MAY 111). luiH CROOK COUNTY JOIRXAL PAGE .1 one cent a word! CLASSIFIED AD ECTIOH EVERY WEEK Prwt l A4 Mini Aamapaar Cmpr Vmim ASttrtiaar hu Mvathlr Aecetat. lUria ItUra to Tka Joarul, Prianlll. Onm I MM not. - ... Foil HALE FOR KALE -i sows, 1 with llllur ot 7 plus; iiIhii Hhi'iihcnl in ipl-M. First hiiiiHn wi-Ht of Lower McKay school hiitiHi'. 2UHp WORK MAIlK For huIii. inquire at HI IIoIk feed burn. 2HiZv FUK HAI.K Two youig pure bred Duron stiws, with litters of six r'K" eui'll, pig Wean. I'rli'H I!U lers. Mrs. Thos, vllle, Ori'Kon. old enough (o mil with lit Hharp, Prlno 2712c FOR BALE - Team of young mules. bIhii liuriifHM uud hack, linn Fox, City. 2iltr.c 8KEI) OATH- Early llurrt. Muniuls and (iulKultm wheut at the Itcd loiid Warehouse, Redmond, Ore gon. Northern Urn In & Ware house Co. 2 Hit HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT Kor sale or trade. A del rem M. L. T. cure the Journal for full purtliuliiis. l&tfc KOR 8 ALE Seed wtioat. Spring and full vurletlos. Redmond Lumber & Produce Co., Redmond, Oregon. ltfc roil SALE New Zealand red rah kils, young mid mutured stock. Calls on or write me your wants. Mrs. K. A. Dut import, rrluevlllu, Oregon. 2iHc MARQUIS WHEAT A small amount of clean sed, for sale at $2.00. Address Ilox 38, or In quire st Journal olllce. 22tfc KOR SALE One dicHncr, extension table, one huter, one range, bed couch, book case nnd other stnall cr articles. See Mrs. Blanche Pol kird. No phone. 271 Ip HOTEL FOR BALE Trade or rent. Located at good country point. Now running and doing good kusluciis. Good terms. Address " " " " Important Notice 1 4 COUXETT & COMPANY COLLINS W. ELKINS THE V. F. KING CO. O. O. CLAYPOOL & CO. ROSS It. ROBINSON II. D. STILL W. J. HUGHES T. J. MINCER JORDAN & HYDE mi 11 Read 1 hi i,imili,iliiilll illlllllliilllfjillilliilUillilMli "Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but she does Moral: Showhe public. Thos. B. Wilson lintel, euro Journal, I'rliievllle, Oregon, 25t4p jKKKI) RYE -At the HodmondWaro ' house Company, Redmond, Ore gon. 2",lfc FOR BKXT KOH RENT B room house, close In. Se I). II. Peoples. 28lf; FOR RENT A new piano." M per month. Write 1. O. Ho 206. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN On Improved reul cKtute. Lake M. Becbtell, Crook County Bank Building, City. Stfc I2&00 To loan on Improved alfalfa farm near Prlnevllle on Ocboco or Crooked River. A. R. Bow man. 26tfc t'HIROPRAf TORH DR. D. 0. REMPEL Chiropractor Rooms 4 and 6, Kamstra Bldg lltfc - KHTHAVKD ESTRAYED A red steer came to my pluce several months ago, branded E on left hip, left ear undercut. Owner can have same by proving property and paying costs. Thos. Sharp Jr., Prlnevllle, Oregon. 24tfc STRAYED From T. S. Barnes ranch, March tith, durk bay sad dle horse branded CC on right stlflo, weight about 1060 pounds. Roman nose. Notify me at T. 8. iiarnes ranch by mull. Reuben nurnurd, owner. 22t3p ESTRAYED A cow, branded SN on left blp, and with mark In right car, October calf following. Is in my pasture and has been for some time. Is about 8 years old, PEKHONAli THE LITTLE VANITY 8HOP Mrs Omar C. Clnypool. Face and Scalp (t,;5i,1;it,ii.iiiliii,' sfcsaii To The Public: Wo are In receipt of advice from wholesale houses calling our attention to changes In the terms of credit which will be effective Juno 1st, 1918. We are advised that war conditions have so effected the cost nnd production of merchandise that It Is no longer possible for wholesale houses to get the usual credit from manufacturers, therefore thy have found It necessary to shorten their terms of credit to the retail merchant to ton, fifteen and thirty days time, owing to the class of merchandise purchased. The same letter Informs us "The Government has requested everyone to eliminate nil long time credits and to get down as fur as possible to a csbIi, or not to exceed a 30 day settlement basis." This radical change In the torms of credit, brought on by conditions over which wa have no control and for which we are not responsible, have lessened our ability to carry accounts In the future as we have In the past, therefore we find it necessary to shorten our torms of credit to conform with the terms glvon us by thoso from whom we buy our merchandise. Commencing June 1st, 1918, our terms -will bo SO days only on charge accounts. All merchandise accounts contracted for during the month of June will be due and payable July 1st, and all merchandise accounts contracted for each month thereafter will bo due and payable on, the first of each month following. Wholesale houses will not deviate from the terms they have speclfled and demand that we adhere to them strictly. This, in turn, compels us to adopt the same policy, and we assure you that your co-oporatlon In the mattor will not only be appreciated by retail doalors, but will also be appreciated by the United States Government. Yours Respectfully, 11. It. LA KIN MRS. I. MICHEL J. E. STEWART CO. FRI NEVILLE DRUG CO. INLAND AUTO COMPANY Ity II. Ross, Manager I. P. ADAMSON & CO. TRINEVILLE MEAT MARKET J. W. 1IORIGAN 2E! This Carefully l! Specialist. Hair Dressing, Sham pooing, Manicuring and Child's Hair Bobbing. Solo agent for Muurltte Toilet Requisites. Dia mond quality balr switches. All kinds of balr goods made to spe cial order. Combings used. lOtfc III 1)8 WANTED BIDS WANTED To build five miles of four-wire fence. For partlcu . lars cull on or write H. D. Dun ham, Post, Oregon. 24t2p PHYKH1A.V BELKNAP A EDWARDS Chairs. Edwards. H. P. Belknap, Physl cluns. Surgeons and Oculists. Prlnevllle, Oregon. DR. J. T. FOX Physician and Sur geon. Office hours: 10-12 and 2-4. Cornett Building, Room 12. At other times and at night ring up Phone, Red 871, Prlnevllle, Oregon. DENTISTS DR. MICHAEL C. 8ULT Dentist. Successor to Dr. I. H. Cove. Office over Crook County Bank. DR. H. O. DAVIS Dentist. New modern shop, in Kamstra Build ing. OPTICIAN DR. J. 0. TURNER Eye Specialist from Portland; regular monthly visits to Prlnevllle; watch this paper for dates. ICtfc OPHTHALMOLOGIST DR. F. H. DAY Physician, ophthal mologist, neurologist. Specialist ot eyes and nerves. Glasses fitted. Hours: 9 to 11:30 a. m.; 1:30 to 6 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Prlnevllle Hotel, Prlnevllle, Ore. ATTORNEYS M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law. Court House St.. Prlnevllle, Ore. liaiiatiiUiiJiM:afli:iiitiiii;LBtiiiiiuiiiiiiii! WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At-1 torney. Ofnc in Crook County Bauk Building, Prineville, Or. LAKE U. BECIITELL- Lawyer. United States Commissioner, Crook County Bank Building, Prlnerllle, Oregon. AIIHTRACTOKM CROOK COUNTY AB3TRACT CO. Incorporated, D. H. Peoplea, prea idffit, J. B. Bell, secretary. Ab streets and Iuaurance. Prinevlili Oregon. MIHrRLLAXEOCH LOST, THREE HORSES One brown mare, fhre white P-i's, white strip In the face, shod, and has halter on, branded "?" with half circle above. One black geld ing, saddle marked, gentle to handle, branded "rocking chair"; one brown mure, heavy with foal. Notify Pat Angland, care Dan Horlgan, Powell Butte, Oregon, and receive 825 reward. 27t4p O. P. IIOKF, republican, for Htate Tr-HMurer, Read the Political Puzzle, aeg 20-127, election pamphlet. (I'd. ) A't) j SCALE BOOKS Neatly printed and bound. Send 8100 to the Journal and one will be mailed you, postage paid. 2tfc THE BIG TIN B A RN The place where your horse gets all he wants to eat. Phone Black 951. 29t3p NOTICE If the person who took the writing desk from the Sontag barn will leave the same with Geo. Stevens at the 2nd Hand Store, no questions will be asked, and you will confer a favor on the owner. FOR MEN AND WOMEN Manicur ing, Shampooing, Face and Scalp Treatments. Shop opens 8:30 a. m.: Closes at fi n. m Other hnnra aranged for by special appoint-j ment. Phone Red 771. The! Little Vanity Shop. 2 ltfc part Jersey and part-Holstein, ! white and brown spots. Owner i can have same by proving proper- j ty and paying costs. C. J. John- j son. City. 20tfc WARNING To all whom it may i concern, I hereby caution against I purchasing certain promissory I notes given to H. E. Cross and j Marion Mayfield, of Prineville, . Crook County. Oregon, no - value having ever been received for ' "s GOVERNOR REVOKED P.UIOLE William and V. M. Robertson, who were sent to the penitentiary in May, 1913, for horse stealing and paroled by the Governor, were ac cused of horse stealing again, and their parole has been revoked. William Robertson was arrested on the high desert last week by Sheriff Knox and Willard Wirtz. V. M. Robertson has not been oppre hended yet but it is thought that he Is somewhere in Sherman county. They were Bent up for from 1 to 10 yearB and had only served one. POWELL BUTTE -MUCH TO WIN POWELL BUTTE NEWS (By our Regular Correspondent) Mrs. Van Doren was a visitor in Prineville last week on business for the Powell Butte Red Crt)ss. Wallace Smith and family motored over to the Ochoco to look after their laud in that section, Saturday. E. A. Bussett and Miss Fay Bus sett were business visitors to the county seat last week. Mrs. E. A. Bussett has been quite 111 the past week with la grippe. A large number of ladies are knit ting for the Red Cross apd many new ones have asked for yarn and are anxious to knit socks. Among them are the following: Mrs. Geo. Shobert, Mrs. Skeen, Mrs. Martha Foster, Mrs. Pauls, Mrs. Frank Rice, Mrs. Frank Kissler, Mrs., Carl Lind quist, Grandma Spray and others. The Community Association will give another of their popular dances on Friday night of this week. The Red Cross will sell two turkeys at that time also. Mrs. E. H. Stewart will leave Sat urday for a visit with Hood River friends. She will be away about two weeks. Mrs. Pat Angland and children visited Mrs. C. M. Charlton on Sun day last. Miss Jessie Hartley closed a very successful term of school at the new school house at Powell Butte, re cently. Miss Hartley has done a fine work with the pupils in the regular routine ot school work and has found 'time to do a large amount suld notes. Dwlght Roberts, Cul ver. Oregon. 22tfc SCRATCH Different size and quality of paper. Just the thing for your desk or pocket for sale at Tbe Journal office. .NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that tbe ordinance prohibiting chickens run ning at large will be enforced froui this date, March 28, 1918. J. H. GRAY, Marshal. WANTED To hire 40 acres cleared and plowed. Will gUe good price per acre. Will furnitb rail. Mrs. Cittings, Post, Oru'on. 2!t3p THE CHEERF1 CHERUB How rtpidly I move through lire! Behind m txd vec,rs tre struncJ . No matter thou$k How old 1 tfet I never finish feeling yoan. r , 'ft DR. TACKMAN DENTIST Room 2 Cornett Building Member of Preparedness Leugue of American Dentists All soldiers work done free s v 1 ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST be paid for when order and copy is given. One cent for each word each week is the rate. Figure it out yourself. REMEMBER, CASH WITH COPY of work in the way of entertain ments to raise money besides. She had one social netting the school $80.00 with which they purchased Borne new school furniture and a new picture, raising the school to the standard. She also turned in to the Crook County Red Cross Chapter $50.00 from another social. Besides all this her school has sold $453 R. V. RANDALL GARAGE Cars for Hire. Automobiles repaired, Fords mended. ' . . Phone Black 171 for SERVICE CAR Red Juniper Pine and Slab Wood CAMPBELL & WARNER PRINEVILLE, OREGON CLEAN VP rRF.MI.SE8 All property owners and occa pants are notified to clean up their premises and the streets and alleys adjoining to the center lines. 26t2c J. H. CRAY, Marshal. DR. F. H. DAY Specialist-eyes and nerves Prlnevllle Hotel 24 I Good ressers Always seek Individu ality in their clothes. This can only be ob tained In garments that are actually made for you to suit your own requirements. J. A. GILLIS Your Tailor worth of War Savings Stamps. W are informed further that this was the only rural school in Crook coun ty doing Junior Red Cross work, they having turned in 2000 gun wipes that the children have cut on Friday afternoons. Such teachers as Miss Hartley are worth far more to a school district than she is paid in dollars and cents. CONTRACT your winters' wood now while the roads are good. Wood always on hand for immediate de livery. BLACK 271 IP