Tmge 6 CROOK COUNTY JOCRNAL OCTOIIKR 8, tIMff The City Pell Davis of Held U In the city this week. C. V. Silvia was In the city Tuesday from Bend. Mai Strlxner is spending the week In Prinevllle. J. O. McGuffle was over from Red Blond Monday. Red Cross was In the city from Held Tuesday. James Mace, of Portland, is lu prineville this week. Mrs. Orrin Mills is In the city trout Paulina this week. Alfred W. Landers is visitor in Prinevllle this week. Eugene Miller has gone to Corval is to atend O. A. C. Parmer Powell was a business vis itor la Bend Saturday. C. H. Cook waa in the city the first of the week from Post. Herbert Angell was in the city last week end from Paulina. T. A. Wiley of Pendleton is a busi ness visitor in the city. Mrs. James Toney is In the city this week from Barnes. J. W. Johnson was a visitor In the city Tuesday from Post Van Foster was in the city Tuesday from his ranc hat Paulina. M. R. Biggs spent last week end at his Summit Prairie ranch. Mrs. McCaffrey and son, Fred, were Prinevllle visitors Monday. Fisher Logan was a visitor in the city from Barnes Tuesday. John Miller of Post was a business visitor in the city Tuesday. Warren Smith, of Madras, was a visitor in the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hedlund were in the city last week end from Rob erts. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Merrit of Mead ow are spending the week in Prine vllle. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dunham are visitors In the city this week from Post Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morris of Post were visitors In the city last week end. C. Lindqulst was a business visitor in the city Satuday from Powell Butte. M. L. Forrest of Redmond was a visitor In the city several days this week. Mrs. Burson Cate of Culver vis ited her mother, Mrs. J. H. Windom Saturday. Harvey Van Meter of Powell Butte was a business visitor in the city yes- terday. Mrs. W. I. Dishman and son, Louis, returned Monday from a short visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hurst are visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B, W .Wright Mrs. Harry Windom and daugh ter were visitors in the city Saturday from Culver. J. C. Prichett of Portland is spend ing the week in Prineville and at tending the fair. Rev. George B. Van Waters of the Episcopal church held services in the city last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Walkr return ed Sunday from a several months' tip in California. Frances Nelson and Elsie Kelson are in Prineville this week from their home at Mitchell. Lester Ferguson was a business visitor in the city the first of the week from Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Ban Pnett of Paulina motored to Prineville Monday and are attending the fair. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Mills and daugh ter, Violet, of Paulina are spending the week in Prineville. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thomas re turned Monday from a visit of sev eral weeks in Portland. Mrs. P. N. Abel returned last Thursday from McMinnville and is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lily Perry. Mrs. Carey Harris and daughter, of Bend, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Haris' mother, Mrs. J. H. Windom. Corp. Wm. H. James and Charles Kelsay of this city are both with the 63rd Infantry at Camp Meade, Mary land. Mrs. R. S. Dixon returned Monday from Portland and Camp Lewis, where she has been visiting her hus band. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ireland of Moro were visiting in Prineville Monday. Mr. Ireland is editor of the Moro Ob server. Ida M. Conent of Portland arrived in the city Tuesday and is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Robe at the Prine ville hotel. Judge N. G. Wallace returned from Portland Monday. He reports that Mrs. Wallace is improving fro mher recent operation. Jack Neckpie of Warm Springs, un derwent an operation for appendicitis last week. Dr. Edwards reports that he is recovering rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lister and son, Vernon, left Saturday for Portland, and from there will go to Illinois, where Lawrence and Robert are sta tioned in a training camp. Mrs. Hadaway Coahran and chil dren left Monday for Summitville, Indiana, where she wlllmake her home with her parents until after the war. Mrs. Brennan and son,- Claude, were in Prineville Monday from their ranch at Paulina. Claude left the same day for Corvallis, where he will attend 0. A. C. CbnlhmousChain Of Boi gives easy starting, quick and smooth acceleration, power and mileage, in Red Crown gasoline. STANDARD OIL COMPANY llaluoraiaj lintflhints Mi Wlls TtV Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rannells of Paul ina are in Prinevllle this week. Tom Dealy of Alfalfa was a busi ness visitor in the city Tuesday. E. T. Tweedt waa here several days last week from his ranch at Post. Mrs. S. A. Prose and son, Harold, returned from Portland, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Q. McPherson of Bend spent Sunday in Prineville. J. W. Hanley of Antelope was a business visitor In the city Monday. Miss Helen Van Nuys will attend school in Walla Walla this winter. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Gubser, September 28, 191$. Mr. and Mrs. Sichel Henkle of Sa lem are in the city visiting relatives. C. D. Clendennen of Paulina was a business visitor in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Lida McCollum of Meadow was in the city the first of the week. G. C. Blake, of the Ochoco Ranger Station purchased an Overland this week. The Powell Butte dance Friday I night was atended by a crowd of J young people from Prineville. j Mrs .Robert Douglas and Mrs. Ho-1 mer Ross hsve gone to Portland and will return this week with two new cars. Forest Supervisor V. V. Harrham and Rangers Blake and Donnelly have gone to Mitchell to help organize the Wheeler County Sheepgrowers' Association. J. L. Peterson, who is connected with the office of grazing at Port land, is making an inspection of the Ochoco Forest this week. He is ac companied by D..C. Ingram. D. F. Brennan of Lakevlew. Deputy Forest Supervisor of the Fremont Forest, has been in Prineville a week assisting with the clerical work in the office here. Mr. Brennan return ed to Lakevlew today. Profesor Babcock, Supt. of Public Instruction was laid aside temporarily this week by appendicitis. He is con valescing. Prof. Babcock has three brothers In the service and Mrs. Bab cock has one. Mr. F. C. Laslette had the misfo tune to run a rusty nail into his right foot last week, that with inflamatory rheumatism has compelled him to keep off his feet. He has suffered greatly but is now Improving. "CLOWS Qt lXCK" WRITES ' TO HIS PAPA. THE KAISKR YOUR SCB8CRIPTIOX The United States Govern- ment has issued an order to the effect that all newspapers must be paid for in advance before thev are mailed. This 4a niroi. aary to assist In winning the war, - Decause oi me scarcity of fuel used in manufacturing paper, and other pronters' supplies, and congestion of the mails. The order is positive, and can- not be Ignored without peril to the paper that does it, and dis- obeying the government, which no loyal paper will do. From this date forward, no copy of The Crook County Jour- nal will be mailed to any sub- scriber unless It is paid for in ad- vance. for the reasons given above. The Journal is $2 a year and worth it. We devote all avail- able space each week to war act- lvlties for the government, at the same time supporting every local enterprise of merit. Your re- newal is respectfully solicited. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The most direct way of saving and serving the nation Is by loyalty to Christianity. It Is expected that Miss Mary Ayres will occupy the pulpit next Sunday morning at 11 and per haps at 7:30. Bible school at 10. Classes for every age. Fellowship sup per at six for the church by the Y. P. 8. C. E. Monday evening "Round Table" Bible study. Wednesday ev ening song and meditaiton at 7:45. You and yours cordialld Invited. w. s. s. The tolowing was taken from a newspaper published In France and sent to Nevada relatives by a Nevada doughboy, who is now fighting In France: "On the run, Somewhere In France, al the time, "Dear Papa: I am writing on der run as der prave und glorious sol diers under my command have not seen der Rhine for so lond dot they have started back that way, and of course I am going mlt dem. Oh. pa pa, dere has been some offel tings hapened In France. First, I started in my big offensive, which was to crush dor fool Americans, but they know so llddle aboudt military tactics dat dey vlll not be crushed just like I want dem. I sent my men In der big waves, and ven dey got to de Am ericans dey all saidt 'Boo' as loud as dey could holler. Veil, according to vat you haf always said, de Ameri cans shouldt have turned and run like blazes. But vat you tlnk? Dem fool Americans don't know anything about var. and instead of running de odder vaw, dey came right toward us. Some of dem vas singing about' Ve von't come bock till it's over, over dere,' or some odder foolish song, and some of dem vere laffing like fools. Dey are so Ignorant. But dey are of fel ecklesa mlt deir guns, and dey come toward us und den it vas my men too kder notion dey vanted to go back to der dear aldt Rhine. Ve don't like der dirty Marne river any how. And Oh, papa, der Americans use such offel language. Dey know noddings of kultur und say such of fel dings right before us. Und dey talk blosphemy, too. Vat you tlnk dey said right in front of my face! One big husky roan from a place dey called Missouri, he said ah, papa, I hate to tell you vat on offel ting he said but I can't help it: he said' "To hell with the kaiser!" Did you ever hear anything so offel? I didn't tink anybody vould say such a ting. It made me so mad. I vouldn't stand and hear such an offel ting so I hur ried und turned around and run mlt der boys. Vas I right? Vat? Dud. Oh papa, you know dem breastplates vot you sent us can you get some to put on our backs? You know we are going der odder vay, now, und der breastplates are no good, for de cow ardly Americans are shooting us right in der back. Some' of der boys took off deir breastplates and rut dem on behind, but der American are play ing 'Der Star Spangled Banner' on dem mit machine guns. Can't you help us? You remember In your speech you said nothing could stand before the brave German soldiers. Oh papa, I don't believe dese ignorant Americans ever read your speech, for dey run after us Just like ve vas a lot of rabbits. Vot you tink of dot? Can't you send dem some of vour speeches right avay? Dey don't see how terrible ve are. Can't you send my army back to Belgium, vere ve von all our glory? My men can vip all der vimmen und children vot dem Belgians can bring us. But dese rough Americans are so ignorant. Ve can't make dem understand dat ve are der greatest soldiers on earth, and ven ve try to sing "Deutschland uber allies' dey laff like a fot of monkeys. But ve are getting der best of der Ameri cans. Ve can outrun dem. Papa, if ve are not der best fighters on earth, ve are der best runners. Nobody can keep up mlt us ven ve tink of der dear old Rhine, and my army never did tink so much of der dear old river. Let me know vat to do by return post office. July 20 times Crown Prince Willie. w. s. s. J ENLIST the services of The Jour nal Classified Ads for sure results. SAVE THE PITS! Next week the High School will commence to gather the var- lous fruit pits: peach, plum, cherry, etc. This work has been assigned the Freshman class who will make a systematic collection about the town. 20 peach pits, or seven pounds of nuts are sufficient to produce enough carbon to make one gas respir- ator. The government will send bags and bills of lading to the schools making such colections. The government asks that the pits be clean. On account of War conditions we are discontinuing our credit busl- j ness. If your name is on our books please call and settle, j INLAND AUTO CO. Modern Shoe Repair Shop W. H. SIMON, Prop. Shoe repaired while you wait All work guaranteed Prices reasonable Located in Morris Bldg. DR. T AC KM AN DENTIST Room 2 Cornett Building Member of Preparedness League of American Dentists AU soldiers work done free ' Dr. Turner, the well known fAj.Eye Specialist of Portland, Vs wni be at Hotel Prinevllle again Thursday, Friday, and Satur day, October 3, 4, and 6. Dr. Turner is a specialist of experience and standing and you make no mistake in consulting him about your eyes and glasses. Headaches relieved, cross eyes straightened, satisfaction guaranteed, Consult him. 44t4c Attend the OREGON C I INTER-STATE I ZZZ3 FAIR AT PRINEVILLE, OCTOBER 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 The rest and recreation will do you good. You owe it to your self and your family. Drop in to our store and price the com plete line of warm, winter clothing we have just received Our prices are below the mail order houses and the quality . is better. No catalog house can afford to quote low prices and guarantee them months in advance. It is a fact. JORDAN & HYDE "The Clothing Store" Prineville, Oregon EVE RYTHING: For the Table We supply your wants if it is anything to eat and the price, quality and service is right, THAT'S WHY OUR BUSINESS IS GROWING Buy your Fall Supplies here while at the Oregon Inter-State Fair Which starts in Prineville on Tuesday of next week and closes Saturday evening; a week of re creation, instruction and fun for alL Come and, bring the, family MICHEL GROCERY CO. Prineville, Oregon HE