nrroiiKit at, iois 9ST i CROOK OOCXTY JOIRNAL jCrook County Journal bt"ccy lafullkttb Bntered at th pogtofflce, at TrteeTllle, Oregon, second-cltM miter. VTBUSUED EVERT THIRSUAY Price IJ.00 per year, payable mthetlj In adTance. In case of Uag of addresa please notify ut ' at Mce, giving both old and new addresa. XilS r MER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE - t ....... 1 1 . , . . GENERAL OFFICE , - NEW YORK AND CHICAGO iXUNCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES WHY THE Pl"BMO MI ST DO ITS 8HVRK II the "home papers" are to-be sent to all our soldiers and sailors and there, men and women, engaged in war work abroad, this must be done ky the public generally or by interest ed parties In each community. The ruling ot the War Industries Board in reference to daily newspa pers, published August 6, says: "Copies may be sent free to for mer employees who are in the war service .and copjes may be sent tree to libraries ot institutions recognized by the Government, such as the Red Cross, M. C. A., X. of C, etc. Copies should not be sent to Individual soldiers unless formerly employed by the newspa- The ruling of the War Industries Jtoard in reference to country weekly papers, published August 23, pro vides: "No publisher may give free cop ies of his paper except for actual service rendered and except to the camp libraries and hospitals or canteens of organizations recognez d by the Government etc. "No publisher shall send his pub Ication to anyone below the public subscription price." It will thus be seen that all news papers which heretofore have been ending free copies to the soldiers abroad and all newspapers that have keen contributing a portion of their sabscription price in order that the public might be encouraged to send the newspapers to soldiers, will have to discontinue those practices. In other words, if the soldiers are to have their "home papers" ot which ajbey stand so much in need and which - tire them so much delight and com tort, the people will have to suddIv he money for the full paid subscrip tion. The newspaper has no option in the matter, in view of the very business- Ike ruling of the War Industries Board, which is seeking to prevent - any consumption of print paper with- wl an adequate return therefor. If the public will respond with prompt donations for sending the pa pers, every boy from Crook county wiu m time receive nis nome paper. JOHN COMBS FOR SHERIFF lit this age, when the nation itself is founded on the basis of efficiency, 'and every man is carefully measured lor his qualifications for every posi tion, it is well for the voters to ex amine into the experience and abil ity of each candidate for office. John Combs has had ten years' experience iu the office of sheriff in this county, four as Bheriff and six mm deputy. During this period his competency m an executive officer was never tuestioned, and his able management at the collection of the tax rolls was ver with a view to safeguarding the mterests of the taxpayer. When the voters have an opportunity to place a aian with 100 per cent, efficiency at ike head of any of its departments specially the important office of sueriff. they should carefully consider fre qualifications and administrative ability of John Combs. His record u law enforcement, and his pledge m this regard is a guarantee of a lean and able administration of the Jffice. Paid Adv. I RAM-GRA XT WEDDIXG James Cram, Jr., and Miss Mabelle firant were married Sunday after aooD at 2:30 at the home of the bride aear Lamonta. Rev. W. L. Van Nuys was the officiating minister. Mrs. Cram is the daughter of Mrs. Roberta irant of Lamonta, and Mr. Cram is abe ion of Henry Cram, a prominent stockman of Prineville. Mr. Cram expects to be called in ttbe next draft, to the Benson Poly- jeenmc at Portland, and Mrs. Cram Trill remain here until after the war. -W. 8. 8. MIST SEE THE MOVTES Redmond and Prineville have ben litted through the closing order in lend which made moving pictures Sapossible. Several auto- loads of people leave practically every night for these cities to attend the picture fcows there. Bend Bulletin, Oct. 22. rw. s. s TEKREBOXXE BOT VICTIM Chester Elliott, son of N. H. El liott, of Terrebonne, died at Fort McDowell California, yesterday after an attack of Spanish Influenza. Priv ate Elliott had been the service only Ikree weeks. 1 JolOmonly SwAvS TtXT I VfOMT fcX,6 MORE ICE. CRtErA WATJ IMDVYITM JUS. NO HO KlOn.tC.AHW VMATJ hKV SU81R. HOMtST AWTHPO- CHOSS MV MKM.T. WW V. I; AN' fTAMHl'Z.V., an HKTOTC Suplee gg NEWS XOTES (By Our Special Correspondent) Threshing is all over and farmers are busy seeding their fall crops. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Carey and Chris Borge were Suplee visitors last week. Owen Keerins of Izee was over and purchased a load ot seed rye of Clair Quinn last week. Born, to the wife of Porter Quinn, October 2. a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson were deliv ering paintings for the Chicago Por trait Co. in this part of the county last week. H. E. Wooley and family made a trip to Canyon City last week. Fraajtie Smead and family have moved to Barns to begin work on the R. D. Houston place. Earl Smith went to Portland to en ter school. Joe Buckley of Redmond brought in a truck load of supplies for Keer ens Brothers last week. Eddie Birdsong, S. A. and Judd Lytle attended the Inter-State Fair at Prineville. C. C. and Bert Lemey passed through Suplee enroute to John Day, last week. B. Miller, Miss Edith Washburn and son, Jlmmie, made a trip to Prineville last week. B. Owens and family of Enterprise are visiting relatives here. Keerins Bros, passed through here last week with a bunch of beef, which they recently sold to Cofoid & Mace. J. V. Kuhn left for the railroad with a bunch of lambs last week, which he sold to Mr. McCormlck of Prineville. Ed. Stuart of Post Is visiting t the home of Geo. Senecal this week. L. A. Miller of Paulina is soliciting orders for groceries in our neighbor hood this week. Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Clark that their son, Irwin, has landed safely in a Siberian port. B. E. Carson and family passed through Suplee Saturday evening to Post to visit the former's brother, A. Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rennells of Paul ina were Suplee visitors Monday. Henry Cutting of Izee was pur chasing seed rye of Geo. Senecal last week. Roy Chase has gone to Seattle to visit relatives. (By Our Special Correspondent) Mrs. E. B. Knox is visiting at the home ranch. Mrs. Gunter has gone to Montana to visit home folks. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Gray are at home again after a trip through Cal ifornia. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gibson visited Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Sunday. B. B. Groff and family were the guests of the Misses Knox one day laBt week. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor spent Satur day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Nor ton. Mrs. Gillenwater Was in Prineville the first of the week, having some dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and George Cannon went to Prineville the first of the week. John Combs and George Bernier passed through this neighborhood the first of the wer;k. D. Koopman, Wallace Post, Neil McLean, J. R. Post and Harvey Dun ham finished threshing their grain. The yield was very good considering the season. C. 0. Stover has charge of the 0. B. Gray ranch near Bonnyview and is plowing and seeding the place. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Severance, Mr. and Mrs. Norton, Mrs. C. O. Stover, U G. Allen, Miss Burkholder and Miss Hansen spent Sunday the 14th with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gray, at Rabbit Valley. There was a dance given at the Shepherd house Saturday night in honor of Edmund Tweedt and Arch Ream, who will be leaving soon for the service. m 3. R. Post shipped a car of beef cattle to the Portland market the lasc of the week. I Post 1 WgH NOTES jj V , ? ' . f " r. I 7 BAKCD COOKIES. v.V iittl-. ' D. . ttot advJUlrU SACRIFICE. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raymond shipped a carload of furniture from their old home at Athena to the Bon nyview Ranch recently. Among oth er things is a fine piano, which will be appreciated by their friends here. w. a. . ORDINANCE NO. Ml PE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OK i'KlNEV'iLLE. OKEIiON. that th followitiK proposed amvndmvnU to th charter of said City b ana the mt hereby are proposed for suhmiMion to the legal vot er at a regular election to be held on the 6th day of November. IK1S: CHARTER AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED TO THK VOTERS OF SAID CITY BY THE CITY COUNCIL THK PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF PRINE VILLE. OKEGON, DO OKDAIN AS FOL LOWS: That an art entitled "An art to Incorporate the City of Prineville. Crook County, State of Oreiron : and to repeal an act entitled An art to inconorate the town ot Prineville, Waaco County, Oreiron" approved October 1, lftMII : and to repeal an act entitled An act to amend an act entitled "An act to Incorporate the town of 1 nnevllle in V two mow Crookl County. Oreiron." approved October 23, 1H80, and to repeal all acta or parte of acts in conflict herewith." approved February 14, 1M7 : and to repeal an act entitle! "An act to amend section 17 of an act entitled "An act to incorporate the town of Prineville, Wasco County. Oreiron," approved October 23, lV0," filed in the office of the secretary of state February 18, 1M9I, approved February Is, and as subsequently amended by an act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oreiron, approved February 12, 1903, and filed in the office of the Secretary of State Febru ary IS, 1903. and as subsequently amended by an act submitted to and approved by the voters of aaid city at the special election held there in on November 12. 191ft. and to amend all other amendments thereto enacted by the Leg islative Assembly or by tne vote of the neoore. more particularly by amending Section 1 of Chapter HI thereof, as amended, so that the same snail read as follows: "SECTION 7. There shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first MomlJly in Nov ember, 1918. and biennially thereafter, an el ection within the City of Prineville for the purpose of electing a Mayor. Recorder. Treas urer, and six members of the council, who shall bold their offices for two years from the first Monday in January next following said election and until their respective suc cessors are elected, and qualified." And by amending Section 8 of said Chapter ill or said charter, so that the same shall read as follows: "SECTION 8. Said elections shall be held at the -same time that the general biennial elect ions for State and County officers are held, and the election precincts and officers shall be the same for said elections, and all provisions of the charter and ordinances of the City of Prineville pertaining to the holding of elect ions shall continue in full force and effect ex cept so far as they relate to the time of hold ing such elections." And further by amending Section 10 of said Chapter III of said charter, so that the same shall read as follows: "SECTION 10. All elections under this act shall commence at 8 o'clock in the forenoon and continue until 8 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day ; PROVIDED, the judges in their discretion may adjourn the polls at one o'clock for one hour." And further by amending Section 11 of said Chapter III of said charter, so that the same shall read as follows: "SECTION 11. Judges and clerks of elect ion must possess the qualifications of voters of the State of Oregon, and duly qualified el ectors within the precinct for which they are appointed, but a mistake or error in this res pect, or failure to give the notice provided for in the next section, shall not invalidate any election otherwise legal. RESOLVED FURTHER that this resolution for proposed charter amendments submitted to the voters by the Council be filed with the Recorder upon its approval by the mayor for submission to the legal voters of said municipality for their re jection or approval to be voted upon at the general election to be held therein on the 6th day of November, 1918, to be held as by law in such cane made and provided. RESOLVED FURTHER that a copy of this resolution be forthwith upon its approval transmitted to the City Attorney who shall within five (5) days thereafter provide and re turn to the Recorder a ballot title for such measure to be voted on at safd election. RESOLVED FURTHER that the Recorder be and he is hereby authorized and instructed and required to publish this resolution in full containing the hereinbefore proposed charter amendments and ballot title and number In full in the Crook County journal, same being the official city newspaper, once or oftener within the ten (101 days immediately proceed ing, the general election at which same are to be voted npon. RESOLVED FURTHER that Inasmuch as It is necessary for the immediate preservation ot the peace, health, and safety of the city and the inhabitants thereof, that the hereinabove proposed charter amendments be submitted to the qualified voters and electors of said city at the general election to be held therein on the 6th day of November, 1918, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, .nd this resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately after its passage and approval by the mayor. Passed by the council after the third read ing thereof this 17th day of October, 1918, by the following vote: YEAS : Four. NAYS :None. ,.iV'pov,d. br thc mayor M laid city on the 17th day of October, 1918. D. F. STEWART. Attest: M,m GEO. F. EUST0N, Recorder. Co Ballot Title CHARTER AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS BY THE CITY COUNCIL AN ACT To amend the charter of the City of Prine ville enacted by the legislative Assembly and approved February 16, 1899, and all subsequent amendments thereto enacted by the Legilt ture or by vote of the people by amending Sections 7, 8, 10 and 11 of Chapter III of said charter, providing for the election of a mayor recorder, treasurer, and six members of the council, their term of office, and providing that all regular elections in said city shall be held at the same time that the general bien nial elections for State and county officers are held, and that election precincts and offi cers shall be the same at elections so held and further providing for the qualifications of judges and clerks of election. 100 YES. 101 NO. No I44? NOTICE FOR PI HI. CATION Department of the Interior, U. 8.. Land Office, The INtllea. Omnia, September I, IDtS. Notice ta hereby given that CHAKLKa 8. CONtlLETON of Paulina, Oregua. who, on Jan. H. I OH, June 10, 191S, mad Homestead Entry No. 01412. No, 01 (.4114, for N NV 8 NK. NWVs, BKH. 8Wi NW, Section it), Town ship It) South, Range 20 Kast, Willamette Meridian, has tiled nolle of Intention to maka final three yr Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before U M. Miller, U. S. tVmmlasioner, at Paulina. Orvgo.1. art the lltth day of t tober, Ula. Claimant names as witnesses! Earl H. Laughlln, Sylvester Faulkner, Ira B. Hiagina, Olivar H. UKlejr, all of Paulina, Ore gon. H. FRANK WOOOrtK K, 4t4c Register No. 012240 I NOTCK FOR Pl'III.ICATION Department of toe Interior, U. 8. Land Off at The be ilea, Oregon. September 8th. Ifell Nolle la hereby gives that AIT ILL A C. NKW of Bamea, Oregon, who, on Daretnher 18th, 1913. mailt Uonteslead Kntry No, Ot240, for SS NKU and SEV, Sea. 32, SV. NWH4. See. Hon 33, Township 20 South. Range 22 Fast, Willamette Meridian, baa filed notice ot in teutioa to make final three year Proof, to aa tahlth claim to the land above described, be fore Chas. A. Sherman. U. 8. Commissioner, at Fit. Oregon, on the I5U day of October, 1918. Claimant names aa wttneaseat F". D. SrammoR of Barn, Oregon : Herman Haea. of Hamaa, Oregon : F. X. Peuach of Karnes, Oiegun; Adolpb II men of Fife, Ore gon. a FRANK WOODCOCK. 1 Register NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION OI217I Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at To Dalles, Oregon Notice) Is hereby given that THOMAS H. CONNORS of Roberts. O mm. who. on Octohev fflth. 1918. mad Hometad Entry No. 012171, for' Iota 1-8 Sec. . T II 8 R 18 E. SKW SK. See. ,' 31, SWVi gwii. Section 32. Township 13 South Rang 18 East Willamette Meridian, baa filed notice of intention to make final three year Proof to establish lalm to I He land ' above described, before Warren Brown. Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Prineville, aVngon, on the 23th day of October, Kit. I Claimant names aa witnesses: John A. Sager, of Roberta, Oregon ! Charts Shepherd, of Post, Oregon j Edwin A. Abbott, of Prineville. Oregon; Samuel M. Bailey, of Prineville, Oregon. I H. FRANK WOODCOCK. I 4M4e Register. I SUMMONS la ib Circuit Court of lh State ot Oratot for Crook County, Ovid A. Byvrit, Alpheus Brra, Elder. H. Gordo a, Donald P. Gordan, and Douijlaj i). Gordon, Plaintiffs va. C. D. Hill man and UaatW Oliv Hi II man. Dvfcndanta, In tht nam of tha Stata of Oragoni You arc hereby rrqutrrd to atiuvar and ana wer tha Complaint filvd tn tha above antitltd Court and Cauaa on or bafora tha lt day of November, 1918. and if ynti fail ao to appear j and answer, tha plaintiffs will apply to iha i Court for tha relief denutnded la their Com- i plaint, to-wit: A Judmnent aaalnst you and each of you for j the sum of fatt.uuu.OO with tnunat thereon ' at the rate of per cent per annum, from the date of the entry thereof, until paid and for the rosta and disbursement of this action, and for an Ordr of Sale of the property attached therein. This Summons la published by ordrr of tha Honorable T. . J. Duffy, Judge of the above entitled Cou t, maile on the lUth day of September. ItUM, which said Order prescribed that this Summons be published In the Crook County Journal, a weekly newspaper of yener al circulation printed and published la Prine I villa, Crook County, Oreiron, for a period of fix weeks consecutively. I Date of fiml publication of this summons, fat the ltuh day of September, 191 H. M. EL ELLIOTT. Attorney for Plaintiff 46tTe Prineville, Oretton NOTICE TO CREDITORS j Nolle la hereby given by the undersigned, the Administrates o( the Eatat of John K. Morris, Deceased, to all creditor of aaid d eeased. and to all persons having claims against aaid Estat to p-raent the isms, with the proper vouchers ,to th undersigned at the offie of M. R. Elliott, In Prineville, Ore gon, within six nwntha from tb dat of the first publication of thla notice. Data of First Publication, September It, 1918. FAMNTE MORRIS, Administratrix of the Estate of John F. Morris, Deceased. 4tt Netie Fer Peblleatloa Department sf tha Interior U. A. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, September 6th. 1918. Notir la hereby given thai AMELIA WOLKE. of Prineville, Oregon, who, on August 8th, 1014, mad Homestead Entry No. 0U580, for NM, SWU. 8W4 SW, Section 12. Township It South. Rang 1 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notir of intention to mak final three year Proof, to establish claim to th land abov described, before Warren Brown, Clerk of th Circuit Court, at Prinevill, Ore gon, on th 24th day of October, 11)18. Claimant name as witnesses t Otto Radloff. Daniel R. Putnam. Ed. C. Whits, Robert Vasey, all of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 44tSp ReaisUr. Notice Far Pobllcatlo Department f th. Interior V. S. Land Office at Th. Dalle, Oregon, September 6th, 1918. Notic is hereby given that ai.ntjnzn r. KKntTti of Lamonta, Oregon, who, on Jun. 4th,lvl i mad. Homestead Kntry No. lor NK.i, REu. Bcctnn 18. TownahlD BOUin, nanKV i rui, r ..lameii menuiniii ha filed notice of intention to mak flnat three year Proof, to eHtablUh claim to the land atwve-described, before Lake M. Bechtel. U. 8. CommiMloner, at PrinevlUt, Oregon, on the 22nd day of October, 1018. Claimant name aa witneseeai Geonce H. Rainier, of Lamonta, Oreiron John N. Beeland, of Lamonta, Oregon ; Francis P. WriKht. of Prineville, Oregon; Numa F. McColn, of Prineville. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Utbc RegUter. rt A t- i E unit - l ijl FOR SHERIFF I wish to call the attention of the votern to the fact that I am the reg ular Republican nominee for Sher iff and hereby solicit the support of j the voters for my candidacy. i I am a member, ot the Cattle and Horse Raisers' Association of Oro-j gon, and have the interests of the j stock growers and all other property owners at heart. I believe In strict enforcement of the prohibition law as well as all other laws. 48tf NORRIS MORGAN. No. MU; 1M4 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of th. Interior. U. A. Land Of fice at Tha Dalles, Oregon, October , lUlH. Notice is hereby given that MATTHEW C. TUENNH of Roberts, Oregon, who, on May 17th, 1911, made Homestead Entry OBilM and Jun. 7, 1915 mnrle additional Entry No. OlmilA for Lot 9. S"i SWV4, 8W4 SE'4. Sec. 10, N'i of Lot 5, N NW'i Section 30, ToviiHhln 18, South, Rang. 18, East Willamette M-ridlan, has filed notic. of Intention to mak Final Three Year Proof to establish claim to lh. land above de scribed, before Lake M. Bechtell, United States Commissioner at Prineville, Oregon, on the 26th day of November, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Otto Sonntag. of Prineville, O imni Man- ford D. Nye, of Roberts, Oregon ; Audrey Klrer of Roberta, Oregon i bamuna B. rarker 01 Roberts, Oregon. 48t6c H. FRANK WOODCOCK Register. CHICHESTER S PILLS Ui THE B1AMOND ; BRANIX A llrasrarlgd IIIAMUNIK 1IHAN1) PILLS. In mi known u Bert, Safest, Atwajn ReUlblt 'rsBfav OIMI All ffur vruiiia. nr 1 lt OKA Chl-eiieVire Ulamond UadV, CMXL I'lIU la R4 and Hold metlii ffgjyLJI boxes, lealed with Blue Ribbon. 4fc4 Take ether. Bur ef roup J . v if SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE You Carry the Only Key Safe Deposit Boxes in our Fire-rroof and Burtruiar-rroof Vault may be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for your valuable jlupers and jewela Ask Us CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At thli critical period In our hlitorjr our manufacturer are offering their mill and our young men are offering their mrvlce to the United Stair government. Would you like to do your hare and help, by putting your money where It win aupport tha new rederal Heeorve Banking Byatem, which the government baa eetabllahed to aland back of our commerce, Induelry and agriculture? Ton can do thla by opening an account wit U M part of every dollar ao depoalted goa directly Into tha new nrstem, where If will alwaya be ready for you whan wanted. Member Federal Reierve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Michel -THE STORE OF SERVICE 1 We are Offering for Canning PLUMS, PEACHES PEARS AND TOMATOES Our prices are right, and we will take care of your order at once. A large stock on hand daily. Phone or write us your order. Try a package of King's New Process Evap orated Fruits and Vegetables. Ask for a sample of Soup Vegetables. The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice WHEN IN BEND STOP AT PILOT BUTTE INN Central Oregon's Finest Hotel! Built for YOU, Operated for YOU Prices made for YOU! - Why not Enjoy it? Others Do! WALLACE C. L. K. SHEPHERD Factory Representative for Pianos" and Phonographs. The Largest ' Stock that has ever been in Cen tral Oregon. . See These High Grade Machines w B22 l. K. SHEPHERD or Write - Murphy Bldgi BEND, Grocery Co. BIRDSALL,- Mgr. ORE. Greenwood Ave.