Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 18, 1918, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    APRIL 18, 1918
Mm. I,. M M MliT was a hiiMiinii
visitor In Prliiovlllo th Hi mi nt tli"
Week from I'uullnu.
Mr. mill Mr. 1,1 J. Ogdi'ii with In
the rll y Monday from (heir ranch on
lower Crooked lllvor.
Olio IIiiiiiiiIit whh u IiiihIiu hh vis
itor In lh i'lly Saturday from IiIn
ranch on Mill Creek,
Mr. II. W. Cnrlln mul daughter,
Mm. Kvn Null, with In I ho city Hat
urduy from Roberts. I
HnllHT ItoM, of III" ItoHM DollKlllMi
Motor Cotiiimny, wus a business vis
itor In Hi ml T u'-mliiy. I
Ralph II. Hcnecloch, of I'orlliinil,
win n IhphIii" vlHllor In Prlnovllle
scvcrul duyit thin week,
George It ii Hurl I relumed Friday .
from Portland where tin Inn been I
for tllH past two Weeks. '
Judge A. W. lioyeo mul wife, of,
Madras, with In Prlnevlllo last
week-end visiting relatives.
1. K. I In vik-m wan a business vis
Itor In Prltievllle. Hiitiinliiy, from IiIb
runrh on the upper Oihoio.
Wuii'iiii Jones, nf Colvillo, Wash.,
whh visiting Iot unfit', V;mt"ii
Jlrown, a few days tills week.
Mm. Aimiii l-T4t t lift I a tit nU'ht
for I'ortlaiul where she wan called
because of tll llllH HH of tll( !
nun of litT (laughter, Mid. II. I.
Barcley on a corset
nicmot the auitie tit alcrlliiK on a
plwe of HllnTiir. Itnrcli-y
iik'uiiii mIitIIiik quality.
I'rlnrivtllo, Oregon.
New Dresses
just arived at the
Some with bustle
There's a dress for
Alterations Free
Mm. Tlii'o. MliiK'T enltirtuliU'il tlm
Miimliiy Night HrldK" Club. Mm. M.
('. Hull received the high worn.
It. It. Price price purcliuscd KU
an. fnun tin Oregon nod Western
ColotiUiilloii Company tlii week.
Mr. mid Mm. Kumoti Cute, of
Culvi-r, were In th city Hundiiy vls
It I ii k Mra. Calf's mother, Mm. J. II.
Warren Ilrown returned Hut unlay
morning fnun 1'orllnud, Hulcm und
oilier vall-y points where In; liud
been for ti'ii duyi.
0"oiK I). Genu mid Mm. Uchh H.
McMillan worn married In Portland
April 16. Mm. (Ji'iin formerly re
sided in I'rliKivllln.
Mm Hum ( i i I'Hhii in. of Mitchell, U
In the city uikIit tin' care of Dr. V.
(ii'Hiior. Mm. (iri'Klium li it h been III
for several months.
Homer Norton, a miTflimit of
Pout, wuii a business visitor In Prlne
vlllo Friday, und attended tlm Com
mercial Club luncheon,
Ilerl I.. Hlvyt-r, of Hpokalio, WuhIi.,
whh a vlMltor In tlm flly yesterday.
Mr. Klvyt-r la secretary of Hie Ds
(Iiiiich PowtT Company.
(dm A. Ila.i-l and Miss Kllul M.
I'lnlpH with married In Portland,
April 17. Mra. Ilnzil recently spent
a few tountliK In Prlni'Vlll".
Jainea Tonoy bus disposed of IiIh
lul u-ruin III tile tai:e lino and will
li foreman fur Herbert Angell on
tln Dixon ranch m ar Humes.
Tlm Hard Tlinea social given by
the Christian Kndenvor of the
Christian Chureh, Saturday evening
waa atleii'leil by a large crowd.
i Mr, hoi Mm. W. M. Greer left
Tueaduy for rortlnnd. Mr. Greer
will return in a few daya, but Mra.
, Greer will reimiln for a abort time.
j Mra. Ross Kohliiaon and son,
I Allen, left yesterday for Kiigcne,
j where they will vlalt for aevernl
' weeks at tho homo of Mra. Robin
son's hIhIct, Mm. Ormond lleitu.
Mra. J. A. Wilcox, wife of the well
known Iteilmoml attnniey JmU'e
W'llrnx, puHHi'd away in Itedmond,
TiieHilay. Funernl aervlceH will be
held In Ki' thla ufleniinm.
Hev. K. C. Lualette will comlmt
aervlfts ut thu Oihoio Ham next
Sunday ut 2:30. Speilal niualc baa
boon nrritiiKed and another lot of
inoil llUTature will bo dlHlributed
to the tnen. '
Kritiik Jobiianti and II. A. Kelly
aro apendiiiK a few days lu the
Piiiiltna country tliia week, auivey
i ii K aoinu In nil reieiitly purchitaod
i from the OrcKOti and WeBlcr Colonl
allon CnmpHiiy.
Mr. and Mis. W. A. Hlomgren and
' dutiKhtf r Vlrxlnlu will leuvu thla
afternoon for their lioma at lloiK",
Idaho. Mr. BloniRren has been rm-
; ployed for anveral nionthii in the
drafting room of the Orhoro Irrlgtt-
t tion olllft'S.
(ieoiKf Kaler returned IllHt nlnht
from Portland.
j Mr. mid Mm. Kdward MeKarland
are In the city today from Paulina.
j Dr. Vun Wutem, of the Kplwopal
i I'lmri li, will iireach at tin? l.yric
theatre next Sunday at 11 a. m.
U. N. Nolter, dial rift plunt elil'f,
waa In the city yeaturiluy on biiHl
lieaa with the DoHfhutca
Power Co.
Seven ladlea were Kueata at a
luncheon yuaterduy at tlm homo of
Mm. II. P. Helkuap. The gueale
were the ludiea who new ut the table
which la aupervlaed by Mm. M.i K.
Ilrlnk at the Red Croaa roonia.
You and yours are very cordially
Invited to the convention at the
ItuptlHt Church, Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday, April 30-May2.
A atrotiK program haw been arranged
and Dr. Waldo, of Portland, and
other noleil spiukem will be here.
Tho sessions are open to all the
citizens of Prlnevllle and commun
ity. w. a. s.
A vigorous sprint; offensive against,
anno nils und jack rabbits fa being
Wiwd by thts farm rs of Crook and
Deschutes Counties In cooperation
with County Agricultural Agent
Wurd. During tlm past week, 10(11)
quarts of sage rut poison have been
mixed and strychnine siilliileiit for
201)0 quarts more Ih being mixed up
by vitrioua community clubs. The
cuaualty llHt on one farm near Red
mond reports all biiko rata on eighty
uirea have been killed but six.
The Deschutes County Court is
preparing to furnish tho County
Agent with 100 ounces more of
strychnine. The success of this
plan of community poisoning hi:s
resulted In uiiiuy Crook County
farmers requesting their court to do
i likewise anil in the near future It Is
expected that Crook County will
also have a supply of strychnine
that will he prepared In the proper
manner by the County Acent. The
Powell Diitto Club met on April 11
with the County Agent for the pur-
, pose of mixing up :;00 quarts of
i squirrel poison and eonimenf lug the
sprint? drive. S. ;D. Mustard .; it
Powell It ut t.c. holds tho record for
; huge kills. With a two-pound to
i tniito fur) full of poison mixed by
Mr. Ward last spring, he killed and
picked up 98 sage rats. The dam
age done to range grasses and crops
by these pests amounts to many
i thousands of dollars annually in
Crook and Deschutes Counties.
w. a. s.
Our list of Seasonable Merchandise, then
enlist the service of your requirements
for the spring campaign.
Bulk and Package Garden Seed,
Flower Seed, Sweet Pea in
bulk, Kentucky Blue Grass,
Timothy Seed, Red Top, Red
and White Clover.
Baby Chick Food, Scratch Food,
Eastern Oyster Shell, Clam
Shell, Ground Bone, Beef
Scraps, Chicken Grit, Oil Meal
and Glass Nest Eggs.
Steel Garden Hoes, Garden
Rakes, Trowels, Spading Forks,
Shovels, Spades, Mattocks, Grub
Hoes, Handles, Rubber Hose
and Accessories.
Squirrel Poison, Instant Louse
Killer, Dr. Hess' Stock Food,
Hess' Egg Maker, Hess' Dip and
Disinfectant, quarts, halves and
gallons, Blue Stone and Sheep
Van Brunt Grain Drills in vari
ous sizes, John Deere Riding
Plows, 14 and 16 inch, Steel and
Cast Walking Plows and Shovel
Plows for Irrigating.
Spring Tooth Harrows, Peg
Tooth Lever Harrows, 50, 60, 75
and 90 Tooth, Garden Cultiva
tors, 5 and 7 Tooth, Drag Scrap-
Farm Trucks, Barbed Wire.
Single Trees, Double Trees,
Neck Yokes, Plow Clevises, Log
Chains, Stay Chains, Stretcher
Chains, Passing Link Chains
and Rope.
Owing to continual advances on
Farm Implements we are unable
to name prices that we can guar
antee for a definite period.
Write or call for quotations for
immediate acceptance;
We have a large stock of Fresh Groceries, considerable of which was pur
chased below the present market. In accordance with the; ruling of the
Food Administration, we are selling many items in Groceries on a basis of
actual cost and not on a basis of their present market value.
I'M. I Al.
Untied by
Simitfwm fur
411 Ht'llin
V7 ' ' -
' . .. .... " . . - .tf '
i H - k
'. . -i ..... , l J.SltupMHl.,.
' t .' I 1
Who Is
L. J.
Ep-ijiii nwrniwiiiiii ' ii.i nu.ifi
i Mir. mitt- liVWMiAmhiiiiiWii'Za
for tho NOMINATION for
Primary, Frtiliiy, May 17, 11118
Born, September 1, 1 877.
Son of Ihe lute Capt. A. M. Simpson, pio
neer shipping and lumberman.
Educated at Mt. Tnmalpula Academy and
University of California.
Worked as a laborer In 1889, at $1.50 per
day, In the ship yards on Coos Bay, Ore.
Rose from the ranks to executive head of a
large lumber: and shipping industry, em
ploying ninny thousands of men.
, Started the town of North Bond In 1901.
Fostered comunlty progress, ' founded and
doveloped many enterprises. ' ' "
Muyor ot North Bend, 1902-1914.
Patriotic work In connection with Liberty
Loan, Rod Cross and War Stamp activities,
for : the lust twelve months; ;
His Executive Ability, his Business
Experience and his Constructive
Policies, DO make him :
. i" ...
Our services Sunday morning will
consist of a union sacramental cenr
ice with the Presbyteriun brethren
in our church. We shall ask Bro.
Vun Nuys to give an address on the
nature of this sacrament. We hope
to have special music for the oc
casion. Should Brother Van Nuys be
away from home Sunday evening
and the Presbyterian people desire
It, wo will hold a union service in
tho Presbyterian Church.
Young People's devotional service
at 7 o'clock, preaching at 8 o'clock.
The theme of the evening hour will
be: "The Trial of Jesus."
w. s. s. ,
Services Sunday, April 2t, at 11
and 8. Morning theme: "The Real
Drama of l.lfe in Three Acts" or
"Jonah, a type of tho Average
Christian." Evening subject: ."The
Message of Jesus to the Weak."
Bible School at 10. Young People's
meeting at 6:80. Bible Study Mon
day and Wednesday evenings at 8.
It you are r Btranger, come. If you
enjoy gospel preaching, come.
w. s. s.
I- -. : -'Wl,"r,.-iS.3
mti n h i ii-i Mr n .-.i
Jack Sather, of Bend, gave a din
ner party at the Hotel Prtneville,
Monday evening. The event was In
honor of tho birthday of Miss Zoe
Cornett. The tables were decorated
with ferns and carnations. Sixteen
guests were present.
: - w. s. s. . " '
There will be services at the
Christian Church beginning with
Bible School at. 10 a. m.. Preaching
at 11. Preaching In the evening at
8. Everyone welcome. Don't for
get the Men and. Millions movement.
w. s. s.
W. S. 8.
R. L..SclHe Reports Two Purcliuses
of O. I. D. Land
R. L. Schee sold 8ft acres of land
to Orvtlle I Davidson this week, also
80 acres t& Geo. J. Brown.
Both tracts are undJ; the Ochoco
Irrigation Project. -
Tslr. Turner, eye specialist of
'!'?" Portland will be at Hotel
Prinevillo again, Friday and Satur
day, April 26-27. Consult him.
REWARD A reward of Fifteen
Dollars-will be paid for informa
tion that will lead to the recovery I
of a small diamond ring, taken
by mistake from the Post office
here on March 3, 1918. Someone
knows where this ring is. Help
us get It and this money is yours.
W. H. Cyrus. , 23tlp
Price's Confectionery. Opening
April 20. Don't miss it. 23tlc
Just like money on interest Classified Ads work
while you sleep.
FOR SALE 360 fine-wool ewes
with lambs. C. W. Muma, Red
mond, Oregon. 23t2c
Tbt Journal nas tne largest sworn
circulation of any paper In Central
Cars for Hire. Automobiles
repaired, Fords mended.
Phone Black 171 for
1 -
Has' arrived, and will be on display for
the first time Saturday, April 20.
Don't Miss This Opening
Something new for Prineville