Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 19, 1918, Image 1

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    Orffn HUtorWftl Bocle
07 fo'Oil'l Bt
' Crook
vol. kxn
majoh iiimmhw addressed
iiiq al'diknck wednesday
HaUter Not Only Had Man In Central
Kmplife War Is Not
Won rt
Major II. A. Brandon, of ttio 116
.Engineer Corps, recently returned
from anrvlce In France, addressed a
rapacity audience at thn Circuit
Court room here Inst evening on war
condltiona abroad.
Tho Major drove home the (act
that any talk of peace at till tlino l
only an advantage to thn central
powers, that they were not willing
to mnntlon the subject while thny
considered It poslhle to conquer and
annihilate th otlinr natlona of the
earth, and that peace talk by them at
th la time l but an effort to break up
the strong cooperation and offensive
that the allies, through the loadur
hlp of the United Stales, are uow
"1'ba only Rood German la a dead
German," the Major continued, and
he related a nurubur of acta of treach
erw and barbnroua practices commit
ted by the heathen warriors.
All the stories of atrocities commit
ted HKtilimt soldiers and civilians,
hi-lpli-KS women and little children
are true, and many which you have
never heard, which are too horrible
to print, are known to those who
have hen In contact with the Iluu
brute. Major Brandon says.
Tho war la not yet won. but many
months will be required to conquer
these people, Major liraudon says.
The men at the front know, and the
enemy knows, that this war has bo
come one In which there can bo no
compromise. Too many outrages
Continued on page 8
Clnaftlf lent Ion to be Made at Once
Home Of Them To Be In
Hervlce Very Moon
Crook county has a total enroll
ment of 610 men In the list of regis
tered men made a week ago today.
Questionnaires are now beiug mail
ed to those on the list and these
must be. filled out and returned to
the local board within five days,
They will all be mailed as rapidly as
they cau be handled by the local
The work of classification will pro
gress steadily, and each man will be
notified by the board as soon as clas
elflcations are made, Just what class
be Is In, etc.
Some of the men In this registrar
tlon will be called very soon, and per
baps large numbers of them will be
In the service within the next sixty
days It Is said.
The official list of those registered
From Prinevllle
Henry A. Foster
Samuel Benington Ellis
Ray Lnno Putnam
John Telford Lepard
. Bert Lemly
John Vlrgtl Vernon Harpham
Henry Herbert Rachor
Elmer Stroud
Sidney Petty
Marion Franklin Carter
Edward Carl Paisley
Victor Shawe
Herbert Earl Cross
Charles Otto Christian!
Alfred Wellington Louden
James Anthony McClum
Charles George 8nyder
John Montgomery
Harry Gardner Davis
Frank Finley Bowlln
James Edar Stewart
Jerome Henry Fertig
Ernest Floyd Ward
Charles Lee Stroud
Homer Ross
Grover Cleveland Willis
William Jerry Hughes
Ernest Theodore Luthy
Ernest Idftngston Ashby
William Ledford
Theodore John Minger
James Joseph Coggin
Guy Latollette
William Herman Wirtz
John Ralph Breese
William Augustus Robinson
Charles Wilber Glasgow
Robert Arnold Kegter
Lake Marshall Bechtell
Clark Allen Paul
George Myron Stearns
Charles Ford Wyman
Orvlllo Verl Hayes
Fred Thomas Houston , v
Delbert Cratn
Grading Coat $H7 ,000 -Home
fie Is Now I'cmlble Over
The Mn
Monday next the people of Prlne
vllle will vote on the matter of lusu
Ing $86.0U0 In bonds for the city of
I'rlnevllle railroad.
This sum will be sufficient to com
plete the track to a point where ser
vice can be established, and some
equipment secured for the operation
of regular trains besides paying-some
outstanding obligations against the
city In connection with the road.
The largest Item of expense thus
far Is tho grading, which cost about
$87,000. Homo freight Is now com
ing lit over the line In full cars.
Expenditures made on Prliievllle
Itlght of way I20.09S.OS
Grading 87,04. 0
Waterways and bridges.... 22,683.62
Ties 24,020.92
Track fastenings 9,801.82
Laying and surfacing 27,068.77
Hlght of way fence 10,636.63
Engineering 7,367.87
Legal Expenses 3,788.06
Equipment 1.239.68
Insurance 1.008.11
Interest , 104.61
1'onlage 12.70
Tulephone A Telegraph .... 112.28
Accounting 767.88
Transportation 2,689.23
Printing A Advertising.... 6(7.38
Supplies 431.89
Total Expended
Msrk Elliott O'Kelley
Luther Gibson Wyatt
Zeke Edwin Hendrlckson
William Adrian Yancey
Roy Victor Clark
Guy Taylor Glllam
Dewey Montgomery
Charles Chalmers O'Nell
Frank Alvln Hughes
John R. Luckey
John Raglin
Ioula William Burson
Harold Norman Prose
Orvllle Elwin Hlnei
James Franklin Retnke
George Elvln Wolke
Lester Olander
Otto Radloff, Jr.
Frank Levi Robinson
5hie Bryant Lesly
Otis McKinnon
Ernest James Gibson
Luckey Lowell Bouncy
Ivy Lealv
Lyle Hlbbard
John Dewey Houston
Shelhurn Dale Ayres
Everett Granville Nye
Floyd M. Jones
Fred Vernon Overton
Arlie Celden Stephens
Thomas Luke Qulnn
Paul Arthur Mertschlng i
Guy Fergus Smith
Bartie Burrell
Adelbert Richard Rlmpler
William Arthur Bundy
Dewey Richmond Bean
Archie Elmer
Frank Lester Reeder
Edwin Albert Abbott
William Irwin Hubbard
John Robert McBaln
Oliver Glenn Adams
Walter Alexander McFarland
William Carl Smead
Hector David Still
Charles Augustus King
Theodore Swanson
Robert Walter Douglas
Arthur Ray Bowman
Richard Sidney Long
Edward Jnspar Baker
John Henry Gervln
Dietrich G. Rempel
Jesse Rollen Watklns
Charles William Goodnight
FlBher Connelly Logan
Fred" Franklin Smith
Ralph Lean Jordan
Lex Wade Long
Gall Simpson Newsom
Thomas Steven Greenly
David Frogge
William Franklin McFarland
Henry Wells Howard
John Warren Crooks
David Franklin Farrand
Albert .Howell Lowry
Charley Miller
Thomas "Edmund Stroud
Oscar Wllard Huffman
Henry Chester Holman
Arthur Burt Edmunds
Leo B. Lafollette
Robert William Zevely
William Allen Hand
William Shelburn Ayres
Harold Earl Stewart
William David Arnold
George Perry Reams
Gustaf Adolph Gustafson
James Edward Galvin
Wendell L. Freres
' John Zeek
Carey William Foster
Clarence Milton Stroud
John Wilson Fincher
Edward Clarence White
Prince Jerry Glaze
Glenn Hendrlckson
William Holbert Gann
Floyd Archie Rowell
Ivan Howard Gove
-County Journal
Do Not Walt To lie Solicited Get
In Touch With The Committee
Or Your I lank At Once
The drive for Crook county's quota
for the Fourth Liberty Loan Is on to
day. The amount to be ralaed Is 8166,
400.00, and already muny subscrip
tions have been made to aaist In roll
ing up this amount, and to get Ore
gon over the top first again In this
drive as It, has been In each of the
three former drives.
Headquarters have been establish
ed In the First National Hank, where
T. M. Baldwin Is In touch with the
county, assisting In speeding up the
Don't wait to be solicited by anyone
In this loan. . This Is your war just
as much as It Is that of Mr. Baldwin,
or any member of the committee,
und you should go today, now, and
sign the card for your bond.
Any member of the committee, any
local committeeman, or your local
bank will care for you, or go direct
to headquarters.
Precinct chairmen for this drive
have been announced. They will sel
ect their own workers. The chairmen
are as follows:
J. F. Hice, Powell Butte; E. T.
Slnyton, Johnson Creek; Hugh Lister,
Paulina; Herb Angell, Suplee; Frank
Hackleman, Camp Creek; Homer
Norton, Newsom Creek; J. R. Breese,
Breese; J. Floyd Houston, Prlnglo
Flat; Henry Carlin, Bear Creek; J.
W. Stanton, Mill Creek; W. A. Don
nelly. Upper Ochoco; Ales lllnton,
I'pper McKay; John Grimes, . Rye
Fred Julius HolmBtod
James Forester
Benjamin Anderson Sordal
Nathan Green Wallace
Thomas Benjamin Zell
Anderson Melvln Crane
Go Soo
Alex Hlnton
Frederick Carl Lange
Frederick Carl Stroud
Charles Montgomery
Willis J. Wright
Irwin Emery George
Charles Oscar McGhee
Luren Anbury Booth
John Arthur Bostwick
Jay Holllster Upton
Albert Thurman Bogue
Paul Charles Garrison
Fred Carl Rtckemeyer
Carrol George Compton
Harold Baldwin
Albert Irwin Craln
Otto Walter Messelhelser
Raymond Granville Mackey
William McKlnley Trunkey
Albert Bryan Roller
John Chester Sharp ,
Otto Paul Ressel
James William Johnson
George Nlcolal ' '
Edmond Franklin Price
George Francis Euston
John Edgar Bloom
Ernest Elmo Evans
Leo Battlnger
Oscar Albert Hudland
Earl Hosmer Conser
Eli T. Clark
George Lee Bernler
Richard Willis Rea
Omar Cllne Claypool
Horace Bingham Brown
Samuel Lee Gulllford
Columbus Bryan
John Will Carlson
Ray Voltaire Constable
Benjamin Barr Groff
Frank Winer
Harley Gwynne Kennard
Frank Benjamin Foster
Ross R. Robinson
Charlie Benson
Otto Sonntag
Joaquin Gerardo,
George Edward Smith
Francis Fordham Nash
Adolph Schrtckel
Archie Thurston Powell
John Ely McClun
Martin Edward Gerow '
Charles Edward Parrish
Horace Alctnous Kelley
Steve Green
Walter Alex McDonald
Louis Kosuth Sttton
Walter O'Neil
Oscar Clarendon Hyde
Alvah Ernest Gillam
Ambrose Morgan Byrd
Otto Clarence Gray
Timothy E. J. Duffy
Francis Payne
Wiliam Henry Lohuls
Albert Hill
Benjamin Franklin Johnson
Chester WilltaniBon Starr
William Freeborne King
George Anderson Stevens
John Schaah
Francis Edgar Lafler
Halbey Emir Darling
Reuben Wilklns Wallace
Charles Albert Stanton
Thomas Newman Livingston
v Nick Rachor
Francis Lee Craln
Henry Edward Seehale
Edgar J. Bundy
Charles Spencer Edwards
Henry Stowell Cram
Alvis Price Jones
Charles O. Pollard
Levi Shelton Hines
I-et l.'s Match The Courage of France
And Belgium With The Gener
osity Of America
Herbert C. Hoover has sent an ap
peal to the people of America for
clothing for the suffering peoples of'
trance and Belgium. Ten million
people In these two countries are
facing disease and some of them
death for the lack of clothing this i
winter. They must be helped.
Mr. Hoover says the first campaign
yielded magnificent results, bring
ing In more than 6,00 tons' of cloth- i
Ing In good condition. But much
more is needed If these war-ravaged i
people are to get through the win
ter in decency and safety. He says
t Vl ,1V votnnln n1twl 1,1 1 . .. - .. I .. I
. ' i.iuii. ofii;uuiuij v. w u i a .i u a in
the face of brutal coercion and spir
itual suffering. Let us match the
courage of Belgium with the gener
osity of America.
The Red Cross has taken charge of
this work and has set aside the week
of September 23-30 for a special cam
paign for this purpose. Every house
hold In the land has some clothing
that is worn or outgrown, of little
use here, but desperately needed by
the destitute In Belgium and France.
Bring your contributions to the
Red 'Cross rooms In Prinevllle and
they wll be sorted.-packed, and sent
to the proper place. .
Grass; Henry McCall, Montgomery;
J. J. Romberg, Fife; Fisher Logan,
Dry Lake; Claude Dunham, Roberts;
J. B. Shipp, East Prineville; G. M.
Cornett, West Prinevllle.
Enos Luther Rose
Aaron Isaac Watklns
John Edwin Whlsler ;
Albert Bertram Matthews
James Edward Adamsoa
Norrls Morgan -.
Walter Sydney Hyde
William Joseph Smelzer '
Granville Nelsoa Clifton
Luther Leroy Scott
Fred Benjamin Jones
Peter Seggeling
Max Montgomery
Loul John Ogden
Bel win Montgomery
Edward Drew Tirrill
Henry Nathan Waite
James Samuel Oakes
Aldis Gates Brown
John P. Hopper ' f
Warren Brown
William Matt Clabough
Jay Hague
Jacob Becker
Harry Clay Lanlus
Samuel Rufus Cox
Raymond Larkln Calavan
William Washington Truax
Henry Koch
Daniel Elbert Haynes
Lawrence Theadore Burmelster
George Russell, Jr.
Frank James Taylor
Frank Joseph Reif
Jesse Lloyd Yancey
Harvey Lee Payne
John Fletcher Haynes
Claude Rasho Stewart
Douglas Cameron Ingram
Clyde Hoover v
David James Evans
James William Stanton
Herman Dill
Riley Warren
Frederick Wiliam Friend
John Jacob Koch
Guy L. Shafer
George Maurice Webb
James Norrow Breen
Wendell Elroy Fuller
, Stephen Boyer
William Britton Morse .
Walter David Talley
John Walter Demaris
William Chester Evans
George Robert Sylvester
. Claud Clay Barney
Charles Jess Demaris
Francis Fletcher Wright
Jchn Albert French
Harry William Neal
Wilford David Grimes
Samuel Lawson Reynolds
Roy Enthern Stewart
Max Strixner
Elmo Price Coshow
Jesse Lewis Lindsay
Marlon Luther Barney
Arthur James Champion
William Alexander Donnelly
John Kemmling
Byrl Linton Bidwell
William Henry McCoy
. Lyn Nichols
Numa Franklin McCotn
- John Kinman Grimes v
Lawrence Taylor McCoy
. Orville Ira Davison
, Willie Fleming Mason
- Erwln Shroy 1
Samuel Martin Bailey .
Peter Thompson
George Washington Richardson
Albert Henry Smith
Wesley Johnnie Schock ,
Ililmer W. Fairchild
Albln PeterBon
Andrew Michle
John Brodie
Edward Preston
Manuel Dasllor Nlkolao
Noah Ernest Hall
Joseph Dewatn Townsend
Edward Henry Schmld
Quota For Oregon Will Perhaps Be
935,000,000 People Are
Eager To Assist
The Liberty Loan party from state
headquarters will arrive this even
ing In time for the 8 o'clock meeting.
They are touring the state in the big
"Yellow Demon" car which has twice
before made the circuit in the Inter
ests of liberty, and which has become
identified with the very thought of
crushing the Hun.
One of the speakers, Sergeant H. L.
L. White of the Kootenay Battalion,
Canadian Expeditionary Forces, has
spent two years In the trenches. This
bataHon was the first to be sent from
the Kootenay district. He has been
wounded twice and gassed. He will
describe In realistic manner the
warfare of the western front not only
from the viewpoint of one who has
witnessed It but one who was a par
ticipant in some of the greatest bat
tles of the Great War, as he has seen
service at St. Elole, Ypres Salient,
Kemmel, Hill 60 on the Somme, Ar
mentiers and Reglna Trench.
This will be an unparalleled oppor
tunity for the people of this section
to hear first hand descriptions of
what is going on "over there."
Oregon's quota, for the loan will
perhaps be $35,000,000 and from the
spirit in which people are consider
ing the situation, it is a safe prophesy
that every man will buy his share of
bonds, and that as usual, Oregon will
be over the top first.
Tonight's meeting will be held in
the Baptist church. 1
Henry Mohr
Bob Blackevtch
Martin Zupen
Toney Thomas
Rode Maticvich
' Dtn Nisknlin -".V" j ;-
Milc Petrovich " .. '
Mike Vukuslch
Nick Zivkovich '
Mike Shaban
Richard Spaltnger
Fred Llnd ,
Fred Sandy
Michlel Trapman
Magone Emmanuel Hansen
Martin Emillo
Vito Paleto
Pasquale DeVlncengo
Fhggiant Lorenzo BattisoQ
Frank Oselame
Quirino Cavasin
Terdinardo Carasin .
' Giovani Maria Malacarne
Antonio Cavasin
Guiseppe Cannucci
Steve Maffia
Guiseppe Mancinl
Ronaldo Fanatto Jtcvani
John Becaas
Ole Alex Swanson
Thomas Cartas
James Archibald Glllls
Besagle Ernesto
Frank .Oakes
John B. Savage
Alfred Bennet Carey
Elbert Scott Robe
Farnia Lee Tesreau
Percy Alexander Munro
. Albert Bartholomew McCoy
: t'urke Thornburg
Wiliam Harvey Putnam
Alcnzo Thomas Wright
From Paulina
ltoy Edward Gray
George Porter Lee
Olit H. Olson
Andrew Hrivnak
.fosephjBalm Hoover
Henry Jefferson Faulkner
Sylvander Dawson McCalllster
Henry H. Anderson
Everett Sciler Wilson
Antle Andrew Henry
David Baxton Morgan
James Herbert Angell
Clarence D. Clendenen
John Henry Schwarzer
Arthur Roy Irwin
Charles Sheldon Congleton
Roy Leonard Foster
' Charts Harlow Henry
James Andrew McCulough
Wallace Royat Ditemar
Van Wesley Foster
Eugene Davtd Miller
Claude Cecil Brennan
Anson Addanoroum Foster
Allen March Logan
Fletcher M. Wood
John Banister Puett .
Ralph Hutchinson
Francis Thomas Cardlnes
John Mocho
Jean Mocho
From Roberts
HarrxE. Dnbson
ClaienVe S- Ivestor Ferguson
James Carlin
Sumner William Houston
John H"tv C.'rlin 1
Austin Klzer
Clarence Robert Harvey
Charles D. Tenll
Willinm T'lrm i Person .
Benjamin TTliidcrm.m
William Elmer Mead ,..
Tliomps TT.rirv Connors
John Milllorn "
Cbndi n V-. ytnrl r
Edward Rudolph Fischer
Jacob Peter Jacobaon
NO. 45
TO MEN 19 TO 36
It Is Important That Questionnaire
Be Filled Out And Returned
Very Promptly
Questionnaires will first be mailed
out only to registrants -between the
ages of 19 and 36,' inclusive, of
those who registered September 12,
according to the latest advices receiv
ed from the provost marshal general
by the local selective service board.
The men In these ages will apparent
ly be classified and selected first,
then those of 1 8 years and those be
tween 37 and 46 lastly.
As all questionnaires must be
sworn to when properly filled out, it
is necessary for all draft registrants
to consult some person qualified to
take oaths. Following is a list of
legal advisors who have donated their
services to draft registrants and are
qualified by apolntment to take the
necessary oaths of registrants' and
their witnesses and will do so without
Mrs. L. M. Miller, Paulina; Chas.
A. Sherman, Fife; L. M. Bechlell, M.
R. Elliott, Claudia Wagoner, T. M.
Baldwin, Jay H. Upton, M. J3. Brink,
M. R. Biggs, A. R. Bowman, Willard
H. Wirtz, Judge N. G. Wallace, Judge
T. E. J. Duffy, and Geo. L Bender of .
Draft registrants are urged to
study the questionnaires thoroughly
before going to one of the above nam
ed advisors so as not to impose upon
these people and so that the work of
filling out the questionnaire properly
will be expedited. The work of the
Continued on page 6
" Emery Lewis Carlin
. ' 'j 1 1 . v.. ...... . iiii.iiuu u
Edward A. McDonald
. Charles Henry Fants
Claude C. Dunham ; . ,
lfieorge Doffield Mllliorn "r
Valdemar Barnholdt ;
Audrid G. Kizer
Harry William Htnkley
Matthew Carl Trenne
Joel Newton .
From Powell Butte , ;
Wilbur Everth Edwards
Dewey George Shobert f
Lawrence Dewey Cox
Roy L. Skeen ' ,
Fred Dean McCaffery
George Dawey Moore
Walter William Wellpott '
Otto Michel Pauls ?
Eugene Wernon Young
Cecil John Rasor ' t
Glenn Charles Faulkender J"
Hans Kristian KJar
Grover Charles Price
Roy Raymond Roberts
Arthur Wurzweiler
cellar Stanley carnara
Edward B. Williams
Ceorge Wesley Whitesett
James Lafayette McDaniel
Lee Hobbs
Herman K. Allen
Allen Wilcoxen '"
Ell Hugh Stewart
William Adolph Wasmundt -
Loues Pearson Hahlen t
John William Drlscoll
George Klssler
X)utiir1r inolanH
Samuel Dunn Mustard
' Junius Johnson 'Chapman
Wallace Thompson Smith. " v
John Solomon Wells ' 8
Jacob Alvln Rlggs : t
Ceorge Albion Hobbs . j
Jay Everet Warner
Hans Jacobson
John Cronin
Eli Harlan Cox ,
Joseph Markel Sharer 1
Nathan Baxter Beach
William Eugene Young
William Henry Johnson
George Franklin Hlllard
James Perry Bowman
v Carl Christian Brlx
William Peterson
Dan Hourigan
From Held
Carey Alfred Cabe
Fred Jefferson Houston
, Frank Louis Ramsay
Edwin Leonidas McFarland :
Richard Alexander Ammond :
Charles A. Cox
James D. Taylor '
Frank Thomas Carpenter j
Raleigh B. Cross
Guss Grille
Julius Frank Trapp
Harley Monroe Saunders ' '
. Clifton B. Todd
Ben Burchtorf
Jacob. Settlemeyer ',.
Fred Hamlin
August Robert Johnson 1
Max Gross , '
From Tost
Frederick Albert Polk ,
William Leban Harris ,
Russell Roy Price
Thomas Miller ).
James Bedletto ,
Luther Elkins Claypool 1
Grover Cleveland Elrod
Walter Oliver Elliott
Walter Taylor Morris
Fdward Austin Stewart '
Bernard Hageboack ;
Continued on page 8