Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 18, 1918, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    APRIL 18, 1913
NVTICB Or BI.KCTION or roWKIX a4 waalerl. alrertlaa alone tlx e.nter Him
. of Ihs rhannel sf CnoM Hirer to lbs point
W.ill U herea, given that iiuntunt to "'"'""' ... ...,, A
a. onler of lha L;l, Uri 7 Crook k5,"T 1 -I.T lh ,,llawl,, "
iwniir, nuu uf Urreon. made and entered , ' V" k ., la
ub tii. itik A..-ii I4..M 'a Township 14 ru
will lie h.ld on Iko lllh der of Mar, I Ul H.
lor tl. purixiM of Helermli.lue whelhrr or
aul an Irrlaatlon dUlrkt ahall be
soar Ilia provlalone of hal'ter lr.7 of tlia
tienerel Lawa of Orea n fur II7; mill
trrte-allon dlatrlrt tu he known aa tha I'owell
Hallo Irrigation Olalrlrl, and the IxiundKrioa
f aald Irlaatuin dlatrlrt aa uVflmd and aa-
.'ri . !"! r' .Mn ZmZl,'. ran..
-folio.., '""""'""""'" '"-" in Tow.i.hlp It Houth. Ken. II East
, Wlllamrtls Meridian: All of Hartlon and
.!nnln In tha cantor of tha Channl of Hi NW'ii Wt, HK, Hi. MKV, Her. ill;
(.raoaad Hirer where tha mm lnl.oM-. la thai In Townahlp I Houlh. Kaiia-e 14 Ka.l
aarliun Una bi'twaan aertlone XI and 'i't, town- I Willamette Meridian i SW V, Mar. ; W,
Mouth. Nanae II Fait
W'llamatto Meridian i N N Hoe. Sift ;
NW NWV. liar, (in nJ, H",. flW, HW'4
Her. : and all thai part of tha Wi Htr.,
HK UK1-, Her. 21, Irlnl aouth of tlia rantar
Una of tha rhannal of (.'rooked Klvari
In Townahlp It Houlh, Kanae 14 Kaat I
HWU HK Mac. i UK'. HW Bac. It;
all that 00. lion of tha NWtt HK. Her. 14,
IriiK north and treat of Central Oregon Ir-
NW Hee. Il W'4, NW',, and H',4 Ka. . UM ;
All heme; in Crook Count,, Mate ol Ore.
That aald County Court In aald nrdi-r has
determined that one election prvtliKl la
aulfti i-nt for tlia eonrenlenre of tha elector
In aald pronoaed dlalrli'l, tha boundarlra of
aald election prerihel beitia Ilia aalna aa tha
boun'larloa of aald proposed Irrigation dle
trh'l, Tlia polla at aald election ahall ba opened
at tha hour of H o'clock in tha foramain and
rontlnua oprn until Ilia hour of I o'clock In
lha afternoon of tii itmr day, the data of
aitid election, and otht-rwlaa aald alartioo
ahall ba rondut-ted aa nearly aa practicable
in ereordenee with tha general alarllon iawa
of tlia Hlata uf Oleeon.
Tha elector In aald proposed Irrigation
dlalrirl ahall raat ballota at aald rlai-tion
whirh ahaii rontain tha worda 'Irriuation
lllilril-Ira". and "IrrlaalliMi lll.lrl.t No".
loaaia aaat on tha alataanth line lo inlrratv I or wo.da ruuivalrnt Ihrnto, a'ld ahall alart
iao wim aaai una 01 Bcuon 14 1 . at lama throa dlnaUira for aald dlatrlrt.
aoulh to aouthwaal n mi of aorta.n I" of That aald orh-r of aaid roun i.n.v.dVa that
tewnahlp It Mouth, ratia-a It Kaat ; thmra aaat 1 lha judi uf aald alartion ahall ha K. A.
a aoulh Una of aa. tum Ik ona-half milr to una , lluaaalt. (iaonia llohba and Malt Clbauith,
Utaanar rurnar i lhanra aouth ona-half nilla : and tha rlarka for aaid alarllon atiall ba U.
la trnlar of aai lUm 0. them-a viai on lha L Krutt, Inland Quu-y and C. B. gulnn.
ana-uuaiiar Una of Hail Ion II) to Ilia ranU-r I Thai tit. uollloa ola.a In aald .lll,,n
ai iwihih aa, lownanip la iwiuill, ana
ranaa 14 Kaat ; lhanra aouth on lha ono
auarur Una of aactlon it ona-half
uila ; thanro waat on aouth llna of
Horlkm z lo northwiait cornar uf Hrrtlun
U aald townahlp and ranva I lhanra
aoulh ona-fourih nilla lo ona-aialinth oorm
ahlp 14 Houlh, Kana. 14 Kaat. Crook Ciniiita.
Oiaauni lhanra aoulh on aald aartton Una lo
liar northaaal cornar of aarlion HI aald
townahlp and rotiBr: Iti.m. waal on tha
north llna of aald aarlion HH lo tha north
waat aornar of aaclk.n t.1; lhanra aouth to
tha aouthwaal rornar of antkin ; thrn-r
aaat to tha aouthaaat rnriu-r of a tlon ! :
llwnra north to Ilia nurlhaaat mrm-r of am.
tioa it 1 than. a aaat to lha northaaal coma,
f aai'tlon 4 aaid townahlp and rai.Ka ;
khanra aoulh on aaat Una of aa.d aarlion 4
ta aoulh llna of townahlp 14 Houlh, Kama 14
Kaat, Wlllarnetla Marl.llan : llirn.-a aaat on
aald townahlp llna to northaaal cornar of
aaatkm I, townahlp It Mouth. Itanaa 14 Kaat,
Wlllamatta Mrrldlanl Ihrnra aouth aluna aaat
Haw of aald townahlp to tha uuMrler cornvr
an tha aaat llna of tiartlon 114 of aald town
ahap and ranaa ; lhanra waal on tha on
nuaiiar llna ona-half fnila to tha rantar of
aaalton k4 1 tliant a aoulh unc-lourth mtlai
f aa-tion 16 ; thrnra waat onr-fi-urth mila
la auulhwaat rornar of Nr.14 of NK14 lUr.
lion 84 aald townahlp and ranaa: thrnra
auulh ona-fouiih mlla to onr-quartar Into of
pm-lnrt ft.r aald dlatrli-t ahall ba tha K.I-
I wank Hou r In MrrxHil 1'latilrl No. 12.
WI'fNI'.MH inr hand and the aaal of lha
County Court of Crook County, Hlata of Orr
1 (on, 11. la loth day uf April, lulu,
I Kite Counly Clark.
aalkm II; Ihunra Waal ona-fourth mlla to , ""' K "KKr.HT tilVKN by tha un-
antar of aarlion Ml lhanra aouth onr-fi-urth 'ralml lha A.lminlalralor of tha Katala of
aaua lo aouthaaat rornar ol Nl'.'4 of MWU I r'""" ""'"". " an crao-
aWatlon 14! llialira wrat ona-fourth In I la tu ; i" lo all paraona
aaulhwaat cornar of NKVJ of bailbin j " rlalnia aaalnat hla aatala Ul praaant
t4; Ihrnia aouth ona-fou.lh mlla tu aoulh
llna of aai-tion 114 ; thanra wrat on aald aouth
I Mat of aactlon H4 to northwaat aomrr of
ratlon I, townahlp It aouth, ranaa 14 mat
Wlllamaluj Mvrldlani lhanra aouth to uua
Vtaartrr nirnar of aarlion t ; lhanra waat oya.
fourth mlla on ona-uuartar llna of aarlion 4
aaai townahlp and ranaa to ona-aixtaanlh
aornar lhanra aouth on ona-aixlaanth llna
aua mlla to ona-tiuartar llna of aartlvn aald
townahlp and rnnira. thanra waal onr-ff.urlh
aula is mUf of Bae. V; thame Mouih H
ajlka to aoulh untMiuartar rornrr. Mar. t:
laa-nra waat mlla: lhanra aouth mlla on
aiaiaantn una ul arc. le; inrma Wuat
lha aama with tha .roM.r vourlwra to tbv
undaraitrnad at tha olllra of M. K. Klliott In
I'rlnvvllla, Orron, within alx montha of tha
data of tha oral pubUratton of this nolira.
Iatvd nnd pub.whad flrat tuna, April 4,
Admrnlatrator uf tha KaUU of
Klmer H. liawlburna, Uacuaaod.
aTlaV fitlf.-! 'kvf !.- II ruti L nut llirnu
mlla to ona-ouarUr cornar on waat llna of ' Canlral O ration Irrlntion Company, cor
aaa. II: lhanra aouth on aald llna to aoulh- poration, Plaintiff,
waal cornar aartlon tU aaid lownahip and i
ranaa : thanra aaat on aacta.n llna U aouth-' Albert R. Mryar, Defendant,
Waat cornar of aarlion I: thrnra aaat tu one- , TV Albert K Mi-yer, tba abuvt named de
qaarUr rornar on aoulh llna of action 27 1 fandant, 4iHKKTlNtj8i
tkasra aoulh to renter of aarlion 14 aaid
townahlp and ranae ; them-e aaat 10 ona
kaarler cornar on aaat Una uf aald aartlon
a4 1 Ihelire aouth Ui aouthraat rornar aarlion
14 ; thrnra aaat atone! aouth Uiwnahlu line of
lowuahlp II eolith, rana. 14 aaat Willamette
Mrridlan lo aouthaaat enrnrr uf aerlton 3&,
aatd townahlp and ranee : thrnra north on
You arc hereby required to appear and
anawer lha roraplaint filed In the above en
titled rauee of ault atiainat yuu on or befora
April i!th. laid, and if you fall lo ao ap
pear and anawer or otherwise plrad, for
Want theraetf lha nlalnti? will biimIw a lha
aaPJ U.wn.l.lp llna to northwaat corner of . above named Court for a dt-rree aa prayed
i i, M.-..-...0 aoum, nauae la Mai: ior in lha complaint tiled herein, namely:
thenre eaat on Uiwnahlp Una to a point where that you aurrrnder ona certain rontiart in
aaai townahlp line Inleraeita the renter of aaid complaint dracrlbed. made and entered
the channel of rookrd Itlvw on tha aoulh Into on the 19th day of July, mil with tha
Una of art-tain 16, townahlp It aoulh, ranva plaintiff htreln, and that aald contract ba
It aaal: thanra northerly; the center of ranralled, forfeited and declared void, and
the channel of Crooked lllver lo a point that you and all peraona claim by, through
wbrre Crooked Klver inleraecta tha aouth line or under you ba forever debarred and en-
af Merilon J, Uiwnahlp It auulh. ranaa II Joined 'f om aaaartlna any claim or riaht
anal : thanra waal to aouthwral cornvr of eac- 1 whatever under aaid eontrarU to tha land
lan 7, aald lownahip and rana-ei thanra deacribed therein or the water appurtenant
aurth oa Uiwnahlp Una between ramiea It IhereUi. and that tha plaintiff have 1U cuata
and II to a point where aaid ranaa llna in- and dlaburaemenU and auch other and fur-
leraacu Crooked River: lhanra la a northerly ther relief aa Is thia Court may aeera meat
anal aqa liable la tha pitmlaaa.
Thai Mummona la publubed purauant to aa
order mada ao Is do by tba Judas of tba
aliova named Court, made and entered oa
tba 11th day of Marrh, IVII.
Of Attorneya for I'lainllff,
litis Keaidlng at Redmond. Oreaon.
Department of tba Interior, U. B. Land
Oirka at Tha Dal lea, Oregon.
April Olh, ID1I.
Nutlea la hereby (Ivaa that
( l,yi)K A. HALHI.RY,
of Rivera, Oration, who, on June IIHh, lll,
made llomealad Entry, No. VMS!, for K'-i
WMi, W, V., Herllon Vi, Townahlp la,
Houlh, Ranaa 1, Kaat, Willamette Meriduin,
haa Hied notice of intention to make tlnal
three ytatr pnaif. to eatabllah claim to tha
land above dWribrd, before H. C. Kllia,
United Mlataa Commiaaloner, at Bend. Ore
gon, on the tth day of June, Ivlfc.
Claimant name aa wltnt-aaea;
Arthur H. 'laylor, of Mend. Orison: Martin
Hallmeyer, of Rivera. Orraun : Harry Kvana,
of Rivera, Oregon : Warren l-ibby, of Held,
2Jtfip Keaiater.
In the Matter of the Kaiata of Jobs B.
Vanderpool, an Inaana ueraon.
On raadina the petftUin duly verified and
filed herein, of Mary K. Draper, guardian of
lha aetata of John B. Vanderpood, an inaana
peraon, for a lu-enee to aeii tba following
described real relate, to-wit: The North half
of the North half of Section Thirty, in
Townahlp Kmtrleen Mouth. Range Sixteen
Knat uf tin Willamette Meridian, In Crook
County, Oregon, for tha purpoae of paying
tha fl'-hta and for tha eupport and guardian
aliaaanif aaid John B. Vanderpool, an inaana
nt-raoa, and it appearing from aald petition
that aaid real aetata is unimproved land
producing no income and an expenae to aaid
satate, and that it la within tha Orhoro Ir
rigation Illatrirt and subject to the lien of
taxes and exiienaes of aaid dletrict whirh will
mal.a the aama a burden to aaid ratal un
ieaa tba real relate ki aold and diapoaed of.
It Is therefore orde.-ed that lbs next of
kin of aaid ward and all peraona intercated
in aaid ealat aptiear befora me in the
Court houee in lha City of Krineville. Crook
County, Oregon, on the 2oth day of April,
lm. at IU o'rlotk, A. M., to ahow causa, If
any there be, why a lice 11 ae ahould not be
granted to aaid Mary K. Draper, the above
named gua.dian, to sell aaid real estate for
tha purposes above set forth.
And It fa further ordered that a copy of
thia order be served upon the aext of kin of
surh ward, and on all peraona interested In
the estate, by publiration for three successive .
weeks prlar to tha aaid 2(tth day of April,
UU, In tha Crook County Journal, a news
paper publiahed la Prinsville. Crook County,
Dated at Prinevllle, Oregon, thia 2Mb day
of March, mill.
IDltc Counly Judge.
Who Gets Your Profits?
Who Reaps the Reward
of the months of work and worry that YOU put into the planting and
raisin; of a crop of grain?
Who Benefits From Your Investment
your effort, and your risk?
Are You Getting the Money
that you are rightly entitled to, or do you have tofpay it out to others at
harvest time with nothing to show for it?
In This Day and Time
it is not so much the question of how much you make, but of who gets the
profits. .
The Idaho National Harvester
will cut and thresh your grain at about the price you usually pay for cutting.
c Write for particulars and new catalog.
WM. EftDICOTT, Agent
Madras, Oregon
Idaho National Harvester Company Limited, Moscow, Idaho. '
Department of tha Interior, U. 8. Land
Offlta at Tba Dallas, Oregon.
April tth, 1918.
Not lea la hereby given that
of Barnes, Oregon, who, 00 June 14th, 1V12,
made H. K. UIUMI and April 24, ID1S
Additional Entry. No. 01 !(.!. for Sty NK',.
HlvVi, Hertu.n I. S N&Vi, Section ,
Townahlp tu. Mouth. Range it. Kaat, Wil
lamette Meridian, has Hied notice of intrn- f
tion Ut make final three year pitaif. to as- i
tatiliah rlsim to the land above drecrilied, :
before C. A. Sherman. United Htalre Com-1
mlaabiner. at Hemes,. Oregon, on the tth I
day of June. HHk.
Claimant names aa witnesses: '
Iirucs B. Balfour, of Barnes, Oregon :
Charles lmitert, of Barnes, Oregon : Carl F.
I'uuarh, of bames, Oregon ; John McEachern,
of rife, Oregon.
23Ute Register.
Journal Ciatalfled Ada are only
ona cant a word each week. ,
Department of lbs Interior, U. 8. Land
Oflke at Tba Dalles, Oregon.
March 21, 1S18.
Notlca is hereby given that
of Roberts, Oregon, who. on September 18,
IWi. made H. E. 01080 and December ti,
11112, made Additional H. E. No. OllOHa, for
V, 8W'4. NW SWVi. SW4 NW. Sec
6, &U, ISEV4. Nty 8EV,, Section I, Townabip
17, South, Range Ik, Kaat, Willamette Merid
ian, has liled notice of intention to make
final three year proof, to eetubliah claim to
the land above described, before Warren
Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at lnne
ville. O.egon, on the 16th day of May, 1918.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
Austin Riser, John A. Sager, Thomas H.
Connora. Edward A. McDonald, all of Rob
erta, Oregon.
25p Regiiter.
Department of the Interior. U. B.
Office at Tba Dallas, Oregon.
March 11, 1918
Noties la hereby given that
of Lamonta, Oregon, who, on September 80,
1014, made HE. 013895 and February 1. 1918,
made Additional Entry No. 014440, for NW14
BW, SWVi NWU. Lot 4. Sec. t. Lota L
2, , 4, SWVi NEVi. Section , Township 18,
south. Kange tli. bast. Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make final
three year proof, to establish claim to tba
land above described, before Lake M. Bech
tell. United Ststes Commissioner, at I'rine
ville, Oregon, on the Tth day of May, 1918.
Claimant names aa witnesses r ,
Charles W. Freeman, ' James L. Thomas,
Irving C. Lott, George H. Rangcrt all of
Lamonta Oregon.
18t6p Reg later.
Oregon Daily Journal
Daily 50c. Daily and
Sunday 65c
If you don't get your pap
er regularly, phone Red
431 and we will send one
up by special messenger
Prineville Drug Co.
Local Agent
You Must Ad Now!
Fruit Trees 10 cents each
at the Nursery, any kind or
size, 25 cents each deliver
ed in Prineville
Berry plants free, with orders delivered
at the Nursery only!
One dozen plants, any kind in stock, with every dollar's
worth of trees bought ..Terms are cash before the trees leare
the nursery; No phone orders taken, but use the telephone to
find what varieties are yet in stock.
For orders of commercial apples, especially in large
amounts, visit the Victor Shawe ranch, 9 miles southwest of
Prineville, telephone Rural 710. No orders filled here for less
than $10.00.
For black locust, poplars, loganberries, currants, dewberries,
raspberries, blackcaps or small orders of apple trees visit the
John P. Hopper ranch, 13 miles southwest of Prineville, tele
phone Rural 74,
For delivery at Prineville by special arrangement, telephone
Marion Mayfield, Red 303.
The government is urging the planting of all kinds of fruit
and berry plants, and you owe it to yourself and your family to
have an orchard. This is a very' unusual opportunity to get
choice, acclimated stock at nominal cost, when other nurseries
have raised their prices from 50 to 100 per cent
Central Oregon Nursery
AM Abmt W,
-rf WHAT Are The1
They are War Savings Stamps.
They are of two kinds United States Thrift Stamps (25c each). United States War
w Tuig9 oi-cuiijja wt.i, pius x ccui iur eacn monin since January;.
Sixteen U. S. Thrift Stamps plus from 12 to 23 cents in cash will purchase a War Savings
Stamp, which when affixed to a War Savings Certificate is the guarantee of the Gov
ernment and the people of tne United States to repay on January L 1923, the fid
amount with interest at 4 compounded quarterly.
The U. S. Thrift card is a pocket-sized card given freeTof charge to purchasers of U. S.
Thrift Stamps.
The War Savings Certificate is a pocket-sized folder given to holders of War Savings Stamps.
War Savings Stamps are as safe as the United States. V -
WHY Should I Buy Them?
Because we are at war, r" - ,
Because the more we save, the more labor and material will be available for the use of the
government and for the support of our army;
Because we must have dollars as well as men in the fight for freedom;
Because they establish the soundest and simplest basis of saving, which is the key to
individual success: ,
Because there is no 6afer investment in the world;
Because War Savings Stamps must increase each month in value.
HOW Can I Buy Them?
As simple asrbuyCig postage stamps.
This is the simplest security ever offered by a great government to its people. Any man.
woman or child who can save twenty-five cents can obtain at any Postoffice or Bank a
U. S. Government Thrift Stamp and a thrift card to which to attach it This starts vo
as an investor, and puts you tehind the Government
WHEN Shall I Buy Them?
Buy them NOW, because the cost increases one cent every month after January 31, 1911
The sooner you buy them the less they cost
The price of War Savings Stamps increases one cent each month until in December, 19ML
when the price is H23. ,
The cost is as follows:
H! Apr M.15 July $4.1
Leb-1H 418 Aug. 4.19
Mar. 4.14 June 4.17 Seat 4.20
lSo commissions are charged to you, or paid to any one. x
Our soldiers and sailors may give their lives; you are asked only to lend your money.
WHERE Can I Buy Them?
At any Postoffice, Bank, Trust Company, and many other authorized selling agewaea,
Oct $4.21
Nov...... 4.22
Dec 4.23
Every Stop Helps to Save a Life!
Every Stamp Helps to End the War!
ThU Advertisement Contributed by
y 7