Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 17, 1918, Image 1

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    Orfn" Historic ftl Society
jul 8rond 81
Crook County Joy real
No. 49
Are Subject To ApMal, Hut Few
(' lly TIiIh CImm Are
IxMikml Fur
The men who wore placed In data
I by the local board In the Innt draft
were notified by card yesterday, and
the Hut wi mode public today by
thn I oral board.
The names Riven below are those
frnru the Hat of men under St year of
asm and will be added to by it few
from a Hat nf agricultural clalma. The
namoa given below are subject to ap
peal of con ran, but few eaaea are rn
tldpatod by the local board. The
older men will be cluaairied aoon by
the board. The Hat followa:
73 Jaa. Franklin Kolnke, I'rln aC
134 Henry Wella Howard, Prln at)
41 J Edward A. McDonald, Itobta al2
124 Charles Wm. Goodnight. Pr al7
612 Art l.oula Morrla, Poat 821
77 0lle Bryant Lesly, Prlneyll a24
82 Ivv I. I'M 1 In. PpIiiovIIU .ir.
46(1 Cecil John Itaaor, Pow Uutto a:)0 j
205 Jaa. Wm. Johnaon, Prlnevlllo a47
802 Jua. A. McCullouKh, Paulina a53
4Chaa. Wilbur Glasgow, I'rln 805 i
8X8 Jn. Karl. Smith, Huplee a:'
84 John Dewey llouaton, Frln a92
82 Thorn. Luke (Julnn, I'rlno aSfi 1
449 Clifton II. Todd, Held alOO'
398 Marlon Luther Harney, Prln al09
849 ( has. W. Wheeler, Hoborla u!30
80 Ernest Jna. Gibson. Prlnevll al33 '.
4S4 Joa. Dewuln Townaend. Prl at36
88 John Henry CarUn. Koboit al61 j
817Grover Clove. Elrod, Poat al67i
6N Wm. Carl Snyder, Suplee al7
76 Frank Levi Hobblaon. Prln nl87
446 Alfona VanLaecke. Dry L 0206
8S6G00. Hobt. Selvesfcr, Prlne 8207
4 87 Eugene Vernon Young, P B 209
206 George Nlcolul, Prlnevllle aI16
88 Fred Jerf. llouaton, Hold a221;
45 Wm. Aug. Uoblnaon. Pnne a224
B 32 Kred Bandy. Prlnevllle a234'
4Rieve Mafflo. Prlnevlllo o24li
3 HO Walt. Elroy Fuller, Prlnevll a246
464 Luther Marcellea Dunn. 811-
rerton, Ore. a2B5
99 Dewey Richmond Bean, Prl a20
611 David Wllllama, Supine a5
641Qulrlno Cavaaln, Prlnevll 8290,
805 Luth. Klklm Claypool, Poat a296 1
476 Oeo. Ilyron London, Alfalfa aH02
97 Wm. Arthur Bundy, Prlnc a307
863 Krank Jaa. Taylor. Prlnevll a30!
608 Hurke Thornburg. Prlnevll agio
22 Alf. Wellington Landera, Pr am
71 Orvllln Elwln Hlnea, Prlne aS13
658 Antolne Mnrlua Prn, Mend n325
4fi0I.nurmii Dewy Cox. P II a329
70 Harold Norman Proae, Prln a330
18 Carey Alfred Cabo, Hold u3IO
862 Oeo. Ruaaell, Jr., Prlnevllle a341
328 Bert A. Itll'IcKtta Tnrr.,1,,,,,.. .111
142 Art. Burt Edmunds, Millic'n a354
65 Kred McCoy, Meadow aSHO
680 Bert Orlan Bilker. Suploe aS8
864 Frank Job. Rolf, Prlnevllle aS70
303 Waluce Hoy, DlUnian, Paul u373
34 Orover Clove. Willie, Prlne o41
294 David Buxton Morgan, Puiil a426 ;
664 Wlllla Harv. Puntt. Meadow 0452
94 0uy ForgiiB Smith, Prlne a159
zzocolumhua Bryan, Prlnevll
83 Lyle lilbbard, Prlnevlllo
17 Harry K. Dobsen, Robta
69 I.OUla Wm Hlirauti Prl., a
441 Thorn. Jeff. Dealy. Alfalfa a533
662 John Elmer Blmpeon, Mead aS40'
881 Stephen Boyer, Prlnevllle n641!
422 Wea. Johnnie Schock, Prln aS43,
866 Joaso Lloyd Yancey, Prlne a647
379 Jaa. Morrow llninn T)r.,n .cr
670 Ferula Lee Tesreau, Pnne u5G3k
i.nurence j nea, Hurmelster. i
Prlnevllle , aS63
296 Clarence D. Clondenen, Paul u567
298 Art Roy Irwin, Homedale Id aG77 I
74 Leater Olandor, Prlnevllle a580
81 Luckey Low. Bonney, Prln u6S2
9Bert Lemley. Prlnevlllo aK!l !
86 Sholburn Dale Ayres, Prln a537
469 Dewey Geo. Shobort, P B . a690
119 Edw, Jagper Baker, Prlnev a692
637 Vito Paloto, Prlnevllle a5U9
78 Otis McKlnnon, Prlnevllle a604
w. a. a
Figures Issued by the bureau of la
bor statistics show that retail prices
of food In the United States for Au
guBt, this year, Increased 2 per cent,
over those of July, this year. Pork
chops and eggs show the greatest In
crease. Bread, potatoes and coffee
did not change.
These August prices as compared
with August last year, Increased 15
per cent. Hens increased 38 per cent.
huck roast, 30 per cent.; round steak
29 per cent.; rib roast 28 per cent;
irloin steak, plate boiling beef, bacon
and rice 26 per cent. each. Beans,
sugar, bread and coffoe were cheaper
In August of this year than In August
of 1917. . . -
For the five-year period, August IB
1913. to August 16, 191-8, all food
combined showed a price Increase of
70 per cent. All the 17 articles for
which prices were obtainable for five
years, show Increases of 62 per cent,
and over. Meal advanced 127 per
cent; lard and flour 106 per cent,
each; potatoes 105 per cent.
Based on the average price for
1913 as 100, the retail price Index
number for all articles of food com
bined on August 15, 1918, was 171,
compared with 167 for July, 1918.
Labor Press.
No ArmlMlce INmnlhle While German
Power Continue I tut bleu
Submarine Warfare
"The unqualified acceptance by
the present German government and
by a large majority of the German
relchstag of the terms laid down by
the president of thn United Slates of
America In bla address on the eighth
of January, 1918, and In his subse
quent addresses Justifies the prosi
dont in making a frank and direct
atatement of his decision with regard
to the communications of the Gorman
government of the eighth and twelfih
of October.
"It must bo clearly understood that
the nroceaaoa of evacuiitimi ami ,)
conditions of an armistice are mat
ters which must be loft to the Judg
ment and advice nf thn mllimrv .i.
visors of the aovernmnnt nf thn Unit
ed Slates and the allied governments,
anu mo president feels It his duty to
say that no arrangement can be ac
cepted by the government pf the
United States which does not Jirovda
absolutely satisfactory safeguards
and guarantees of the maintenance
of the present military supremacy of
the armies of the United States and
of the allies In the field. Ho feels
confident that be can snfoly assume
that this will also be the Judgment
and decision of the allied govern
ments. "The president feels that it la also
his duty to add that neither tho gov
ernment of the United HtnlM nnr t.o
Is quite sure, the government with !
wincn me government of the United
States Is aasoclated as a belligerent,
will consent to consider an armistice
so long as the armed forces of Ger
many continue the Illegal and Inhu
mane practice which they still persist
"At the very time that the German
government approaches the govern
ment of the United States with pro
posals of peace. Its aubmailnea are
engaged in sinking passenger ships at
sea, and not the ships alone, but the
very boats In which their passengers
and crews seek to make their way to
ieiy; ana in meir present enforced
withdrawal from Flanders and
France the German armies are pur
suing a course of wanton destruction
which has always been regarded as
Indirect violation of the rules and
practices of civilized warfare.
"Cities and villages, If not destroy
ed, are being stripped of all they con
tain, not only of material things, but
often of their very inhabitants. The
nations associated against Germany
cannot ho expected to agree to a ces
sation of arms while acts of Inhuman
ity, spoliation and desolation are be
ing continued, which thev Justlv look
upon with horror and with burning
"It Is necessary, also, that there
may be no possibility of misunder
standing, that the president very sol
emnly calls the attention of the gov
ernment of Germany to the language
and plain. Intent of one of the terms
of ponce which the German govern
ment has now accepted. It 1b contain
ed In the addresB of the president, de
livered at Mount Vernon on the
Fourth of July last
"It Is HI fnllnwa-
" 'The destruction of every arbi
trary nower anvwhera that un
arutolv. secret I v mil nf It.
choice disturb the peace of the world;
or If It cannot be destroyed, at least
its reduction to virtual lmpotency."
"The power which has hitherto
controlled the Gorman nation Is of
the sort here described; It is within
the choice of the Gorman nation to
alter it. The president's words just
quoted naturally constitute a condi
tion precedent to peace, If peace is to
come by the action of the German
people themselves. The president
feels bound to say that the whole
process of peace will, In his Judgment
dopond upon the doflnitencss and the
satisfactory character of the guaran
tees which can be given in this funda
mental matter.
i"It Is indispensable that the gov
ernments associated against Germany
should know beyond a peradventure
with whom they are dealing.
"The president will make a separ
ate reply to the imperial government
of Austria-Hungary.
"Accept, sir, the renewed assur
ance of my high consideration,
w. a,, .
The thanks of the Crook County
Chapter are due for the kindness mid
generosity of a number of our pat
riotic citizens who by their assistance
nnd donations have made It possible
for -the chapter to establish office
headquarters for all its departments
In the room adjoining the R. C. work
room in the Masonic building.
This will be the center for all R.
C. activities. .
After the furnishing of the room Is
completod the schedule of office
hours will he announced.
Reiistance Noticeably Weakening All Along the Front.
Allies Driving With Terrific Force From All Points.
Streams of Prisoners Being Driven to Cages.
Amsterdam, Oct. IS. The Nleuwe
Rotterdamsche Courant today Issued
a special edition giving the report
that Germany had capitulated and
that Emperor William had abdicated.
London. Oct 16, 6:30 p. in. Reut
er'a Limited learns that the German
roply to President Wilson 1b expected
to be communicated lmmedialely and
that It la likely to constitute a gener
al acceptance of the president's coin
London, Oct. 16, C p.m. The Brit
ish foreign office stated this evening
that It had no official confirmation
of the rumors that the German em
peror had abdicated, but that opinion
Other Students Win Honors For The
Best Essays In The County
Ten Winners In State
Dorothy Simpson of Prlnevllle. was
one of the ten first winners in the
state In the recent essay contest tor
school children. The subject was
"My Liberty Bond and I."
160,000 children in the stato par
ticipated in the contest and the ten
first winners will receive gold med
als. Dorothy Is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Simpson. -
The scholars who won the honors
for Crook county In the different
grades are: Edra Catherine Oneil,
3rd grade; Kathryn Bloom, 4th
grade; Nelda Newsom, 6th grade;
Eleanor Yancey, 6th grade; Velraa
Shattuck, 7th grade; Dorothy Simp
son, 8th grade; Alice Mcneely, 10th
grade; and Lester Coshow, 11th
The county winners will receive a
button. Following Is the essay writ
ten by Dorothy Simpson:
My Liberty Bond and I
It must be realized that we are now
living in the most critical time in the
history of the world, Our nation's
destiny is at Btake.
In order that the allied countries
may win in this world war, every one
must do his part. When we stop to
think what might have been our fate
had the Germans reached America,
as they had planned to do, it makes
one shudder with horror and we
should be willing to do more and
more to help the ones who have suf
fered for us in Europe.
Money is as necessary in the pros
ecution of war as soldiers are, be
cause it takes money to get food,
clothing and ammunition for them.
Our government is raising this
money by means of Liberty Bonds,
which people volunteer to subscribe
Would you Jend a tenth of your to
tal capital? Your boy In Franco
gives all.
When It was shown that the Unit
ed States had produced more than
three billon dollars in subscriptions
for the first Llbertl Loan, I felt very
proud to think that I had done my
bit. But when I thought ot how It
would be when some of the boys do
not return from Europe and many of
those who do to be disabled tor life,
it took all the pride out of me.
I knew I would get my money
back with interest sometime, but the
boys who were crippled would never
be well, strong men again like they
were at first, and would receive noth
ing compared to what they had lost.
Now the United States is summon
ed tor the fourth time to raise the
largest sum of money the world has
ever attempted. We can do it if ev
ery man, woman and child will do
his share. It will mean sacrifice but
we must learn to say when we see an
Continued on page 6
in well informed circles was not dis
posed to reject the rumpr.
London, Oct. 16, 6:1Z p. m. The
German reply to President W:lson's
latest note probably will be sent to
day, according to news received here
through diplomatic channels from
Holland. It Is expected that the reply
will be an acceptance of President
Wllson"s terms with some stipulation
to the effect that the interests of the
German people must be respected.
! London. Oct. 16 President Wil
son's reply to the German peace note
produced "a most unfavorable im
pression" In Berlin, says a Central
News dispatch from Amsterdam to
day. The publication of the reply, It
adds, was followed by a panic in Ber
lin banking circles and on the stock
The German supreme, command,
the advices state, will come to Berlin
at the end of the present week "to
deliberate on mobilization concen
tration of national strength and the
raising ot the military age."
R. M. Powell was arrested and
placed in the county Jail toJay at
about 10:30 by Sheriff Knox, on a
warrant charging him with arson. -
The dwelling on the place formerly
owned by Mr. Powell, and recently
transferred to Mrs. S. A. Prose was
destroyed by fire sometime during
the night.
George Turner, who was sleeping
in a nearby building says he thinks
the fire occured some time after mid
night, and from evidence collected by
the sheriff and deputies working
with him, suspicion rests on the for
mer owner.
The dwelling was situated on Mc
Kay Creek about five miles north ot
Prlnevllle and cost about $2,000 and
was insured for $600.
The minimum penalty for a crime
of this nature Is 10 years in the pen
itentiary. w. a. t
Fall Sown Grain Making Excellent
Growth Stock Getting Fat
Outlook Bright
From many parts of the range
country comes the report that grass
is better than it has been for two
years, and all records for first class
fall ranges are being broken every
where. .
Livestock of all kinds is fattening
every day, and the saving in the am
ount of hay that will be required for
the winter will run Into many thous
ands ot dollars.
The greatest benefit to the coun
try however, will be in the condition
ot the stock. Shipments oft the grass
will be possible soon that were out of
the question thirty days ago, and cat
tle will go into the pastures and later
feed lots fat, that were suffering
from a dry summer and short ranges
a few weeks ago.
The general heavy showers that
have totaled a considerable precipi
tation during the past six weeks,
coupled with the balmy spring-like
weather, has produced these unusual
A third crop o'f alfalfa os being
harvested between showers In the
Ochoco, Crooked River and Powell
Butte communities, and pastures are
sure to be good after, the hay is taken
Fall sown grain is making the
fields look green and an excellent
start for the 1919 crop is alread as
sured before the winter comes. The
outlook was never better for stock
men, and is improving every day.
German High Command Seems to
Think The United State Is A
Mark For Crooked Methods
These are the times against which
we have bo often be-jn warned. The
offensive on the 'battle fronts must
slacken soon ouaccount ot the com
ing of winter. This will give the
German armies opportunity to rest
and recuperate. It will also give the
propagandists opportunity to push
their peace propaganda and by so do
ing they have hopei of weakening the
war power of the ailies. The best
authorities on the subject predict a
1919 campaign of greater magnitude
than ever before attempted. By the
amount of perseverance, grit and
self-denial which the allies meet the
proposals from Germany and prepare
for next year will be measured our
success. From now on to the con
clusion is the critical time. Every cit
izen must put everything he has of
self-denial and help behind the gov
ernment. Be guided solely by the
words ot the men we have at the head
of the war, avd deafen onr ears to
any plea for peace f-rms that does
not have the sanction of those of the
Allies in power. The past year has
shown conclusively what a united
command will do on the field of bat
tle. It is up to us to see that we
continue here at home in the same
attitude we have held since we en
tered the war. The least easing up
in our program may spell disaster In
the next campaign. We caunot Dut
any faith in the utterances of the
German high command. Until they
have been put out of power by the
people or decisively and absolutely
vanquished in the field there ia no
hope for the kind df peace we are
fighting for. Germany can hold on
much longer and still be no worse off
in meeting the demands of the allies.
When these demands are met Ger
man militarism will be dead, so there
is every reason to believe they will
take the chance ot a military defeat
next year that they might get a draw
next fall. This would put them in
a position to still sue for an armis
tice and arbitration and at the same
time a military defeat next summer
would be no worse for the high com
mand than surrender now. When the
peace terms of the allies are met the
doom is sealed for the high command.
From their point of view there is
nothing to lose and a possibility of
gaining what they now seek, arbitra
tion. The persistent rumors of the abdi
cation of the kaiser and the desire
of the peoole for peace is in all likli
hood a part of a well planned scheme
to cause. If possible, dissatisfaction in
the ranks of the allies. It would be
well to remember that as the Presi
dent has said, any proposal' coming
from the Reischtag cannot be aaid
truthfully to represent the people of
Germany by reason of the election
laws of that country. That body rep
resents the military powers alone and
is constituted for the very purpose
of voicing the wishes of the power.
Finally let's all make a determined
resistance to any peace Dropaganda
not sanctioned by the allies and go
Into the winter preparing for a hard
campaign next year. We must not
neglect conservation, contributions to
war work, buying bonds, and War
Saving Stamps. The war is not end
ed nor will it be till the German high
command is knocked out.
w. a. a.
"Khaki, (pronounced kar-key, with
the accent on the second syllable) is
an East Indian word meaning dust
color, or earth color. In the dry se'is
on in India the fields and vegetation
turn brown and the fie'ds are heavy
with dust, which, carried by winds,
soon covers the foliage of trees and
shrubbery. So that the whole land
scape presents a sombre aspect In one
brown dust-colored hue
"In the earlier days of the British
occupancy of India the British troops
wore white cotton or duck uniforms
in the hot weather of the dry season,
but these stood out so plainly against
the prevailing dust color of the roads
and surrounding country as to make
their wearers distinct targets for the
bushwhacking snipers of the enemy
"Learning from bitter expovince
the necessity of making themselves
less conspicuous, the soldiers dipped
their uniforms in muddy pools and
streams to give them the same color
as the background against which they
must appear. This showed good re
sults in reducing the casualty lists,
and dust-colored or khaki uniforms
gradually replaced, the white uni
forms with colored trimmings for the
summer service, and later for the
same reason a similar color was nlso
adopted for winter field or fighting
uniforms of the British army.
"All the great natiors have now
adopted 'khaki' or other dull-colored
uniforms for their troops in the field"
From "Army and Navy Uniforms
and Insignia." (Stokes), by Colonel
Dion Williams.
Positions Determined By Drawing Ia
Washington Claag One List
Printed Elsewhere This Isane
The order number of every man,
registered in the last registration in
this county is given In the list be
low .together with the qrder num
ber In which they are registered.
The fact that a man appears at or
near the head of thn tint Hru nnt
signify that he will be In an early
uran, uniess ne De placed In class I
when the classifications are made.
It does not SOenifV however that ir
a man knows himself to be a class
one man, he will be in an early call
and should arrange his affair accord-'
The positions were determenid by
the drawing held recently In Wash
ington, at which the order number of
the 13.000.000 men who rpcintnrerf
was fixed.
The order number as fixed h-w tha
draft, follows.
322 Owen Bruce Gray, Post al
438 Oscar Albert Fields, Post a2
20 Herbert Earl Cross, Prinev a3
635 Dan Hourigan, Pow. Butte a4
219 Samuel Leo Gulliford, Prinev a5
72 James Franklin Reinke, Prin a6
348 Frank Thomas Carpenter, He a7
4 Claud Olson Davolt Corvallis a8
134 Henry Wells Howard, Prinevll a9
395 Max Strlxner, Prlnevllle R D alO
zzs rranic Benj. Foster, Prinevll all
413 Edward A. McDonald, Rob al2
256 Gussie DeLore, Suplee al3
399 Arthus Jas. Champion, Prlne al4
500 George Albion Hobbs, Pow B al5
496 Junius Johnson Chapman PB al6
124Chas. Wm. Ocodni'ht, Prin 17
143 Leo. B. Lafollette, Prlnevllle al8
178 Alex Hinton, Prlnevllle al9
61 Wm. Adrian Yancey, Prnlevil a20
612 Arthur Louis Morris, Post all
456 Richard Robt. Rhoda. Dry L a2S
33 Frederick Albert Polk, Post a23
77 Oble Bryant Leslv, Prinevll a24
82 Ivey Lesly, Prlnevllle a25
108 Wm. Carl Smead. Prlnevllle a26
101 Archie Elmer, Prlnevllle a27
130 Thomas Steven Greenley, Pr a28
189 Jay Holister Upton, Prinvil a29
468 Cecil John Rasor, Pow Butte a30
225 James Beolette, Post a31
489 Eli Hugh Stewart, Powell B a32
644 Antonio Cavasln, Prlnevllle a33
478 Edgar Stanley Barnard P B a34
121 Arthur t. Pev"ols, Alfalfa a35
690 Eddie Clifford Birdsong. Sup a36
276 Levi Sheltori Hines. Prinevil a37
330 James Harvey Drew, Redmo a38
162 Wm. Laban Harris. Post a39
346 John Milliorn, Roberts . a40
469 Audrid G. Kizer, Roberts a41
354 Harry Clay Lanius, Prinevil a4J ,
249 Alvah Ernest Gilliam, Prinr a43
534 Maeens Emman. Hansen, Prl a44
1 Henry Adam Foster, Prinev a45
473 Roy Raymond Roberts P B a46
205 James William Johnson, Prin a47
113 Geo. Parter Lee, Paulina a43
697 Roy Geo Douglas, Fife a49
182 Chas. Montgomery Prinevtlle a50
115 Robert Walter Douglas. Prin aSl
87 Floyd M. Jones, Prineville a52
302 Jas. Andrew McCulough, Pau a53
604 Wesley Street, Fife a54
481 Geo. Wesley Whitsett, P B a55
650 Ole Alex Swanson, Prineville a56
458 Lewis W. Bennett, Dry Lake a57
194 Harold Baldwin, Prineville a58
79 Sumner Wm. Houston, Rob a59
176 Andrew Melvin Crain, Prine a60
369 Doug. Cameron Ingram Prin a61
160, Prince Jerry Glaze, Prinevil a68
543 Giovoni Marie Malncarne Pr a63
8 Roy Edward Gray, Paulina a64
46 Charles Wilbur Glasgow, Pr a65
521Toney Thomas, Prineville a66
64 Wilbur Evereth Edwards, PB a67
668 Alfred Bennett Carey, Prine a68
30 Ernest Floyd Ward, Prinevil a69
531 Fred Lind, Prineville a70
385 Wm. Chester Evans, Prin RD a71
339 John P. Hopper, Prineville a72"
32 Momer P.oss, Prineville a73
232 Joaquin Gerardo, Prine a74
223 Ray Voltaire Constable, Prin a75
144 Robt Wm. Zevelv, Prineville a76
536 Martin Emilio, Prineville a77
277 Enos Luther Rose, Prinevil a78
185 John Fred. Mosler, Dry Lake a79
429 Hilmer W. Fatrchild. Prine a80
325 Johnson C. Ramsower, Red aSl
450 Ben Burchtorf, Held a82
204 Olie H. Olson, Paulina a83
384 John Walter Demaris, Prlne a84
485 Lee Hobbs, Powell Butte a8S
409 Willie Fleming Mason, Prin a86
241 Martin Edw. Gerow, Prinev a87
273 Henry Stowell Cram. Prine a88
538 Jas. Earl Smith, Suplee a89
158 Wm. Thomas Benson, Robts a90
403 Wm.' Henry McCoy, Prinevil a91
84 John Dewey Houston, Prine a92
62 Roy Victor Clark, Prineville a93
545 Guiseppe Cannucci, 1682 Has-
lon St., Portland a94
545 Thomas Luke Quinn, Prinevi a96
444 Charles Hez Barnes, Barnes 696
402 Byrl Linton Kidwell, Prine a97
230 Charlie Benson, Prineville a98
367 John Fletcher Haynes, Prine a99
449 Clifton B. Todd, Held alOO
38 Ernst Livingstone Ashbv Pr alOl
375 Fred. Wm. Freind, Prinev al02
21 Chas. Otto Christianl, Prin al03
42 Guy Lafollette. Prineville al04
48 Robt. Arnold Kester, Prine al05
109 Hector David' Still, Prinev al06
311 Allen March Logan, Paulina al07
Continued on page 8