MAY HO, loi MtOOK COINTY JOIKNAI, page s NE 5 Al l, HAVING ltl..( lli: MiK Oh l YttAIW MI NT COMPLY NOEXCUSESWILL BE ACCEPTED 4ly I-:'.IImii Arr Ho.t ami Miillora .A Ircixlv In Ncriln nf HlK (tllll-ll Nllllin WiMlni'Mluy, June f,, , ri-KlBlru-tlon ilny for nil llln In Hie I'llllirl Htat.-a who him. uIIiiIimmI Him HKm of 21 yarn Hhii't' June 6, ohm y(.Mr UK, Tala nlli-a to nil rltl.miN uml nun- Cltlli'lli. No itiiui will tin cxi'IM,imI fn.m rPKlNtlTltlK UlllfHIl hit In MlH'IKly In tltn inlliiiiry or naviil ihtvIio if tlic Hutted 8lu... Moil, who fur any N-aiiiin liav I) i iIIhc hinynl from i-rvl, iniiHt nKtNitr on Jmu 5. No i-xriiai-a will Im Bici'iiti'il fur rmi r(tltTlim. if ymi Hr t m lo iiimar liitorn your loi-ul ilraN board you niuitt m.-ik) aniim nunpo tut piTHDii to explain I'lrriiiiiHliiiici x una obtain ri'itlatriitlon mini wlilrli will to. properly lilted out. TIiIk card iniiHt Im returned to tlio lucnl liuunl ty your ri'in-ai-iitutlv. I'nuvoldiililii iiliHi'iirn from your lloaut dlMlrlet will lint eXi iiMe flillure to rt'KlatiT. If you IIIUKt he almenl, fa at nii.o to your loeul hoard mid Uplulll rlrruinalaiii-i-a ami you will be property liuti rui'teil. Keep your ri'lclalrutlnn riTtlflmtn for your own pruti-rUon ami he ready to allow It on clcruiiinl, oiher wlaii you are llalile to uit.-nI an a r'clH rut ion evmler. Tim reiteration will he roudui ted hy local hourda throughout the Vnlleil Htiitea, ami ach board la re quired to pout piihllcly the locution It Ita r.'K lift ral Ion place. Tim houra for n-Klatrntlim an from 7 o'clock a. in. to 9 o'clock p. m. anil the. day la Wedneailay, June 5. Mia. A. A. Morrlaon, at Trinity Mec lory, and aim alao will bo matron of honor for her alaler, Mlaa Jean Mor rlaon, who will I omi) the, hridn of Major John Cuheen llealty, II. H. A., on Hutorduy afternoon, Juno 15, ut 4:30 o'clock. Mr. fiharp hiia mtered Ilia aervlcn uud he la now atutloued at Kort Hhelhy, Muaa., In tho re liiouut aervlcn. Mra. Hharp la ona of thn moat popular youiiK mulroua In Portland, uud ahu will take an active part In all the work that women urn doing ua well a part Id pa to In the nodal avetita of the aeuaon. Ori'Konlmi, May 20. AlLECfBOOTLEGGER ARRESTED TUESDAY Marlon Mnyllcld wit arreated Tuehdiiy evening hy lleputy HherllT Kloyd Howell, on a chnrno of hoot IckkIiiK. Mr. Maydeld baa been under atiHplclon for aoine limn and hua been cloaely watched by the. au Ihorltlea. He waa aeon to leave the city with hla cur and wua koIiik toward Juni per Canyon and upon hia return u deputy ulteniited to atop him neur tliu city hut failed to do ao. Deputy KherllT Howell wua atiilloned neur the Kinder place on the north aide and Jumped on the car when It wua tiiivellntt thirty mllca per hour. M.iyflcld wua placed In the county J. ill, hut the date of hla heuriiiK hua not been act, Tlireu quart hot tie of whlxkey were found in u compurt ment tinder tho car, and It Ih tlioiiKlit that be wua uri'parliiR to make a delivery, w. f. . RED CROSS DIE IS I'rliievllle. and Crook County have (tone over the top In tho Hod Croa , drive. Over , aubacrlptloua in tho city are f 1000 to date, but the exud flKUrea from the county have not1 been received. ! I'rliievllle' allotment of $2500 wua aubairlbed a week before the drive opened. Kvery community in the county ha oversubscribed and no doubt when tho returua are all in the amount will be about $7,000. w. i. a. ItKCK.MT 8AI.KH OK O, it V. KollowiiiK am aalea recently made hy the Oregon and Weateru Coloni zation Company: J. II. AnKell 16,358 acrea, Ora and Grace Mill 1280 ucrea, J. and M. Oard 640 acrea, Herman Huh 495 acrea, J. H. Ilreeae 640 acrea, W. I. Dlahmnn 320 acrea, and E. C. Bailey 160 acres. Total of aalea 19,893 acrea. w. i. .- FOR PRINEVILLE JULY 1 w. a. a. MltH. MIAKP TO KIMAIN POKTI.AM IX Mia. Thoiiiua Kharp, of l'rlnevllle, bua arrived In I'lirtland to reniiiiu Indefliiltely. 81m will make her hue) ii with her parents, Hev. and C. V. I.iueliaiiKh, poBtoIllce 1ft Hpector for this dlHtrlct, la In l'rlne vllle checking up the local otllce for the purpose of aacertulultiR If It ahotild be ndvanied to aecond rluas. Ills report la ulmoHt II n tnli and will be sent In Immediately. Mr. l.llichailKh'B recoinmeildilllon will he thai tlio rrlnevllle olllco he advanced to second clasH July 1. In 111 in cuho snlurleg will bo in creased unci other adjustments will bo made. OF YOUTHS IS FINISHED Tim restoration of youths In the county, between the ages of 16 and 21 yeurs, has been finished. They all seemed anxious to register and were perfectly willing to do what ever possible to help the govern ment. Hupt. Myers reports that 65 were registered in a very short time most of them reporting at his ofllce in l'rlnevllle. This will help materially In the question of shortage of luhor during hurvest time. w. i. s. DR. F. II. DAY Specialist eyea and nerves Prlneville Hotel 24 STHAYKI) ' OR STOLEN- 0nT2-yeiir-old brown filly, branded 16 with bur under on left stifle, white on both hind feet. A re wurd of $20.00 will be paid for Information lending to recovery of this animal. Disappeared at same time, one smiill brown gelding, branded 69, star In face, and inane roached. Send any infor mation to Sheriff's ofllce at Prine Vllle, Oregon. 29t?c REVIEW Our list of Seasonable Merchandise, then enlist the service of your requirements for the spring campaign. Bulk and Package Garden Seed, Flower Seed, Sweet Peat in bulk, Kentucky Blue Grass, Timothy Seed, Red Top, Red and White Clover. Baby Chick Food, Scratch Food, Eastern Oyster Shell, Clam Shell, Ground Bone, Beef Scraps, Chicken Grit, Oil Meal and Glass Nest Eggs. Steel Garden Hoes, Garden Rakes, Trowels, Spading Forks, Shovels, Spades, Mattocks, Grub Hoes, Handles, Rubber Hose and Accessories. Squirrel Poison, Instant Louse Killer, Dr. Hess' Stock Food, Hess' Egg Maker, Hess' Dip and Disinfectant, quarts, halves and gallons, Blue Stone and Sheep tj Paint Van Brunt Grain Drills in vari ous sizes, John Deere Riding Plows, 14 and 16 inch, Steel and Cast Walking Plows and Shovel Plows for Irrigating. Spring Tooth Harrows, Peg Tooth Lever Harrows, 50, 60, 75 and 90 Tooth, Garden Cultiva tors, 5 and 7 Tooth, Drag Scrap ers, Farm Trucks, Barbed Wire. Single Trees, Double Trees, Neck Yokes, Plow Clevises, Log Chains, Stay Chains, Stretcher Chains, Passing Link Chains and Rope. Owing to continual advances on Farm Implements we are unable to name prices that we can guar antee for a definite period. Write or call for quotations for immediate acceptance. GROCERIES We have a large stock of Fresh Groceries, considerable of which was pur chased below the present market In accordance with the ruling of the Food Administration, we are selling many items in Groceries on a basis of actual cost and not on a basis of their present market value. O. C. CLAYPOOL & CO. Gbsn EgiSE My Entire Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Stoves, Paints, Farm Machinery and Wagons. mess owP To Be Thrown on the Market and Sold as Quickly as Possible. This Splendid Stock MUST BE CLOSED OUT AT ONCE rices Prevail Now Is Your Opportuni ty Sal STORE CLOSED ALL DAY TUESDAY, JUNE 4TH e Begins Wednesday, June 5 IM "I I llllMlM.lllllTH I Wire Fence and Fencing Only Reserved. Store for Rent, Fixtures for Sale . iiiii wmmmmmmmmmm jfl IF IT IT T T lIPIIIIiillUIHiiHIilR niiiii ibiuiw ff if Ii El II it inn iiiiu illinium iiiiiinii 11 U ii M 1 II I VI nillUIII IBIIIIiBIIIIIIIIIIIIIBII !IIIIIIIIBB J r ft Jk II Jk Jl A i frJ w L y T' A. I. NS OiiiiNiiinnminRinitiiiiiiniiiuiiniiiinmiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiriiiiiitiits; ;uir m