APRIL 18, 1918 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 3 i You Carry the Only Key A Safe Deposit Box in our Fire-Proof and Burgular-Proof Vauit mav be rented by trie year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for your valuable papers and jewels Ask Us CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON Ua.xr.ixr.r:.: PHONE E. CAMPBELL Brick, Cement and Plastering Cor tractor Office in old Bank Building Prineville, Ore. CENTRAL OREGON - GARAGE REDMOND, OREGON Acetylene Welding, United States Tires We represent N. W. Auto Co., selling Dort, Cole, Reo and Marmon Cars. Phone us for demon stration and terms TlY Ha mmm mm mIII uil.f. F. G. CUTLIP &CT. SHETTERLY, Props. City Transfer & Express Jap Ireland, Prop. Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 OMAR WILSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Business Buildings, Residences and all Classes of Construction. Quality of work Absolutely the Best PRINEVILLE, OREGON Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At thti critical period In our history our manufacturers are offering their mills and our young men are offering their aery Ice to the United States government. Would you like to do your share and help, by putting your money where It wlli support the new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the government haa established to stand back of our commerce, Industry and agriculture? Ton can do this by opening an account with us as part of every dollar so deposited goes directly into the new system, where It will always be ready for you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK Money-Making Leghorns Our birds are absolutely pure bred, heavy egg-laying strains BABY CHICKS and eggs for hatching Miller Bros., Fern Hill, Wash; !J5J Classi AWUKU .lied f"" " Ai "'"' V"'- A-.rtlM, k- M..II.I, Ac...,. Alr Lu . , . Ad Section EVERY WEEK KOB HAI.K VOn BALK My residence property on 3rd Ht., opposite Court House. Mrs. M. A. Robinson, IStfc KOH BALK Rpan mares, four years old this spring; broke; weight 1300 lbs. Price $300. Write or see C. K. Valpey, Prineville, Ore. lUp FOR BALK Two 2-yeur-old Jersey heifers, two young cows, one six months' old heifer calf. Price 200 If taken at once. E. P. Luthy, Alfalfa, Or-Kon ltUp FOR SALE -flood laying htsns, one .year old; and 6 brood sows, nave been bred. Will exchange for horses. KiKiuIre 1 mlla northwest of lower McKay school. 21tlp FOR SALK Young fresh Holsteln cow, good milker. Inquire at Fair Grounds, Prineville. 22t2p KKKU OATS Early Barrt, Marquis and Oulgalus wheat at the Red mond Warehouse, Redmond, Ore gon. Northern Grain & Ware house Co. 2 life MARQUIS BKEU WHEAT 75 bush els for sale, at the Lafollette ranch 4 miles east of Prineville. Market price. T. H. Lafollette, City. 2Itfc tXilt HAI.K CHIROPRACTORS KOK BALE Hoyal Belgian Stallion. Write for particulars. Philomath Ulgiean Horse Co., Philomath, Oth., Box 66. 23t4p KOH BALE White Leghorneggs from splendid laying strain. This pen of 12 pullets hatched March, 1017, averaged 20 eggs each last November, and 23 eggs each In December. They are mated to one of the best cockerels of H. O. Kerls, Michigan. This cockerel Is from trap-nest stock with a euar- anteed record of 230 to 264 eggs per year. A few settings at $2.00 per setting of 15. 100 per cent fertility guaranteed. Dr . I. H. Oove. 23t4c DR. D. O. REMPEL Chiropractor Rooms 4 and t, Kamstra Bldg 21tfc NOTICES MONET TO UAN MONET TO LOAN On Improve real estate. Lake M. Bechtell Crook County Bank Building city. 1 6tf $2500 To loan on Improved alfalf farm near Prineville on Ochoei or Crooked River. A. R. Bow man- 26tf( MONEY To loan on Improved real estate. D. -H. Peoples 20tf BARRED ROCKS I have a few pure bred Barred Rock roosters for sale. A. J. Noble. 20t4c FOR SALE Case tractor, 9-18. Will demonstrate to satisfy buyer that It Is right. Part cash and balance terms. E. Wagoner, City. 20tfc HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT For sale or trade. Address M. L. T. care the Journal for full particulars. igtfc MISCELLANEOUS DANCE There will be a dance at the McCord Hall, April 27, basket supper. Everyone Invited. 23t2c FOR SALE A 1 Grain and Alfalfa Ranch; 360 acres, on main road Redmond to Prineville, 150 bot tom. 160 under ditch, all kinds of buildings; fenced and crossfenced, 130 cultivated; Railroad building station to be on place, river on place. Price $18,000, one-third cash, time on balance at 6 percent. Also 480 acre stock ranch south west of Prineville: 40 In cultiva tion, large house and barn, fenced A 1 at $3800, one-third cash, time on balance at 6 percent. See me or F. Forest at ranch on Prlne- Tllle road. C. F. Loomls 12tl0p FOR MEN AND WOMEN Manicur ing, Shampooing, Face and Scalp Treatments. Shop opens 9:30 a m.; closes at 6 p. m. Other hours aranged for by special appoint ment. Phone Red 771. The Little Vanity Shop. 21tfc WARNINO-Toall whl itmay concern, I hereby caution against purchasing certain promissory notes given to H. E. Cross and I Marion Mayfleld, of Prineville, Crook County, Oregon, no value' having ever been received fori said notes. ,Dwight Roberta. Cul-! ver, Oregon. 22tfc ! SCALE BOOKS--Neatly "printed i and bound. Send $1.00 to the! Journal and one will be mailed ! you, postage paid. 2tfc! NOTICE I am now located In the Bear Creek stage office building at the rear of the Lyric Theatre, and am prepared to do all kinds of automo bile and gas engine repair work. I have also taken over the vulcanizing works formerly operated by Frank Luce. 2t3p F. A. POLK. NOTICE Estrayed or stolen from the L. S. Logan ranch near Powell Butte, 1 Iron gray mare, live years old, weight about 1500 lbs. and branded rench six on left stifle; 1 black mare weight about 1400, branded same; 1 black yearling colt, branded same. 1 brown saddle horse weight about 900 lbs., branded on left shoulder HP connected. Anyone finding these horses take them up and notify the Journal office and owner will pay all expenses. ELI H. COX, 21t3p Powell Butte, R. R. I NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the ordinance prohibiting chickens run ning at large will be enforced from this date, March 28, 1918. J. H. GRAY, Marshal. ESTRAYED 'OR SALE Seed wHeat. 8pring and fall varieties. Redmond Lumber & Produce Co., Redmond Oregon. itfc FOR SALE Full blooded Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching, $1.60 per setting; also Incubator lots. Wanted to buy or rent two setting bens, Immediately. Mrs. Pearl Breeding. 19t4c FOR SALE 80 acres land. H4 miles from town, under Irrigation Project; also span of good mares. E. Wagoner, Prineville, Ore. 18t4c FOR SALE 1 roan Durham bull, 8 cows wnn calf, 10 two-year-old heifers, 6 with calf; 2 two-year-old steers, all at $50 per bead; also 6 yearlings at $30 per head. Wiltse Bros.. Roberts, Ore. 21tlp PURE BLOOD BULLS FOR SALE We have at Alderdale Hereford Farm fourteen head of choice Registered Hereford Bulls, one and two year olds, for sale. Our herd was started In 1903, and by careful breeding, blend the best of Eastern with Western blood, we have built up a herd of over 100 head of fine rugged Pure Bred Heretords. Pedigrees fur nished with each animal, and each bull sold, absolutely guaran teed. Edwards Bros., . owners. Phone or address Fred A. Ed wards, Fossil, Oregon, or S. H. Edwards, Mayvllle, Ore. 22t3p ESTRAYED A cow, branded JN on left hip, and with mark In right ear, October calf following, Is in my pasture and has been for some time. Is about 3 years old, part Jersey and part Holsteln, white and brown spots. Owner can have same by proving proper ty and paying costs. C. J. John son, City. 20tfc STRAYED From T. S. Barnes ranch, March 6th, dark bay sad dle horse branded CC on right stifle, weight about 1050 pounds, Roman nose. Notify me at T. S. Barnes ranch by mail. Reuben Barnard, owner. 22t3p PHYSICIANS BELKNAP ft EDWARDS Chas. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physi cians, Surgeons and Oculists. Prineville, Oregon. DR. J. T. FOX Physician and Sur geon. Office hours: 10-1 and 2-4. Cornett Building, Room 12. At other times and at night ring up Phone, Red 871, Prineville, Oregon. DENTISTS FOR SALE Young HoUtein bull, well bred from good stock. Old enough for service. Price reason able. Harvey Payne, City. 22t3p MARQUIS WHEAT A small amount of clean seed, tor sale at $2.00. Address Box 38, or In quire at Journal office. 22ttc DR. MICHAEL C. SULT Dentist. Successor to Dr. I. H. Gove. Office over Crook County Bank. DR. H. G. DAVISDentlst. New modern shop, In Kamstra Building. OPTICIANS DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist from Portland; regular monthly visits to Prineville; watch this paper tor dates. 16tfc OPHTHALMOLOGIST SEED WHEAT I have a limited amount of high grade Marquis seed wheat stored at H. S. Cram & Sons' ranch, which I will sell for $2.20 per bushel, unsacked. Place your orders early at Cram's as It will soon be sold out. H. H. Cofoid. 22tfc PESSON&li THE LITTLE VANITY SHOP Mm. umar u. uiaypool, Face and Scalp Specialist Hair Dressing, Sham pooing, Manicuring and Child's Hair Bobbing. Sole agent for Maurlne Toilet Requisites. Dia mond quality hair switches. All kinds of hair goods made to spe cial order. Combings used. lOtfo DR. F. H. DAY Physician, ophthal mologist, neurologist Specialist of eyes and nerves. Glasses fitted. Hours: 9 to 11:80 a. m.; 1:30 to 6 p. m. Evenings by appointment Prineville Hotel, Prineville, Ore. ATTORNEYS M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law. Court House St.. Prineville, Ore. WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office In Crook County Bank Building, Prineville, Ore. LAKE M. BECHTELL Lawvor United States Commissioner, Crook County Bank Building, Prineville, Oregon. ABSTRACTORS CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, pres ident J. B. Bell, secretary. Ab stracts and Insurance. Prineville, Oregon. Journal Classified Ads are only one cent a word each week. Common Sense Gasoline Saving The gasoline question is not so much one of high price as if is how to make it go farther. In the Franklin Car, light weight gives the gasoline less work to do, and hence less gaso line is needed. Friction, that drags on a car, is cut down to the limit Valves in the head make the Franklin engine turn more of the gasoline into actual going power. Compare notes with the Franklin owner on your gasoline bills, Call at Salesroom or Write WALTHER-WILLIAMS HARDWARE CO. or Geo. E. McClure, The Dalles, Ore. Exclusive agents for Wasco, Hood River, Sher man, Gilliam, Wheeler, Jefferson, Crook and Deschutes, Counties. I WHEN IN BEND STOP AT PILOT BUTTE INN Central Oregon's Finest Hotel! Built for YOU, Operated for YOU Prices made for YOU! Why not Enjoy it? Others Do! WALLACE C. BIRDSALL, Mgr. MIKE TRAPMAN Home Builder and Cabinet Maker ALL CABINET WORK MADE IN MY OWN SHOP WITH MACHINERY Shop on East Sixth Street PRINEVILLE, OREGON Wall Paper! We have secured the agen cy for Prineville of tJHL BROS. WALL PAPER The finest line of Wall Paper ever shown in Prineville and our Mr. Shipp will be glad to call and show samples. Phone Red 221 SHIPP & PERRY