Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 30, 1918, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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crook ixu'ntt JornxAL
MW no, lIMM
The City
Molvln D. Gillelt, formerly of
Prineville but who has boon lu Bend
for several years, has enlisted with
tb Marines mid will go to the Mare
Inland Navy Yard. '
Miss Mildred Young left yester
day for The Halloa wher she will
isit her grandmother, Mrs. V. H.
Young, for a short time, and then
will go on to Portland for the sum
ier. Thursday a party was hold at the
tome of J. H. Gray and a pleasant
evening was spent in playing games. '
At a seasonable hour an excellent j
lunch was served. The gathering :
w?s In the nature of a farewell for j
Albert Wilson, who has gone to;
Mare Island to enter the radio de
partment of the service.
Mrs. V. V. Smith, formerly of
Prlneville, will graduate from the
Multnomah Training School tor
Nurses in Portland, June 5, Mrs.
Smith spent several years In this
Mrs. Charles Sohrelter arrived In
the city this morning and is thej
guest of Mm. E. S. Uohe of thej
Prlneville Hotel. Mr. Schreitor Is)
the assistant manager of the Port- j
land hotel. J
Rev. K. 0. Islette is spending j
part of this wvok In Portland attend- j
ing a meeting of the Y. M. C. A and j
giving a Memorial Pay address and '
speaking on Thursday night in one j
of the churches in response to the!
President's proclamation that Muy
30th be sot aside as a national day
of confession and prayer.
Frank Fuller, of Mitchell, was
Prlneville visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Ilaner were lu
the city yesterday from Mend.
M. H. Nichols, of the Western
Klectrie Company, was a business
visitor In the city yesterday.
Or. Hay will be absent from
Prlneville Thursday and Friday of
this week and Monday and TuVsday
of next week but will be at his otllce
next Saturday.
Mrs. W. B. Itusscll and son Morris
and daughter Iiorolhy arrived In
the city yesterday, from McMlun
ville, and will make their home
here. Mr. Kusscll is foreman at
the Crook County Journal ofllco.
(By our Uegulnr Correspondent)
Many property owners of this
section, and our system of ad
vertising and regular publicity
throughout the Eastern States
will be carried on in such a way
as to place Prineville in the
public eye as an investment
center. In one week we have
had listed with us a number of
very valuable properties, which
will prove a gilt edge inyest
ment to any purchaser.
Ol IR FIRT bi list of offerings to buyers in
. X 1 many parts of the country, will be
issued in a few days. Get your property on the list Re
member, we make no charge for this nation-wide publicity.
If You Don't Want to Sell
Don't Come
. i $
The second lied Cross drlvs wenl
over the top.
Mr. and Mrs. Stover spent Sunday
at Norton's.
Don Drummer has been sick with
J. K. Post went to Prlnevlllo on
business Monday.
Mrs. Koopmun returned home
Monday after a ten days' visit In
Tort land.
Addle MMter spent Sunday night
with Mrs. Norton.
Mr. and Mrs. Glllcnwator were
gnosis of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Post, Sunday.
Kruost Gibson, who Is working In
a garage, lu Prlneville, was home
over Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. I.od ford Is out to the
Spring Heights ranch for the sum
mer. Mr. and Mrs. Dunham, Mrs. Doak
and (laughter autood to Prlneville
Mr. and Mrs. Norton made a busi
ness trip to Prluovillo, Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Demaris
spent the day In Post. Monday.
Robert Raymond, Ralph Cannon,
Uoy Gray and llruce Gruy were flail
ing Sunday on tho north fork of
Crooked Hlver.
Mrs. J. It. Knox Is home after a
week's visit with relatives In Prlne
ville and Kedmond.
D. W. Knox Is bringing his rattle
In from the desert owing to the
shortage of watPr.
Mr. and Mrs. Newsom spent Wed
nesday night with Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Henry returned to Prlne
vlllo. Monday after spending several
days at home.
Gale Newsom and family are
spending the week with Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Newsom Jr.
Monday while, taking down a tent
pole, Hoy Gray had the misfortune
to run a spike through his hand In
flicting a very painful wound. Kddie
Mover took him to Piiuevillu to
have the wou'id dressed.
Mr. and .Mrs. Uaymoud and relu
llvos from Athena autood to Bond
Saturday morning and spent the day
wild Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Ward, who
showed them through the mills anil
other phii'OH'of Interest. Tiny re
turned home In the evening by way
of riino Falls and Redmond.
Grovor Gibson, who has boon
railed lu the selective draft, was
given a firewell party at the home
of Mr. mid Mrs. ll Mi l.'iin. Sun
day evening. About seventy-live
friends Wore present to d'l honor to
tins young man who is offering his
all in the service of his country. A
splendid lunch was served by the
ladies at eight o'clock. Several pat
riotic songs were sung, including a
vocal solo, "Keep the Homo Fires
Ilurnlng," by Mrs. Illppey, after
which Hev. Van Nuys delivered an
address that whs most fitting for
the occasion.
(By our Regular Correspondent)
The Following is the Program
for Today's Exercises
I'ndor auspices of I'nlted Spanish War Veteran. Knlghl of Pylh-
In and other nrganlxatlon of Prlneville, Oregon.
Procession to form and depart from the Court House at 1 1 SO p.
m. sharp. March to Cemetery. h:i It In k t Ochoco Ilrldgn whom
flower will be strewn on the wntor lu honor of departed naval
Short Address Dr. J. II. Oervln
Procession will reform and proceed to th Cemetery,
Song, "America" Audience led by Ladle qiiartottn and Hand
Opening Address J. II I'plon
Lincoln' Gettysburg Address Orvlllo Yancey
Patriotic Address Dr. J. II Oervln
"Star Spangled Danner'l
Led by Male Qiiartottn and Hand, all participating
Salute to tho dead, Firing Huuad II. 8. Cadets, ('apt. 11. Roam
Miss Adeline Dietrich loft last
Wednesday for Salem where she
will attend summer school.
Mrs. Carl C. Hydo spent Friday In
! Terrebonne on her way to Fort
Columbia where her husband is
! stationed.
j Dr. Secley, general superintendent
' of Presbyterian missions In Oregon,
t spoke at the Hall, Sunday night and
! has been visiting the people this
, week In the Interest of the Federat
ed church here,
I Miss Irma Keeney, who has been
elected primary teacher, was visiting
friends here lust week. Doth she
and Miss Roxy Morris of this place
are planning to attend summer
school at Belllngham, Washington,
; this summer.
! Both W. S. 8. societies will meet
together at the L. P. C. Hall, Satur
day evening and will bo addressed
j by Rev, McVicker. Mr. McVlcknr
! has Just been attending a war con
! ference In Portland and will have
' some timely war topics to discuss
with us.
j Scraping tho flour bins hag been
' done graciously by most of the peo
', pie this week we believe. Those who
: grumble at turning over a few
i pounds of flour or wheat ought to
i be sent to the war zone to let dawn
upon them the realization of the
blessings Americans are really en
joying In this war time.
! Of course Terrebonne went over
the top with her second Red Cross
contributions. Mrs. Galbreath
worked hard completing the canvass
alone. Anyone she missed should
hand her his contribution.
w. s. S.
FOR SALE 80 acres ol land under
, Ochoco Project, 2 miles from
town, $12 per acre. Address, Box
358, Prineville, Ore. 29tfc
FOR SALE Fifth addition, 4 room
house and 12 lots, small barn,
chicken house, garage. Good pas
j ture for one cow in connection.
! Terms. E. IS. Evans, City. 29t5c
Now turn to the Classified Ads on
jpage 8.
WHO? All Men 21 Yean Old.
WHEN ? June 5th.
WHERE ? With Your Local Board at
Failure to Register Mean a Year In Jatll
If you are away from home, apply to the Draft Hoard at
Prlnevlllo. Protect yourelf and DO IT NOW! It you r III,
send a friend to the Board to fill out your card.
We have just received several
cars of Stock Salt and will dis
pose of same at
Salt is at Redmond Ware
house, Redmond, Ore. Phone
or write.
Northern Grain & Warehouse Co.
Extermination of Sage Rata and Goph
ers now, will help to insure bigger and
better crops. Three kinds in stock
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Confectionery, Ice Cream, Cigars
and Tobacco. Agent for the Ore
gonian. First door north of Lyric