Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 23, 1918, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    Mv at, mia
turning to hit work there on Tues
day. Hoy Douglas wont to the Junipers
Sunday after a loud of freight fur
the G. t. ranch.
Si mi Icy Balfour and Gabriel He- i
tonty wore pMwtenKer on the Hear
Crpek staife, Tuesday. Mr. Hctonty i
made final proof on his homestead '
near Kotyal this week.
w. t. a.
(lly our Regular Correspondent.)
(By our Regular Correspondent)
Hrx Sale at Suplee Fiirnl-lic
Animal For Arm liamli
Sold at IS I UO
(By our Regular Correspondent)
Captain Von Studo. whu Is IniNinR
j horses for the government, hoiiKht
i "9 head al George Seuecal a corrals
It. I.. Del.appe and wife made a
trip to Uedmond hist week.
A very warm and pleasant rain j . . nine, stamp i-ne.r. e..,-.-
visited these parts last Tuesday and lm Hro., U. E. Carson and Miner
Wednesday, that brought a liappy j Ancell, all of Inee, brought horses
smile to the faces of the farmers. over to the sale Thursday.
Harry Uarnes and his mother re- Oren C. Mills, of Paulina, was a
turned from Albany last week. Suplee visitor Thursday.
J. K. Whittaker and family have J. H. Schwarzer, of Hear Creek,
moved to Hampton Butte from the brought some horses to the sale
"S6" ranch where they have been Thursday.
all winter lr8- Lou' Miller sold her Coffee
Miss Marjory Tackman attended a Creek ranch to 1. M. Milla last week,
party at the "G. I." ranch last week. The consideration waa J 1,40.00. ,
Ira Cox and Chas. George are Mr. A. J.Washburu has gone to
planting potatoes this week. Portland for a short visit.
Bert Demaris and Chas. Birdsong Suplee enjoyed a snow and rain
are dragging sage. storm last week, and the fanners
W. L. Seeds and F. H. Watson Bre wearing a smile, now.
have completed two new bridge for j .,jn,a I.ytle, Floyd Senecal and
the county and are doing other nec-j Vpra Smjth tm,k t(le gth Kril,, vx.
csaary work ou the roads. lamination last Thursday and Friday.
Walter Fallen, of Hampton Buttes j r,M,,. Hrishius. of Izee, was a
uibhts on the creek . Su,, visitor last week,
riding fur hors.s. i ... - .. ,..,,, ,,.,.,
; very successful term of school in the
' Suplee district. Friday. She will
leave In a few days for the Fast to
! attend college this summer. She will
Miss Ine Short, who has sneut ' be Kr.v n,issl1 h' ,h,) P0Ol,k' of
,h u i...r , the b.m.e of her uncle. tllis lart of the "ty.
s. s.-
(Bv our Regular Correspondent.) '
Chas. Sherman, will leave Saturday
for her home at Silver Creek, Wn.
She will be greatly missed from
Ibis community. Calvin Sherman
will accompany her home.
Carl Pa use h has gone to Bend to
Mrs. Addie Swigert, of Mossy
rock. Wn., is visiting her son, Huey.
Edgar Powell made a business
trip to Fife the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hall and
children have returned to their
home after spending the winter in
Gabriel Botundi has returned
borne from Prineville.
Ray Howell left Monday to visit
his parents in San Francisco. He
expects to enlist with the Marines.
Huey Swigert, who has been ill
with spotted fever, returned home
last week from the Burns Hospital.
w. s. s.
By our Regular Correspondent)
The I.ytle family visited Grandma
Pitts last Sunday.
w. s. a.
tBy our Regular Correspondent)
(-Claud Wilson and Gid Perkins
-were Fife visitors Saturday and
John King was over from Glass
Buttes, Saturday.
A three days rain this week has
heen very encouraging to farmers ! Hansen spent Thursday evening with
and stockmen in this locality. Grain ' Mr. and Mrs. Gunter.
is coming on finely and grass on the I Mr. and Mrs. N'ewsom entertained
range is sliowing decided improve-, in honor of Miss Hansen, Wednes
ment day night.
Orval Hayes and Esther Burmas
ter are home from high school.
Addie Miller was down from the
homestead a few days the last of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond have rela
tives visiting them from Athena.
j Mrs. C. E. Ream and son, of Su
plee, visited her parents, Ir. and
I Mr. Henry Brummer, the first of
' the week.
I Mr. Burmaster was a Prineville
visitor Saturday.
j Mr. and Mrs. Hayes made a trip
to their new ranch near Bend the
. last of the week.
E. B. Knox and family and Mrs.
i Groff were out Friday to visit the
; Misses Knox.
J C. R. Henry was called home Sat
' urday to see Mrs. Henry who has
been quite sick.
Jack McMillan, of Wasco, is vlsit
: ing friends here this week.
Mrs. Robert Demaris spent Friday
j with Mrs. Burmaster.
Mr. and Mrs. Norton and Miss
Terrebonne I on tho nmi hwvlni
.J . I.. I ....I ft....... !
IHIlueu one iiii'iiai mm mm uim,'
second places on the track last Sat
urday at the Trl County Field Meet.
Velum Mat-key quite, outdistanced all
the others of IHvlslon I in lite decla
mation contest.
A reception was given Tuesday
evening In honor of Leonard McFad
den who is homo on a furlough
from Camp Lewis.
Mr and Mrs. Vivian lVstter spent
Sunday with Mr. Potter's parents
on the ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Linkers, Mr.
and Mrs. It. E. Nichols and Mrs.
Graves are attending Kebokah As
sembly al Seaside this week.
Mrs. Harvey Galea, who has been
taking treatment al Kedinond for
some time returned homo Tuesday
Paul Williams left Sunday even
ing for the shipyards in Portland.
beta MeFnddon went to Bend,
Sunday, to spend the summer with
her sister.
Mrs. W. O. Ralston returned to
Sheridan, Monday to help rare for
her father who has been III for some,
The following article have been
completed by the Junior Red Cross
of the Terrebonne School during the
past year:
First to Fifth grades: fionn gun
wipes. 12 ambulance pillows, :! dog
en kitchen holders. : '.j dozen knit
ted wash cloths. :' doen handker
chief, IT kniiteii s'piarci. "I cm
fort l,!:s. 9 pairs bed socks.
Six'h to Ninth grades: 1 "i knitted
squares, i; comfort kits. 12 shoulder
wraps, ."." wa-di cloths, 4 sweaters,
3 pairs gunners' mils. IS pairs baby
Boys of the nnniinl training class:
10 coat hunger. : regulation sue
.2x3 It t packing boxes.
Some of this material has been
sent to personal friends, some to
Camp Lewis and the rest turned In
to the Bend chapter.
w. s. .
I. M. Mill was a business visitor
In tho city last week-end from
Paulina. j
Farmer Powell returned to Prine
ville, Tuestlay, after spending sever
al day in Portland.
Mr. and Mr. J. Johnson and
family will leave tomorrow for their
summer ranch on the liesehute.
John Combs left today for Bolso,
Idaho, lit! will make the trip by
unto and will bo gone several weeks
Mrs. J. O. Powell left yesterday
for The I tulle where she will visil
lo r (laughter. Mis. Calhrailh, mid
John II. Lewis, slate engineer,
and Will II, Bennett, of Salem, were
busines visitors in the city Heveialj
days this week.
Mr. Barrel!, traveling salesman
for the Ford Motor Company, was In
I'linevllle a few days ago and while
hero sold a Sedan to lr. May.
Frank Broslus arrived homo last
night from Fort Columbia. Ho was
called hero because of the serious
Illness of his mother, Mrs. F. K.
Oscar Payne, who has been spend
ing the winter with his brother at
lleppin r arrived home last week, lie
savs lie Is very glad to get back to
We have just received several
cars of Stock Salt and will dis
pose of same at
Salt is at Redmond Ware
house, Redmond, Ore. Phone
or write.
Norlhern Grain & Warehouse Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Post enter
:tained at dinner Friday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Norton, Mrs. Newsom,
Mrs. Stover, Miss Hansen, Dug
The dance at Buck Creek Hall,
Monday night was well attended
..and all report an enjoyable time.
-Jnn Dixon, Seth Dixon and wife,
and Miss Marjory Tackman were j Smead and Mrs. Nora Smead.
guests at the Stuart home Monday j Miss Hansen closed a very buc-
and Tuesday. cessful term of school Friday and
Burch DeLappe and wife, and j took the train at Bend, Sunday
TAti. Washburn, of Suplee, spent i evening for her home In Gresham.
.Saturday night at Buck Creek. i She was accompanied to Bend, Sun
Bruce Balfour and wife returned j day morning by Mr. and Mrs. Stover,
Monday from their visit to The ; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, Mr. and
Dalles. I Mrs. Norton and Will Post. All
Johnnie McEachern came home . spent the day on the Deschutes as
from Bend for a few days' viBit, re- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ward
I: i n
Pine and
winters' wood now
while the roads are
good. Wood always on
hand for immediate delivery.
Hocks From lllust Strike Man Seven
Hundred Feel Away
Mr. Anderson, who Is foreman of
construction at the Ochoco dam, was
seriously injured Saturday afternoon
when he was hit by rocks from a
blast set off seven hundred fuel
away from the place where ho was
His jaw was broken In several
places and he received several minor
bruises and was unconscious forty-
eight hours.
' w. s. s.
I Powell, who has been attend
inn the liiiversity of Washington,
has enlisted and ill aleml the (if
Cuers Training Camp al the Presidio,
San Fraiuisi i).
A farewell bridge party was given
for Mrs. M. C. Suit at the home of
Mrs. Frank Fosti r last evening, by
the Monday night Bridge (iuh with
.Mrs. Hippey as hostess. Miss Stella
Hodges received the high score.
w. s. s.
.Masterpiece Will Ite Shown Hi the
I. trie, Friday anil Saturday
Harry Keiinitrd Receives Find Letter
Here t arried by Aerial Service
Harry Kennard received a letter
Monday which waB carried by the
first aerial service from New York
to Washington, D. C. This was one
of 6000 letters which made up the
first mail ever delivered In the Unit
ed States In this manner.
There is a 24 cent stamp on the
letter with an aeroplane stamped on
ft, and It is to be delivered Immed
iately upon arrival.
w. b. 8.
Eighth grade final examinations
have been held throughout the coun
ty during the past week. The pa
pers are being graded at the office
of Supt. Myers this week and will
not be finished for a few days.
The following students passed In'
District No. 1: Evelyn Hyde, Helon
Morris, Roland Stearns, and Adria
Yancey. Several were conditioned
on 'grammar. The grammar examin
ation was reported to have been
unusually dicult.
-w. 8. 8.-
Walter Purdue Died "Somewhere In
France Recently
Mrs. H. H. Rachor has JuBt re
ceived word of the death of her
brother, Walter Purdue, somewhere
In France. He was sixteen years old
when he enlisted in the navy two
years ago.
Walter Purdue visited In Prine
ville several years ago. He leaves
nine sisters and eight brothers.
-w. s. s.-
The Women's Council of Defense
will meet at the home of Mrs. H. P.
Belknap, Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock. All women are cordially
invited to be present.
Rev. Laslette will give a njiort
talk to the women on the work that
is being accomplished by the
Women's Council of Defense.
: W. B. 8.
Tradition whispers that In the sky
Is a bird, blue as tho sky Itself,
which brings to Its tinders happiness.
But everyone cannot sett It; for
mortal eyes are prone to be blinded '
by the glitter of wealth, fame ami i
position and deceived by the mock- j
ing will-o-the-wisp of empty honors. !
But for the fortunute ones who '
seek with open eyes and hearts and
simplicity and faith, to them the
blue bird lives and carols, a symbol
of happiness unto the end.
See Maefrlink's "Blue Bird" at
the Lyric, Friday and Saturday.
w. s. s.
Captain J. 11. Rosenberg Is ex
pected home Saturday on a short
furlough. He has been stationed at
New Orleans, La., for some time.
w. s. 8.
The theme for Sunday morning
sermon will be: "some MiBiaKes
Which Caused and Prolonged the
Civil War." The nuture of the
evening service will be announced at
the morning service.
T. H. Fertlg, pastor.
w. 8. 8.
A message Just received says that
the Powell Butte community went
over the top the first two days in
Red Cross donations. This was to
be expected as this community has
been among the first in all war ac
W. 8. 8.
Wrappings From Sticks of Dynamite
Found Neur Crooked River Bridge
The Crook County Journal will
bij published Wednesday of next
week because of the Memorial Day
exercises. Advertisers and others
should keep this fact in Tiu.-i.
Following a conference between
federal and county officials, it waB
decided that It would become neces
sary to take some precaution against
any possibility of the destruction oi
the Crooked River bridge which is
located Just above Trail Crossing.
This is the high steel railroad bridge
which spans the Crooked River can
yon. This was deemed necesary be
cause of its importance in shipping
facilities for Central Oregon.
It has been reported that the
wrappings from sticks of dynamite
had been found neur the. bridge.
The Deschutes County Home Guards
are on duty there.
w. 8. b.
Oatmeal Muffins
2 cups oatmeal or oat flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
14 teaspoon soda
1-3 to cup raisins
1 egg beaten
1 tablespoon fat
.2 tablespoons dark corn sirup
1 cup clabbered milk
Mix as any muffin, adding milk
last. Bake.
WANTED To hire 40 acres cleared
and plowed. Will give good price
per acre. Will furnish rail. Mrs.
Gittings, Post, Oregon. 28tSp
WMBMiliiBMMBdlAjaj MbbWmAmLi
'AND YOU will find u
ready to take rare of your
wants with the Phoenix
Line of highest grade
Paints. A large stock of
Pure White Lead, Linseed OiU,
Varnishes and Stains. Take a
color card home. You will be sur
prised at some of the new gleaning
shades. Don't you think your house
needs a new coat? Look it over.
Doors, Windows, Roofing and
Building Papers. Glass cut to fit
almost any size sash.
Two City Deliveries sach day. Tel
ephone and mail orders are given
prompt attention.
Lakin Hardware
"Where it pays to trade
Extermination of Sage Rats and Goph
ers now, will help to insure bigger and
better crops. Three kinds in stock
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Confectionery, Ice Cream, Cigars
and Tobacco. Agent for the Ore
gonian. First door noith of Lyric