8tiTi:Miii:ii i a, loin. CllOOK COUNT JOin.AL Tins City llin Join rturmd hum font Saturday, I T. J. Dimly of Alfalfa waa In tha t'lly Monday, i Alv Colpitis of 8uul! iu In tha clly IhmI woiik. A. II. Bmllh m a vlaltor In tha city Haturday. Al. Colnman, of Portland, Is In tha city fur a ftiw days. Fred 0. Murrltt .;ft Tui.sday for hit home at Mnailow. S, A. Lytln whi a Prliwvllle visitor Haturday from Buplua. Jo Pout was a visitor In I'rlnnvllla last Krday, from I'ost. Wm, Lddfurd of Host tu t vlslt or In tha city Saturday. Frank Johnson luft Tuesday for a bualnoaa trip to Burns. aeorxa Tack man of Hold wu In Prlnavllla luat Thuraday. Ilwrnard Coi wm a bualnnas vlaltor In tha city hint Thuraday. Guy Bear waa up from Tha Dalles Tuesday fur a ahort vlalt. Ilnnry Mit'all waa a bualnoaa via Itor In Prlnnvlllo Tui-aday. E. O. Parkr of Hormrta nnt sv ral daya In thn city thla wm-k. Judd Lytln waa Prlnovllla visit or luat wmk mul from Hupliw. K. W. Klmliln waa a bualnoaa visit or from 1'ortlund luat wik and. Tnrl Fllur of Pnwl Hiittn waa In tint city Monduy on uuaintirs. Jolly A. I.lvluKaton of Itfdmond waa I'rlnnvlllB vlaltor Tucaduy. II. W. Qnrlln waa In thn city thla wek from liln ranch at Koliorls. Mr. and Mra. Olia. rjlmrinan of Fife orn spitmllnjr a tow days hore. IliMibcn KiiKNtrom of Ititrms waa a visitor In I'rlncvUl.j luat Thuraday. II. A. Yatca of pownll Ilulto waa a bualnoaa vlaltor In Hid city Tuesday. Itunbxn Ronton of I'oat win a busl-rn-aa vlaltor In the clly luat Tbunday. Mlaa Mulic I AIIiii wna a vlaltdr In tha city Tui-aduy from Pownll Ilutto. Mra. I. M. Miller of Paulina li a business vlaltor In tha city this week. A daiiKhtur waa born to Mr. and Mra. Jup Irelund, Tuesday, Snptombor 10. Bumner Houaton and Henry Carlln of Kolmrla wore In Prlnuvllls Satur day. Ilnrry EverlnKham, of I.a Pine, waa In I'rinevlllo Monday on bual noaa. Kddlo Holtr waa In Prlnevllta on Tuosday from till borne on Trout Creek. W. 0. Snyder waa In tha city the flrat of tho week from hla ranch at 8upli. J. K. Dlnnchurd of Culver was a business vlaltor In tha city luat Sat urday. II. R. Keyes and family of Fossil are In Prlnevlllo visiting friends and rt)latve(. Paul Powers of Portland court re porter, arrived In the city Monday morning. Charles Lambert and family of Fife spent several daya In Prluvllle thli week. Mr. and Mra. E. B. Wllllami of Powf.ll HuttB, were Prlnevllle visit ors Tuesday, J. R. Mondnnhall and Max Menden hall of Opal City wore visitors lu the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Garner and chllrren of Suploe were Prlnavllle vla ltors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Driscoll were In the city Tuesday from tholr ranch at Powell Butte. Mrs. Luclllo Campbtill who has been visiting her mother Mrs. 8. R. Hlney, for several months left . Sat urday for Canada where she will meot Mr, Campbell. High price does not always mean high quality CRESCENT 00 COFFEE, FOR INSTANCE, COMBINES QUALITY WITH A MODER ATE PRICE. At 25o a pound It la inch a splendid value that many fam ilies have abandoned higher priced coffees In 1U favor. Tour Grocer soils it 25c a lb. Crescent 99 Cofffee Douglas Fairbanks "Headin" South" TSADi LaavaatsMAaK Doug takes to "Greases" like a duck takes to water. They just make a healthy breakfaat for the man that but you don't have to be told that he's good. You know It; that's why you're going to pack up now and see this picture. FRIDAY and SATURDAY AT THE LYRIC THEATER iKBTsi.tariwTar , : m ' ' ' mm Bessie Love And Frank Borzage "Wee Lady Betty" Catching a greased pig has long been recognized as a dltlcult achievement, but the property men who dreaaed the sets for the new Triangle drama, "Wee Lady Betty," starring Bessie Love, under the direction of Charles Mllor, dscovered somethng even more slippery than a greased pig. SUNDAY ItKGIMTKIl YOIB ROOMS FOR THE FAIR Four hundred additional rooms are needed to accommodate the vlaltors to the Inter-BUte Fair, October 1 to 6th. Fill out the ' attached blank and mall to R. L. Schee, Prlnevllle, Oregon, at once: J Nme Bt. and No '. Tel. No No. Single rooms ... No. double rooms .: ..... Price per room ....... Price per meal - I hereby agree that the rate or rates named will not be In- creaaed during Fair Week. Signed w. a. s. J ENLT8T the services of The Jour nal Classified Ada for sura results. w. s. s. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that under and pursuant to Sec. 25 of Chapter 367 La we of Oregon for 1917 the Board of Directors of the Central Oregon Irrigation District will meet October 1, at Redmond, Oregon, for the purpose of reviewing and correct ing the assessment and apportion ment of taxes to be levied In the Dis trict for the ensuing year. All own ers of bind within the District are In vited to be present at said meeting. 43t3c J. G. McGuffle, Sec'y. DR. TACKMAN DENTIST Room S Cornell Building Member of Preparedness League of American Dentists All soldiers work done free Mrs. Hannah Doo returned Monday from Grlxzly, where she has been vis iting relatives. U. B. Bushnell of Roberts was a business visitor In Prlnevllle several days this week. Mr. and Mra. Robert Veasey were In the pity Saturday from their ranch on Combs Flat. , " J. E. Roberta passed through the city last Thursday on his way to bis home at Roberts. Bruce Balfour and Mr. and Mrs. Ban Puett of Paulna spent the week end In Prlnevllle. Mrs. Mary Smith of Portland Is here visiting her sons, Carey, Walter and Frank roster. i Miss Ada Morse of Redmond spent the week end with her mother and sister In Prlnevllle. Mrs. Frank Hoffman and sister, ; Mrs. Coates of Albany, were visitors In the city Monday, j Mrs. D. O. Remple returned the ' first of the week from visiting rera-: tlves In Washington. j Glenn Hendrlckson came In from : Sollers Marsh Sunday and will spend several daya in the city, Mrs. John Bolter and daughters, Veva and Marlon, moved to Prlne vllle Saturday and will spend the win ter here. CHICHESTER S PILLS W TUB VIAHOMD BSANDl A lhl-.k.t IMu.M7Bn.a4Ai l-IIU la K-4 tad IUU auuUcV; Boua, dal alt Bin Rlbboa. V Taka alami. Bu af ar w 1MB BRAND PI 1.1.1- ai fatal ka a a BaM, SUM. Aaa Batto souwmtsTsiwnfvrarc For new and old atomach trouble uae Adamaon'e Dlxeetexe. Price 60o or six boxes tor 12.60 postpaid to any address In the United Statu of America. For aale by D. P. ADAMSON 4 CO Prlnevllle, Oregon Oregon Daily Journal Daily 50c Daily and Sunday 65c If you don't get your pap er regularly, phone Red 431 and we will tend one up by special messenger Prineville Drug Co. Local Agent R. V. RANDALL GARAGE ( Cars for Hire. Automobiles repaired, Fords mended. Phone Black 171 for SERVICE CAR ". a V . -HE jJUGaL-e IaU' Summoni all the force and resources of the Republic to the defense of Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the United States authorities have ranked as one of the fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for excellence in military training, has responded to the call. The College is distinguished not only for its military instruction, but Distinguished also roa Its strong industrial courses for men and for women: In Agriculture, Commerce, Engineering, Foreitry Home Economics, Mining, Pharmacy, nod Vocational Education. Its wholesome, purposeful student life. Its democratic college spirit. Its successful graduates. Students enrolled last year, 3453; stars on its service flags, 1258, over forty percent representing officers. College opena September 23, 1918 For catalog, new Illumatcd Booklet, and other information write to the Registrar, Corvallii, Oregon Modern Shoe Repair Shop W. H. SIMON, Pre. Shoes repaired while jrtra wait All work guaranteed Price reasonable Located in Morris Bldg. BEST QUALITY SERVICE FLAGS : ft; ft ft ft' ftii.ai.il ft y k, u .i t :v ft r 1 I t ft f I ft ft : ft 'Iin.ft 1- ALL KINDS AND SIZES J. E. STEWART & CO. W. A. Booth and son L. A. Booth of the Dalles, spent the week end in Prineville visiting friends and rell-atives. Mr. and Mra. Dean Honston and family have moved in from their ranch near Barnes and will remain for the winter. By WI LBUR D. NESBIt You Know you are going to buy Liberty Bonds. You wouldn't be square with yourself if you didn't. You couldn't take off your hat to the flag with half the sense of ownership if you didn't. You couldn't cheer the marching line of troops with half the thrill if you didn't. You couldn't watch the Jackies go by with half the pride if you didn t. You couldn't glimpse a battleship off the coast with half the joy if you didn't You couldn't read the war news with half the eager faith if you didn't You couldn't be 100 per cent. American if you didn't s You know the Fourth Liberty Loan starts September 28th. You know that buying a Liberty Bond isn't making a gift You know that you are lending your money to your Government to the Best friend you arid your mother and wife and sister and daughter have. You know what security is back of your loan security that means good inter est and that your money will be paid back to you. You know all of that you know the business side as well as the patriotic side of it. Then, buy your Liberty Bonds the very first day of the Loan. Don't wait Do your thinking beforehand. You nee edn't consider it; you don't have to be argued into it you know you will buy Liberty Bonds. Be one of the first to get the badge of honor the Liberty Bond Button. Get yours on the first day September 28th. You know what an example that will set Make September 28th Your Liberty Bond Day. Could You Do a Better Thing Right Now ? U. S. Government Bonds Fourth Liberty Loan Buy Your Liberty Bonds the First Day u This Space Contributed to Winning the War by t;ssbh Elbert S. Robe