Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 03, 1918, Page Page 8, Image 8

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ocmnKTi s, iom
Don't forget the
Oregon Inter-State Fair
You Owe Your Wife
More consideration because her work l IimvIw during war Ilium... Ev
erywhore women ar doing work that done by men, and without
murmur. In order to make her work aa light as possible
A Copper Electric Washing
which will do more to ease her wash-day burdens than anything clue you
can buy her. Buy one today, aa at the price they are selling for you can
Save $20 for War Savings Stamps
We have only three of these loft at the old price of $80. After they are
gone we will advance the price to 100 because of increased cost.
$10 Down and Balance on Payments
They only cost 75 cents a month at a flat rate, or one cent per hour on a
Call on Us for Demonstration
Prineville, Oregon
Heating Stoves
In any size and variety you want. Now is the time to
select yours, before the line is broken.
rt" Have you over
J looked any ar
ticle in the hard
ware line that you
should have on the
ranch? See us.
This is Your Fair
And its success depends
upon the cooperation of
every one in the com
munity. Attend every
day, and bring the folks.
Lakin Hardware
The City
Wsrren Brown pant Sunday In
Alex Amnion was a bualuet vlalt
or In the city Saturday,
Weslny and Kd Street aro In the
city thin week from Klfo.
Karl Miller of Paulina waa a vlstt
or In I'rlnevilla 8uturday.
V. C. Snyder of Fife spout a tow
day lu the city thli week.
Mrs. N. I.. Street of Tito la spond
litf Dili week in Prineville.
Hurley Saunders of Held Kpent Sat
urday and Sunday In I'rliiovlllo.
Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Stewart art 111
tht) city today from I'owell llutte.
""Mrs. Carrie Whitman of Lebanon
la visiting relative! In I'rlnevlllti.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Stuart of Barnes
are spending the week In Prineville.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kelley and
children are going to Portland today.
W. A. Carson of Post was a busi
ness visitor In the city lust Thursday.
Dayton Grant of I.amonta was a
business vlaitor In the city lust Mon
day. Hichnrd James was In the city last
week end on a furlough from Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Carl McGue of lleud
are In I'rtnovlUe this week attending
the fulr.
Den llurchtort and family of Held
are visiting relatives at I'owell Uutle
this week.
Mrs. 8. P .Allyn came In yesterday
from l'ortland to visit relatives for a
short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Young arrived
yesterday from The Dulles and are
visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Huberts and
daughter of I'owell llutte are attend
ing the fair today.
Mrs. C. M. Charlton and ion,
Charles, are In the city today from
their ruuch at I'owell llutte.
Karl Miller and Miss ltuth Oren
nan of Puullun were married at Mend
September 28, by Father Sharkey.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller arrived from
Portland Tuesday evening and are
visiting Mrs. Miller's mother, Mrs.
J unit's i'rose.
R. K. Thomas of the V. 8. Navy Is
on o furlough und Is visiting In the,
city. Mr. Thomns Is from the Ilattle-'
ship Oregon, stationed at Sun Diego, i
(By Our Special Correspondent)
The Post district went over the top ;
on the Fourth Liberty Loan.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Raymond and Goo. ,
Cannon are hame after a two weeks' ;
visit at Pendleton, Athena and Walla'
Walla. I
Orvai Hayes. Ralph Gibson, and '
I Rohort Chambers were out from j
; Prineville the last of the week. .
S. J. NewBom. J. R. Knox nnd E. '
. B. Knox deliverey cattle In Prineville'
I the lust of the week. '
i Mrs. liaker spent several dnys lust
; week with relatives In Prinevlile. i
! Miss Hattlo Henry and A. A. Hon-1
! ry left for Bundon Tuesday, ilutllei
will take a course In nursing this
, winter. .
j R. F. Stewart has returned to his
j homestead. He has been away re
' celvlng medical attention for his eyes.
I Mrs. Robblns and son of Redmond
spent the week end with Mrs. Git-
! Rev. Gervln was present at the Red
Cross meeting Saturday night nid
.gave a very interesting talk on thai
, war. Quite a lot of clothing was con-:
tributed for the Belglums. j
; Mr. and Mrs. Not ton and Mrs. Starr
: atended church in Prineville Sunday.!
i mi. ami mia. cj. a. aoooh or
Prineville spent Sunday with C. H.
i Cook and mother.
I James Bnoletto delivered potatoes
i at Prineville Monday,
i Lee Bogue returned to La Pine on
Saturday after a two weeks' visit with
j his mother.
I Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harris are rid
ing in a Dodge car.
Mr. McLean has bought the Prlngle
nlace. where ha hna hn livinv onff
Intends to have his land under lrrl-1
gatlon soon.
Treasurer War Work Council
National Hoard V, W. C. A.
3 re
, i ai
H et
Hostess Houses In tha military
camps all over ths country art on
phata of ths T. W. C. A. War
Work Councils
8 activities. Thws
caption houses
are placed at ths
entrance to the
i . cantonments r o r
' ths un of womsn
visiting their sol-
lL rfl.p ralnllvM Ra
w - - - -.
, necessary have
t' j-'t these proved that
-m,t "I rowed rooms wsrs
V-Q pressed Into use
t until houses could
.i"1 bo built. Often
- ths Association
rooms In the near
Mr. Davison est town wtr
. turned temporar
ily Into hostess onuses.
"Wo put up an extra cot," re
ported ono western secretary, who re
turned to tell the War Work Coun
cil the special needs of her commun
ity, "for an old Lithuanian mhther
who came a hundred miles to see her
boy In ramp. She cannot speak s
word of KnKllsh and she has to have
her old black pipe svery hour. But
her boy loves her.
"Another charge bestowed upon us
Is the 'glrt-wlfe of a 'bootleituor' ar
rested for selling whisky to soldiers.
Ha waa wild with anxiety about her
till we said we would look after hei.
"A thlrteen-yearold Imp has Just
been turned over to our car. She
ran away from a convent, and, be
ing adventurous, made straight for
Any hostess can tell you heart
breaking stories of .times when th
hostess house hat been ths refuga
of stricken women. Mho ran (ell you
also of Incidents when th hnstes
hous hat brought about a happy n
Prayers of gratitude for the Host
ess House are murmured svsiy night
In many towns by women who ar of
no particular Importance to any on
except to some man In th army
and to God.
Th commandants of th ramps ar
as appreciative of the hostess house
as Is the most forlorn woman. N
hous It erected except at th dlrsot
request of th commanding officer,
Fifty-four houses ar now In us,
other ar being built a fast ss luuf
ber and carpenters can be secured.
Kach hous ha It Individuality.
The plans for th building at Cam
Gordon. Atlanta. Georgia, war r
drawn by Miss Fsy Kellogg In order
to save throe magnificent oak trees.
A flna old Southern mansion secured
for the Young Women's Christian A
soclatlon headquarters at Petersburg,
Virginia, is at popular with th sol
dlnrs front Camp Le at It th official
hostess hous.
Th bostett bouse srv th sntlr
The work with girl It ona of th
most Inn rtnnt functions of th War
Work Couucll. It deals with all kind
or work with girl. Girls In small
towns. In cltlss, In country village,
and In the grot manufacturing ran
tera ar all touched by tha unusual
conditions of a country In a state of
war preparation. Their patriotism
may urge them toward unexpected pit
falls. Their vary enthusiasm Iwadg
them Into danger.
(By our regular correspondent)
Of course Terrebonne went over
the top in the Fourth Liberty Loan
drive four thousan dwaa thn nnnin
i but she beat it.
j Another soldier nut In his appear-
. L - . .. , . . . . ... .
anue bi inu uuiiiu ui mr, ana ivirs. ue
Witt Williams last week. He It a
fine specimen.
Logan Brothers of Paulina brought
one hundred head of cattle to the
Almeter ranch to feed this coming
Private Brian Lowe of Kennewlck
was visiting his mother, Mra. Lowe,
the last of the week. He will report
for duty at Camp Lewis the seventh
of October.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Elliot died last Saturday and
was buried in the new Terebonne
Charles Douglas' threshing ma
chine has recently broken down and
the owner does jiot Intend to run
any more this year. This is a ser-
i ious matter ror the community as
j few machines are available.
The pople of Terrebonne were very
generous In donating their cars In
Which the tanehnra anI ..knl un
drcn were taken to Redmond Friday
to see the war relics.
The school is planning for quite an
industrial exhibit o nthe afternoon
and evening of October 18. Many of
the articles exhibited will be donated
for the Red Cross sale that evening.
A very pleasant reception was giv
en the school faculty last Friday ev
ening by 'the church. A short pro
gram was given. : Rev. McVlcker gav,e
the address of welcome, respondede
to by Mrs. Whitels. Miss Dietrich
gave some musical numbers and Mil
dred Mildred delighted her audience
with some recitations.
Do You Need Any of This
Farm Equipment?
1 V A O a-llottom 14 In Rang
1 Ciwe 2-bottom It. In. gang
1 8-way practically new 10 in.
sulky plow
1 Practically new -2 disc flu
perl or grain drill. For a
man who forms with six
horses this drill U time
and caili saving tml.
1 Potato planter
1 Potato Digger
1 Hub-soil packer
1 8 II r fner. packer
1 Hprlng tooth linrntw
1 IXho cultivator
1 Orchard anil wliltewast bar
rel spray pump
1 Practically new lonn body
1 Woven wire stretcher
1 Garden seed planter and cul
tivator 1 Practically new saddle
1. Pair chaps
1 Het harness
Several good milch cow
I have been instructed to report for
military training and must sell this
equipment immediately. No reason
able cash offer for any article will be
Powell Butte, 8 miles southwest of. Prineville, on
Silver Lake Road.
mmm of
iVIust Break Cf Relation With
Central Powers and De
mobilize Her Jroy-
London. Entire submission It the
rnly ground upon which the allies will
i;rant the Bulgarian armistice, accord-'
iug to best Information available here.
This means not only surrender of
the armies outside the country, but
demobilization within, the giving up
of all arms, munition and military
supplies, and utilization of Bulgarian
territory by the allies for further mil
itary operations, pending final peace,
Before the allies will consent to an
armistice, Bulgaria must do the fol
lowing: Break off completely her relations
with Germany, Austria and Turkey.
Demobilize her army.
Evacuate all foreign territory occu
pied by her armies. -
These ' are the termt reported to
have been dispatched to Bulgaria,
Meanwhile, the allies have definitely
refused to suspend military operation
while conferring with the Bulgaria
peace delegates at Salonlkl, I
Other Townt Also Taken In Drive
Against Hunt.
London. In their attack between
Tpres and Dixmude the Belgians cap
tured Dlxmude, It was officially an
nounced. The Belgians have also ta
ken Zerram, Stadenberg, Passchen
daele, Moorsledge and part of West
roosebeke. This means an advance of
several miles, '
The Belgian and British armies de
feated the Germans in heavy fighting
in ttie ganders ridge and on the Mes-tines-Wytschaete
position, according
to the official statement issued by tha
Belgian war office. !
The Messines-Wytschaete ridge hat
been occupied and the Germans have
been defeated In efforts to defend tha
approaches to the River Lys.
General Poole Commands In Archangel
Washington. -General March an
nounces that allied and American
forces operating south of Archangel .
have been placed under command of
General Poole, of the British army.
The American units are commanded
by Colonel Stewart. Ambassador
Francis Is at Archangel and General
March said the war department It now
in close touch with military and diplo
matic officials there.
W. S. 8.
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