BKPTKMnEU Bfl, IOIK CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Page The City T A C"rooU y SEE OUR BIG DISPLAY OF 71 T7 O eJlc L: AT THE Fair Grounds " ' Mr. Conger of the Portland branch will be here with a new plant and . demonstrate it. Ranch life can be made a real pleasure, with all the drudg ery eliminated, by installing pne of these outhts. All sorts of work can be done easier and better. See the demonstra tion at the Fair Grounds. You will be surprised. INLAND AUTO ' COMPANY No Matter What You Don't Let it Interfere IKl at Oregon Inter Have On Hand to Do 1 With Your Attendance the ! , ' I -State Fair (fo'tiV-,"',', "J,t,!iSI &kfi s'f!ft& Let us show you how homelike our store is. We are open in the evenings and all the priv ileges of our place are at your disposal. Rest rooms for mothers, and all this 'is perfectly free, whether you buy or not. In fact we want you to consider this your home while in town during the Fair and at all other times. MIm Roberts Carey Is In Prlnevllle visit I n k relatives. O. J. Roba was in tbe city from Paulina Tuesday. Roy Price If a business visitor In the city today. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Upton motored to Bend today. Mm. Robert Zeveley It seriously ill of typhoid (ever. Mr. and Mri. Lester Hall are mov ing to Bend this week. Oscar Prose visited relatives In Prlnevllle last week end. Mrs. C. D. Calbreath of The Dalles is In the city visiting relatives. R. A. Brasfleid of Alfalfa was a buslnes visitor In the city yesterday. Edward and Wesley Street were visitors In tbe city yesterday from Fife. Mr. and Mrs George Kelley return ed Monday from a business trip to Portland. Harold Prose left laat evening for Corvallls, where be will attend the 8. A. T. C. there. James Mace and H. H. Coifold ar rived in Prlnevllle Tuesday. ' Tbey made tbe trip in a car. Mrs. Elva Allen arrived in the city Tuesday and Is visiting ber daugh ter, Mrs. Ross Roblnsoi. Misses Mabel and Mildred Blavton have gone to Corvallls. where tber will resume their studies at O. A. C. Ancll Gove, eight-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. I. H. Gove, broke his arm last night, when he fell from bis bicycle. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charls Cole of Caldwell. Idaho. Mrs. Cote was formerly Cleora Kinder of this city. Mrs. C. P. Becker nf Tnmaln ha. disposed of her property in Prlnevllle 10 mrs. Lily Hlancjiard. .The consid eration was $2,400. The marriage ceremony of Mrs. Lena McPherson and Mr. Ed. Swal ley, both of Pleasant Ridge, was per formed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Landlngham in Bend last Sat urday evening, Judge W. D. Barnes officiating. iii'tt. Conser, who has been assist ant cashier at the First National Bank here for several months, left today for Burns, where he has ac cepted a position as cashier in the First National Bank there. The many friends of Mr. Conser will regret to hear of bis leaving Prlnevllle. BEST QUALITY''-' . SERVICE FLAGS ' frastramrasgs . ALL KINDS AND SIZES HI J. E. STEWART & CO J At Prineville Hotel for FAIR WEEK U Oregon Daily Journal , Daily 50c Daily and Sunday 65c If you don't get your pap er regularly, phone Red 431 and we will tend one up by special messenger . Prineville Drug Co. Local Agent 'TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Partly furnished house. Inquire 241 6th St. 4Stlp FOR SALE Buick automobile, 4 in good condition, all new gears, new batery, 2 cord tires, electric lights and self starter, all leather uphol stering. A bargain for some one. Price S 600. Inquire at Forestry of fice. 4Silp WANTED Child's Trundle bed. The price must be reasonable. Apply at. this office. Look for the Blue Crescent Label It means something to you It means that the contents of the package, whether Crescent Baking Powder, Crescent Cot fees, Teas, Spices, Extracts or other products are the best that can be produced. It means that they are made right, priced right, and distrib uted fairly. . It means that you are protected by a gurantee that gives you your money back if you are not satisfied. It means that you not only save money by asking for Crescent Products, bu( yu are helping to make your locality more prosperous. Crescent Pure Products Dr. Van Waters of the Episcopal church, will hold services next Sun day, September 29, at the Lyric theater, at 11 o'clock. Mrs. G. M. Wyatt and daughter left today for The Dalles, where they will make their future home. Mr. Wyatt has secured a position there. Miss Clara Short returned Sunday from Idaho, where she has been visit ing her mother. Miss Short will at tend Crook county high school. James F. Connell has been appoint ed postmaster at Meadow, Crook county. , George Faulkner and Lovina J. Hawkins, both of Paulina, were mar ried in Prineville Monday evening. Rev. W. L. Van Nuys officiating. Roy Crain, son of Frank Crain, was badly hurt at the Merry-Go-Round Tuesday evening, when he was accidently hit in the face with a axe. LYRIC THEATER II 1 1 -. v , l S "co', III llll . "&sotoL1'1' r ' ' -w 1 III I ? " '' -a' 1 TWFn "A5 cuomtx jl THEDA BARA IN "Cleopatra" r jjjj , Fri. & Sat. 15c and 35c j