Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 31, 1918, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    (XTOIlr.ll 81, 101.
t . 5
Crook County Journal
Entered at the poatoffica at
PrtneTille, Oregon, aa aocond-claaa
Price lj.00 por year, payable
trirtlr In advance. In case of
kaaga of addreaa pleaae notify ui
at once, giving both old and new
general orricc
. . .. i
Why can't the Portland Journal
flay a square game in politics? Why
ot lay all the cards on the table; tell
the voters the whole truth instead of
camouflaging the points the voters
should know, in considering the pro
posed delinquent tax bill amendment.
Last Sunday the Journal devoted
onsiderable editorial space in dis
cussing the proposed law. The sum
and substance of the Journal's wail
was a hint that the Oregon press will
not discuss the bill on its merits.
Nothing could be farther from the
truth. The press of Oregon has been
discussing the bill on its merits for
several weeks, and all the while Edi
tor Jackson, the millionaire proprie
tor of the Journal, who fathers the
proposed amendment, has cleverly
covered up the most important tea
tare of the present bill.
Has the reader ever seen It men
tioned in The Journal columns that
th present delinquent tax publication
law provided for printing the delin
quent list oaly after personal notice
las been sent out to the taxpayer?
This the fact, and yet the ordinary,
sane, and in fact the only inference
consideration of all measure coming
before the Senate
and down the state soliciting votes. : consideration ot the legislative mat
ana aown ,ne aiBi ..,".. H lg very alert and has ohtaln-
to , the voter, of the "issued re- ed high rank among his colleagues In
centl Tdennitely announced that he ; the Senate -I ntted States Senator
will not wage a personal campaign. New ,of Indian.
..V0!6"1. i "L nJone oi! Cnitod State. Senator Borah, ot
the I n stateTtf iclals at his desk In , Idaho, says: "It is . pleasure to state
III moinhig but hose who frequent that Senator McNary ha. shown rare
.2! -Yt house note that the Oregon independence of action as a member
executive b the Senate and hi. work In that
v H itl.. rplKted to the war bodv haB been effective and charit.--n0SJbetn
ever before. Ha still takes a vigor
ous horseback ride occasionally but
these are started later in the after
noon than formerly and many of them
are confined to Inspection trips among
the state institutions about Salem.
In hi. address to the voter, of Ore
gon Governor Withycombe say: "No
matter how active other candidate,
for political offices may be I am de
termined now, a. I was at the time of
the primary election last May, not to
al camoaiKn. I shall
not have the time, the money, nor the J
inclination to go up and down me
state, figuratively or personally, in
solicitation of votes. This is no time
to seek political preference purely for
selfish gain or aggrandizement. I
feel that all spare time and all spare
resources should be devoted now to
ward winning the war. It would be
positively unpatriotic to spend large
sums of mouey trying to divert the
public mind from wartime duties to
thoughts of politics. Both the money
and the effort should be utilized in
more commendable ways,
charter, providing for th slwllon tf mayor,
recorder. Irrauir, and sl nibra of th
roum-il, their l.rnl nf otflc. and providing i
that nil nnulr lerlkna In said cltr ehall b
held al the earn tint that lh nrl hWn
nial alat'tkira 'r 8tat and eounly nfflcra
era held, and that alartton pnwlnela and offt- i
pen (hall ba th aama al election an held,
and further providing tor In nuallflcatiuna
nf Judtres and clvrka uf letkn. ,
lot NO. 1
tVnartnu-nt nf tha Interior. U. 8. Land Office, ,
Th Kellea. On-iron. September t, WIS. '
Notie I hereby given that
chaklMb. conc.lkton
of Paulina, Oraawn. who, oa Jan. . lain.;
June Id, 11, mad Homestead f.ntry No.
0I4,.'. No. 0U414, for NV, Ma, Nk.i.
NWV, 8K4. 8W NWVi, fWiKin as,
hti 11 S.ilh. Kana l Kul. Millanutla
Mvrldian, naa Man no! Ira o( lnlrntkn to makn
final thra aaar l'B-. tn anlabluh .-lalm to
tha land ahon da-rl.l h.f..r L. M. Millar,
II. S. IVminkukinvr. at raullna, Vnakl, n
th iSth iUr of U.tohar.
(Maimant namrt aa wttn.M:
Karl H. Uuahlln. Slater aulknar, Ira .
Hiwina. Ollvar K. Uk-lrjr, all ot 1'aullna. Ona-
""n" It. KRANK WOOIM'fU'K,
4tt UaitUlvr
1 wish to call the attention or the
voter, to the fact that I am the reg.
ular Republican nominee for Sher
iff and hereby solicit the support ot
the voter, for my candidacy.
I am a member ot the Cattle and
Horse Raiser.' Association ot Ore
gon, and have the interests . ot the
stock growers and all other property
owner, at heart.
I believe in atrtct enforcement of
the prohibition law aa well a. all
other larfs.
w. . a.
Try a Journal Classified Ad.
to allow the record of four years
stewardship to Btand as my only cam
Daien document. The people have
that can be drawn from the Journal., that record before them and upon it
editorials is that the great Sam Jack-
ion has devised a law to do away
with publication of delinquent lists
and substitute instead a wonderfully
efficient plan of personal notification
ky mail. He would have the voter,
believe that there is no mail notice
provided at present.
Let the present delinquent tax bill
alone. It is the fairest piece of legis
lation of it. kind of any state In the
anion. Why? Because it provides
for a mailed notice to be sent out,
and as a precautionary measure, it
provides that where mail notice is
ineffective, then, and then only, may
publication be made.
The tax. collector's bot ks are filled
with mistaken addresses, people are
continually moving and changing
about. The publication in the home
paper will always reach them, either
directly, or through friend, relative
mr neighbor.
The bill was passed by our legisla
ture to protect the unfortunate delin
Client property owner from the title
grabber and others of his stripe. Cut
at the publication proviso and you
let down the bars for the title grab
ber and shyster to "pick up some
easy money and you foot the bill.
The publication is not a public
charge or public expense. The Jour
nal's econmy dirge is pathetically
funny, all things considered. The
oounty does not pay out one red cent
tor delinquent's publication. The man
who permits his taxes to go by default
alone must pay the bill. The county
lias nothing to do with the matter.
These are the things you never see
in the Journal editorial columns. Who
s discussing the tax bill on its merits
Millionaire Jackson or the country
editor? Who is playing the square
Show your contempt for such a sys
tem of poisoned propaganda by vot
ing "NO" on every bill that bears the
Jackson trademark.
tha following prupoard amrndmvnu to the
charter of said City ba and tha aama barrhy
ara proposed for aubmiJuiHtn to tha lairat vot
ers at a rt'irular election to ba held on the &lh
For nearly four years I have iheen i chartkr amkndmk.nts suhmittkd to
That an art entitled "An art to Incorporate
the City of Prineville. Crook County, State uf
Ommn : and to reneal an art entitled "An art
to incorporate the town of Prineville, Wasco
County. Oregon approved October 23, l"
and to repeal an act entitled "An act to amend
an act entitled "An act to incorporate the
town of Prineville in -Wasco (now Crook i
privileged to serve the people of Ore
gon as governor, endeavoring to give
the state a sound, dignified business
like administration. I believe that I
have kept my pledges. I am willing
they must base their judgment tor
the future.
For many months I have been ex
tremely busy on the organization of
war work. This work is by no mean,
completed, nor will It be for an indef
inite time to come. I would like to
be Governor ot Oregon when our boy.
come home victoriously from war, for
then I would be in a position to en
force the unwritten gurantee that
these soldier, and sailor, shall re
ceive their lust rewards and that they
shall be accorded the proper recep
tion as they step back into civilian
life. My heart and my hand have
been and will continue to be in this
war work just as my heart and my
hand have been and always will be
with our Oregon boys.
"Throughout my administration I
have done honestly what I have be
lieved to be my duty. I shall contin
ue to do so. If the voters of Oregon
believe that I have served them faith
fully and well and if they feel that I
can be denended upon to give the
very best that is in me in approaching
the enlarged and more important de
velopments that will come with the
close of the war, I shall indeed ap
preciate an expression of confidence
and shall strive diligently to merit
the endorsement ot reelection. . It is
for the people to say and I feel that
they are qualified to pass judgment
without the disturbance and interfer
ence ot a personal campaign."
Opponents of Governor Withy
combe have devoted all of their time
to erltUlzing minor details of hi. ad
ministration, and in so doing, iniiuen-
o, misrepresentation and misstate
ment of facts have been freely and
recklessly employed. None of his
critics has has the fairness to say
that Governor Withycombe is loyally,
patriotically American, and has at all
times earnestly cooperated with the
administration in the prosecution of
Ihe war. .
None of these critics has pointed
. cut the fact that it was due in large
measure to the leadership of Gover
nor Withycombe that Oregon hag led
all other states in responding to the
country's call for soldiers aad sail
on, liberty bond and Red Cross drives
an all other patriotic endeavors.
They have neglected also to relate
anything of the splendid efficiency of
the state's military organization at
the outbreak of the war, and for
whose efficiency the Governor was
responsible. Neither have they told
the people of the state that Govern
or Withycombe in the organization
of the military forces of the state, the
edical corps, selection of officers,
and the formation of draft boards,
absolutely ignored politics and chOM
me.ii salely for their fitness and com
petency. Governor Withycombe has a record
fr a sound business administration
and loyal and earnest effort in the
nation's present crisis that should
command the approval and suport of
the whole people.
Declaring that he has neither the
time nor the inclination to travel up
United States Senator McNary, on
October 23 received the following let
ter of grateful thanks from the of
ficers of the Natfbnal American
Woman Suffrage Association for his
untiring activity in support of feder
al woman suffrage:
"Among the friends of Woman Suf
frage in the United States Senate
are a few to whom we are especially
grateful for help at every stage of our
efforts. You are one of the small
group and therefore we wish to ex
press In behalf of the National Wom
an Suffrage Association our apprecia
County. Oreicon." approved October 23,
1&60, and to repeal all acta or parts of acts
in conflict herewith, approved rebruary 14.
1887: and to repeal an act entitled "An act to
amend section 17 of an act entitled "An act to
incorporate the town of Prineville, Wsaco
Conntv. Oreson." aDoroved October 23. lbvO."
filed in the office of the secretary of state
February 18. 1H91 " approved rebruary 18,
189a, and aa subsequently amended by as act
of tha Legislative Assembly of tha State of
Oreffon, approved February 12, 1908, and filed
in the office of tha Secretary of Stale Febru
ary 13, 1U08, and aa aubeequrntly amended by
an act submitted to and approved by tha voters
of said city at tha apeciat election held there
in on November 12. lUlo, and to amend ail
other amendmenta thereto enacted by the Letr
blativa Assembly or by trie vote of the people.
more particularly by amending: Section 7 of
Chapter III thereof, aa amended, so that the
same shall read as follows
"SECTION 7. There shall be held on the
first Tuesday aftr the first Monday in Nov
ember. 1918. and biennially thereafter, an el
ection within the City of Prineville for the
purpose of electing- a Mayor, Recorder, Treas
urer, and six mem hers of the council, who
shall hold their offices for two years from
the first Monday in January next following
said election and until their respective suc
cessors are elected, and qualified."
And by amending Section 8 of said Chapter
III of said charter, ao that tha same shall read
as follows
"SECTION 8. Said elections shall be held at
the same time that the general biennial elect
ions for State and County officers are he d.
and the election precincts and officers shall be
the same for said elections, and all provisions
of tha charter and ordinancea of the City of
Prineville . pertaining to the. holding of elect
ions shall continue in full force and effect ex
cept so far as they relate to tha time of hold
ing such elections."
And further by amending Section 10 of said
Chapter III of said charter, so that the aame
shall read as follows :
"SECTION 10. All elections tinder this act
shall commence at 8 o'clock In the forenoon
and continue until 8 o'clock in the afternoon of
the same day; PROVIDED, the jurlnes in their
discretion may adjourn the polls at one o'clock
for one hour."
And further by amending Section 11 of aatd
Chapter III of said charter, so that the same
shall read as follows :
"SECTION U. Judges and clerks of elect
Ion must possess the qualifications of voters
of the State of Oregon, and duly qualified el
ectors within the precinct for which they are
appointed, but a mistake or error in this res
pect, or failure to give the notice provided for
in the next section, shall not invalidate any
election otherwise legal.
RESOLVED FURTHER that this resolution
for proposed charter amendments submitted
to the voters by the Council be filed with the
rvewruer upon lie approval ay the mayor
ior Buomuiaion w tne legal voters
ui saiu municipality lor their ve-
No 018240
Department ot tha Interior, U. A. Land Offli
al The DalU Orwuo, ......
' September 3th, Ikll
Nottca la hereby pfvan that
attilLa C. NKW
cf Bamea. Oregon, who, on IVamher 18th,
made Homestead Entry No, Oli.'ju, (or
SW NKV, and SK 8.S at. til NWI4. Baa.
1, lownanip u swum, nang xa rjwi,
You Carry the Only Key
Safe Deposit Boxes
in our Fire-Proof and Burtjuiar-Proof
Vault may be rented bv tne year for
a nominal sum. Absolute protection
for your valuable papers and jewels
Ask Us
lion 33.
is filed nolle of In
tention to make final three year Proof, to aa
laolbih claim to tha land abuv dasenbad, ba
re Chaa. A. Sherman. II. H. Umimtaatonar.
at Fits, Oregon, on tha lAth day uf October,
Claimant namea aa witnesses! I
K. U. Scanimon of Bamaa, Oregon 1 Herman
Haas, of Hamea, Oregon ; K. X. Pauach of 1
Bamaa, OnrgoBj Adolpa Hansen ot Ufa, Ore
gon. :
4He Register
Department of tha Interior
U. S. Land Offtca at Tha llallea, Oregon
netitvnibrr la,
Notioe Is hereby given that
of Roberts, O nrun. who. on October
ID13. mads Homestead Entry No. 011178. for
lota 1-3 Sec. , T 17 8 R 18 E, SEV SE See.
SI. SWV SWU. Section 83, Township 18 South
Rang 18 East Willamette Meridian, haa
filad notica of intention to make final three
year Proof to eatabliah laim to tha land
above described, before Warren Brown, Clark
of the Circuit Court, al Pnnrvilta, Oregon, on.
th ith day of October, U18. 1
t latmant nam aa witnesaes ! 1
John A. Bagr, of Roberts, Oregon 1 Charles) '
Shepherd, of Pmt. Oregon ; Edwin A. Abbott,
of Prineville, Oregon ; Samuel M. Bailey, of
rrinevllle. uregun.
4MS KrgUUr.
Is Your Money Supporting the
At thli critical period In our history our manufacturer! are
offering their mills and our young men ara offering their snryloee
to th United State goTernment. Would you Ilka to do your
bar and help, by putting your money where It will support tha
new Federal Ketenre Banking System, which the government
haa established to aUud back ot our commoroe, luduitry and
agriculture! ,
Ton can do thli by opening an account wttk H M part ot every
dollar to depoalted goea directly Into tho bow ayatem, where II
will always be roady tor you when jrentd. '
Member Federal Reserve System
In the Circuit Court of th aSlat of Oreaoa
for Crook County.
Ovid A. Brers. A I uncus livers. Eldcn M.
Gordon, Donald P. llonlan, and Douglaa O.
Gordon. Plaintiffs vs. C. D. lllllman and Banal
Olive tiillman. Defendants. 1
In th nam of th Stat of Oregon l
You are hereby required to appear and ana.
wer the Complaint filed In th abuv votltird
Court and Caua on or before th 1st day of
November, 101H, and if you fall so to appear
and answer, th plaintiffs will apply to tha .
Court for th relief demanded In their Com-.
plaint, to-witl ,
A Judgment against you and each of you for
th sum of 3M.000.00 with Interest thereon
at th rat of 8 per cent, per annum, from th
dat of th ntry thereof, until paid and for
th costs and dishureemrnte of thia action, and
for an Onler of Sal of th property attached
therein. This Summons ia published by order
of th Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judg of th
abov entitled Court, made on the 12lh day of
September, 1018, which said Order prescribed
that thia Summona ba published In th Crook ,
County Journal, a weekly newspaper of gener- I
al circulation print and publlancd ia Prin I
villa. Crook County, Oregon, for a period of
alx weeks eonaacuttvvly. I
f)at of first publication of thia summons '
ia tha loth day of September, 1018. '
at. R. ELLIOTT, Attorney for Plaintiff
48t7e . Prineviil, Oregon
tion Of your keen interest in our I jection or approval to be voted upon at the
cause and our earnest thanks for
your untiring activity in support of
the Federal suffrage amendment.
Sincerely yours, .
Honorary Pres.
Congresional Ch'm'n
Submission of the woman suffrage
amendment was defeated in the Unit
ed States Senate by the votes of
Democratic Senators. More Repub
licans than Democrats voted for the
measure while 21 of the 31 votes
against the measure were cast by the
Democrats. True to his promise at
the time of his au iointment, Senator
McNary voted wi.h' the Republican
Senators to give women the right of
"In his price fixing bill, as in his
career as a senator, Mr. McNary has
shown his ability, his vision and his
statesmanship. We are grateful to
the state of Oregon for having given
us such a senator. He reflects credit
upon his state and does honor to his
nation" .United States Senator
Johnson, formerly Governor of California.
"I am much interested in legisla
tion proposed in the senate by Senat
or McNary and admire his earnest
work In that body.. No member of the
Senate is more faithful In attendance
or gives more time to the thorough
general election to be held therein on the 6th
day of November, 1!)18. to be held as by law
in sucn case made ana provided.
RESOLVED FURTHER that a copy of thia
resolution be forthwith upon its approval
transmitted to the City Attorney who shall
within five (5) days thereafter provide and re
turn to the Recorder a ballot title for such
measure to be voted on at said election
RESOLVED FURTHER that the Recorder
oe ana ne u nerehy authorized and instructed
and required to publish this resolution In foil
containing the hereinbefore proposed charter
amendments and ballot title and number In
full in the Crook County journal, same being
the official city newspaper, ory!e or oftener
...woo ie wr uays immeuiaiciy preceed-
ing the general election at which same are to
be voted upon.
RESOLVED FURTHER that Inasmuch as
u is necessary lor tha immediate preservation
of the peace, health, and safety of the city and
the inhabitants thereof, that the hereinabove
proposed charter amendmenta be submitted to
the qualified voters and elector of said city at
the general election to be held therein on the
6th day of November, 1918, an emergency is
hereby declared to exist, and this resolution
snail ne in lull force and effect Immediately
after its passage and ariDroval hv the mi, .
Passed by the council after the third read
ing thereof thia 17th day of October, 1918, by
mc iiiiiuwuiK vove,
YEAS: Four.
NAYS :None.
Approved by the mayor of said city on the
ii in any 01 ucwoer. IV lo.
a . Mayor
GEO. F. EUSTON, Recorder.
Ballot Title
inje. vuiawj tsx irlfii Ull COUNCIL
To amend the charter of the Citv of Prtrw.
ville enacted by the legislative Assembly and
approved February 16, 1H99, and all subsequent
amendments thereto enacted by the Lejrinlt
ture or by vote of the people by amending
Sections 7, 8, 10 and 11 of Chapter III of said
In the Circuit Court of the Slat of On-!
tfon for Crook County.
Warren Brown. Plaintiff, vs. Charlea O. Pol
lard and the unknown heir of John Cauwy, t
defeased, defendant. i
To Charles O. Pollard, and the Unknown'
Heirs of John Caaey, DwwueH : I
pear and anawer thia Summons in the above
entitled cause, within sixty (60) days afUrl
th date of 4he first publication of thja Sum-I
tnons, upon you. exclusive or the day of such j
publication, to-wtt; On the 24th day of Decern-
ber. 1918, and defend the action or pay the.
amount due, to-wtt: 110,60 with interest there
on at the rat of 16 per cent, per annum from
the ftrwt day of April, luio; $16.40 with in
terest thereon at th rate of 16 per cent, per
annum from January 18th, 1917; $11. Iff with
interest thereon at the rate of 16 per cent, per
annum from the 14th day of April. 1517 ;
$10,09 with interest thereon at the rat of
15 ner cent, tier annum from the 17th day of
April, 1018, $.60 coet of div-nouency Certifi
cate and for the costs and dubumementa of
this suit, and upon your failure so to do a
Deere will be rendered anatnst you, forecloa
ing the lien of th hereinbefore mentioned and
described Delinquncy Certificate and coats
aiainst the land and premises herein des
cribed. That said suit is for the purpose of fore
closing the lien for taxes of the delinquency
certificate isued by the Sheriff of the County
of Crook, State of Oregon, on the First day
of April, I It 16. for the taxes for the year 1914,
for the sum of f 10.60 with witerest at the rate
of 16 per cent, per annum from the first day
of April, 1916; $16.40 with interest at the rate
of 16 per cent, per annum rrom January 18,
1917; $11.16 with Interest thereon at th rat
of 16 per cent, per annum from the 14th dav
of April. 1917 ; $10.69 with interest th'-reon at I
the rate of 15 per cent, per annum from the
17th day of April, 191H, subsequent taxes paid;
by the Plaintiff. That the Plaintiff, to whom
said Certificate was Usued Is now the owner
and holder thereof. That the proierty against
which the said certificate of delinquency was
issued and on which the taxes aforesaid were
paid is described as follows:
The North Half of the Northeast Quarter,
of Section Seventeen, Township Sixteen, South '
Kange rifteen ISast of the Willamette Merid
ian, in Crook Connty, Oregon.
Owner and holder of the Delinquen
60t7e cy Certificate above d -scribed and
residing at Prineville , Oregon.
. The Michel Grocery Co.
We are Offering for Canning
Our prices are right, and we will
take care of your order at
once. A large stock on hand
daily. Phone or write us your
Try a package of King' New Process Evap
orated Fruits and Vegetables. Ask for a sample
of Soup Vegetables.
The Journal does Modern
Printing on Short Notice
No. 8R948; 0IM48
Department of th. Interior. 1J. ri. Lan'l Of
fice at The Dalles, Or.iton, Ortobe? t, 11IIH.
Notice is hereby given that
of Roberts. Oregon, who, oa May 17th, Mil,
mad Hnmtead Entry 08!M6 and June 7, litis
made additional Entry No. ol.n'16 for Lot 6,
SU, 8W, BWA 8E'i, Sec 19, N'i of Lot S,
ti NW'i Section 80, Township 18, South,
Rantce IS, Eaat Willamette Murldlan, has filed
notice of intention to make Final Three Year
Proof to establish claim Lo the land abov. d
scribed, before Lake M. Berhtell, United State
Commissioner at Prineville, Oregon, on the
26th day of November, 1918.
Claimant namea as witneieii:
Otto Sonntaff, of Prineville, Oreirfn t Man
ford D. Nye, of Roberts, Oregon ; Audrey Kiier
of Roberta, Oregon ; Edmund B, Purker of
Roberta, Oregon.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of
fice at The Dalles, Oregon, October 17, 1918.
Notice i hereby given that
one of the heirs and for the heirs of Susan
I. Israel, Deceuaed, of Bend, Onton. who, on
October 17, 1913, made Homestead Entry no.
012134, for 6 8Wli, KV, BEVt, S.e. 21, NEU
Section 28, Township 19, South, Range 17, Eat
Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of inter
tfon to make final three year proof to estab
lish claim to the land above d.srribed, before
H. C. Ellis, United States Commissioner, at
Bend, Oregon, on the 9th day of December,
' Claimant name, as witneseeai
Erneftt F- Edmunds, Arthur G. Moore, John
Toderoff, John Murnhy, all of Bend, Oregon.
Central Oregon's Finest Hotel!
Built for YOU, Operated for YOU
Prices made for YOU!
Why not Enjoy it? Others Do!
Factory Representative for Pianos
and Phonographs. The Largest
Stock that has ever been in Cen
tral Oregon.
See These High Grade Machines
or Write
Murphy Bldg. BEND, ORE. Greenwood Ave.