Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 24, 1918, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    1MTOIIKH 84, lot
The Ochoco Realty Co. of Prineville
Tbe following numbers have been
taken from our lists snd show a few
of tbe many bargain we have In tbe
best farm land In the world. We do
not lilt great numbers of Ochoco 40's
O's, and quarter sections, for the
reason tbat It la all furra land, and It
la all good land, In fact It la doubtful
If thora la a tract of 15,000 acrea of
land anywhere else In tba world aa
uniformly good and easy to clear aa
la tbat embraced In the Ochoco Irriga
tion project. ' We can place you on
tbeae landa at payments down of aa
low aa three dollara an acre, and at
prlcea of from. $16 to $36 per acre,
condition that will permit of your
making good. It would be bard
thing to do to not make good It one'
worked at all. The aoll la there In
wonderful depth and quality, and the
water will be ready next spring. It
la the psychological moment for you
to get In touch with thl great and
only fundamental wealth producer,
the land. The world la fast coming
to tba and of tha lane In production
on (he land already In uae. Human
ity must look to the undeveloped por
tion! of the earth for food. The land
la now recognised to be the starting
place of all wealth and It li the real
dependence of the world today In
waging Ita fight for freedom from
militarism. When the Beast of Ber
lin baa been vanquished for all time
the next great duty will be the re
construction of the wrecked part of
the world. Thia will make neceaanry
the greater production of the food
stuff for the countries that will then
be able to get them. It la extremely
unllkoly that any appreciable de
crease In the prlcea of farm products
will occur for aome time after the
conclusion of the war, If ever. Bo
much for the financial aide. It la al
so a neceaalty In thl time of atreaa to
make ejrery available acre produce It
utmost Anyone with the under
Handing and the grit to make nature
give up her riches through the land
ahould be on the Job on aome of the
at present unproductive acrs. At a
great expense the progressive men of
this aectlon have made It possible for
very one of these rich acrea to pro
duce wonderfully of the needod thing
(or humanity. It Is your opportunity
and now la the time to icraxp It, A
trip Into thta valley In the next three
year will prove to anyone how much
be mliaed It ha did not take the op
portunity offered. You need the
proceed to buy bond to help In thia
great war, and the prosecutor ot the
war must be fed.
The Ochoco Really Company la on
the ground floor here. The membera
of the firm are going to make thla
tbelr permanent home. Tbey are.
anxious to sue thla great project aa
full of farmers aa It will atlck. It
will support alt comers. We are do
ing buslnoas on a legitimate commis
sion bails. We are primarily Inter
ested In the good of tbe community.
No. 2 House and lot 170x174, for
$1,600, half cash, balance terms at
8 per cent. A newly finished 7
room house, sightly location, and
lota of ground. This Is a good buy '
tor a home.
No. 21 lOO-acre Dry Farm, for only j
$1,660, cash or terms to suit This!
Is a fine ranch, heavy soil, 40 acres j
level, balance rolling. Three 40's
fenced. Good 7-room house and
fine cellar. Good barn, H mile to
postofflce, 10 miles to Prineville,
18 acres under cultivation and bal
ance good land easily cleared.
No. 83 JWouse and 0 Lota tor $4,000
half caah balance to suit at 6 per
sent. This Is a practically new,'
mostly modern, 8-room house, near j
tbe center of town, with plenty of1
ground. This Is an ideal home, in ;
a good neighborhood. House Is In j
excellent repair, being bold vacant .
(or sale. It you want a good home
look Into this.
No. 23 100-acre Ranch Dear Rob
erts, for $1,400, which Is a bar
gain. Tie soil i good, all level,
and all fenced with three wires.
Forty acrea under cultivation and
balance small Juniper. 4-room
ouesh, small barn. Across the
the road from schoolbouse and 20
miles to Prineville.
No.24 160-acre Ranch at $10 per
acre, half cash, balance to suit. It
is better than homesteading. One
half of this is levelb balance roll-,
Ing. All good soli, 14 acres under ..
plow, and all wire fenced. , Some',
Juniper suitable for posts and fuel.
Good well, 6-room house good barn
I miles to school, 6 miles to post-1
Office in Prineville. A good ranch ;
cheap- !'
No.2t5 6 40 -acre Dry ranch at $6.60 J
Per acre. All cash and assume
contract. Under Powell Butte Ir-
' rlgatlon project. The soli Is vol
canic ash, halt the place s level and
balance rollng. All fenced three
wires, 18 a. cultivated, balance eos-
Ily cleared. It Is only 6 mllea to the
town of Prineville, and we consid
er thla one of the beat buys on the
No. aft 100-acre Dry Farm at tbe
low price of $3,600. Half cash and
balance to ault at ( per cent. Thla
ranch la all level, all wire fenced,
130 acrea under cultivation and Is
particularly suitable for grain. It
I one of the beat rancbea In tbe
Powell Butte aectlon and la under
the Powell ditch and can all be
watered but 3 acre. Tbers Is a
amall 3 -room bouse and email barn
and It Is a mile to Powell Butts
postofftce and school. Teams, cows,
and cropa can be bought with this
place, and If the buyer wants a
real ranch be can rest assured that
thla Is the place. There la a 40
acre Irrigated ranch with fine
bouse and buildings a little ways
from this place which tbe owner
will sell with the dry farm for
$7,000, half cash, balance terms to
suit. These two ranches In con
nection will make a plant that Is
a money maker. The owner want
to retire, and tbla make a fins op
portunity for someone.
No.2H Diversified Farm for the aum
of $16,800. Thla place la all level
rich botom land and baa 140 acre
under cultivation. It ia aubirrigat
ed and la under tbe Ochoco project.
There la a nine-room house that I
nearly new, and cost $2,800, a 22x
40 barn and two sheds 16x40, a
half mile to model school bouse,
has R. F. D. of mall, and Is 6 miles
from Prineville. Four horses, and
farm tools go with the place, and
a barn full of bay tbat can be pur
chased. This place Is In tbe flow
ing well bolt. There Is a flowing
well 100 yards from the bouse on
tbe adjoining place. The place la
a quarter mile from R. R. station
and the electric power line.
No. 20 House and 12 Lots for only
$2,000. Halt cash, balance to suit.
Practically new, 4-room bouse,
near depot. Owner will trade for
Ochoco project land.
No. 22.J 40 Acre with paid up wat
er right tr $2,000. 22 acres are
under cultivation. There are 160
fruit trees 3 years old, In good con
dition. A 12x24 house all fenced
with four wire. Ha dally mall
aervlce is three-fourths mile from
town ot Redmond. Some small
tools go with the place. There
are 14 acres sot to alfalfa, 8 In
grain. Thl 1 a dandy forty.
No. 27 181 Acre Ranch (lose In.
Only 2H miles from Prineville, on
fine rock road. 60 acres level, bal
ance rolling, all fenced, 14 acres
under cultivation, two wells, fine
new bouse with hardwood floors
and usual outbuilding. 2 horses,
2 cows, mower, rake, 2 barrows,
plow, 2 wagons, 2 harness, and all
small tools go with the place. Al
so there is 20 tons ot good hay, A
lease on 80 acrea of good pasture
will be Included In the sale price,
ot $4,000, bait cash and balance
at I per cent
No. 810 One Section of fine rolling
land at $10.00 per acre... This Is
a good buy.
No. 83 640 Acres all level, fine soil.
Watered by ditch, school on place,
7 miles from Prineville. This Is
priced at $30 per acre cash for a
quick sale.
No. 84820 Acres for $5,000. Half
cash, balance In two years.. Soil
Is deep rich loam. Springs and
creek on place. Good spring piped
to house. Lots of fruit, good 6
room bouse, new 86x44 barn and
other outbuildings, ltt miles to
school house, R. F. D., 8 miles to
town, good lot ot cattle can be pur
chased with the place.
No. 85 A 1,100-a. Stock ranch...AU
fenced but 40 acres. Black sandy
loam, 120 acres under cultivation,
80 acres under ditch, with creek
running through tbe rest, springs.
7-room bouse, 60x50 barn and
shed, mile to school, 6 miles to
postofflce. Four horses and hay
to feed them goes with the place
at $13,000, half cash.
No. 86820 Acres, fenced and cross
fenced at. $15,000. 150 acres un-
der cultivation, 110 acres under ir
rigation uystem. Modern bunga
low, cost $2,000. Fair sized barn
and garage. School across the
road R. F. D. daily. A fine farm.
No. 87 Two good lots in Prineville,
$800, half cash; balance easy terms
at 8 per cent.
No, 89400 Acre Dry Ranch. The
price on this place Is only $3,000.
The boys have been drafted and
muBt sell at once. Nearly all level
, sandy loam, all fenced, 100 acres
under cultivation watered by ereek
and 2 springs. Two small houses,
barn, and other buildings. 2 miles
to school, 8 miles to Prineville. All
"Is In summer fallow but 20 acres.
No. 40 A Good Saw Mill for $3,600.
12 M capacity per day, No. 2 Rus-
tell mill, 20 H P tractor engine, 8
gang edgar, cut off, log turner, and I
No. 4 Fay planer .
No. 81S 027 acres at 912 per acre.
$3,600 down, balance term to ault.
All fenced. 31 acrea cleared, 136
acrea under Ochoco ditch. One
mile to school, 6 miles to Prine
ville. No. 810 lou In Prineville, fenc
ed, $1,200 caah.
No. 817 Lot In Portland, $1,100, all
No. 87H A Real Bargain Ranch of
6,370 acres and stock consisting of
262 head of cattle, $65,000, half In
cash and balance 10 years at 6 per
cent. This ranch is under tbe ditch.
A 11 -room bouse. Machinery and
all stock goes with the place. 876
acres under private ditch owned by
place, abundance ot water at all
times. 2 miles to school, 6 miles
to store, 82 mile to Prineville. A
big place, In excellent condition.
No. SOTO IfHt-Arre Homentead, for
$2,800. Good (oil, all fenced, 12
acres under cultivation, 10 acre
under ditch, aprlng for Irrigation.
1,000,000 feet of aaw timber. lCz
20 house and tine outbuilding. 1H
mile to cchool house, 18 miles to
No. 77 UA 87ill5 In IYInevllle.
Barn 16x18. Price $560.
No. 78 100 Acrm, SI ,200, all fenc
ed, small house, 2 miles to school.
No. 811 80 acrea, partly cleared, all
under ditch, bid buildings. $4,600
$2,000 down, balance to suit.
No. 80040 Acred, partly cleared, all
under Ochoco project, old build
ings. $2,600, $1,600 down, bal
ance to suit. Good soil and easily
cleared. All of our Ochoco project
lands are good buys.
No. 884 Acres in suburbs of Prine
ville. On County road, $1,800 cash.
No. 224 26 acres at Powell Butte.
A good buy at $360 cash.
No. 47 8 LU In Prineville. Each
40x120, $176 each or $500 tor the
No. 212 A 12, 800-acre stock ranch
In good location, wllh 1,000 head
of cattle. This Is a big proposition,
the total price of which is $200,000
and is an ideal, going stock prop
osition. No. 218 575 Acres, $7,O0. $3,250
down balance In payments, at 6
per cent 110 acrea under cultiva
tion, 110 under ditch, and 80 acres
above ditch watered with well and
pump.. A good place, one of the
best. '
No. 214 252 Acres, $8,000. 93 a.
under Ochoco project This is all
fine land and a good buy at this
No. 215160 acre Raw Land. All
fenced, good black aoll, watered
by spring. 16x20 house. 14x32
, barn, 2 miles to school, 8 miles to
town. This Is a cracking good raw
land proposition at $800 cash pr
$1,000 terms.
No. 216 820 Acres. $4,400, bait
cash, balance to suit 100 acres in
cultivation, watered with wells and
spring, house and good barn, 8 ml.
to postofflce, 7 miles to town, This
place Is now rented.
No. 217 200 acres... 60 acres In al
falfa. Water right owned by place.
School on ranch 15 miles from
Prineville, 60 tons ot hay with the
place. $11,000, half cash.
No. 220160 Acres, $40 per acre.
Nearly all level, volcanic ash, good
wire fence, 25 acrea under culti
vation, watered by well, some fruit
in good condition, five-room house
with kitchen, small barn. It is
2tt miles to school and 2Vi miles
to Prineville.
No. 249140 acres, $3,500. All is
fenced with two wires, 80 acres
under cultivation. 14 miles from
No. 248100 acres $800. Partly un
der Suttles Lake Irrigation project
1,000,000 feet ot yellow pine. A
really good buy at this price.
No. 246 160 Acre Farm at $22.50
per acre, half cash or $1,800 cash.
80 acres fenced, 12 acres cultlvat
ed. 60 acres watered. Small house.
4ft miles from Prineville. A pick
No. 260160 acres. $3,600, cash.
Excellent grass land, 40 acres are
cleared, 4 miles from Prineville.
No. 76 A Corner Lot In Prineville,
$460, $260 cash, balance to suit.
No. 81 Three-Room house, lot 80s
120. $760 cash.
No. 04 Harness Shop, tools, bust'
ness, etc $600 for tools, goods in-
, voiced. Good location, good bus!
ness. A bargain.
No. 05 House and lot, $1,500 or for
, . $1,860 cash. Good residence prop
No. 202160 acres, $2,250, or $750
cash, balance payments secured by
the land. Nearly all level, sandy
loam, all fenced, 16 acres cleared.
Half of this place has no Juniper,
balance has a little, all easily clear
ed. 4-room house, rough barn,
FOR 8ALE New piano, phone Black
681. 48t4c
FOR SALE A Special Electric Fairbanks-Morse
gasoline engine, 3 hp,
Inquire of P. B. Polndexter, Prine
ville. Oregon. 48tfc
8EED OATS Early Bant, Marquis
and Galgalus wheat at the Red
mond Warehouse, Redmond, Ore
gon. Northern Grain ft Ware
bouse Co. 21tfc
FOR SALE 8 passenger auto .In
good order. Also will sell my
Studio and Art Sbop business.
For particulars, call on F. E.
Lafler, Prineville, Ore. S3tfc
FOR BALE Pacific Coast Safe In
good condition. Inquire Oregon
Grill Diner. 34tp.
FOR SALE Overstocked In music.
Send us $1 cash and we will mail
you a surprise package of ten or
more copies. Try It F. E. Lafler,
Prineville, Oregon. 46tfc
FOR 8ALE Forty acres under Ocho
co Project 8 1-3 miles from Prine
ville. Fenced on three sides, small
house. $1,600 down, balance to
suit Box 88. X
FOR 8ALE Good 80-acre tract, all
cleared and in crop, one and one
balf miles from Prineville. Two
good wells, $1,800, half cash. Bal
ance at 6 per cent Box 38 X
FOR SALE 169-acre ranch near
Powell Butte, 80 acres will be un
der new Powell Butte Irrigation
District Address Box 88 X
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Atrdale
Puppies, P. McD. Fuller, Ochoco
FOR SALE 800 bushels excellent
seed rye. Write Tapping Imple
ment t Grain Co., Culver, Ore.
FOR SALE 200 bushels Swedish
seed Rye. Archie Powell, Prine
ville. 44tfc
FOR SALE 1917 Ford Touring car,
good condition, with Hassler shock
absorbers, speedometer, etc., for
$450. Call at Forestry Office for
particulars. 48tfc
FOUND Some money was found In
Prineville Hotel lobby during the
fair. Owner can have same by
identifying and paying for this ad
vertisement. 48tfc
WANTED All kinds of plain sew-
nig and especially children s gar
ments. Mrs. R. V. Constable.
We advance sacks and twine and
pay a premium ot nine cents per
bushel tor sacked grain. Ochoco
Warehouse Co. 42tfe
8CAUS BOOKS Neatly printed
and . bound. , Send $1.00 to the
Journal and one will be mailed
you, postage paid. 2tfc
DELAY AL Cream Separator, No. E.
Good as new, for sale, Inquire at
this office. 44tfe
MILL FEED Rooled Barley and
Baled bay at Ochoco Warehouse
Co. 42tte
8EED RYE Order now. Supply Is
limited. Ochoco Warehouse Com
pany. 42tf
WANTED Child's Trundle bed. The
price must be reasonable. Apply
at this office, i
WANTED A good place near Prine
ville to winter 4 saddle ponies, a
place where they will have good
pasture and be put up In the barn
and fed hay when necessary. Must
have good care. State price per
month. Address Geo. H. Moody, at
McKenzie Bridge. Oregon 60t2p
LOST In Prineville or on Post road,
October 13, Soldier's purse, small
purse inside. Can Identify prop
erty. Leave at Journal office. Re
ward. B0t3c
FOR SALE By owner, 80 acres near
Prineville. E. O. Sims, Vancouver,
Washington. R 2 Box 40. 60t3c
We prefer men who have sold
stock, Insurance, real estate, books,
or who have had no sale experience,
but who would like to develop into
salesmen. We train every applicant
accented and nrovide a svstem that
will enable anyone who works to
make from $76.00 to $160.00 per
week. Can also use women of excep
tional ability. Position' permanent.
In applying, past business experience,
number of years you have lived in the
community, and references. Address
In confidence. Kane Mfg. Co., 1626
27 L. C. Smith Pllg.. Seattle, Wash
ington. 60t3c
Oregon Daily Journal
Daily 50c Daily and
Sunday 65c
If you don't get your pap
er regularly, phone Red
431 and we will tend one
up by special messenger
Prineville Drug Co.
Local Agent
TO LEASE 100 acres under Ochoco
Project, AH cleared and plowed. In
wheat stubble. R. W. Rea. 47tfc
DR. F. H.
DAY Specialist eyes at
Prineville Hotel 1
DR. J. 0. TURNER Eye Bpecialis
from Portland; regular month!
visit to Prineville; watch thl
paper for dates. 16tl
DR. F. H. DAY Physician, ophtbs
Biologist, neurologist Special!
of eyes and nerves. Glasses fltta k
Hours: t to 11:30 a. m.; 1:30 I
6 p. m. Evenings by appointment
Prineville Hotel, Prineville, Ore
DR. F. H. DAY Specialist eyes ano
nerves Prineville Hotel I
Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, pre
ldent J. B. Bell, secretary. Ab
stracts and Insurance. Prineville
DR. H. G. DAVIS Dentist New
' modern sbop, in Kanutra Build
Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Pbysl
clans, Surgeons and Oculist!
Prineville, Oregon.
DR. J. T. FOX Physician and But
' geon. Office hours: 10-12 as
2-4. Cornett Building, Room U
At Other times and at night rl
up Phone, Red 871, PrlneviU
WILLARD H. WIRTi District At
torney. Office In Crook County
Bank Building, Prineville, Ore.
We have just received several
cars of Stock Salt and will dis
pose of same at
Salt is at Redmond Ware
house, Redmond, Ore. Phone
or write.
Northern Grain & Warehouse Co.
LL ROSE, Proprietor
Successor to Toney & Rose
Cars leave,Prineville at 5 a. m. and 3 p. m.daily
1 connecting with all trains
City Meat Market
J. W. HORIGAN, Prop.
Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon
and Lard
Fresh Fish
Fruit and Vegetables In Seaaoa
M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Last
Court House St. Prineville, Ore.
United States Commission si
Crook County Bank Bulldlaf
Prineville, Oregon.
I hereby announce that I am -a
Independent candidate for tbe offkw
of sheriff of Crook County, and wtsk
to submit my candidacy to voters at
thl county at the general election
to be held in November. My plat
form is the ten years' experience I
have had in tbe sheriff's office 1st
this county, and the manner In whisk
I conducted the office. -81p
Modern Shoe
Repair Shop
, W. H. SIMON, Tnf.
Shoes repaired while yea wait
All work goarantood
Price reasonable
Located in Morris Bldg.
Boom 2 Cornett Building
Member of Preparedness League
of American Dentists
All soldiers work done tree '
I. H. (JOVE, D. M. D.
I specialist la pondala fillings sad" ttooas
which auk Ucth look and fed aatanO.
1 also do Gold UUmy, erowa mat
work : lllw filling., and txtiactias.
i as ao ptaio wore.
Mj not to i -Oh Thhs fd Doaa."
The Journal does modern printing
on short notice.. ,
and Oysters