CROOK COUNTY JOI RSAL hkptemiikii i a. iota jiiti'tn'' i VVfVVr - -'iWiw vy-i.rajjjJjJ'"rJj'," . . - . . n jl. - . .1 1 i- jj CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL J BY GUY LAtVlilCTTK Entered at tha poatofflce at Prinevllle, Oregon, as second-class Batter. rtltUSUEU EVERY THURSDAY Price 12.00 per year, payable j Strictly la advance. In cae of j change of address please notiry ua at once, giving both old and new ad drew. HUS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGH ADVERTISING BY THE GENtRAI. OfnCM NEW YORK AND CHICAGO RANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES REPUBLICAN TICKET I Have a Rendezvous With Death Geneal Election, November 5, 1018' "Get Behind the Men Who Are Be hind The Boys at The Front." V. 8. Senator, Short Term Fred W. Mulkey, Multnomah. V. 8. Senator, Long Term Charles L. McXary, Marion. Repeseutatives in Contfresa O. P. Hoff. Multnomah Justice of Supreme Court Charles A. Johns, Multnomah Attorney General George M. Brown, Douglas. Snpt. of Public Instruction J. A. Churchill, Multnomah. Labor Commissioner C. H. Cram, Multnomah. Public Service Commissioner Fred A. Williams. Josephine. Superintendent Water Div. No, 1 Perrv A. Cupper, Marion. Bupt. Water Div. No. 2 George T. Cochran, Union. WHY MAKE A CHANGE AT THIS TIME?" LOANS TO FARMERS. The War Finance Corporation of the Treasury Department will make loans, In exceptional cases, directly nd without the Intervention of tanks, to live-stock raisers, whose Industery has been classified as one ecessary .or .contributory to the prosecution of the war. ' These loans are to be made under section 9 of the War Finance Corp oration act, and the loans will be made to Individuals, firms, and corp orations whose principal business Is the raising of live stock, which In cludes cattle. goats, sheen and hogs. For the present only the Federal Seserve banks of Kansas City and Dallas are designated as agencies to execute these loans, which are to be made to live-stock raisers who are experiencing great diffulcty in their perations . owing to drought condi tions, though cattlemen from other districts are not excluded from the benefit of section 9. The War Finance Corporation has also effected an arrangement for ex tending financial assistance to the eanners of New York State. I have a rendezvous with death At some disputed barricade, When Spring comes back with rustling shade And appleblossoms fill the air I have a rendezvou with death When Spring brings back blue days and fair. It may be he shall take my hand And lead me into his dark land, And close my eyes and quench my breath. . It may be I shall pass him still ALAN SEEGER, (Killed in Action July 5, 1916. C Charles Scribner's Sons. ThU American did not fail that rendezvous and death did not paw him by. When he died the world lost a true poet. His death brings out in sharp relief how much one soldier who is lost to us one man killed may mean to the world. So let us keep our rendezvous at home our rendezvous with life. Let iis look into our lives, our households, and see that they are mobilized for war. Let us save our money to save these men who daily have rendezvous with death. Let us keep our rendezvous with life and help them to win through and to come back to sunshine and happiness and home with victory on their ban ners. Buy Bonds to your Utmost ! This Space Contributed to Winning the War by Michel Grocery Company You Carry the Only Key Safe Deposit Boxes In our Fire-IYoof and Burguiar-Proof Vault may be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for your valuable papers and jewels Ask Us CROOK COUNTY BANK PR1NEV1LLE. OREGON Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At this critical period In our history our manufacturers are offering their mllia and our young men are offering tjiolr swrrlcos to the United States government. Would you like to do your share and help, by putting your money whore It will support, tht new Federal Retort Banking System, which tb government has established to stand back of our commerce, Industry and agriculture? Ton can do this by opening an account with M M part of every dollar so deposited goes directly Into the new system, whore II will always be ready (or you when wanted. . Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK County for in consnntlon so that more material appropriated by Crook and labor and transportation may be the Inter-State Fair, left tree for the uses of the Govern-; There being no further business ment; and with the resultant savings Court was adjourned until September to support the Government financally 18th, 1918. is the daily duty of every American. It is a duty that will be met by every , Claims Allowed By County Court i i knn la with mil! aolriiera in France, who glories In 2.05 their courage and and their success. COUNTY COURT FRECEEDING8 For September, 1918. A DAILY DUTY. Each day every American soldier ttt France Is confronted by a great duty. Our Army there has a great task to perform for our country, for the world, for civilization, and for Humanity. Our soldiers are doing their duty with a courage and fidelty and efficiency that thrill every heart. Each day every American citizen at home is confronted by a great duty a duty as imperative upon him or her as the duty of bur soldiers is upon them. The American people have a great task to perform. It is to support n the limit of their ability our Army, ur Navy, our country at war. To work with increased energy and efficiency so that our national produc tion may be increased; to economize There were present: N. G. Wallace, Judge, Presiding, E. T. Luthy, Commissioner and Hugh Lister, Commissioner. The report of Willard H. Wlrtz, District Attorney, showing the ad justment of overcharges made by var ious firms and individuals against Crook County as detected by Crandall & Roberts Auditors was presented to the Court and ordered filed. The re port having shown a collection of $1.20 on said adjustments, the Coun ty Clerk was ordered to deposit said amount of 11.20 with the County Treasurer of Crook County. The supplemental agreement with the State of Oregon and U. S. Govern ment on construction of the Ochoco Canyon Road, having been approved by the Secretary of Agriculture, was received and ordered filed. Clerk ordered to draw warrent In favor of J. B. Shipp for the sum of $1500; being the amount heretofore J. E. Stewart, Mdse S fighting ability Central Oregon Enterprise Letterheads ( watermasterj z.ou Mrs. A. Agostine, Laundry August ; 6.85 Hughes & McFarland repairs 18.25 The Bend Press, printing rules Circuit Court 42.50 U. S. Land Office, Burns, ab stract 1.10 The Home hospital, care of poor 233.00 Correct Lubrication for the "L"-Head Type Engine This, the "L"-Hea4 typ. of automobile engine, like all intern id combustion ntfnee, requires an oil that holds its lubricating qualities at cylinder heat, burns clean in the com bustion chambers and foes out with exhaust, ZEKOLENK rills these requirements perfectly, beoadss it is correctly re fined from selected Call' fomia asphaJt-basm crude. I' t Proven Entirely Satifactory" Only perfect satisfaction can ac count for the use of ZEROLENE by the majority of automobile own ers. Leading coast distributors also testify that It is "a most satisfactory motor oil." They know from the records I their sendee departments aad we know f; ,m exhaustive tests that Zerolene, correctly tanned from selected Califeraia asphalt bate crude, fives perfect lubrication with least carbon deposit. Get our lubrication chart showing the correct Consistency for your car. At dealer sverywhera and Standard Oil Service & tat ion a. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) 4 ZEROLEN Ihe Standard OJlIcr Motor Qrs 1 E. MARTIN, Special Agent Standard Oil Company REDMOND, ORE. S.25 23.25 H. D. Still, supplies (Putnam) 5. 25 Irwin-Hodson Co. Erasers (Brown) 2.20 Irwin-HodBon Co. self-inker stamp (Clerk) 6.10 S. B. Ellis, salary watermasterllO.21 Ray Putnam, frt. on extras.... 3 21 H. L. Shonts, guard, Crooked River Bridge J. W. Usher, do - Charles Dixon, do 18 00 Lee Rose, do 6.75 J. M. Agnew, do 23.25 Deschutes Power Co. light and water 66.60 Glass & Prudhomme Co. . Treas. receipts 17 60 Glass & Prudhomme Co., Tax receipts 41.00 Ed. Barnard, road work G. C. Truesdale, road work.... George Kissler, road work ... Frank Kissler, road work.... H. A. Kelley, (surveyor)., Ross Motor Co., gaB, etc 15.10 D. P. Adamson, supplies Co. (Foster) .-. Prineville Drug Co., supplies for poor Frinevme y laning Mill, sup plies (Court House) 25.05 Arthur Tuck, road work 86.20 Roy Skeen, road work 13.66 6.8!) 17.23 5.89 5.89 1.90 6.85 B. Manceau, road work.. 1.64 NOTICE OP SALE OP ESTHAf Notice la hereby given that a stray anlnal. to-wit : A gelding. 12 or 13 yean utd ; color brown : weisrht about 1260 oounda. with fresh wire cut on left hind leg, branded on the riKht hip with 7E backwards, 'which broke into the field of the undersigned on the 18th day of August, ltflH, on the old Ben Allen place on McKay ereek, about ten miles in a northerly mrecuon irom the Town ol rrlnevlile, UrcKOfi, Crook County, will be sold at public auction at said Ben Allen place ao located on Satur day, the 14th day of September, 1313, to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the route of keeping said animal, and all expense incurred In this sale, including justice's fees, cot.t of advertising, and such other costs and expenses aa may accrue upon the Bale. Dated this 29th day of August, A. D. I'JIH. Signed B. L. KID WELL . 42t2c. I. H. GOVE, D. M. D. DENTIST T specialize in porcelain fillings and crowns which make teeth look and feel naturil. I also do Cold Inlay, crown and bridxt work ; silver fillings, and extracting. I do no plate work. My motto: 'jOne Thing Well Done." OVER CROOK COUNTY BANK John Tuck, road work 8.39 ; Kd. Harbin, repairs 79.60 Crook County Journal, Court proceedings 40.00 ! Crook County Journal, Let ter heads, Wlrts 7.60 Crook County Journal, Enve lopes. (Knox) 23.75 T. J. Minger, supplies 48.30 II. A. Foster, telephone, rent etc 6.60 Willard H. Wlrtz, telephone 2.25 Karl Cross, road work 88.50 Lionel Cross, road work 26.33 The W. F. King Co., wire for fences, etc 309.00 E. B. Knox, Tel. services 19.12 K. B. Knox, stamps, express.. 65.00 Zeke E. Hondrlckson, work in , Clerk's office, Aug 65.00 Nora F. Stearns, do 60.00 Prlneville-Paullna Stage line hauling, road work 5.60 J. E. Myers, Stamps, 22.65 Hugh Lister, commissioner.... 26.00 The Michel Grocery Co. " THE STORE OF SERVICE ' We are Offering for Canning PLUMS, PEACHES PEARS AND TOMATOES Our prices are right, and we will take care of your order at once. A large stock on hand daily. Phone or write us your order. StlslHsMsBawsSwafJHMM Try a package of King's New Process Evap orated Fruits and Vegetable. Ask for a sample of Soup Vegetable. RSVi Supple at Sixty Aire and ripe experience mean hap piness and usefulness when mental and bodily powers are preserved hf keeping rich blood In the reins. Nature's rare nourishment In Scolt'a Emulsion creates rich blood, warms the bod and alleviate rheumalK tendencies, lis oil-food Imparts strength to both body and brain. It is Nomrishnfnt met Alcohol tjmnaatsnrrsTJiirm. The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice WHEN IN BEND STOP AT PILOT BUTTE INN Central Oregon's Finest Hotel! Built for YOU, Operated for YOU Prices made for YOU! Why not Enjoy it? Others Do! WALLACE C. BIRDSALL, Mgr. L. K. SHEPHERD Factory Representative for Pianos and Phonographs. The Largest Stock that has ever been in Cen tral Oregon. , See These High Grade Machines 522 L k. SHEPHERD or Write Murphy Bldg. BEND, ORE. Greenwood Ave.