Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 18, 1918, Image 1

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    Crook County Journal
-t -
. 8. 8.
As In All Oilier Patriotic Move, The
ItmliU'liU of prtiirvlllo Anil The
County Have Made Good
Chas. O., I ; Knorr, Levi, $20;
Knot, Walt., 175; Knox, In., 120;
Knox, Geo., $26; Knox, John, $76;
Knox, Lllllo, $ ; Knox, K. H., $126;
Koch, Henry, $ ; Kurmnn, J. A.,
$100; Kurti, K., $20; Kuhn, Frank,
$ ; Kyle, Wesley, $20; Klnkald.1
Kosron, $10; Klnl(l, Mm. Hottcoe,
$10; Klrkputrlik, M. K., $50; Klss
Inr. Prank, $30; Kllppel, Fredur C,
$20; Knor, Frank L., $20; Koopman,
1)., $76; Kolnk, Stephen, $20; Koch,
Jak. $26; Kurt Wm., $6; Kurtx, 8.
8., $6; Koch, Ella E., $26.
Lafollntle, L. D., $26; Lafollette,
Tom, $100; Lafollette, Mr. Tom,
$105; Itolliittn, Lizzie, $ ; Lafol
lette. John D., $100; Lafler, T. K..
$l0; Lafollette. Ouy, $146; Lam
port, Chaa., $20; Laulus, Harry, $60;
Lakln. H. R., $100; lenders. Harry
C, $ ; Landfare, Allen, $16; Lang
ford, George, $ ; Langford, Em
ail, t ; Laughltn. K. K., $100;
Irson, Carl, $ ; I-aughlln,
Karl, $20; Laughlln, Ellis. $20;
Laws, Laura, $76; Law son, Rom L.,
$25; Lawion, Dough, $30; Leasy,
M. T.i $ ; Lee, Ooo. P., $ ; Led
ford, Wm., $100; Lempke, A. C$25;
lemley, Hurt, $ Lane, Mrs. Edith,
$20; Langn, T. C, $26; Larsen, Nela,
120; Lannlus, Elisabeth, $16; Ltnd
ley, Jess. $80; Law, lrwln, W $10;
Law, C. W., $20; Leach, Clyde, $16;
Lepard, J. T., $20; LePard, Jerry.
$ ; Lewelllng, Chai., $ ; Lewla,
John. $60; Llbby. Alfred, $ ; Llb
by, Warren, $26; Llndnulst, C, $25;
Llpplncolt, O. W., $20; Llpplncott,
Laurence, $5; Llpplncott, Alma;$ ;
Llppencolt, Llna, $ ; Llppman, Ll
na, $10; Uppman, .Alma, $10; Lla
ler Hugh, $300; Lister, Robt., $6U;
Lister, Laurence, $60; Livingston,
Jolly, $60; Livingston, Birch, $60;
Lofton, W. H., $16; Logan. 8.A.. $46;
Logan, L. 8., $100; Logan, A. M.,
$26; Logan, Fisher, $30; Lohnls, U.
H $20; Lobula, W. II., $26; London,
Goo. a., $ ; Long, K. 8., $ ; Long,
B. F., $10; Long, Lox., $50; Long.
R. P., $ ; Lowry, Slias., $ ; Loot
mis, Albert, $ ; Lowell, Barney,
$ ; Lowe, Thos., $ ; Love, Kath
arine, $10; Luckey, Surah, $20;
Luckoy, John It., $60; Lutliy, $20;
Luthy, Mario, $20; Luthy, E. T. $100
Lytlo, 8. A., $30; Lytlie, J. F., $6;
Lcsly, Iva, $36; Losly, Ohio, $35;
Lewis, J. D., $36; Lewis, Normal,
$5; Llbbey, Rob't., $10; Lincoln, W.
A., $26; Lister. Harold, $10; Lowuy,
Lone. Perry, $10; Lootens, Leonora,
$6; Looimis, ltlglna, $5; Lytic, Lo
dlma, $10; Lytlo. Heater, $5; Mc
Kenzlo, Clifford, $25; McKlmiou, Ki
lts, $36; McOhoe, Thos., $ ; Mo
Mahen. $ ; McGhee, C. O., $ ;
McCaffory, F W., $100; MeColn, N.
F., $40; McCall, Henry, $560; Mc
Lean, Nell, $20; McCullBtor, T. F.,
$10; McCalllster, Mrs. T. K., $20;
McClun, Jan., $20; McClun, A., $20;
llcCord. Bertha, $26; McCord, L. E.,
$25; McCord. A. A., $100; McCord,
Roy, $60; McCord, E. M., $25; Me
Cord, Lymon C, $ ; McClure, Jas.,
$50; McCoy, W. Henry, $16; McCoy,
L., $20; McDowell, Chas. A., $80;
McDowell, D. A., $60; McDowell,
Mrs. C. E.. $400; McDunlol, J. L.,
$25; McElroy, 8. A., $ ; McFarland,
Edw $ ; McFarland, W. R., $25;
McFarland, Mrs. W. R., $26; Mc
Farland, W. F., $26; McFarland,
Mrs. Bessie, $26; McFadden, A. A.,
$10; McUlrr, Jos., $60; McMillan, J.
Nely, $50; McMeen, Mrs., $25; Mo
Walter, $65; McNlttie, H., $ ; Mc
Rae, Knrquar, $ ; Mo Rae, Fred,
I j Mackey, Mr. and Mrs. Ray, $60;
Mahr, Mrs. Henry, $20; Magers, Pet
er, $ ; Malech, John, $20; Mallery,
Willis. $26: Manceaus, B., $35; Man-
ceau, Joe, $10; Munseau, Mrs. Soph-
la. $10: Maker. Harold, $5; Marker
Parma. $5: Mantey, R., $6; Marks,
Wh., $60; Marrln, Chaa., $30; Ma
son, W. F., $10; Matthews, A. B.,
$ ; Mattson, John, $ ; Mattson,
KrneBt, $10; Marley, Geo. 0 $20;
Maxwell, F. Lee, $26; Mayfield, M.
8., $ ; Mayfield, Anna, $ J May
field, Marlon, $20; Melton, N., $20;
Melton, Harry, $5; Melton, Luther,
$6; Melton, J. J., $10; Merritt,
Frank, $ ; Merritt, Fred., $15;
Merritt, E. L., $15; Mertschlng, E.,
$ ; Mertschlng, Paul A., $20; Mert
schlng, Arthur, $10; Mover, Geoi M
$76; Meyor, II. B $60; Moyer, I. B.,
$200; Meyers, Jack, $30; Mosslnger,
Chas., $20; MessiiiBer, L. E., $20;
Michio, Andrew, $25; Michel, Arth
ur, $70; Michel, Mrs. I., $100; Miles,
Geo. W., $ ; Miller, A. L., $30; Mil
lor, Carl, $ ; Miller, Graco, $ ;
Miller, John E., $5; Miller, L. M.,
$30; Miller, Q. II., $ ; Millor.Lew
ls, $ ; Miller, Sylvia, $ ; Miller,
Mrs., R. P., $6; Miller, W. A., $ ;
Miller, Tom, $50; Miller, Wm., $ ;
Miller, Addle, $6; Miller. Ethol E.,
$25; Mllllcan, Geo. and Ada, $150;
Mllllorn, John, $50; Mllllorn, Letha,
$15; Miliorn, Pies, $ ; Mills, Orrln
C, $100; Mills, I. M., $500; MiiiRor,
T. J., $50; MocUo, Juo., $ ; Mof-
Any Iiomm of Crook County Hoys
, Will He Wired Tim Journul
As Promptly Ah Pomillile
ln this IsMue appears the first tele
graphic dispatch from the fighting
front In France that has come
throifgh direct channels to the Jour
nal. Arrangements have been hade
whereby one or more press dispatch-1
s are received each day, giving all !
the most Important developments for
the duy, and because of the differ- j
once In time in Paris and this part
of the United States, these messages:
for that day, at an early hour.
One or more bulletins are posted I
every day In front of this office giv
ing these Important news features,
and on press days they are printed,
thus giving our subscribers advan
tages of a service that Is twenty-four
hours earlier than has ever been pos
sible for them before.
i The present offensive which start
ed In France on Sunday, seems to be
the greatest of the war, and Am
erican soldiers by the hundreds Dt
thousands are engaged, and we are
pleased to note the tmporved tone of
the dispatches which cover their act
ivities. 1
' Aa there era nnrhaDi no leu than
100 Crook county boys In this action !
or at least In France, some losses
must surely occur, and should they,
the Journal will receive telegraphic
notice through official channels as
quickly as possible. Relatives or
friends of these men will be notified
by telephone at once, from this of
fice. , . ,k . j ,
. W. I. S.
Frank Hloan Hells Raaeh to J. A.
HmiUi of Btitl.xk, Oregon
J. A. Smith of Blalock, Oregon,
purchased the Mllllcan ranch from
Frank Stoan. "The deal Included the
farm property, real estate and live
stock, with the exception of the
Mr. Sloan has shipped his sheep to
Moprham, IdHho, and he and Mrs.
Sloan left Immediately for that place.
w. s. s.
Miss Marjorle Wilson entertained
her Sunday school class, "The Sun
beams," at her home Monday after
noon. Games were played during
the afternoon after which refresh
ments were served. Those present
were: Wllma Hollls and Billy Wlrtz,
Elgin and Everett Cornett and Morris
and Dorothy Russell.
w. s. s.
Information from the War Depart
ment at Waslngton announces that
the nurses of Base Hospital Unit No.
46 arrived safely "over there."
Miss Louise Summers Is a member
of this Unit as 1b also MIbs Winnifred
Douthlt of The Dalles, who Is well
known here.
fltt, James A., $40 ; Moffitt, J7 T.,
$30; Moffitt, Mary E., $ ; Mont
gomery, Chas., $25; Montgomery,
J. M., $ ; Montgomery Jno., $20;
Montgomery, Lottie, $ ; Montgom
ery, Lulu, $ ; Montgomery, Selvin,
$ ; Morris,' David, $ ; Morris,
Edw. R., $ ; Morse, Edna, Clark,
Ida, $75; Morse, W. B., $75; Morgan,
Jno., $10; Morgan, Marion, $100;
Morgan, Sydney, $15; Morgan, Nor
ris, $25; Moore, Robt, $ ; Morris,
J. T $25; Morris, Roy, $ ; Morris,
Howard, $ ; Morris, Walter, $5;
Morris, Newton, $20; Munro, P. A.,
$ ; Mulholland, Dick, $100; Mul-
holland, Eugina, $20; Mulllns, Clin
ton, $ ; Mustard, 8, D., $105; My
ers, J. E., $60; Mofttt, Mrs. J. A.,
$10; More, W. J., $50; Montgomery,
Max., $30; Moorman, Wallace, $10;
Morse, Robt., $10; Morgan, Leroy,
Cleo, $5; Morrlse, Mrs. Hattle, $5;
Morris, Chas., $10; Morris, Bay, $20;
Musselhelser, O. W., $16; Mulhol
land, Ruth, $300; Mulcare, D. W.,
$15; Murphy, H., $120; Mosler, Jno.,
Nancy, Alonzo, $ ; Nash, F. F.,
$50; Neal, H. W., $50; Nolaon, E.
W., $ ; Nelson, Hugh, $ ; Nevel,
B. E., $40; Newbill, C. A., $20; New
bill, J. E., $20; Newsom, Mrs. Sarah,
$260; Newton, Joe, $20; Nicely. O.
K., $20; Nicely, Walt W., $ ; Nlco-
11, Geo., $100; Nichols Linn, $50;
Noble, Andrew J., $160; Noble Al
bert, $30; Noble, Fred, $55; Noblo,
O. W., $300; Nolon, Vernon ., $ ;
Norton, Homer, $70; Nye, Granville,
$50; Nye, M. D., $2Q0; Newsom, Nel
lie, $100; Newsom, Sam, $25.
O'Hura, Anthony, $ ; O'Neal,
Chas., $ ; Oaks, Jas. S., $20; Old
ham, Albert, $35; Oburg, John O.,
$30; Odell, Henry, $50; Osden, L. J.,
ricans an
United Press. Paris, July 18. Am
erican and French troops started at
tack this morning on thirty-five mile
front from Fonteuoy to Belleau. War
Office anounoed Initial advance of
from one to nearly two miles made
at some points and prisoners taken.
No change on Marne-Champagne
front. New offensive extends from
Marne northward to Alane making
gigantic fighting front of nearly 100
Southwest of Monthevlllafoase the
German rush was checked. North of
Prosnes the German attack failed on
the Champagne front. The Germans
again assumed the offensive. The
enemy Is directing Its heaviest blows
westward toward Marne mountain
forest, which be expects to penetrate
through the center today.
The stubbornness of the Franco-.
American resistance sefely holds al
lied flanks, punishing the enemy se
100 Cans Bent From Bonneville Fish
Hatchery And Placed By Local Men
The lake at the Ochoco dam re
ceived 100,000 trout fry Monday ev
ening. 100 cans, each can contain
ing 1,000 fish, were sent to Prlne
vllle from the fish hatchery at Bon
neville and were brought over from
the railroad In trucks.
The fish were planted In the lake
by local men the same day they ar
rived. ' .4
' W. . I.
Fred Hludebaker, of Robert, Oregon,
Reported In Casualty Lint, July 16
The name of Fred Studebaker,
whose address was given as Robert,
Oregon, was reported as missing in
action, July 16. Up to the time of go
ing to press the Journal has been un
able to get a trace of Mr. Studebaker.
Diligent Inquiry has so far met with
no one who knows him In that vicin
ity. It Is of course possible that he
was a newcomer in the neighborhood
and thus would not be widely known,
at the time if his entry into the army
w. s. s.
Men In New ReglNtrution, Who Were
Advanced to Claws I Affected
All men In the new registration,
who were advanced to Class I will
he examined by the local Examining
Board Saturday. There are about
thirty men affected by the new reg
istration, all of whom are required to
be present and be examined Satur
day. $45; Olson, 0. IL7$ ; OsBorn, Or
vllle, $50; Ontko, Andrew, $ ; Ov
erholts, Arthur, $ ; Orrick, Almeda,
Palmer, Chas., $ ; Pancake, Wm.,
$50; Parker, E. A., $60; Parrish,
Lawrence, $10; Parrish, Abbie, $10;
Parrish, L., $10; Parrish. C. L., $16;
Parrish, Chas. E., $15; Pauls, Peter,
$46; Paul, C. A. and Mrs.. $25; Par
rine, C, $5; Pausch, Carl, $5;
Pausch, Frank, $20; Pausch, Minnie,
$10; Pausch, J. A., $ ; Payne,
Louise,; $60; Payne, Oscar, $30
Payne, Edw., $10; Payne, H. L $30;
Pennell, G. W., $55; Peoples, Don
H., $20; Perry, Gardner, $60; Perry,
John, $10; Peterson, Alvin, $30;
Peterson, Wm., $ ; Peterson, M. F.,
$20; Peterson, Dorothy, $25; Peter
son, Edna A., $20; Pounder, Henry,
$10; Pickett, Jennie D., $ ; Pick
ett, J. P., and H. W., $120; Pitcher,
Wm., $200; Porter, W. H., $20;
Polk.F. A., $16; Pollard, Wm., $ ;
Porfilay, R., $500; PoBt, Frank M.,
$ ; Post, J. R., $85; Post, W. H
$65; Post, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace,
$125; Potter, Mrs. Sarah, $115;
Powell, Edgar, $ ; Powell, H. F.,
$100; Powell, Archie T., $20; Pow
ell, Mrs. A., $5; Powell, R. M., $20;
Powell, Arch, $ ; Powell, Aver F.,
$10; Powell, Fred A., $ ; Powell,
M. D., $200; Powell, J. O., and M. E.,
$60; Powell, L. O., $50; Powell, Wil
lard, $20; Powell, Virgil, $20; Price,
T. B., $260; Price, Grover, $100;
Price, Jno. J., $70; Price, E. F., $80;
Price, R. K., $5; Prlne, M., $10; Prit
chett, $20; Pritchett, J. C. $ ;
Prose, G., $250; Prose, Harold,
$600; Prose, Mrs. Emma, $1,000;
Prose, Oscar, $250; Prose, Ida, $100;
Prose, Jas., $25; Puett, Ban, $60;
Puott, II., $15; Purslo, and wife, $-;
Putnam, Ray, $40; Putnnm, D. R.,
$5; Putnam, Mrs. Nora, $10; Pra,
French Started a Counter Offensive!
verely about Mezy and Jualgonne.
Enemy dead piled tour and five deep.
One American regimental command
er reported five thousand dead in
front of bis command alone. The en
emy has sustained fully seventy thou
sand casualties In first two days of
fighting south of the Marne.
With the American Army In Cham-,
pagne, July 18 The Americans are!
advancing with French on a twenty-1
five mile front, between Soissons and
Chapeauthlerry they have captured
more than a dozen towns and villages
taking many prisoners, and advanc
ing nearly two miles before noon to
Portland. Julv IS. reunite, rftnn.
ty quota for the August 6 draft la'
four. Crook and Jefferson counties, '
Reports from all clubs In Crook
nd Deschutes counties show that
60,000 sage rats and 6,000 Jack rob
bits were killed during the month of
June. It Is estimated that this sav
ed both counties $60,000 worth of
crops. It has been proven that each
rodent does more than a dollar's
worth of damage in one season.
Cut worms, aphis, and wire worms
damaged crops to some extent but
poison wax formulas were given the
farmers, which proved very success
ful. A small wool pool was shipped dur
ing the month, Lyn Nichols assisting
with this work. One hundred dose
of blackleg vaccine were distributed.
w. s. s.
I Ijuliea Are Urged To Be Present On
I Wednenday to Help With This Work
I An order has been received from
Red Cross headquarters for fifty
more Comfort Kits to be sent in as
. soon as possible. Mrs. M. E. Brink
, requests that as many ladies sb pos
I sible be present at the Red Cross
I rooms next Wednesday and help
with the work.
w. s. B.
Portland Man Arrested Here Yester
day By Order of Multnomah
County Sheriff
Wm. Glrot Sontag was arrested
here yesterday by Sheriff Knox, by
order of the Multnomah county sher
iff. Mr. Sontag had violated his pa
role. He was taken to Portland by
Deputy Ray Putnam.
Antoine, $25; Perry, Mrs Lillie, $6;
Q. . I
Quinn, T. L., $26; Quwn, Claire,
$10; Quinn, Bertha A.. S .
Radloff, Otto, $5; Raglin, Jno.,
$20; Rainbow, O., $125; Raglln.E..
$5; Ramsey, Hazel, $5; Ramsowers,
Johnny, $25; Ranney, Jennie, $5:
Randall, W. E., $10; Randall, Mrs.
W. E., $10; Rannells, Roy, $15;
Ramsey, Frank, $ ; Rannells, H.
E., $70; Randall, Richard, $ ; Ran
som, W. R., $ ; Rascher, Nick, $ ;
Rascher, H. H., $ ; Rasmussen, Se
ward, $ ; Ray, G. B., $200; Rea,
R. W., $115; Ream, Chas. E., $ ;
Reams, Geo., $50; Ream, C. L., $20;
Redding, L, D., $20; Reeder, F. S.,
$-; Reit, F. J., $20; Reinke, G., $25;
Regelsberger, Lewis, $30; Rempel,
D. G., $26; Rempel, P. G., $20; Rey
nolds, Wm., $ ; Renolds, S., $100;
Reynolds, Vesta, $5; Reynolds, Ern
est, $15; Renolds, C. C, $20; Rhoda,
Rlcherd, $35; Rice, J. F., $50; Rigs,
Alvin, $80; Rlckman, Thos., $30;
Rickman, Alex., $50; Ricketts, S. W.,
$20; Rickman, Bert A., $20; Rim
pler, R. R., $30; Risue, D. S., $20;
Ritter, Fred., $ ; Riter, Roy, $ ;
Richard, $35; Rice, J. F $50; Riggs,
Reinke, Frank, $ ; Raymond Es
tate, (WTm.) $500.
Rivers, Jno., $ ; Robbs, Geo., $20;
Roba, Geo., $ ; Robe, E. S., $55;
Robinson, Ross R., $100; Robinson,
Mrs. M. A., $10; Robinson, W. C,
$5; Roberts, W. J $ ; Roberts,
A. L., $ ; Roberts, C. L. and Sadie,
$50; Roberts, Geo., $50; Roberts,
J. E., $100; Rogers, Sid, $-; Rod
key, S. J., $5; Romberg, J. J., $30;
Rosenburg, Wister, $40; Ross, Hom
er, $125; Ross, Chas., $50; Ross, C.
L., $ ; Rose, E. L., $50; Rose,
Lora, $ ; Rose, Norman L -$ ;
Rasquist, Niles, $ ; Roller, A. B.,
Completed Road Will R4preen
A early Evrry Individual In
The Community
Although some unavoidable delays
have been met, the track of the
Prlnevllle railroad will be laid into
the city during the next few days,
and In the Journal next week we ex
pect to be able to announce complete
plans for the railroad day celebration
that will follow that historic event.
A committee Is at work complet
ing the task of financing the road,
and when this city is connected with
the world of transportation by rail,
it can be truthfully said that almost
every Individual in the community
has done his bit toward the project.
The line Is now laid to within three
and a quarter miles of the city, and
the supply train is on the siding at
Wilton Station which Is situated
four miles from Prlnevllle, near the
Williams and Slayton ranches, from
which names the name of the station
la derived.
w. s. s.
The Journal will issue a special ed
ition on August 1, commemorating
the coming of the railroad to Prlne
vllle, and celebrating the fiftieth an
niversary of the founding of , the
The edition will be profusely Il
lustrated, much space being devoted
to the Ochoco project and will have
a circulation of about 3,000 copies.
Aditional copies, wrapped and
mailed from this office, to any ad
dress furnished by you, will be sup
plied at 16 cents each or two for
25 cents. Give us your order early,
as the supply Is limited.
w. s. .
HAS EYE RKvnvvn aaiet. eo- ""i Tcr., Mr. ana Mrs.
as fcYK JtEMOyBO . , Lljohnl $46 : Tucfc, Arthur$15; Tnck.
J. D. Combs bf John Day "wag tak
en to Portland a few days ago and
had one of his eyes removed and the
vision in the other is badly damaged.
His misfortune was sudden and pe
culiar. He was driving his car when
the trouble came on. He did not re
alize that there was anything the
matter with his eyes when he sud
denly noticed the trouble'. He re
turned to bis home and rapidly grew
worse. When taken to Portland the
doctors stated that he had poisoned
his eyes with chrome acid.
w. s. s.
A searching party headed by J. H.
Haner recovered the body of Vernon
Forbes, who was drowned in Crescent
Lake a week ago last Sunday. The
body was brought to the surface at
about 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
It was lying in about 90 feet of wat
er more than 1,000 feet from the
place where they had been searching
the seven previous days.
Continual search has been going
on since, for the body of Ralph Poin
dexter, but sc far the searching par
ty has been unsuccessful.
The funeral of Vernon Forbes will
be held sometime tomorrow after
noon in Bend.
25; Roller, Howard7$ 5 ; Roundtree,
J. H., $ ; Rowell, Floyd, $ ; Rug
gles, Floyd, $ ; Ruggles, E. 8., $-;
Russell, G. H., $ ; Russell, W. B.,
$70; Rusberg, Martin, $10.
Sager, J. A., $25; Sandvich, P. H.,
$20; Sawyer, J. B., $ ; Scammon,
F. D., $50; School Dist No. 1, $1,000;
School District No. 2, $750; Sher
ruble, Alex, $15; Shmeed, Paul
ine, $5; Scott, Andrew, $15;
Scott, Eliza, $20; Scott, L. L., $50;
Scott, Albert, $70; Scott, J. H., $70;
Scwartzer, J. H., $ ; Schwartzer,
Ollie, $ ; Schnelle, M. R., $100;
Sears, L. V., $ ; Sears, D. A., $25;
Sears, Ira, $20; Seeds, C. C, $36;
Sears, Prentice, $ ; Seehale, Henry,
$ ; Seggling, Peter, $ ; Seely, C.
C, $5; Senecal, A. G., $20; Senecal,
Annie, $20; Senecal, Marcel, $50;
Senecal, Geo., $30; Setsor, Geo., $20;
Settlemeyer, Jacob, $50; Shanklin,
G. , $10; Sharp, J. C, $10; Shaffer,
Guy, $50; Short, Herman, $10; Shat
tuck, Verl, $5; Shattuck, Mrs. C. L.,
$50; Shawe, Victor, $50; Shearer,
J. M., $35; Shopard, Chas., $20;
Sheppard, Anna, $ ; Sherman,
Chas., $5; Shlpp, Jno., $80; Shobert,
Jess, $ ; Shobert, Geo. S., $ ;
Shobert, Geo. J., $6; Shobert, Dewey,
$10; Shroy, E. J., $20; Shuter, Mrs.
Berly, $5; Simpson, J. E., $15; Sid
ford, Ethlyn, $25; Simmons, Simon,
$ ; Sippy, Wm., $ ; Sippy, Sam,
$25;Sitton, L. K., $25; Sitton, Mrs.
Pearl, $10; Sitton, Myrtle, $10;
Skeen, Jno., $36; Slayton, Geo,$200;
Slayton, Edw., $500; Slovens, Wm.,
$ ; Smead, Francis, $20; Smead.
Douglas, $20; Smelzer, Joe, $35;
Smith, C. Sam. $100; Smith. Guy,
$15; Smith, Lydia C, $5; Smith, Da
vid, $10; Smith, Lon, $30; Smith,
Frank J., $30; Smith, Lucy, $10;
Smith, W. T., $35; Smith, Mrs. Clara,
$100; Smith, Mrs. C. Sam, $40;
Smith, Clyde, $ ; Smith, Mary L.,
$ ; Smith, E. H., $20; Smith, Jos.,
$5; Smith, J. W., ; Smith, J. A.,
$ ; Smith, J. L., $100; Smith, C.
L., $10; Smith. Henry, $ ; Smith,
Talbot, $20; Smith, C. F., $275;
Smith. Mrs. Angle, $20; Smith, Mrs,
R. O., $20; Smith, A. L., $ ; Smith,
J. N., $5; Smith, Ed., $ ; Snoderly,
Mrs. O. W., $10; 8noderly, Wm.,
$ ; $20; Snyder, Herbert, $ ;
Snyder. F. C, $25; Sontag, O.. $120;
Sordell, B. A., $100; Spallinger, R.,
$200; Splinter, Wm., $20; Starr,
Jas., $100; Starr, C. W., $30; Stan
cliff. L., $20; Stanton, J. W., $305;
Stearns, 8. S., $250; Stearns. Cecil,,
$75; Stearns, Geo., $26; Stearns,
Mrs. Fannie, $25; Stearns, Nora,
$20; Stein, J. A., $15; Stepens, H. L.,
$25; Stevens, Geo., $10; 8tevenson,
Chas. A., $ ; 8tevens fat Stewart's)
150; Stephens, Esther, $15; Stewart,
E- H., $25; Stewart Bros., $250;
Stewart. J. E., $100; Stewart, I). F.,
zso; sttewart, w. H., $ ; Stewart.
Ollie, $ ; Strand, Fred., $15;
Strand, Mrs. 8usie, $20; Strand,
Chas., $20; Stroud, Z., $16; Stroud,
Wm., $20; Stroud, T. E., $ ; Strunk
Fred, $ ; Still. H. D., $40; Sting
er, John L., $ ; Strand, C. M., $20;
8tover, C. O., $20; Street, N. L., $5;
Street, Emma, $ ; Street, Joseph,
$100; Street, Edw., $30; Street,
Paul, $ ; Street. Wesley, $30;
Stuart Cattle Co., $200; Stuart, T. J.,
$100; Stuart, Rby, $20; Sullivan,
Hazel, $20; Summerfleld, Matt, $ ;
Burners, J., $5; Sumers, Mattie, $15;
Sumner, J. F., $20; Sundquist, Jno.,
$35; Stiixner, Max., $25; Swaak, M.
D., $30; Swank, Roy, $30; Swank,
Jack, $30; Swearingen. W. S., $70;
Swift, Alice, $10; Sylvester, Geo.,
$20; Sylvester, Ralph, $ ; Sylves
ter, Mara, $ ; Tackman, Wm.. $ ;
Tackman, A. H., $20; Tackman, Geo
$10; Tally, W. D., $20; Taylor Em
ily J.. $ ; Taylor, M. F., $100; Tay
lor, J. D., $20; Taylor, Jane, $ ;
Templeton, R. M., $50; Templeton,
J. H., $1,000; Terrell, J. R., $35;
Terrell, E. 8., $20; Tlrrill, E. D..
$35; Tesreau, F. L., $ ; Thomas,
Elmer, $15; Thompson, K. J., $ ;
Thompson, Oliver, $20; Thompson,
(Mother) $ ; Thos. M. Anderson
Camp, $45; Todd, Clifton, $26; Tol
laday, Delbert, $20; Tolladay, J. 8.,
$40; Townsend, Jos., D., $20; Thur
In, Gust, $25; Traver. Henry. $6:
Trent, 8.P., $20; Tourlet. L.. $-; Tow
ner, Frank, $50; Trenne, Matt, $20;
Trelchel, W. P., $50; Trelchel, Mar
tha, $250; Truax, W. W., $10; True.
dale, Geo., $68, ' Tuck, Mr. and Mrs.
J. M., $25; Tack, Beatrice, $25;
Tnck, Zona,' $25; ---Turner,..- Henry,,
$35; Tweet, M. L.. $19; Tweet, A. A.,
$20; Tweet, E. T., $5.
Upton, Jay, $100.
Van Laeske, A., $ ;Vanlna, Cath
erine, $ ; Van Nuys, W. L., $100;
Van Doren, L. W., $25; Vanderpool,
Mrs. Lizzie, $50; Valpey, Chas., $10;
Vasey, Rob't., $5; Vasey, Mrs. 8., $5;
Vial, Leon, $ ; Villars, Virginia,
$56; Van Lake, Emil, $20.
Wallace, N. G., $50; Wallace, R.
W., $35; Walker, Anna M., $-; Wag
ner, Claudia, $55; Wagner, E., $40;
Wagner, Harriet, $20; Wagner, Mrs.
Berta, $10; Walker, Geo., $ ;
Waite. John S., $5; Waite, Henry,
$35; Warren, Riley, $25; Warner,
Kate, $10; Warner, J. E., and C. E..
$55; Wade, E. B., $5; "Watkins, Aar-
0n, $; Watkins, Mrs. Aaron,' $10;
waae, John and Lettie, 150; Ward,
I. W., $100; Watkins. Jesse, $25;
Way, A. J., $ ; Way, Geo. F., $ ; .
Warner, Kate, $10; Weaver, Chas.,
$ ; Webb, Harry G., $20; Wetther,
Elmer, $10; Webber, Mrs. Martha
F., $20; Welch, Henry, $30; Wells,
Geo., $25; Wells, Mrs. Sarah F., $25;
Weaver, David, $20; Weburg, Melvin,
$100; Werner, P. P., $25; Whltte
more, O. L., $ ; Wheeler, J. L.,,
$15; W'heeler, Mrs. J. L., $15; Whit
taker, John R., $10; White, Ed., $-;
White, Clarence L., $ ; Wheeler, C.
W., $30; Whtttsett, Geo., $5; Whist
ler, J. E., $25; Wigle, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H., $100; Wilborn, E., $ ; Wtl
hoit, Vera, $10; Wilhoit. Elva, $10;
Wilhoit, Lina M., $10; Wilhoit, Dar
rel I., $10; Wilhoit, B. F., $10; Wick
ersham, Manford, $ ; Williams, Jo
siah, $6; Williams, E. B., $50; Wil
son. Curt, $15; Wilson, Ell, $5; Wil
son, Max, $105; Wilson, Lewis R.,
$ Wilson, Jno., $10; Wilson, Ida,
M., $10; Wilson, Abbie, $10; Wil
son, C. W., $20; Wilson, E. J., $200;
Wilson, Omar, $50; Wilson, Lena J.;
$15; Wilson, W. M., $ ; Wilson,
Max, $ ; Williamson, J. N., $150;
Williamson, Mrs. 8. V., $100; Wil
liams, Chas., $15; Winters, C. R.,
$26; Winslow, Helen, $5; Winslow,
Bernice, $5; Wright, Sarah, $10;
Windom, Mrs. Henry, $40; Wiley,
Geo., $200; Wiley, Bob., $ ; Will
coson, Reeves, $20; Willcosen, Allea
and Arba, $50; Winer, Frank, $50;
Wirtz, Willard, $50; Wright, Ray
mond,' $5; Wright, Clifford, $10;
Wonderly, Mrs. Lillie, $10; Wood,
F. M., $200; Wood, Mrs. and Mr. C.
T., Wright, Francis F., $20; Worrell,
C. L., $ ; Wolfe, E. C, $ ; Wurz
weiler, ' Will, $100; Wurzweiler, Art,
$80; Wyss, Peter, $ ; W'yatt, Lulu
B., $10; Wolke, Geo., $5; Wolke, Lil
lian, $5; Winans, Norma, $35; Yan
cy, Hazel, $10; Yancy, Adrian, $15;
Yancy, Orvillo, $50; Yancy, Lloyd,
$30;. Yancy, Mrs. A., $25; Yancy,
Alonzo, $30; Yancy, Eleanor, $ ;
Yancy, S. W.. $200; Yancy, Jesse,
$300; Yancy, Mrs. Celia, $100; Yan
cy, Ruth, $150; Yates, D. A., $50.
Zell, Mrs. Sarah, $5; Zell, Laura,
$5; Zell, T. B., $ ; Zell, A., $150;
Zell, Nancy, $ ; Zpfk, Mrs. John,
$5; Zoek, J. W $5: Zevoly, Mrs.
Robert, $ ; Zevcly, Rob't., $50.