, Ira B. Higgins, and Oliver R. Uicley, all of Paul ina. ' H. FRANK WOODCOCK, HSp - Kegsiter 0121N1 016661 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. I.nd Of fice at The Dalles. Oregon, November 18, 191B. NOTICE la hereby given that FRED CAYTON, of PHnevllle, Oregon, who on October 81, 191S, and Oct. 28. 1V16. made Homestead Entry No. 012182 and No. 016661 for Lot 4. Sec. 1. Lots 1, 2. 8, 4. Sec !, T 14 S, R 16 East, SEVi SE, See. 26, EM, EU, Sec. 86, Township 18 South, Range 16 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Warren Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 23rd day o( December, lalB. Claimant names as witnesses : William W. Truax, Orval Onbora, James H. Prose, Roy H. McCord, all of Prineville, Ore, H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 2t5p Register 07T NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S Land Of fice at The Dalles, Oregon, November IX, 1918. NOTICE Is hereby given that PETER MAGERS of Prineville. Oretion. who. on December 18. 1911, made Homestead Entry No. 09767, for WW, NWW. 8EV, NWW. NW4 SWV1. Section 28, township 14 South, Range 18 East, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five Year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before War ren Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 2Srd day of Decem ber, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Lee Blevini, lsaao M. Blevlns, Raymond L, Calavan, Charles E. Valpey, all of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 2t6c Register FOR SALE THE John Mattson Place of 253 acres well Improved 04 V4 acres under tHe ditch, all fenced, two wells of good water six miles to town. This goes at $25 ner acre for a quick salo. WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS FOR SPOT CASH ANY ISSUE VI $500 100 $1000 fbmd as your Honda by Regls tffHl tatter and receive tho highest market price by return nmll. WKHTER.V HTOTK ANIJ BOND COMPA.VT I 200 Central Hldg., Heat tie Wn. J A III A. SCK FOR K.NTK.HI'KISIVU IMHV IDl'AI, WITH LJi'lXK SIONKY The E'i of Bee. IS, T. 16 a., R. 23 n. will Co sold to the firs reasonable binder, for cash, or one-half cash, the thr half on time at 8 par cent. Less th:ii five dollars per acre will not be (oiiKldered a reasonable bid. as a prominent sheepman has offered i SOU for the tract. Fully 80 acres Is bottom land In the Dry Paulina, aed Is susceptible of Irrigation. The Land Co. wanted $20 per acra for ad joining bind four years ago. Owners have urgen need of a few hundred dollars. Send offer to M. T. Nolan, Ruasell 61., I'ortland, Oregon. 62tf NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is hereby given by the nnderaim ed, the Administrator of tha Estate of Effte B, Co met t. Deceased, that he haa made and filed with the Clerk of tha County Court, his Final Accounting of bin Administration of said Estate and tha Court has set Monday, tha nth day of January, 19111, at tha County Court Room In Prineville, Oregon, aa the time and place for hearing and aettling aaid Final Ac counting at which aaid time and place any person Interested in said Estate may appear and object to aaid Final Accounting. . Dated thai 14th day of November, 1918. ' GEORGE M. CORNETT, Administrator of the Estate of ItSe Effie B. Comett, Deceased THE CHEERFUL CHERUB esssssBSBBaBBsasMaBBBBBSsaaaaaaasaaaaBae To ext grown up in public Is quite tv. 5trtun.on me. I like, to wtvlk on fences And I'm muck too old, you see. ANNOUNCEMENT! I II COLLINS W. ELKINS 1 i' 01 004 II NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Of flee al The Dal lee, Oixn, October 29, ISIS. NOTICE b hereby given that WILLIAM HOLLOWAY of Prineville, Orear.a. who, on Morrh Ith, 1912, made Homestead Entry No. 01004, and J tine l. 1914. made Additional Entry No. 018441, for Btt NW, 8W( NK14, N'A SW(4. HK',, gee. li, NWV, hV.Vt. gertkn 24, Town, hitt U, Mouth, Ran 17 Raat, Willamette Mer idian, haa filed IK, tire of Intention to make KinaJ Three Year Proof to eatahllak claim to the land abort deaerlbed. before Warren Brown Clerk of the Court, at Prineellle, Ore gon, on the tuth Ur of Deeemher, Claimant names aa wltneaecat Jamea E. Stewart, John K. Breeae, Ralph Porfilr, all of Prinerille; and Clarence H. Cgpk of Poet, Oregon. . H. FRANK WOODCOCK 2tSp Kegiater NOTICE OF FINAL SKTTLKMENT NOTICE IH HKKKHY (ilVKN be the go derairned, the Admintatrator of the Eetate of John L. McDowell, Itoceaard, that he haa made and filed with the Clerk of the Count Court of Crook Conntjr, Oreeon, hie Final Accounting of hla admlnietiation of tha Ba tata of aaid dereaaed, and the County Court haa aet Friday, December th, 1018. at ten o'clock in the forenoon at the County Court Room In Prineville. aa the time and place for bearing and aeUling aaid Final Accounting, at which time and place any person interested in said Estate mar -"pear and object to said Final Accounting. " baled this th day of November, 191 S. d. a. Mcdowell, Administrator of tha Estate of S2ttc John L. McDowell, Deceased. II4JI NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior. U. 8. Land Of. flee at The Dalles, Oregon, October SO, 1918. AGNES OB LACK of Prinerille, Oregon, who, on March 18th, I mis, nude Homett1 Entry Na 01143. for; BEVi BW'4, 8W14 SK14, Sec. 11, N W4, j Km. 14, Township 16 South, Ruiffc 16 Eat, Willamette Meridian, haa ltled notice of. in tention to make Final Three Year Proof, to eaUblieh claim to tho land above oewribed, before Warren Biwn, Clerk of the Circuit ' Court, at Prineville. Oreroo on the 20th day of December, 1118. Claimant names aa wltneaaej t Sidney L. Morgan. Prank Mertechinc, Alex ander 8cbernibl Curt Mailer all of Prine ville, a FRANK WOODCOCK 62t5p fiearutcr NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNTING I NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned the administrator of the estate of W. C. Barnes, Deceased, that he haa made and filed with the elerk of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Crook County, his final accounting of tne administration of the allalrs of said es tate, and that the Honorable County Court for said county and state has fixed Monday, the 2nd day of December 9 1 8, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the county courthouse in Prineville, Crook County, Oregon, aa the time and place for the hea tng and settling of said final accounting. Dated this 81st day of October, 1918. E. F. BARNES, Administrator of the Estate of W. C. Barnes, Deceased. WILLARD H. WIRTZ, Attorney for Estate. tltfie NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given try the undersigned, the Administratrix of the Estate of John S. Watkins, Deceased, to all creditors of. said deceased and to all persons having claims against said Estate to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of M. R. Elliott, of Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of thia notice. Date and published first time on the Slst day of October, 1918. LETTIE WATKINS, Administratrix of the Estate of John S. Watkins, Deceased. SltSc w. s. s. Tha Journal aoe modern printing E SOLD, our entire groc ery stock (with the excep tion of a few items) to the Tri-State Terminal Company of this city and Bend. We still have for sale our en tire lines of Hardware, Tin and Graniteware, Crockery, N Glassware, House Paints, as well as paints for floors, porch- 1 . 1 ! es, wagons and automooiies. Varnishes, also farming imple ments of all kinds, pitchforks, shovels, mauls wedges, rope, roofing and Mitchell wagons. If yon are Interested In any of these lines call at once, as we Intend to dispose of every article within the next few weeks. Frost our Grocery line we have a good line of gallon Una of fruits and vegetables--a quantity of excellent mac aroni in bulk or packages at a very low price. We call particular attention to our line of Diamond Edge CarpenterTools. SUMMONS In the Ctrrurt Court of tha State of Oie gwi for Crook County. Warren Brown., vs. Charles 0. Pol lard and the unknown heirs of John Caeey. dertaaea, defendanta. To Charles O. Pollard, and the Unknown Hein nf John Taney, Dereaaed: IN THK NAMK OF THK STATE OP ORE GON: YOU ARE HEREBY REQUIRED To ao pear and answer this ttummoni In the above entitled eaune, within alxty tflO) days after the date of -Ine flrat publication of this Sum mons, upon you, exclusive or the day of sues) pubtiration, to-wit : On the 84th day of Decem ber, 1418, and defend the action or pay tha amount due, to-wit: 110.60 with Interest there on at the rate of 16 per cent, per annum from the firnt day of April, Itfld; 616.40 with In terest thereon at the rate or 16 per cent, per annum from January IHth, 1917; 611.16 with interest thrrcon at the rate of IK per cent, per annum from the 14th day of April, 1917: 1 10.69 with Interest thereon at the rate of 16 per cent, per annum frtwn the 17th day of April. 191. S-60 cost of deeinauency Certifi cate and for the costs and disbursements of ' this auit, and upon your rail u re so to do a f Decree will be rendered against you, foreclos ' ing the lien of the hereinbefore mentioned and t described Dellnquncy Certificate and costs 1 atrainat the lands and premises herein des- ! erihed. That said auit t for the purpose of fora closing the lien for taxes of the delinquency j certificate tuned by the 8heriff of the County ( of Crook, State of Oregon, on the Firat day ' of April, 1916, for the taxes for the year 1914, for the sum of 610.60 with snterest at the rata of 16 per cent, per annum from the first day of April, 1916; 616-40 with interest at the rata of 16 per cent per annum from January 16, 1917; $11.16 with interest thereon at the rata of 18 per cent, per annum from the 14tb day of April, 1917; 610.69 with interest threoa a the rate of 16 per cent, per annum from tha 17th day of April, 1916, subsequent taxes paid by the Plaintiff. That tha Plaintiff, to whom said Certificate was issued la now the owner and holder thereof. That the property against which the said certificate of delinquency waa issued and on which the taxes aforesaid weirs paid is described as follows: Tha North Half of tha Northeast Quarter, of Section Seventeen, Township Sixteen Souta Range Fifteen East of the Willamette Merid ian, in Crook County, Oregon. WAR KEN BKOWN, Owner and holder of tha Dellnquen 60t7e ey Certificate above de-scribed and residing at Prineville .Oregon. Ne. 846: tlite NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. IT. & Ler.1 Of fice at The Dalles, Oregon, October , 1918. Notice is hereby given that MATTHEW C. TUENNf! of Roberts, Oregon, who, on May 17th, 191L. made Homestead Entry 08j and June 7, 191S made additional Entry No. OLiOM for Lot 6, fM SWVt. 8WK SEV,. See. 1. NVi of Lot 8, '4 NW"4 Section 80. Tovmihin 18, South. Range 18, East Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof to establish claim to LLs Isnd above de scribed, before Lake M. Bechtell, United States Commissioner at Prineville, Oregon, on the 26th day of November, 1918. Claimant names as witneiee: Otto Sonntag, of Prineville, Oregon; Man ford D. Nye, of Roberts, Oregon ; Audrey Kixer of Roberts, Oregon ; Edmund B. Parker of Roberta, Oregon. 48t6e H. FRANK WOODCOCK Register. 012184 NOTICE FOR PBLICATTON Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Of fice at The Dalles, Oregon, October 17,. 1918. Notice is hereby given that JOHN H. ISRAEL one of the heirs and for the heirs of Susan J. Israel. Deceased, of Bend, Oregon, who, on October 17, 1913. made Homestead Entry no. 012184, for SH SW4, SH SE4, St. II. NKU Section 28, Township 19, South, Range 17, East Willamette Meridian, haa tiled notice of inten tion to make final three year proof to estab lish claim to the land above described, before H. C. Ellis, United States Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on the 9th day ot. December. 1918. Claimant names aa witnesses! Ernest F. Edmunds, Arthur G. Moore, John Todtroff, John Murphy, all of Bend. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. . 60t6p Register