HFrTKMItKft 12, t Old. OlOOK COUNTY JOI RAL 1 M'MUIINI In the Circuit (n nf Ih eStat of Oram for Cnwa County. 0id A. Mrar. Ali.heue Ryera, HI M. Cordon, lamalil V. tmrilan. and IkiuirlM 11. .onion. I'lelnllfrs v.. c. I. Illllman end Uwlt OHv. Illllinan, IMatwIaiila, In th aame at the Stat of Oraaoa t You sr. h.rhr reuuirail Ui aiuwar and tlia Cnniulalnl filed In Ih. alve eotltla I Court anil ( anae on or aefor the gutti ilajr of etootamWr, llll, and If aou fall so la aoear and answer, tlx olalntllfa will apply hi Hi urt for tha nlu( dainandad In their Con plaint, Uwwlt A Juclam.nl aaalnat you and aarh of you for the suns of Ixa.uou ill) llh lalarsat thereon I tna rata of par rant, par annum, from tha 41 nf tha antra thereof, until paid and for tna Rata and dialnraamanta of Ihla nation, and for ail Unk-r of Hal of tha property attar)! tharaln. Thla Summons la puhliihad by or.h r of tha Honorabl T. K. 1. Duffy, Juila of tha khnva nlltM Court, mail on tha llh day of Auauat, lllla, which aald Order prearrlbed that thU nummona b publlalwd In tha Cruoa County Journal, a new.i.ao.r of arner I circulation pilntad and published la Prln villa, Crook County, Oraault, fur a parlod vt U weeae mwa.utlval. Hat of first publiratlon nf thm summons M tha lh day of Auiiual, I II ID. M. U. KLLIO'IT, Atuiniay for Plaintiff . . .. IM7a NOTII E Or II A l ie or HKAI, MrATN IN THM CiniN IV (OUST OK TIIK HTA'I'B K (IKKiiON H)K CKIHlK COUNTY. la tha maltar of tlue,eeiat of Kill. U. Cor atl, ilarwaaed. NOTII K IH HKRKIIY (IIVKN by In under alanad, tha AHmliilelralor of tha batata of Kf fla II. CoroetL Daraeed. that h will, puratMlit la an ordar of tha Uiunly Court mad., ai d in tared on tha oth day of July, lain, tail at lira. aala. after tha th day of Hnlml-r. i'l.e, at tlx offir of M. K, KIIU.it, ai l'rln-vlll. Crook County, Oraaoa, subject to confirmation by tha County Court of Crook County, Omron, lae following daarrlbad ml aaUw bvlonalna to aald eetal to-wit i U1 Three and llw South Half of tha Nnrthweel Quarwr of Section rive, la Township nlilean, South of Hanae It K.t nf Ih. Willamette Meridian la Crook County, Oraaon. latad Ihla llh day nf AiirusL IHt (IKOHtiK M. COHNKTT. Ailmmiatrator of tha ut of fcffl 8. Cornatt, aeaaaaed. JUt&d NOTICB TOR PUBLICATION fWpartm.nt of tha Interior, U. B. Land Of flea al Tha UaJlaa, Oraaoa. . , . July Vt, 1911 Nollra la harrby alvrn that KMMA MOhlKIL form.rlr EMMA HINU, of Dry Laka, O von. who, on Novambar lath, 1UU, ma.lt llnmaalaad Kntry No. OUIMt, for BWU NW'., HWV,, 17, rlKV. HK'h, Mac. II, N fj NWV,, HI). 'fWnahip So, HR 2) Kt Vrillamaila atarldlan, haa ftlad notlra of Iniantlnn tn m.kk rinal Ihra Yr fnait, to aatahllah claim to tha land abov daarrlb-d, bafora Chaa. A. Hh.r man, Unllad Hlalaa Commiaalon.r, at Ufa. O.aaon, on tha 7th day of tioptambar, imH. Claimant nainaa a awltneaaaai John Wilaon, of lry lika, Oraaon, Rkhard ttho.1. of Dry I Jilt-. Oraaon, Lawia W. Itan aett, of Dry Uka. Union, J. H. Whlttakar. of I'ry Lak, Oraaon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, IHU Kvulatar NOTICK FOR I'UIILICATION Oaiwrtinanl of tha Intailor, U. B. Land Of fir al Tha UaJlaa, Oraaon. July 12. IVIS Nullr la han-hy alvan that JOHN R. W1IITTAKKR of Dry I-akn. Omlon, who, on May th. 19H. tad. Ilonitatirad r.ntry No, Ql'iuul mna Juna tlt, mada Ail.llllonal Kntry, No. 016116. f-r 8'K'i, liar. IS, NKW. E BKii. IW. 114. Twu, id. 8. It. HO Kaat Wlll.oi.ll. M.rtdlan, hia fllMl notlra of Intention to maka llnat Thraa Yaar rnwf, to aatabilah rlalm to lha land al.va daarrlbad, Iw-fora Chaa. A. Sher man. United Mtatr Conimlaalonvr, at rtti, On-iinn, on lha 7tb day of nVpu-mbar, lula. Claimant namaa a awttnraaaa I John 0. Wilaon, of Dry lka, Orrimn, Rlrh ar4 KIkmI. of Dry Laka, Oivaon, K.nma Mo trr, of Dry lika, Oraaon, Tlioodor Armatrona, of Dry Laka, Onuron. li. FRANK WOODCOCK, ltue . ItniuUT NOTICK Of FINAL HKTTLRMKNT Nuiir. la h.rrhy alvan by tha amlaralanad tha vxarutril of tha aatate of Frank Walwr, drfrfcMMj, that aha haa mafia and fllvd with tha dark of thla court bar final accounting- of har atlmlnlatratlon of aald a. lata and h aaurt haa aat Haturday, tha 14th day of Hau U4nlr, ItflH, at ten o'clock In tha forutioon at tha County Court room In I'rlnalita. Ora awn, aa lha tlm and plara for haMiln and a-ttllna aald final accountlna. Al hl-n tlm and plnra, any paraon Interaated in atld aa Uta may appvar and objvrt to aald final ae ountlng. MARY J. nOYCK, Kiarutrll of tha KalaUl tf Frank Wrbar, Daoaaavd 40ttc BKMTORATION TO KNTRY OF LANDS IN NATIONAL FORK8T Llat -UZ. 4-aota Nullr la harrby alvan that tha land dra ertbrd below, atnbrartna l.t).ta.nl acraa, within tha Ochocn National Forrat, Orrann, will na ubjart to aatllvmvnl und inlry undi r Hit. pro vtalona of tha homrataad lawa of tha Unltrd ftlatc and art of Jun II, lunii, (M Hint.. Kit, al tha United Htate Ijind ofrlrajit Tha llallra. Omton. on rU..t.mlx.r XI, 1UI8. Any aattlar who wnl actually and In aood faith claJmlna any of aald landa for aurtrullural purtMiua prior to January 1, llnid, and haa not abandon ed aamc, haa a prcfaranra nuht to mak a homeataail antry for lha lamia actually otru picl. Maid landa went llalv4 upon lha appli cation of th pvraona mentioned below, who hav a prvfarrnr right aulijrct to tha !iri.ir riaht of any auch eutllcr, pruvi.U-d aurh aetllvr or applicant la qualified to mak homaateail antry and tha prvfvrvnra rfkht la axarciacd prior to Maptembar HI. 1UIH, on which date tha lamia will be lubioct to aatlleraant and ntry by any qunntied iH-raon. any quniiuea Hereon. Tha NWi4. thcWt NKW NW M, tha VCjHW'A, tha W'4 SW14 T. 17 S, R 111 K, th NK14 NEUi Sec, Tha wv NWii, thcwi. HKA NWV1 Bm. rv n oac. n Sec 22, T 17 S K 20 K, Uit 1 t.18.01 acre), Lot i MM I, t.V, nt ixit l l6.u. arroal, th HK'A NK '4, tha KVi BW4 NKU Sec. 4, th 8W rWS Hae V Mae IS. th NK14 Sac. tha 8 Mi , nr.vi Sec. 15, 18 It IS K, th KKli. tha S'4 tivV', gee 18, the V.y, NKV, HW14, th. NWV4 8W14 8. ft nc ', the 8H 17. HV, HKU Sec. ID. tha N'i. NWU 8c. 22, T 18 8, It 19 V,. tha NWU Bee 12, T 18 3, R 20 B W M. containing l.OHlSl aerta, luted without application; Lint s-81122. July 16, 1U18. D. K. FAKR0TT, Actintf Aaalatant Cornlatiuner of the General Land Office. 40t4c NOTICE OF MKKTINC, OF BOARD OF EUU1LIZATION Nolle la hereby given that on Monday, tha th dny of September, 1W18, th lama being the accoml Monday In September, Ilia Board of Kquiliutlnn will attend at th Court Houne In Prinevilla, Crook County, Oregon, and pub licly examine tha aaeeeament rolle, and eorroct all rrora In valuation!, deacrlptions and qual kiea of landa, lota and other property aaaeaaed by the aeaeaaor, and It la th duty of all pr anni Intrnwted to appear at th time and place aptminted aa provided by law. Date of Klrat Publication, Auguat 15, 1018. Date of Laat Publication, September (, 1918. 40Hp H. A. FOSTER, Aaaeaaor. 'N0TICB FOR PUBLICATION Department of th Interior, U. 8. Land Of fice at Th Dalle. Oregon, July 18, 1U18. Nolle la hereby given tlml ANNIE HtCMI'STHAD, Mother and heir to GUOIWlO Vi KREIl'KR, ot Samliih, Waahlngton, ho, o.l Jununry I 1115. mad HomaaUtau Kntry No. O..H.'S, foi ' E Vi (Kal half, Sectiou Y. Townahlp 20. S. , K. 20 Kaat Willamette Meridian, hai filed notice of Intention to make final Three year Proof, to Mtabliih claim to th land above described, before kLlnicr M, Pock, Unlt ad Statea Commlaaioner, at Hampton, Oregon, a the 14th day it September, HUM, Claimant name aa witneaaeat Willie C. Derrick, of 11 rot here, Or., Emll Van Laacke, of Dry Lake, Oregon ; lleorge P. Alliion, of Hampton, Oregoni Albert Aloxan er, of Dry Lake, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK Keg later, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at The Dnllca, Oregon, July 15, 11118. Notice la hereby given that JOHN MONTGOMERY 4f Prlnevllle, Oregon, who, on August Srith. 11114. made Desert Land Kntry No. 018796, for SE'4 NRVi Section 24, Township It S. H. 14 Hunt Willamette Meridian, hua filed notice f Intention to mttke Mnul DeHert Lund Proof, to CHlnhliiih clnim to the land nhuve deHcrlh. cd, before Lake M. Ueihtell, United Stall CommlHaioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the lot dny of September, 1918. Claimant names aa witnefmeB! GeorKe. W. Doilnon, of I'viiieville, Oreiron; John M. Kiliott, of Prineville, Oregon ; Noah W. Floyd, of Prineville, Oregon, Kiuhard Bun dle, of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. I6t6e Regiatar NOTim to rRKiiiTiiua Noll la her.hr alvan br tha underalaned, Ih. AdmlnLtralrls of tha rll of John f. Morris, IhNmuwd, In all (milium of aald da. raaanl, and Ui all persona havlna claims avelnat aald fatal In irnwnt Ih a.m.. Hh tha proper vouchers to tha umUralaiird al lha I "III., of M K. KIIMI, In I'rlnrvlll. On. ' ..n. within al nv.nlhe from tha data of tha flr.1 pill.llrallon of Ihla notlra. at of rlrat I'ulillcallon, Haptambar 12. I lUIH, FANNIB MORRlfl, Admlnlalratrla of th KaUl. of John r. Morrla, Doraaaad. 44to N.llc. Far Pehllrellaa ll.parlm.nl af lha Interlay U. 8. Und (II flea at Th Dalle, Oregon, Ralilamliar ilh, I9IN, Nolle I hereby given that AMKLIA WOLKF. of Frinevllla, Oraaon, who, on Auguat llh. 1014, maile llomeateed Entry No. OHir.Nj, fr r--nV, nr., nw.,, Flrrtlon VI, Town.hlp III Boiiih. Hang la F-aat. Willamette Meridian, has filed noil, a of intention to maka final thra year Proof, to aatahllah claim to th land above drarrihed, before Warren Hrown, Clerk of Ih t'lrrull Court, at Prtiu-vllle, Or, (on, on th 24th day of October, 1918, Claimant name aa wllneaeea i Otto Itadloff, li.nl.l R. Putnam. Ed. C. White, Robert Vaaey, all of Prlnevllle, Oregon, II. FRANK WOODCOCK, fP Keg later. ' Nntlr Far PaMlratlen Dapartmant f lha Intarlar II. ,. Und Office at Th Dellee, Oregon, Haplamher th, 1918. Nollra la hereby given that AI.ONOO C. NK1118 nf Ijimi.nla. Oraaon, who, on Juna 4th, 1911, mada ll'imaatead Kntry No. 016IU2, for 8 SKI4. NKI4 8F.)4. cWlton 18, Town.hlp t, K.H1O1. Ilanaa 14 Fjuit, Willamette Meridian, haa filed nolle of Intention to make final threa year Proof, to eetabllah claim to th land above daarrlbad, before l ake M. RerhtH U. 8. Commleeioner, at Prlnavllla, Oraaon, on th 22nd day of October. 1918. Claimant namaa aa wltneaaaal George If. Ragnar, of lmont, Oregon ; John N, Haaland, of Lamonta, Oregon : Franria F. Wright, of Prlnavllla, Oregon; Numa F. M.'Coln. of Prlnavllla H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 44tlte RegUter. NOTICB OF BPF.CIAL ELECTION Nntlr la hereby given that a eparlal elect ion will ha held on Momuiy, the lAth day of Jt.pl.mber, 1918, between tha legal voting hour on aald date at Beaement of Court llouae, In Prlnavllla. Oregon, at which elect. Ion there will b submitted to th legal voters of aald City for their adoption or rejection In following prnnoaed charter amendment : RF.SOI.IITION IIR IT RKSOLVF.I) IIY THK COUNCIL OF that tha following lieoimaad am.ndmM.1. tA l k "ir.vii.i.r ur(r,itllM, 'M-ri.r i mm vny o ana me eame are hereby proinaed for aubmiaalon to the legal 1 1. I I t aald Cltr be and lha aam. ar. , Tr i-e-'ai WiF eteciion lO D Peld aa In thla reaolutton provided 1 CMARTKR AMKNDMKNT8 SU1IMITTKD TO TIIK VOTF.RH BY TIIK CITY COUNCIL AN ACT to amend an Act entitled An Act to Amend an Act entitled ' An Act to Incorporate the City of Prineville, trook County. Htate of Oregon; and to repeal an Act entitled "An Art to tnrorporate Ih Town of Prlnavllla, Wasco County, Oregon." approved October 2S. man; and to repeal an Art enlllleil "An Act to amend an Act entitled An Act to Inco.iH.ml. the town of Prlnevllle, In Waarn (now Crook I County, Oregon," ap proved October M, 1WKI, and to repeal all Act. or parte of Arta in conflict herewith." approved February 14. I8H7; and to repeal an Art entitled "An A't to amend Section 17 of nrx w incortatrat ine Town of Prlnevllle. In Waaco Count. fi,.n approved October 2S. IHH11." filed In the office of the Keintary of Stale February 18, IH91." appmvH Febmay 18. Imi9. and aa aulaw quenlly mimiW by an Act of the lgl.latlve AwemMy of th. State of Oregon. Approved leliruary U. 1918. and flll n the office of the Secretary of Stale February IS. I ana, and aa subsequently amend ed by an Act auhmitled to and approved by the ....... . .., , . uc.n nela therein r '" "4 euhaeouently r, suomniea to and appai.ved t'. I'lr'.t "J M"1 ' " lh -l''"l km held therein on September II, 1918. and u amend all other amrmlmenU thereto anarled by Hie Uglslallv. Asaembly or by vote of th eubmlt'ted to and approved by the voters of .fcrin,i.'j 7 7r l"'"' rm therein on the loth day of December, I9J7. BE IT FNACTK1) IIY TIIR PFOPLE OF THK CITY OF PRINEVILLE. that an Act entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to lncon.rnte th. Clt, of Prlnevllle. Crook , ;,, " "ici.rporai tn Town Jl5 A W."f" C.""Xv. Omron." ap- ?r. a . ,An1A, to an Act entitled Jin. 1. ii ln,nornte th. Town of Prln. villa. In Waaco (now fmokl County, Oregon Will. iliLJ- an . A. .i.i j .? ' . amenq ruction 17 of an Act .ntltled -An Art lo Incomornte the Town of Prinrv lie. In Waco County. Ore gon appmved October 2D, 1HH8," filed In tha 1'J.:..tt, ft!' ' Stat. FebruarJ IH. IBM. approved February 18. U99, and as siiUequcntly amended by an Act of the Leg 12 th' 8U, "f Oregon, ap- mi La h' 8"'.",u'r of Stat. February 18. . Shminli V ",""l'"n'l' amended by an Act ST m A t h" " a" ,"i"0u""1)' amende theriT"L"i '."V h.r l''"0n "''O all h. " H'l"rmb" and to amend all other amendmcnta thereto enacted by tha people"' AMrmW " vote of th. la'llTriw 1? Xni hr v0 of on the tenth day of December. 1917. be an the same Is hereby amended by adding to Chanter r.Ldf""foli;hw;?r SK,'",, '"8- CHAPTER XI SECTION 8 For the purtmsv of raising the nec..ry additional fund to complete th. eonstrucllon of the sold rnllnu,.! th? Cound' a Ztl'al)?!"tr "nd ""lred to Issue and aell negotiable coupon bonds of the City in a sum not to ctrecd eighty-five thousand Snt.,,re:t,!f'1.0fl0V hi.c': "'d 0""'l .hall bear Interest at a rate not to exceed aix per cent . Tlmr.. Bnum. Payable semiannual ly, maturing twenty (20), yoara from date nt, ".n . ?M , option of the if ee L. y,Mm rou"n '""o,, on and fvT. I n'i" ,"mr ,rm ""' whl-h Mid Munlcl! I knOW Clt 0f Prinevill. i". nJ.J.mnrov'"c"t Honda. Series B " P.KCm0N I' C"n" of th. City of Prlnevllle Is hereby directed to levy a special by the City Charter or any amendments thre to. sufficient to pay the Interest accruing on ..nta ""'""'H this amendment and on and after one (II year from the date of the issuance nf such bonds, such further levy UlrSV """? to provide a sinking fund turity ,mOUn uii bo"d t ma- SKCTION 8. Th, Indehtedneaa authorised by this amendment to the charter of the City of Irinevllle Is In addition to all Indebtedness heretofore authorlu-d and Incurred hy said City of Prlnevllle and is not to be considered aa af fected by any limit, of Indebtedness in aaid cna-icr or elsewhere. Clly of Prineville and all ordinance, or part of ordinances of said City In conflict withth. provisions of this Charter Amendment are hereby modified or repealed a. th. cas. may require In order that thla amendment may be In effect. RESOLVED FURTHER that this resolution for proposed Charter Amendments submitted to the voters hy the Council be filed with the Ite corder npor 1 Its approval by tho Mavor for sub mission to the Icgsl voters of said municipality for their rejection or approval to be anted upon at a special election to be held therein, and which special election is hereby called for Monday, the 28rd day of September, 1918, to vTded " Uch Cas n(1 RpSOLVED FURTHKR that a copy of this resolution be forthwith upon Its approval transmitted to th. City Attorney who shall within five (M days thereafter provide and return to the Recorder a hnllot title for such measure to he voted on at said election as by law provided, or in event tne City at this time has no City Attorney, or In case of hU absence from the City, that a copy of this resolution be forthwith UHn its approval hv u,'tn,-nc?r lr"Tl,t",,1 " s"i'1 M"y"f who shall willim five (51 days theroaflcr provide and turn to the Recorder a ballot title for such measure to he voted at SHi election as hy law provided. y RESOLVED FURTHER (hat the Recorder he ""'!, 1 l '"hereby instructed und required to publish this resolution In full containing the liemnahnve proposed Chapter Amendment, and the ballot title and number In full in The Crook County Journal ami in the rent nil Ore gon Enterprise, same being the official city newspapers, once or oftcnor within the ten (111) days immediately preceding the special alert ton at which earn are to h voted anoat HE IT FURTIIKK KKHOLVKD that Monday tha 2rd day of Haptembar, 1918, between th legal voting hour, of aald day la hereby desig nated aa lha tlm for boiling said aim-lal alM-tum, and tba baatn.nt ol Cnirt H'nisa, Prlnavllla, Oregon, la hereby daelgnated and appointed as tba ixilllng place for aald election and M. I). Powell. I.. C. I'.rrv and I W Ward are h.r.by appointed Judgaa, and Ethl Glas and Hurepta Johnson are hereby ap pointed clerk for aald .lection i KKHOLVKD FURTHER that Inasmuch as l la nereeaary In ordar to dav.bo tba Indua Wtee of tha City that thla resolution go Into Immediate effect, and that th development nf certain Industrie depand Ulmn tha paaaage of thla resolution, and that aald Induatrtea are nacaaaary for th Immediate preiwrvation of the peace, health, and safety of th City, aa amarganey ta hereby ilarlaead to aalat and thla resolution shall ba In effect lmml lately after ,m iwMHRfl sun appmval by tne Mayor. Paaaad by th Council this tth day of Sav temlr. 1918, by the following vote. 1 Yaaal five It). Nave; none. Submitted to th. Mayor September 10. 1911. Approved by th. Mayor K.icn.l- r In, 1918. D. F. STEWART, Atteatt CEO. F. EUSTON, Recorder. ,'' Th. ballot till for al4 maasura la aa fob. Iowa 1 CHARTFR AMENDMENT SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS BY THE CITY COUNCIL AN ACT To amend th. Charter of. th. City of Prln. vlll enacted by th lglslativ Assembly and approved February 18, law and all auheequent amendment thereto enacted by th. Iglalatur. or by vote of th paopl. and particularly Onapter XI thereof by providing for an ad ditional laaua of bond In th aum of lghly flv. thousand dollars 1186,000.00) togathcy with a tea levy to pay tha principal and In tercel thereon in order to provide fund to complete In construction of Ih railroad autb orised by said Chapter XL lull YES ll NO. 4412. SHIPP & PERRY DEALERS IN Lumber, Moulding, Shingles Doors, Windows, Paints Oils, Glass, Lime and Cement J a PRINEVILLE, OREGON SOLDIERS STAND WAR TEST WELL Washington. Announcing that more than 1,600,000 American soldiers have embarked (or foreign shore, General March reiterated hi belief the pres ence of 4,000,000 troops of the United State In France by next summer would enable the allies to carry out any campaign the may adopt for the defeat of Germany and th end of the war. General March Impressed the news paper men who met him In the con ference with the absolute confidence American officers have In their men aa a result, of the Initial tests on the battlefields of France. "My confidence In th soldier 1 In spired and developed by serving with thera and beside them In battle. I have ordered back from France certain men who have won distinction over there to give them increased rank In the divisions organizing at home. "These officer are now telling me Interesting things which have not yet come over in official reports. One of ficer reported specifically that In one engagement of the first American di vision the men captured 68 German guns and brought them In at the rear of our truck. On the same occasion they took 3500 prisoners. "Another officer reported that the second division, which he was with, captured 10 complete German batteries, which they brought In and presented to General Pershing.' GERMANS TIRED OF WAR Prisoner Tsken by Americans Say Now Teuton Offensive Unlikely. With the American Army on the Vesle. German soldiers believe that Germany Is not planning any more of fensives because of the manpower shortage, according to one of a party of seven ot a German patrol captured by the Americans east of Fisimes. The prisoner said the German soldiers no longer had any' enthusiasm for war. Most of those with whom he came In contact believed the war would end soon. The prisoner had been fighting for three years, and declared he was thor oughly tired of It. He said the soldiers understood that the German losses during the recent hilled offensives had been very great. Plenty of rmans, he added, would desert and surrender If given the op portunity. Many of them are con stantly watching for a chance to give themselves ud. Sixteen Men Held for Incendiary Fire Freiino, Cl. SliUten men now be ing held In FYeeno and Sacramento Jalla on fi-lnral warrants will be charxed with reaponglblllty for 'the wheat fluid fire. In South Dakota and big lumber mill flrna In Wah!ng;Un and Oregon, together with score of fire In the San Joaquin valley, extend ing pver period of nearly two years, Sidney J, Shannon, deputy U. 8. mar shal In Freino, said here. Shannon ha been conducting an Inveetlgatloo for mora than a year and a half and made all th arreet. He alio seized two laboratory which he aald. the men established for the manufacture of Incendiary device. Reported German Chancellor Resigned Geneva. German Imperial Chancel lor Hertllng ba banded hi resigna tion to the kaiaer on the plea of III health, according to report from Mu nich, via Zurich. Japanese Troop Occupy Khabarovsk. Shanghai. Japanese forces have oc cupied the town of Khabarovsk, Siber ia, according to advice received here from Vladivostok. aaJSJSairfSsaaN.SNaNa. Can there be any Amrican who is not doing all he can to help win the war? Who pretends to believe that we could have kept out? Who whines or growls about the little sacrifice he is asked to make? Who gets panicstricken and thinks that it would be better to compromise with the Hun and listens to the serpent whisperings of German propaganda? If such an American exists let him realize what Germany has done to Russia, which gave in and negotiated a cowardly peace. There is only one thing for us all today and that is war to the bitter end war until the Hun is utterly and completely destroyed. . For those who cannot fight, LIBERTY BONDS are the best possible wea pons against the Hun. , fc ; , j ' " "" Buy LIBERTY BONDS TODAY Any Bank Will Help You 7jrState TIN Open for Business. Baled Hay and Grain for Sale WOOD A SPECIALTY Telephone Black 951 ROBERT BROWNING PRINEVILLE, ....... OREGON JAT H. DOBBIN, President E. F, ROT, Treasurer HENBT L. CORBETT, Vlce-Presv S. C. SPENCER, Secretary J. C. AIN8W0RTH, Vlce-Pres. E, W. RUMBLE, Gen. Mgr. Columbia Basin Wool Warehouse Co. Incorporated Advance Made on Wool Loans on sheep WE BUY NO WOOL DIRECTORS Jay H. Dobbin Henry L. Corbett C. C. Holt R. N. Stanfleld 1. C. Ainsworth W. P. Dickey E. W. Rumble UNIVERSITY of Fully ptiiipHd liberal c training iu Commerce, J Icarliinii, Library H urk, Muaic Household Arta. I'hyairal Training .aa Fine Arta. r'4 MiMlarr Mriaan la char, of Aasariraa aa Hriliaa allima. Drill. Imam aa liala 1 all aaHo-aaia. BaeM aa rsa.riraer la naS war. Oimstrt. ayalaai l Iraarhaa. krMsas, ale. Hi wlr.l. rrr,..i hJiI Lur Cj,mm bIuL... - u n T r ' t Tailioa FKKK. Librarr ol HO.IMIO aataasaa. DoraiilonM la. mm i JBL, Exa..a. lawari. snarb opporlDflitjr y . wnlr Krjialrar. hufrar. z)o es Ouch an merican This Space Contributed to Winning TJermtnal SPrineville, Oregon B 1 North Portland Oregon tor waraiat oaa'a war Urlaa. lor Ill.ural aooktrt. 4 the War by Company OREGON Trrttlrtrl tilture and Kcit-nf!fic departments. Special M iHiriiolism, Architecture, Law, Medicine II Oxist q I