Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 11, 1918, Image 1

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    Crook County Journal
NO. 85
An In All Oilier I'm riot ! Moven.TIm
ItooMi'iiU of IVIim' Ami Tho
County Have Mwln (miI
Tho lint of muiu below havrt boon
arranged In alphabetical order to
....ill..... it... I. .....lit..,, i.f (tin Hut
lllllllinifT mo iimiiuiiiia ......
In a few canes there will Im noticed i
blank after numo: till means:
that for vnrloun reasons the coiititilt-1
tees have boon unable to seo Ihn (
pornon. AIho In a number of In-j
mantes thn persons will no doubt
I. .. .. I....... I .i i iiImiviiI mill wll tiuVA
lin.n i.'.'i. iiii-'i . t..n ...... ,.
pledged their quoin after thin lint U
In typo. Thin explanation In Hindu
In order to avoid any mlnundornttind
Ing. A.
Ahln, Mm. Margaret. $5; Ahbott,
Kdward A., $25; Aduninnn, Tlllln,
$15; Adamn, Oliver, $50; Adamnon,
J. K., II 20; Adamnon, ,1). !'., $1 50 ;
AKontino, D. (., $10; Agnew, Sam
uel K.. I i Agoo, K. It.. $20; Al
len, U. Grant, $20; Allmi, Merlin K.,
$26; Allen, II. K.. $35; Allen, Kin
worth K.. $30; Allen, Herb, $ ;
AIIIhoii, Jennn W., $20; Ammoim,
Richard A., $50; Animonn, Nora,
$10; Anglnnd, Ned, $200; Anderson,
jamen, $35; Andernon, 8. I)., $36;
Anderson, i.oe, sao; Angou, itoro,
$ i Andernon. II. II., $20; Ar
nold, Wilbur, $10; Arnold, Ktiymnn,
$10; Arnold, Wm., $10; ArnintronK,
Theodore, $16: Anil by, K. L $26;
Ayron, W. 8.. $46; Ayren, Sholhurn,
$6; Auntln, Minn Mario, $10; Adamn,
Anna, $20; Allen, Mabel, $100; Al
exander, A. A., $20;
Rortrand. Mm. B. l., $10; Barn
let, Otto, $6; Darnolea, Mm. Clara,
$5; Darker llron., $ ; Bailey, 8.
V., $ ; Bolshy. John A.. $ :
Baldwin, Bertha, $35; Baldwin, Har
old, $176; Baldwin, T. M $ff20;
Baldwin, Nelllo C, $680; Balfour,
Mm. W. 8., $6; Balfour, Bruce, $25;
Damon, Harry, $100; llorrlnon, Otto,
$ ; Barney, C. C, $20; Barney, J.
W $16: Barney, Man, $5; Bnrnes,
Irono, $20; Barnny, W. A., $36; Bar
ney, Homer, $25; Barnard, K. 8.,
$45; Bamholdt, V., $20; Bontonoro,
Fred, $260; Ilayn, A. U $20; Bnyn,
Grace B $26; Bnttlngor, Leo, $25;
Baaloy, C. A.. $ ; Bochtol, L. M.,
$ ; Bochtol, Llda, $16; Decker,
Jacob, $60; Decker, Sophia, $15;
Bochman, Geo, F $30; Beebo, 0. W.,
; Beach, N. B $25; Roman,
John, $100; Boolor, Murian and Ber
nardino, $20; DiMinon, Thon., $10;
Diirnard, Thon., $10; Bornard, Chan,
ft Hon. $100; Belknap, II. P. and
Mm., $80; Bennett, Low, $50; Ben
nett, Mm. Sophia, $10; Bennett, J.
W $ ; Bennett, Mary K.. $26; Ber
nard, Andrew, $26; Hornier. Goo. L.,
$30; Bean, W. L.. $50; Bennett, B.
R $160; Bennett, Wm. n., $ ;
Blddlo. Otla, $10; Biggs. Mr, and
Mrn. M. R., $150; Blrdsong, E. J.,
$10; BlrdnoiiK, Eddie C, $10; Blrd
song. W. H., $10; Bloom, J. E., $90;
Blrdsong, Chun. C, $20; Hlovins,
Julia, $25; Blackstone, Percy, $20;
Blovlnn, I. M., $76; Blovlns, Loe,
$60; Bolsby, Chan., $20; Bowlsby,
Julia, $6; Booton, Maria and ion,
$70; Boone, J. W $100; Bogue, H.
B $ ; Bogue, A. T $1,000; Bog
er, Frank, $5; Bonney, Luckey, $60;
Boydston, B. F., $10; Boynnton, Sus
le L., $26; Bowman, J. P., $10; Bost
wlck, J. A., $26; Bowman,
A. R and . A 1 1 a, $60;
Boslottl, Jim, $ ; Bradley, Rob't.,
8.,$ ; Brennon, T. H $100; Bow
lln, Lentor, $10; Bowline, Cecil, $10;
Brazee, Geo., $60; Brandstrom,
Knate, $5; Bradfird, C. W., $5;
Breen, John, $ ; Breon, Gladys,
$ j Brix, J. C. $25; Breene, Mrs.
8. E., $100; Breese, Mrs. Ora M.,
$25; Breese, Lyrle A., 15; Breene,
lyrle R., $10; Breese, Olga M., $10;
; Breone, Eldred M., $50; Brlx, C. C,
$ ; Breese, R. W., $100; Breese,
, J. R., $80; Breeding, Mrs. John,
I ; Brink, Rova, $25; Brink, M. E.,
$26; Brown, M. H $5; Brown, War
Ten, $100; Brown, John B., $26;
Brown, Geo. J., $20; Brown, J. P.,
$ ; Brown, C. W., $20; Brown, W.
W., $1,000; Brown, S. 8.', $60;
Brown, A. G., $25; Brown, Fred,
$20; Browning, Robert, $35; Bryant,
Dick, $10; Bryant, Bessie, $10;
Brown, R. W $10; Brown, Fred,
$80; Bryson, Joe, $20; Bryson,
Grace, $10; Bryan, C $100; Burke,
F. P., $20; Brummer, Henry, $6;
Brumer, Mrs. Henry, $5; Burrlght,
Howard, $40; Broslus, F. E $ ;
Brunstrum, Newton, $ ; Brummer,
W. H., $25; Burmelster, Chris, $60;
Bushnell, Nannie, $ ; Bushnell, U.
S $ ; Bushnell, Chas. L., $ ;
BusBett, R. R $66; Bussett, E. A.,
$ ; Burchtorf, F. W., $40; Burch
torf, Bon, $36; Burrls, Mary E., $
Butler, V., $60; Butler, Mrs. V $20;
Bundy, E. T $80; Bundy, Mrs, Mary
H $25; Bundli, Albert M $ ;
Burchtorf, Hattie Mae, $10; Boyer
Stephen, $20; Buker, B. O., $20;
Burgett, Wm. A., $30; Byrd, A. M.,
$25; Brown, Mrs. IT. B., $10; Bow
Jin, F. F., $10; Bowlin, Enid, $6;
Mark Lnrwood, of Eugene, EiiIInIh In
l ulled Hltttcn Navy
Kl'GKNB, OUB July 8 Mr. and
Mm, T, J I. Lnrwood of Eugene linve
given their fourth son to their coun
try's service. Mark I.urwood, aged
17, student In the Eugene high
school,, left today for Portland,
win-re he will enlist In the United
Stale Navy. Ills brothers, Donald,
Waller, and Leonard F. Larwood,
are now nerving with General Pornh
lug's forces In Franco.
Tho hoys am great-grandsona of
Rov. II. II, Bpaldlng, who caino to
tho Oregon country with Dr. Whit
man In 1X36.
w. n. .
Will rroliabl)' (Jo Into IIuhIiion In
Portland In Near Future
Mr. and Mrn. John Lewis and f 11 ra
lly will lenvn for Portland noon,
whore they will make their homo.
Mrs. Lew In has purchased a millinery
hunlnens at 422 Washington St., and
will take over the store the first of
Mm. Lewis has always had a good
biiMlness hern which will no doubt
bo takon up by somnone elso.
Anyone Who Will Volunteer To Help
DlHtrihule Tien Tomorrow Morn
ing Ploane Notify J. 1. Reams
Work on the Prlnevllle railroad
in progrenslng nicely. The steel is
being laid acroan Crooked River
bridge today and the whistle of the
work train can be beard In Prlne
vllle. The ties are all on the ground
and an urgent call Is being made, for
volunteers to help distribute them
tomorrow morning. Fifteen men are
wanted for just one bait day. Please
notify George Ream's at Cornott's
store or be on hand tomorrow morn
ing If you can help with this impor
tant work.
w. s. i.
llarn mid Contents Were Destroyed
audi Garden Wum Hoorrlied at
, The KuHton Home
A fire started In the barn belong
ing to Mr. and Mrs. Euston, who live
on the north side, Thursday evening
and destroyed the building and all
the contents. They had an excellent
garden close by, which was also de
stroyed. w. 1. .
R. E. Arne, representing the Home
Clvlllnn Relief 8ection ot the Amori
can Red Cross, will be in Prlnevllle
on Friday, July 12, for a conference
with the local Home Service Section.
Bundy, Wm. A., $10.
Campbell, S., $10; Campbell, Nan
cy, $50; Campbell, Jno., $15; Camp
bell, Mrs. Julia, $ ; Calavan, Ray
mond,, $100; Callahan, John, $35;
Carlin, J. Henry, $25; Carlin, Emery,
$16; Carlin, James, $10; Caldwell,
L. C, $20; Carro, Emile, J., $10;
Carter, Henry, $ ; Carley, A. B.,
$ ; Carter, Frank, $60; Carlin, H.
W., $100; Carlson, Una, $25; Carlin,
Mary E., $20; Can trill, J. C. and
Mrs., $75; Carlson, J. W., $ ; Car
son, W. A., $20.
Charlton, C. M., $25; Casey, Le
land, $36; Casey, Laura, $35; Cot
tlngham, A. 8., $20; Champman, J.
J,. $15; Cassar, Burt, $60; Cayton,
Fred, $20; Cayton, Harry, $5; Chors,
Mrs. C, $60; Chors, Chris., $20;
Chors, Ida, $125; Chambers, Geo.,
S., t ; Champion, Arthur, $30;
Chapman, Fannie M., $ ; Chapman,
Mrs. J. J., $ ; Christian!, Chas. O.,
$100; Christian, Mrs. Edna, $10;
Christian, Mr. and Mrs. J., $30; Cleg
eman, Mrs. Frances, $30; Claypool,
Roscoe D., $20; Clark, E. T., $20;
Clifton, G. N., $100; Clendenen, C.
D., $ ; Claypool, L. D., $ ; Clay
ton, Ford, $ ; Claypool, Howard,
$50; Claybaugh, Wm., $36; Claypool,
O. C, $100; Clark, E. J., $25;
Combs, John, $50; Compton, C,
$ ; Cook, C. N., $20; Colpltto, Wal
ter, $16; Colpltts, Walter, $15; Col
onization Co., $1000; Cole, G. H.,
$25; Congleton, Bernice, $1,000;
Connors, T. H., $20; Connell, Mary,
$15; Congleton, Chas. S., $40; Con
nell, J. F $50; Connell, L., $50;
Consor, E. H $50; Cook, C. N $20;
Conrad, Gilbert, $ ; Conrad, Fred,
$100; Cosgro, Arnold, $110; Cotting
ton, J. A., $25; Coshow, Price, $20;
Cox, Mary, $10; Cox, S. W., $6; Cox,
Chas., $25; Cox, F. T., $20; Cornett,
G. M $360; Crook, Bonj., $ ; Cox,
Sam. R., $5; Cox, Eli, $25; Cowles,
Chris., $20; Cox, S. A., $ ; Cornett,
Were Three-Fourth Mile From Shore
lu Canvas IWt Willi HO Pound
Motor 4'rles lleanl On Shore
Ilainh Poindexter and Vernon A.
Forbes were drowned In Cresent Late
Sunday evening about 7 o'clock, when .
the boat from which they were lisn- w. s. s.
lug filled with water and sank. Cries FORFMTS HIJ4 BAIL
were heard by people on the shore I
who hastened to their assistance but R(,rt Btark 8nd Mke KeUey were
arrived too late to find more than Brr,.Bt,.(i at the bail park In Bend
a hat, a plpn and some fishing tackle Thursday afternoon for disorderly
floating on the surface. 1 conduct. Each put up a cash bond
Ralph Poindexter, who was born of $10 to appear Friday. Stark
and lived most of his life In Prine-: appeared and pleaded not qullty and
vllle, was owner and proprietor of was fined $10. Kelley failed to ap
the Owl Pharmacy In Bend where pear, forfeiting his bail money.
he had lived since 1911.
Vernon A. Forbes was a prominent
Bend attorney and Joint representa
tive to the state legislature from that
According to the account brought
In from the scene of the tragedy, the
wen were fishing In a canvas boat In
which they had Installed an eighty
pound Evlurude. Half of the boat
was found floating, the other half
having sunk with the motor. The
Inference was that the boat bad brok
en in two.
Another account was that the
boat did not break but was filled with
water and was sunk by the weight
of the motor. The tragedy occurred
on the east shore of the lake about
three-fourths of a mile from shore.
Arrangements have not yet been
made for the funeral as the bodies
have not yet been recovered.
Ralph Poindexter was born In
Prlnevllle, August 31, 1886 and waa
educated In the Prlnevllle public
schools and at the Oregon Agricul
tural College, taking a Bpeclal course
in pharmacy. He was highly esteem-
ea oy nis many rrinevnie irieuus
who were terribly shocked and grlev -
ed to learn of his death. He was
married in 1915 to Miss Edna Con-
way, of Portland, who survives him.
and he is also survived by his mother
and father, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Poin -
derter of Prinevillo, a sister, Mrs.
Jap Ireland, ot Prlnevllle, a sister,
Mrs. Will Ford, of John Day, and a
brother Newt, who is somewhere in
California with his father and mother
traveling for the benefit of his
health, another sister, Cora, and a
brother, Vernon.
I Vernon A. Forbes was born on
October 17, 1883, in Wisconsin. He
( came west with T. E. J. Duf .'y in
1910 and located In Bend where he
he had built up a large law practice.
Mr. Forbes has been a number of
the legislature for several years, but
was not a candidate tor re-election.
He was married a few years ago to
Miss Ann Market of Bend. He is
survived by his widow and small son
Vernon, Jr.
Both men were members of the
Elks lodge and Mr. Forbes was mem-
J. W., $50; Crook Co. Abstract Co.;
$ ; Cram, Henry S. & Sons, $300;
Cram, James, Jr., $35; Crum, Mable,
C, $; Crook Co. Bank, $1,000;
Croswhlte, Geo., $ ; Crain, Frank,
$ ; Crain, Mrs. M. L., $30; Crain,
A. M., $40; Crooks, J. Warnie, $60;
Crain, Lottie, $200; Cross, H. E.,
$ ; Crain, C. H., $800; Crisp, Mrs.
Anna, $10; Crawford, G. W.. $30;
Cram, James, $ ; Cross, R. B.,
$126; Crain, A. M., $ ; Cronin,
Thos., $ ; Constable, R. V., $20;
Curtis, John, $200; Cyrus, Vira,
$20; Cyrus, Harvey W., $50; Cyrus,
E. T.. $30; Curtis, Lee. $10; Curtis,
Charity Blanche, $5; Curtis, Lewis
Wllaon, $5; Curtis, E. T., $25; Cur
tis, Lilly W., $25; Culver, Willard,
$ ; Crain, A. I., $35; Clark, Nor
ma, $6; Christe, Katherlne, $10;
Cannon, Geo., $25; Cronin, Jack,
$35. '
' . I.
Darling, H. E $50; Darling, An
gle, $20; Davis, A. B., 20; Davis, R.
E,. $200; Davis, Delmar B., $25; Da
vis, A. B., $ ; Day, F. H., $25; Dav
enport, Wm., $ ; Davis, H. H., $20;
Davis, A. R., $ ; Davenport, Alex,
$10; Davis, Rob't., $66; Davenport,
Merwin, $30; Davenport, L. L., $30;
Davis, Thomas W $ ; Davis, Dr.
H. G., $50; Davison, Orvil, $100; Da
vis. Wm. W., $20; Dell, J. F., $10;
Demaris, Rob't., $20; Deschutes
Power Co., $100; Demaris, D., $10;
Dealy, Wm. F $ ; Delore, Gussle,
$ ; Demaris, Bert, $25; Delone, M.
E., $ ; Dealy, Chas., $150; Dealy,
Tom, $50; Demaris, Frank, $ ;
Dee, Hannah, $5; Dealy, Amanda,
$20; Demaris, Walter, $15; Demaris,
Mrs. D., $10; Demaris, Warnie, $20;
Demaris, Crystle, $10; Demaris, Mrs.
J. H $10; Demaris, Chas., $16; De
praz, S. M., $20; Demaris, Minnie,
$30; Dealy, Lee M., $100; Demaris,
Jess, $50; Dickins, John, $20; Dil
lon, Mrs, L $ ; Dill, Herman,
br of the Knights of Pythian and
Mr. Poldoxtcr the Masons.
'"lf Orappler Ilraily To Keek llodh-s
City Grappler Hugh Brady of Port
land nan gone to Crescent Lake to-
day to drag the waters for the bod-
les of Ralph Poindexter and Vernon
Forbes, who wore drowned Sunday.
An appeal was sent to Mayor Bak
or, after several unsuccessful at
tempts had been made to recover the
bodies, and at a meeting of the coun-
.sZ rwlr
nun peui in KiuuLer pari 01 on me
in this kind of work and Is an ex
port at It.
w. . .
KM POWM.Ij homk on
Rel Powell, who has been attend
ing the Officers' Tralnine f!oiir at
iv, Prcuiiiin arrived hnm (,n Mnn.
1(j visiting relatives for a
few days.
w. s. s.
Competitive Examinations Open to
Every Eligible Hoy In Second
Oregon District
Congressman Nick Sinnot will
hold a competitive examination open
to every eligible boy in the Second
(Oregon District for the West Point
. Military and Annapolis Naval Aca-
lidemy on October 19, 1918.
P The examinations, which will be
given for the congressman by the
United States Civil Service Commis
sion, will be held simultaneously in
the following eight cities:
Klamath Falls, Lakeview, Ontario,
Bend, Baker, LaGrande, Pendleton,
and The Dalles.
Those candidates standing highest
in each examination will be appointed
bb principals and alternatee in order
of standing to till the one vacancy In
Welt Point and one in Annapolis.
Such successful candidates will take
the official examinations in the
spring of i 91 8 and It successful, in
j Bame wlil enter tne acaaemieg Jn
1 June.
1 Candidates to be eligible must be
0Ona fide residents of the Second
Oregon District, and if trying tor
the West Point cadetshlp must be
between 17 and 22 years of age on
1 the date of admission, and if for an-
polntment as midshipman at Anna
polis between the ages of 16 and 20
at date of official examination.
Those interested should write at
once to Hqn. N. J. Sinnot, Room 242
House of Representatives, Washing
ton, D. C, stating whether they pre
fer the naval or military academy
and requesting copy of booklets giv
questions. w. s. s.
James Warner was arrested at
Cllne Falls and placed In jail at
Prlnevllle. He was a member of the
21st Infantry and was stationed at a
camp in California, from which place
he deserted.
He was sent to Vancouver Bar
racks, Vancouver, Washington, yes-
$180; Dinwiddle, Mrs. Una, $50;
Dlshman, Mrs. Emma, $35; Dishman,
C. W $5; Dirbro, Mrs. Minnie, $10;
Dishman, W. I., $200; Ditman, Mar
tin, $20; Dixon Bros., $400; Doak,
Mrs. Eva, $15; Doak, Nancy, $ ;
Dobrenter, Harry F., $10; Dobs, E.,
S., $10; Dobson, Harry E., $20;
Dobson, Mrs. Sarah, $25; Dobson,
Julia, $15; Dodson, G. W., $ ;
Dodson, M. A., $ ; Doherty, J. P.,
$50; Donnelly, W. A., $80; Dow, A.
A., $20; Douglas, Ray, $20; Doug
las, Rob't, $50; Doyle, R. E., $ ;
Douthitt, S. G., $ ; Drew, C. B.,
$20; Drew, Jas. H., $20; Driscoll,
John, $56; Duffy, T. E., $ ; Dun
kle, W. ,H., $ ; Dunham, C, $ ;
Dunham, P. M., $100; Dunham, H.
D $30; Dickinson, Geo. J., $25;
Dunham, Mary E., $ ; Dixon & Mc
Dowell, Mrs. C. E., $400; Dixon,
Fay, $70; Davis, D. C, $10; Dun
ham, Mrs. E. A., $5; Donohue, Pat,
$16; Davis, Caleb, $40; Day, W. G.,
' E. '
Elkemeyer, F. C, $5; Eikemeyer,
H. W $5; Edmonds, Ernest A., $ ;
Edwards, Dr. Chas., $50; Edwards,
Mrs. Dr., $ ; Edwards, Henry J.,
$50; Edwards, John S., $ ; Efaw,
Albert, $26; fillers, Geo., $25; El
kins, C. M $260; Elkins, Mm. 0. M.,
$25; Elkins, C. W., $250; Elliott, J.
W., $50; Elliott, Fred, $20; Elliott,
Harry, $30; Elliott, Mary S., $10;
Elliott John M., $200; Elliott, W.,
$20; Elliott, Agnes, $10; Elliott, M.
R., $100; Elliott, J. A., $30; Elliott,
Mattie, $10; Ellis, Sam B., $20; Eng
strom, R. J., $100; Elliott, Otis, $10;
Elrod, Mildred A., $30; EIrod, Mrs.
E. W., $45; Euston, K., $10; Evans,
O.,$10; Estes Leola, $-; Euston, Geo.
F. , $220; Evans, Jeff, $30; Evans,
Chester, Mr. and Mrs., $20; Evans,
E. E., $100; Evans, D. J., $30; Ev
ans, H. P., $20; Ernest, Levi, $10;
Erickson, Chas. and Bettie, $40; Ev
Klxty Four Men Co On Guarantee
List for Return Next Year
Thirty This Year
Chautauqua closed last evening
with a patriotic program, bringing to
a fitting close a most successful six
day program.
The character of the entertain
ment this year was of a higher class
even that previous years have been,
and all who attended the perfor
mances are unanimous In their
praises of the management.
Much of a nature that enlightens
the people on matters of a national
and international character was
presented, and all of the lecture num
bers were of exceptional high value.
Musical numbers presented a wide
variety of talent, and all drew good
crowds and held them well.
Sixty-four men signed the guaran
tee list for the return of the Chau
tauqua In 1919, as opposed to about
thirty who signed last year.
In adition to this a new feature
was added, that of securing pledges
for the purchase of season tickets
for next year.
Almost enough pledges were se
cured to care for the guarantee
which will assist the committee great
ly In the work of selling tickets next
A telegram was received by H. R.
jXakin last night, which states that
a shipment of 106 cans of trout fry,
which will average about 1,000 fin-
gerllngs to the can, will be shipped
to Prlnevllle in the next few days,
for liberation in the Ochoco reser
voir. The fish are being supplied by the
state, in response to a request to
stock the reservoir, and will be sup
plemented by other shipments later.
Volunteers are asked to supply au
tos and motor trucks to assist In
bringing the fish to the dam. See
H. R. Lakin about this.
w. 8. s.
Making a Membership of Ten
Three more have pledged to buy
$1,000 In War Savings Stamps, mak
ing a total membership of ten. The
following now belong to the Limit
Club: Mrs. Emma Prose, A. T. Bogue,
John Templeton, Sinking Fund Dist.
No. 1, The First National Bank, Ber
nice Congleton, Mrs. Prose for fam
ily, W. W. Brown, Crook County
Bank, and Oregon Western Coloni
zation Co.
ans, Geo. H., $5; Estelle, Ed. J.,
$35; Evenson, Andrew, $10; Estes,
Geo. W., $60; Everett, Stella, $25;
Ewart, Chas., $20; Erickson, Olivia,
$5; Erickson, O. H., $5; Erickson,
Melvtn Jay, $5; Evans, Harry, $20.
Faulkner, Sylvester, $20; Fallen,
Walter, $5; Faught, E. C, $50;
Faught, Mary E., $30; Farrett, Leon,
$20; Faulkner, Henry J., $30; Faulk
ner, C. E., $10; Faulkner, G. W., $5;
Fairview Stock Farm, $100; Fair
child, H. W., $20: Faulkner, John
T., $160; Tartar, C. H., $ j Fertig,
Rev. J. H. and Adda B., $20; Fergu
son, Myrtle, $ ; Ferguson, Lester,
$ ; Ferguson, C. S., $ ; Fertig,
J. H., $35; Fischer, Edward,
$5; Fischer, Carl, $35; Fer
guson, Thos. J., $150; Flncher, J.
W., $20; Fischer, Amelia, $5; Fields,
O., $20; Field, A. A., $ ; First Na
tional Bank, $1,000; Fitzgerald,
Ruth, $20; Flnley, Dr. A. Ries,$ ;
Findley, M. F., $20; Flemmin.g Wm.
Mrs., $20; Floyd, Noah W., $20;
Foster, Walter A., $50; Foster, Mar
tha L., $5; Foote, Frank M $20;
Farney, Mate E., $15; Foster, A. A.,
$10; Foster, John B., $10; Foster,
C. H. and Delia, $ ; Foster, Nancy
A. , $ ; Foster, Frank B., $ ; Fos
ter, Josephine, $ ; Foster, L. W.,
$ ; Foster, Arthur, $15; Foster,
Carey W., $300; Foster, W. W., $30;
Foster, H. A $50; Foster, H. B.,
$ ; Foster, Ora, $40; Forrest, F.,
$180; Forrest, M. L., $50; Freeman,
B. F., $15; Forrest, R. M., $15;
Forrester, Jas., $20; Fox, Ben B.,
$ ; French, D. R. (French & Saun
ders) $5; French, John, $20; French
Ora, $10; French, Wm., $10; French,
Melissa, $10; French, Mrs. Ora., $10;
French, Jane, $10; Freund, Wm.,
$25; Fuller, Irene, $25; Fuller, J.
E., $10; Fuller, W. E.,' $40.
Garner, C. O., $50; Garske, G. A.,
$20; Garske, Theresa, $10; Garske,
John L $10; Geiger, Geo. J., $5;
Gardner, F. T., $30; Garrison, Paul
C, $50; Gee, Hugh, $ ; Geiger,
Geo., $20; Geil, J. A., $10; Gennlng,
Chas. H., $ ; Gerardo, Joe, $60;
Gerardo, Mrs. Josephine, $20;
George, Mrs. Cora B., $5; Gervin,
er, A. S., $ ; Gibson, L. A., $25;
J. H., $25; Gessner, V., $100; Gess
ner, , Maude & Margaret, $200; Oey
Oodfrey, Callle L., $15; Gibson,
Mary. $20; Gibson, Arch, $20; Gib
son, R. E., $20; Gilchrist, F. E., $20;
Gittlngs, Mrs. Bessie, $5; Gibson, J.
L., $100; Gideon, Z. T., $ ; Glllis,
J. A., $ ; Gilbault, A. G., $10; Gil
liam, Alva E. and family, $20; Gil
lenwater, E. E., $50; Glaze, Maggie,
$10; Glaze. Prince, $10; Glaze, Ann
E., $ ; Gomer, E., $ ; Goodnight,
Chas., $20; Godfrey, J. B., $20;
Gould, Edw., $ ; Gove, Dr. H., $70;
Gray, O. B $200; Grater, A. W.,
(Dr) $25; Gray, O. C, $50; Graves,
C. H., $ ; Gray, J. H., $20; Gray,
Roy E., $20; Grimes. H., $ ; Green
A. A., $ ; Guinn, C. W., $35; Green,
Steve, $10; Grill, Gus, $5; Grifin,
Jas. A., $ ; Grimes, H., $5; Grimes,
Jno., $50; Grimes, Willie, $20;
Grimes, C. B., $ ; Grimes, Ada M.,
$25; Grimes, Fred A., $40; Grimes,
Dave, $50; Groff, B. B., $25; Groves,
C. H., $ ; Guliford, 8. L., $105;
Gross, Max T., $25; Gutovaon, C. M.,
$20; Gunn, Jas. B $25; Gueuslet,
E. R., $25; Gunter, Ernest E., $20;
GuBtoffson, Gus., $20; Gutermuth,
David F., $ .
Hackleman, Frank, $100; Hagor,
Myron A., $25; Harpham, V. V., $50;
Hagenbucher, A., $60; Hahlen, L. P.,
$10; Hall, Andrew A., $65; Hall,
Lester, $10; Hand, W. A., $5; Hand,
I Ruth, $5; Hand, Hester, $5; Hand,
Walter, $5; Hall, E. N., $ ; Hall
meyer, Martin, $ ; Hamilton, Ser
epta, $100; Hammond, Geo. W., $ ;
Hansen, Hogan, $ ; Harbin, Edw.,
$50; Hardin, S. V. Mrs., $20; Harris,
Martha, $20; Hansen, Henry, $65;
Harris, W. U, $30; Harvey, Mm.
Mary, $ ; Harold, Wm., $20; Hart
ley, Jessie V., $50; Harvey, C. R.,
$ ; Harvey, Mm. Ellen, $300; Har
vey, R. P.. $5; Helm, Ed. W., $50;
Hass, Herman, $20; Hayes, Jas.,
$200; Haynea, J. F., $25; Hawley,
H. H., $40; Held, P., $176; Hencl, J.,
$20; Hedlaund. O. A., $50; Hen
drickson, Zeke, $20; Hendrickson,
Glen, $ ; Hendrickson, Stella, $20;
Henry. C. R., $5; Henry, Allie, $5;
Hereford, E., $16; Henry, Andle, $5;
Higgins,, Ira B., $5; Hinderman,
Ben, $ ; Hinderman, Geo,, $ ;
Hinkle, Vivian, $ ; Mill, Albert,
$25; Hinderson, Frank G., $20; Hill,
H. C, $20; Hinton, Lois, $85r Hil-
liard, Geo. F., $50; Hinkley, H. W.,
$5; Hinton, Alex, $40; Hinton, Bes
sie, $10; Hines, Levi, $50; Hiney,
John, $ ; Hobbs, Geo., $25; Hob
wood, Dave, $20; Hodges, E. G., $ ;
Hodges, Silas, $10; Hodges, Dolly,
$20; Hodges, Stella, $20; Hodges,
Mrs. L. M., $20; Hoelscher, F., $200;
Hoffman, F. S., $ ; Holloway, Lulu,
$10; Holloway, Butler, $10; Holman,
L., $ ; Hoover, John,$ ; Hoover,
Joe, $ ; Hoover, G.T.,$50; Hoover,
Jno. F., $ ; Hoover, Clyde, $20;
Hodson, E., $ ; Hopper, Mattie,
$15; Hopper, John, $30; Hopper,
Roscoe, $25; Horrigan, Llota, $15;
Horrigan, C, (Powell Butte),
$ ; Horigan, J. W., $30; Horsell,
Wm., $ ; Houston, Alva A., $20;
Huston, Bert, $5; Huston, Herbert,
$5; Huston, John F., $20; Huston,
Mrs E., $35; Huston, Rhonda, $50;
Huston, Fred, $20; Huston, Laura,
$30; Huston, Sumner, $10; Huston,
John, $25; Huston, Hattie M., $20;
Huston, Sarah E., $10; Huston, J. C,
$200; Huston, J. T., $200; H. How
ard and wife, $50; Howard, Mary
Combs, $220; Huston, Elbert, $20;
Huston, J. F., $200; Hrivnak, An
dres, $20; Hudson, Harry, $10; Hue
ttel, Geo. T., $ ; Huettel, Elizabeth,
$10; Huffman, Oscar, $20; Hughes,
Mrs. W. J., $70; Hughes, Frank,
$ ; Huston, Dean, $150; Hutchin
son, Ralph, $ ; Hiinsckern, Mary
L., $ ; Hyde, 0. C, $100; Hyde, E.
O., $25; Hyde, Velvet, $715; Hyde,
L. E., $40; Hyde, W. S., $50; Ire
land, Jap, $25; Ireland, Bill, $20;
Ireland, J. 8., $30; Iverson, E. L.,
$100; Ingram, Jennio, $60; Ingram,
Doug, $40; Ivy, Jas., $25; Irwin,
Arthur, $10; Jacobs, Wellard, $25;
Jacobs, Lilly L., $10; Jacobs, Hans,
$25; Jacobson, Hans, $25; Jones,
Mary, $ ; Jones, A. P., $20; Jones,
E. S., $20; Jones, R. E., $15; Jones,
Cora F., $5; Jones, Leon, $20; Jones,
Larnie, $ ; Jones, Fred and Mary,
$40; Jacobson, J. P., $ ; Jones,
Nanie, $6; Jones, Floyd, $20; John
son, Shas. E., $25; Johnson, W. J.,
$30; Johnson, C. J., $250; Johnson,
Rex., $50; Johnson, Pearl, $20;
Johnson, Glen R., $20; Johnson, J.
J., $250; Johnson, B. F., $100;
Johnson, C, $10; Johnson, F. A..
$25; Johnson, Jasper, ....10; John
son, J. W., $20; Jordan, Louise, $25;
Jordan, R. E $20; Jordan, R. L..
$50; Jourdan, Pete, $15.
Kilgore, L., $25; Kelley, Mrs.
Helen, $100; Kelley, C. F., $450;
Kelso, Jot, $800; Kelley, H. A., $60;
Kennedy, S. D., $ ; Kenedy, Nina,
$10; Kentner, Will, $10; Kester.
Robt. $ ; Kester, Mrs. Rob't.
$50; Retching, R. L., $20; Ketchem,
I. L., $ ; Kidwell, B. L., $100; Kid
well, Helen, $10; Kidwell, Pauline,
$10; Kidwell, Howard, $10; Kidwell,
Jessie, $10; Kizor, Andie, $5; Kim
ble, Harry, $; Kimmling, John,
$100; Kinder, Hub., $5; King, Chas.,
$20; Kinney, Dwight, $45; Kingsley,
W. J., $5; Kinsey and wife, $60;
Kirkum, Henry, $50; Klrkum, Vern
S., $ ; Kjar Hans, $500; King, W.
F. , $150; Kirkham, W. H. Sr., $25;
Kissler, Geo., $30; Kizer, Austin,
$20; Kizer, Alaice, $J0; Kerschner,
(To be continued next week)