APRIL 18, 1918 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 11 TXK OK CAIW OV ALL MODKLH WILL l!K ( AHKIhl) TRACTORS AND TRUCKS TOO I tractor factory Is going to England I Franco, but aa loon as these da ' ujkiicI urn supplied, the agents In tha United But us wlll.be cared (or. The shop wilt be modurn lu every detail, and wilt be a Ford plant throughout. Varloui machine! and devices will be added to those already In the plant (or repairing and overhauling Kords, and when Anally arranged, tha ahop wilt be aa complute aa can be built. Free air will be had bare tha aama aa at proauut, and gaa, oil and tire service will be maintained at lta present efficiency. WILL BE COMPLETE OAO.AKTYLK.K WKLDIXU FOR ALL CLAHHKH OK 40IU4 Will lt A.MhI Hoon A Avallulilo Modern Machinery and Hunk Of Parte The Ford business of tha Inland Auto Company haa grown until it has virtually crowded out alt the other lines, which haa resulted In the organisation of the Roaa-Douglaa Motor Company, The entire building of the Inland Auto Company la to be devoted to Fords of all models, Ford Trucks aad Ford Tractora too, Juat aa aoon at tha tractora can ba had from the factory. The prcannt output of the Ford (HANDLER OWNKItH Quality, rower and High Clans of Car Appeals to Discriminating For tha purchuaer who wanta more power, aomethlng different, and doe not complain at more price, the car the Roaa-Douglaa peo ple will recommend la Chandler Six. Chandler ownera In thla territory are J. B. Bhlpp, Frank B. Foater, C. F. Smith, H. J. Lister , and Mra. Homer Roaa of Prlnevllle and Frank Prince and Harriaon Latham of Bend. Mra. Roaa, who. haa driven a car for tha paat 8 yeara, baa decided that the Chandler la the car for her W. A. iD F and the smallest band ring la hand led aa perfectly aa large machinery castings. Building truck bodlee and equip ping trailers will be a part of the work done in thia part of the es tablishment. The convenience of thla part of the ahop la readily evident to anyone who baa had to do with garage work. Building and Painting of Truck liodiea, and All Oaiwtee of Trailer Work, Etc. A complete Iron working ahop ia being built adjoining tha ahop of the Roaa-Douglaa Motor Company. Tbla ahop will be In charge of W. A. McFarland, who baa bad many yeara' experience In black am ith work In Prlnevllle, and who recent ly apont a month In the beat Port land shops, atudylng the oxo-acety-lene welding work, which equipment la the targeat and beat made. He haa succeeded in doing a wide range of work with thla equipment R. A. Ward, County Agricultural Agent, waa In the city Friday and attended the Commercial Club luncheon. Mr. Ward"' brought over eome aqulrrel poison to distribute to tha farmera and also some field pea aeed for John Kemmling. about Bulcka, and the statement that the Buick la a good car, became common. Today there are almost 200 Buick ownera In the territory aerved by the Roas-Douglaa Motor Company, and the etaternent that the Buick la a good car la yet common, and baa been well proven, although the "White Streaka" have gone yeare ago. Butcka are more numerous than all other makes combined, unless you count that unlvergal car, the Ford, which are too numeroua to count. ALMOSTTWOin About ten yeara ago there were four little white Buicka In thla part ' of Oregon. They were owned by Dr. H. P. Belknap and C. M. Elklns of tbla city, Cbaa. Durbln of Ante lope and J. H. Beckley of Paulina, and were commonly called the "White Streaka" because they were alwaya going faster than any other car traveled up to that time. People at once commenced to talk! We are EXCLUSIVE Agent, for MIAMI TRAILERS These Trailer1 are built for hard knocks, and will stand up and deliver the goods under the most try. ing conditions. They are built in all weights and capacities, and are priced at from $100 up. ROSS-DOUGLAS MOTOR COMPANY LOOK FOR THIS SIGN It is displayed by over five hundred dealers in REPUBLIC TRUCKS It means that no matter where you see it, you will find the leader the recognized Au thority Jon motor truck haulage problems some one to help you do more business at less expense. 0 Internal Gear Drive MotorTrucks For Hubert QoaEty ef Senie ud Lowest Huilsjtwt On nytniing job, from delivery to heavy tonnaje, Republic trucks will do the wore oener, more mue, or per year. Look These Prices Over ' It is not necessary to elaborate on Republic construc tion or perform ance because they . are well known. PRICES: 3-4 Ton Truck . . 1 Ton Truck . . 1 1-2 Ton Truck . . 2 ''Ton Truck . . . 6 Ton Truck . . . F. O. B, PR1 NEVILLE $1,050 1,460 1,850 2,180 2,800 A FEW OF THE REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY NOTHING BUT A TOLIC" 1. Torbenson Internal Gear Drives are used exclusively in REPUBLIC TRUCCS, and are sold on a two year guarantee. 2. REPUBLIC TRUCKS are sold at prices below other trucks of their class. 3. Every third Truck sold in Oregon during , February was a REPUBLIC. 4. The $50,000 stock of Parts carried in Port land, backed by a responsible firm, insures prompt service when needed. REPUBLIC OWNERS YOU KNOW Stewart Bros., Russell Ranch Homer Norton, Merchant-Rancher v Pat KeUey, Bar A Bar Ranch L. B. Lafollett, Rancher Shevlln-Hitfon Co. (3) Bend Jap Ireland, City Delivery Fairvlew Stock Ranch (Mace & Cofoid) J. V. Kuhn, (2) Rancher R. E. Jones Lumber Company, . . Sawmill Cornett Stage Company, Paulina Stage The Republic Service Chain is over five hun dred strong I ToTTTSTT TTToTT Jf(f The first Republic ev er built is, and has been " on the job" ev ery day ROSS - DOUGL AS MOT OR GO PRI NEVIL LE, OHEGO N