... nutorusrt Bocl.t ' Crook County Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY CITY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CITY OF PRINEVILLE VOU XXII PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OKWiO.V, JULY 25, IttlH MMCKR 37 Km The Whistle and Bustle of the Work Train for Both Old and ROUSING VISITORS IN PRINEVILLE ON RAILROAD DAY WILL THE ARTESIAN WELL DISTRICT,' AND A HEARTY INVITATION IS WINKE DATE OFlAiLROAD DAY" CELEBRATION TO BE DECIDED SOON Tim count ruction train for the Prliiovlllo Railroad reached tin" city limit yi'HtiTilny, and ilio Ih bo Iiik laid to the d pt ullo toilay. Tito i r..w rximrt to flnlHli the tnu-k lay ing not Inter than thren o'clock. 1 The McKny bridge near the city , hag iH'i'ii finished and U reudy (or Immediate imo, I It will take several luy to ballast coaches arn reudy for delivery and will tn ""lit out at once. I'naai'iiKPr service will slnrt within a very short time. The onto of thn "Railroad Duy" colohrntlon has not been definitely decided, but will ho announced next week. Plans aro being arranged hy E. J. WIIhoii, who la In Port hind, for a big celebration ami Immediately upon his return they will ho made known. DANCE AT COMMUNITY HALL In Honor Of HaroM ClHirlto,, Who Huh IUh-h Home Two Month" On turloiiKh It ton. who has been home on a two , .... i, .....i. iii.mlii who has been helping his father harvest, ' count" plan. Ab it is a I orest Ser expecls to return soon to Fort Stov- vice road It will ho under control of eim tho government. tiood music will he provided for j The engineer In charge wants men, tho daiicn and tho ladles of Powell teams, graders and scrapers to si art Ilutto will sii vo a supper at midnight. 1 work at once. Notify Forest Super- w, B. b. ivlHor V. V. llarplium it you are in- iiti.r i. iil.R AttltKSTEU Uorested. Oils llhhlle, Morrow County, Pouted At Deserter, In .lull Oils niddlo of Morrow county, was nrrcsled hv Depuly Howell ill tins city Tuesday. Ilfl was posted us a deserter. nlddln registered In Morrow conn lll.Klie regimere.i n. ty 'L!,:'"ot nl,1,""r WhC" U'r i iwnmlnntlon lie Is In J ii 11 hern awaiting inmr.- Ions from tho Morrow county sheriff, j w. s. 8. I HERM AN WALLACE IMPROVING ' .lmlire Wallaco iteeelvcs Tcleirrnni 1 rom Itutler Prewett Tuesday Judgn N. G. W ilhico received tho following telegram from Rador Prewctt Tuesdny morning: Now York City, July 22 N. G. Wallnco, Prinevlllo, Oregon: Mv ship bus JiiBt returned from Halifax. Wo brought Herman with us and ho is going to a hospit al hero. He will write, you later, Bending address, lie Is improving rapidly but still oullo foehlo. W. H. S. ALL THRESHERS MI ST RIOPOLT Government Has Passed Ruling; Re quiring Monthly Report of Operators The U. S. Government hns passed o mllmr r.iiiuiring all mi "Hi in to re port the exact amount oi wheal uiul cereals thvculvod hy thorn. Each thresher will bo supplied with a record hook which can bo obtained from tho County Agent. All reports on tho nmount of wheat threshed will ho summarized hy him and sent to Washington, . C. Threshermen are requested to report to him at onco on tho amount threshed during June. I EXTENDED TO EVERYONE TO BE PRESENT AND PEOPLE OF THIS DISTRICT ALL VISITORS FROM THE ROAD STARTS TODAY: T. M. IMS, GOVERNMENT GOOD ROADS MAN I HERB ROAD WM INCLUDE 9.7 MILES Thu ;)tt( , A ,,(r( of The MrKeu- lllKlmii). Krtliimle Coul At $."i2,5O0 Tho construction work on the Och- oeo Canyon road started today under , me super" su n ot Forest Supervisor , v ,i t m nnvls. Cov- V. V. l.arphum and T. M. Davis. Cov-1 ' eminent representutlve from ue ; Omul lloada office in Portland This Includes 9.7 miles of road and I Is a part of tho McKimizIo Push, Eu- I Kl"n . first" est mat e I th.t U-e ' It was first estlmatea mat u.e , work would cmt t .lO.OOU out a iukt , est mute l)V me goveruuiein. i"u , 10 ciml Bl IB2.E00 The road Is be- ,,ulll throKh the ourau in Slatfl and 1-edenil Ooverniut nt and also tho county. Thn eountv navs . were received so tho road Is being ix.imlriwteil under Ilia loice uu- w. s, t. MISS JOHNSON ENTERTAINS Johnson Homo Is Beautifully Beeo mled Willi I'lnfjs f Allies mis, Viola Johnson was hostess at , a seven course dinner parry nt i r ,,, WOIU,y eveno.K. - . ....... , ZZ h'a Tuesday niorng for cZi ! "f.,S T ! IjPWH, ti, rooms wero decorated with the flags of the Allies and streamers of red, whlto and blue wore strung fn,m each corner of the table. Tho monu was alBO arrangoa m rcu, wuue and blue. After dinner games wero enjoved until a late hour. w. 8. s. ERST CLASS FILMS ( OM1XC. W. J. Pancake, Proprietor Of The Lyric Theater, Returns From Bus Iness Trip to Portland W. J. rancalio, of the Lyric Thea ter, returned Tuesday from a short business trip to Portland, in the in terest ot his business. Mr. Pancnke is to lie congratulated on the excel lent pictures he has been showing, and especially the up-to-dnto service ho gives to his patrons. A great many of the pictures shown here 'are the second run out of Portland. Some of tho productions to he shown in tho l'enr future at the I.yr- ie life: MiU V tejikl.'.u ill x i.w A.nnv Princess": .Tuck V kford In "Tom irhlWv'W , I lli'-rie i-.iv Jim"; Resslo Love In "The Sawdust Ring''; Marguerite in "The Seven Swans"; Enid Bennett in "The Moth er Instinct"; and Geraldine Ferrar in "The Devil Stone." Guy Empey's "Over tho Top" will be Bhown about tho 11th ot October. ,.T. ........ IV C.,,1.1.,T1 were rjnhnr n BE TAKEN TO OCHOCO DAM AND POINTS OF INTEREST ON THE OCHOCO PROJECT, INCLUDING SOME OF THE LARGE STOCK RANCHES IN THIS PROSPEROUS, FAVORED COMMUNITY COUNTRY WILL BE GIVEN 1918 REGISTRANTS OF JUNE 5 ARE EXAMINED s physical VL IOARI HOLMS rilVHIC KXAM VKARHLDS SEVEN ARE PHYSICALLY FIT ! 1 Tula l Not The Complete Ltd Oth era Will Re Announced , Next Week The local examining board held a I physical examination for the Class c m 1 1 registrants who registered Jun 5. There were two In the class, t for the Class of ne ! J. JIT'Z TM, v I - ! The following were accepted and will remain In Class 1: Charley lies-j ginger. William Oscar Payne. Charles i H. WelrU, Frank Hinderman, Arnold ..,.,. ti,, n,.i,nlB. n , ' (7rllftrti T1 ' e mcn are ; - -- ...... bJ to ca at ai .me At th P a "t h " " , m n in ' ' "J " ' "o muih.. 6, 1 1U animation. -w. s. S.- P1UXKVILI.K-MITC1IELL LINK M. Cornitt Will Start Stase Line Imiiiediately On Arrival of Train G. M. Cornett. the pioneer stage ' 1)roject have heretofore formed an ir man of Central Oregon, will start a ; ripatton district for taking over the stage line between Prineville and ; col,troi and management of irriga Mitchell as soon as the I rinevillo j ti0n canals. No provision, however, Hallway begins operations. wa8 niade for taking over the incom- This will open up a largo terrltor- , piete portion of tho company's sys- ity and will mean an menwu ; nmount of business for Prineville. r.o oou.u nm. . oi " e n, 8n. ,, inn tho line. LZT"" i liy sin!; the Howard Postof- IMHVI.-VH i v riRL M IRRIFU I Fill NK 1 I.I.I'.. tillWJ M.uuur.11 , Howard R. Miller of Portland, and Miss FJsle M. Osborn, a former Prlne- vlllo girl, wero married in Portland julv 13. Mrs. Miller Is a daughter of Mrs. , James Prose, and a sister of Robert i Osborn, who is stationed at Vancouv- er, Washington. w. s. s. COWS MUST "WORK OR FIGHT" County Agent Ward Snys Order Will Be Enforced This Winter Tn commenting on the dairy situa tion In Central Oregon, County Agent Ward says that the dairy cows must ho producers this winter or they will ho weeded out. This will be neces sary on account of the scarcity ofja- hor and feed The scarcity of labor Is going to force the dnirjmen to dispose ot part of their herds and with no open nairy market a large per cent, will he sent to the block. It Is up to the dairy- mon of this section to know their cows and not send any of thoir hign producing ones to market. Arangementa are being mado to bring dairy stock from the localities where feed is short to the alfalfa fields in this section. and its Big Crew Create Great Young Alike. PARTICIPATE IN THIS CELEBRATION WHICH MEANS SO MUCH TO THE IN ALL LINES OF WORK A RIDE ON THE RAILROAD DURING THE DAY BIG IRRIGATION DEAL IN CENTRAL OREGON north IRRIGATION iist may take ovkr c. I. co. HOLDINGS 5,000 ACRES NEAR lffi:rE5LJEaZ: AU of C. O. L Co.'. Right, to 7MHM Acre Carc-v Protect Are Involved At Value of $703,000 "'u, ul u..u v,.... .,.6v.u.. District nave pracucany reacneu an agreement to Duy an oi me uenirai i rwatrnn T rrl irn t inn PnmilBnv'a ritrhtR I fn thi 70 000 Carey Act Project for $703,000. Whether the deal will be finally , consummated is contingent upon: wnemer me norm uui uiu,i. uu- tains certificates from thestate secur ittes commission of the proposed bond Issue. etoto Pmrlnocr T.ewla p-vnrpswps confidm,re in the plans of the district j Ma th will result in much ' ji. i nn,,t,i nr- e..-.. - KOll. North Unit comprises 100,000 acres near Madras, Metolius and Culver. In addition to this there 18 approximately 40,000 acres on the about the course offered at the Lm west side of the Deschutes river near j versity and was delighted with the Tumalo, 35,000 acres in the north : treatment received while there, project and 15,000 acres of private j At the top of Mr. Bechtel's certi lands near Prineville which should , ficate of graduation from the camp come under this reservoir. Settlers on sold lands of the Cen tral Oregon Irrigation Company's tern, including unsold lanos now re rioimed. Directors of the north unit district wh o made tho deal with the Central pgon company are: Harry W. Oregon Guard, president, ii. u. aihu rson, i. VrZl Jolin Henderson of Opal City, Mr. Vibbert of Gateway, and Louis Irv- lng ot Gateway-T The cmPany wa , rnnreaenteii hv Jesse Stearns andi represented by Jesse Stearns and ! Denton Burdick. w, a . UUH XM hktURNS i FRO.M PORTLAND TUESDAY V. V. Harpham, Ochooo Forest j Supervisor, returned Tuesuuy iroin Portland, where he has been on a short business trip. Mr. Hnrplmm made tho trip on the Columbia High way in his tar and reports that the rotul is now open the entire distance. w. s. " LARGE I HOWDS SWIM AT DAM i t...i Very Popular Place Evening And Sunday Aftei-noons V isitors From All Over County Tho lake at the Ochoco dam is he- onmintr b vnrv iiouular sumBior resort. Ijlu.ge cr0wds gather there from ail over tiie county on Sunday afternoons and enjoy a delightful swim in tho lake. It ia about four miles east ot Prino ville and tho road is lined with au tos coming and going during the af ternoons, Plans are being made for a bath house and dancing pavilion to De er- ected near tho dam. HUN ARMY POUNDED WHILE THEY RETREAT Portland, Ore., Aug. 26 Paris: Heavy allied artillery and airplane bombs directed ..at ..Fere-en-tardenios ..are fiercely interfering with movements of enemy troops and material. Fere-en-tardanois way center within Soissons Rheims salient and is five miles ... j .1 1 ..1 e . a 1 t . I sins village and wood near Treloupu The French quick- ly retok bptk-j r " L H. BECHTELL Ellthu(jiastc In Praise Of Treat- ment j, At iniversity ! L. m. Bechtel returned Sunday '. f,,n nfts. nnmnletin? a fnnr weeks' course In military training at . the University of Orefeon. The train- i m . muler the supervision : . . . j j,j of Colonel John Leader and consisted of all kinds-of military arm ann .. trench warfare. . . ! Mr. Bechtel Is very entnusiabuc . was written, "a good soldier and a first rate bomber." The next camp starts August 3. w. s. s. FOREST SERVICE DESERVES CREDIT FOR QUICK WORK A fire discovered last Thursday in the timber on Green mountain was quickly extinguished by Forest blip- j rviaor Hnrnham and a crew of men ; gatllorea from tue sawi . ; farnlg in ti,at vicinity. mills ana tne Workmen from the prixlevine Railway also as- sisted. It. was a warm afternoon and a strong wind was blowing and the fire had a good start, but the prompt re - j .-i, or, or'fi.-iont snonse and the quick ana eiuciem. work of the men soon had the firejnot told exactly what their voyages under control. ! are, but you may be sure they are The men deserve much credit forhpinmg their country where men are wiving a lot of valuable timber and feed. W. 8. 8. RATX IS WELCOMED HERE Great Benefit To Crops and Range Very Little Hay Damaged , Refreshing rain fell here Tuesday . . ........ , ,.! !. i . ana , .uay . , u. - - ' over Central Oregon. nmm,nt f rain that fell in th's ! vicinity Tuesday was .jo of an Inch ! and yesterday was .11 of an inch. This will greatly henetit tne crops and the range grass There was not much hoy on the ground at the time of the heavy rain. COMPTOX SAWMILL P.URXS Tho Compton Sawmill, which is la catod near Griraly mountain, was completely destroyed Sunday aftt All of the lumber, which was - j about 200,000 feet, was also burned. The origin or tne lire uua not ueuu determined. Interest FOR is the most important rail f - - A,, - - I RALPH POIXDEXTER'S BODY IS FOCXD The body of Ralph Poindexter, who was drowned in Crescent Lake, July 7, was brought to the surface Friday morning, July 19, by a crew of men under the supervision of Tom Mur- Phy. It was found In about ninety feet of water, approximately 50 feet i from tht place where Vernon Forbes I body was found a few days previous, and less than 100 feet from where the boat had been brought to the sur fn Funeral services were held over the remains of Mr. Poindexter and Mr Fnrhea at .the Bend Athletic Club building, Saturday morning, at 10 . . ,. t ia o'clock under ttie ouspices oi tne tiiKs loge. Rev- Stewart ot me Metnouist church, ornciatmg All stores and places of business in Bend were closed Saturday morn ing. W. 8. . ANOTHER MERCHANT MARINE Charles Henry Welch Enrolls And Will Be Sent To Seattle For Training Charles Henry Welch has enrolled for the Merchant Marine and will ba sent to the Seattle Training Station. There is considerable local inter est in what becomes of the young men 0f this vicinity who respond to j thir country's call to enroll in the : ATap,.haTit MnHnA nn.t beln man the new Government owned cargo ships, After about six months training, thev eo into tho crews of the mer- chant ships at regular sea pay, which ; is high, and get into the big 'show of 1 .u. 7 o,.,-,.o nr .o he trans-Atlantic service, we ara most wanted in getting American Sup- plies to Europe. w. s. s. TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND WOMEN' WANTED Government Slaves Vrrrent Call For United States Student Nurse Reserve ! ,, . . . tn i ne uovuriiment. , i .. "R 25,000 voung women to Join the Un- ited States Student Nurse Reserve and hold themselves in readiness to train for service as nurses. The war is creating an unprecedented demand for trained nurses and only those who have taken the full training course are eligible for service over seas. . Every youmt women who joins the Nurse Reserve is releasing a nurse for servica at tho front. The call Is for women between the ages of nine teen and thii'ty-f'.ve. Intelligent, res ponsive women of good education and sound health are wanted. If you are interested see the chair man of the Women's Committee ot the Council of National Defense. The enrollment will begin July 29.