Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 21, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    NOVKMHKH at, I0IH.
Crook County Journal
Entered at the poatofllce at
Haevtlle, Oregon, aa second-class
Price 12.00 per year, payable
strictly In advance. In caae of
e-kaag. of addre&s pleaae notify ua
at once, giving both old and new
let Us Give Thanks
I ity. all the material
bleMinn that abound
even ingratee can give
thanka for tbtae. Let oa,
at least this once in trie long
year, look deep into the
heart of our aorcowa, our
failure our disappoint
ment our Ulneaiea, and
see if there doee not lie
there, aa within the bard,
bitter hull of the nut, eome
good kernel that ia tweet
rj wkr.lanma and nour
Mhing. And ao give thanlul
The rich, the well the
happy aurely they need
not be taught to give Nn it la the VOICA
of praue that wella up through
lean from the heart that achea, to
which angel lean and luten.
For what we have got out of
this world it ia eaiy to be grateful
But for what we hare been able
to give to it, of good, of tjrmpathy,
of ncrifice, of cheer, of uplift, of
aoul-stuff for thi we may give
thanka that will blend, infinitely
sweet, into the eternal music of
the spheree.
So each of ne, aa different gema
have different power to reflect
the tight let ua give thanka.
The people of the Vntted States
have more to b thankful for thi
year than ever before.
Coming, aa did the custom, from
our forefathers, who were thankful
that they were alive and had gath
ered a sufficient amount of food from
the forest of New England to keep
them through the winter, thankful
that they had been snared the cruel
ties Inflicted on acme of their neigh
bors by the Indiana, and looking for
ward to the privilege of worshipping
God as they saw fit. and the aatlsf ac
tion of having a voice In the govern
ment under which they lived, the day
ia a verv appropriate one for the peo
ple of this country at this time, fol
lowing the greatest victory that hum
anity has ever seeu over the tyranny
of military rule.
The part the Tutted States has
played In this victory has been an Im
portant one. and the place that U has
been forced luto among the nations of
the world ia a greatest possible con
trast to the first Thanksgiving Day.
That first day waa the beginning in
a most humble way, this ia the com
pletion of that triumphant march of
right, fought most of the way against
great odds, arriving at the head of
the marching column of nations, to
ward right and better conditions oil
In the beginning these were the
first people, a mere handful, who had
dared defy the crowned heads of Eu
rope. Today all Europe and the re
mainder of the world looks upon the
United States, founded by this little
band in a new country, with a clean,
new idea, that of right of the individ
ual, as opposed to the rule of auto
cracy, as the pioneer and the authori
ty in the fight for freedom.
The greatest of all things In this
matter is the fact that the United
States has to this point been humble
and fair in its work, and this Is not
the least of all things for which we
are thankful on this, the greatest
Thanksgiving Day.
The aie'e people of this community
are all improving.
Hester Lytle came up from Prlne-
ville Wednesday to spend a few weeks
with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Senecal.
Sam Lytle spent several days in
Prineville last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Porter Qulnn are
quite ill in Paulina from Spanish In
fluenza. B. L. Delappe and A. G. Senecal
made a trip to Izee last week.
Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Nicely are
working for J. L. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Senecal and Al
va Colpttts spent last week end in
Mrs. W. N. Dunkle is qtute ill with
the flu.
Iludget f YiMik (Vunty for year of
In the County SCourt of the Slate
of Oregon, for the County of Crook.
In the Mater of the Amounts of Mon
eys to be required and to be raised by
taxation in Crook County for tha
year 19 1. OltDSK.
This being the time fixed by law
to rthe County Court to make its es
timates of the amounts of all moneys
to be required and to be raised by
direct taxation for all purposes in
Crook County, Oregon, tor the year
Wherefore, the County Court for
Crook County, Oregon, doee hereby
make In detail tha following esti
mates of such moneys a it believes
will be required tor the purpose of
Conducting the county' affair for
the ensuing year, and for which and
in which sum taxes tor the year shall
be levied:
Circuit Court IS.SO0.00
Supt. of Schools. .V. 1,116.00
Sheriffs Office 6,600.00
Clerk s Office 4,060.00
Assessor's Office J, OHO. 00
Surveyor's Office .... 780.00
Treasurer's Office . 660.001
Coroner's Office . 160.00
County Judge 800.00
Oregon Inter-State Fair 1,600.00
School Exhibits at fair , 300.00
County Veterinarian ........ 160.00
County Court i. 1.000.00
Justice's Courts .100.00
Juvenile Court .00.00
General Courthouse upkeep 126.00
Janitor's salary 1,200.00
Fuel 1.000.00
Widow's Pensions 780.00
Relief of poor . 240.00
Scalp Bounty ......... 1,600.00
Hospital fees 2,600.00
Lights and water 900.00
Telephone 400.00
Care of Insane 100.00
County Health Officer 600.00
Publications, printing 250.00
Tax rebates and errors 300.00
County Agriculturist 720.00
Sealer of Weights and Meaa. 100.00
Water Master 1.800.00
District Attorney Office 600.00
Auditing County Books 400.00
indigent Soldier 200.00
Tuburcular cattle 200.00
Forest Patrol 400.00
High School 15,000.00
County School Fund 16,800.00
Library Tax 150.00
Elections 1,150.00
Indebtedness as of January
1, 1919 94,000.00
District No. 2 $100.00
Dlstlrct No. 9 ..... 100.00
District. No. 1 200.00
District No. 20 .... 100.00
District No. 22 100.00
District No. 24 200.00
District No. 27 150.00
District No. 29 200.00
nitsrlct No. 81 80.00
District No. S 175.00
District No. 42 160.00
District No. 6 180.00
District No. 10 170.00
District No. 18 176.00
District No. 21 150.00
District No. 22 .. 876.00
District No. 2 285.00
nitric. No. 28 200.C0
District No. 30 .... 150.00
Histrlct No. 84 100.00
District No. 37 175.00
District No. 44 100.00
Said sums being In addition to the
regular sums to be apportioned these
dltflricta from the state and county
school funds; and
It la further ordered and adjudged
that Wednesday, the 4lh day of Do-
cember, 1918. at ten o'clock In the
forenoon thereof, In the county court
room In the court house at Prine
ville, Oregon be and the same Is here
by fixed as the time and place for
settling said estimates and for dla
cusaing same; and
It Is further ordered that a copy
of this order be published In the
Crook County Journal, a weekly pa
per of general circulation In Crook
County, Oregou, for three successive
weeks, beginning with the 14th day
of November, 1918. and ending with
the issue of the 28th day of No
vember. 1918. tha first publi
cation thereof being not leas than 20
days before, and the socond publi
cation being not less than 10 days
before, the said 4 th day of December.
Given under our hands this 9th
day of November, 1918.
County Judge
w. s.
Now Is The Time
To order that Wash
ing Machine that .
you told us you'd
buy for your wife
when the war was
over. Why not
make it
A Christmas Present
Call and let us explain our '
Easy Payment Plan
Des Chutes Power Co.
Total $164,830.00
Furthermore the Court estl-
mates that the county's probable re
ceipts from all sources during 1919
i will be aa follows:
Fines, penalties ft forfeitures! 250
Fees, recording etc., clerk 2500
Therefore the total amount to he
raied hv taxation in 1919 is the sum
of $162,080.
It was also ordered that the follow
ing estimates of taxes needed for the
school districts here listed be made
by the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Crook, for the reason that
to date they have reported no levy to
the assesor:
is a real day of Thanksgiving this year, as we have many things to be thankful for. -
The War Is Over
The Tri-State Terminal Co.
Will close their store at 10:00
o'clock on Thanksgiving Day,
and remain closed the balance
of the day.
We have purchased the Col
lins W. Elkins stock of Groc
eries and will close out all odds
and ends and. broken lines at .
a big saving.
Look us up on case goods. We
have some values to close out.
Tri-State Terminal Comp'y
DAILY 50c.
If yau don't get your paper reR
ulnrly, phone lied 431 and we
will send one up by special nioe
aenger. PIUNKYIIXK 1)111 G CO.
Iocal Agent
Hunters are hereby notified to keep
off the property of A. J. Noble. No
trespaslug will be allowed.
Signed A. J. NOBLE.
When writing advertisers, pi-
mention The Journal.
Is Your Money Supporting the
At this critical period In our history our manufacturers art
offering their milts and our young men are offering their services
to the United States government. Would you like to do your
share and help, by putting your money where It will support tbe
new Federal Reserve Nanking System, which the government
has established to stand back of our commerce, industry and
Ton can do this by opening an account wlU es aa part of every
dollar so deposited goes directly Into tbe new system, where if
will always be ready for yon when wanted.
Member Federal Reserve System
A Complete Line of
Holiday Goods
Consisting of
JA fine collection of books, both for the
grown-ups and the children.
f Dolls, character dolls, big and little.
Stationery, fine assortment box paper.
(Games in a large variety.
CJLowney's chocolates in 1-2 to 5 lb. boxes.
fjlvory Pyralin, including the famous Du
Barry pattern in many beautiful toilet
JManicure sets in many beautiful designs.
At the Store of