C ef 0 COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY VOL XXII I T A.MHOTKM TO UK CHOSEN FOR VARIOUS (IKHCKN WILL BE HELD FRIDAY, HAY 17 roll- Will )h u at F.luM O'clock A. M. ami Remain ()M'ii lunlll Flulit O'clock P. M. Primary nomlnutitiK election no tices mi) briiiK posted this week. Thn primaries will bo held on Muy 17, at tlm uiiiiiiI pulling places In nil precincts In tlm county. At thin tiino Republican and I'f nunratlc purlins will choose their candidate fur United States, statu, county, district, precinct mid other OftlCCS. , In tlm county the officers to be elected are: Sheriff, lreuurcr, sur veyor, clerk, commissioner and coroner. Warren tlrown, democrat, la tlia only candidate for clurk. H. A. Kelly, republican, la the only candi date for aurveyor and H. J. Lister, republican, la the only candidate (or commissioner. The contest will be for sheriff, with Floyd A. Howell and J. H. TV I In, deraocrata, , and Silas K. Hodges and Norrli Morgan, republi cans, socking nominations. . N. U. Wallace, democrat and pres Bt, Incumbent, Slid Col..'. Bmltlt, republican, artt candidates for county Judge. w. a. i. ROADS GOOD NKAK CITY I.. J, Niinpwiii and Party Comment On Cent ml Oregon llouiU I,. J. Simpson, candidate for gov ernor, and Knlpii J. Sltuilill bavej Junt returned to Portland nfter! a trip tlirotiKh Central Oregon with a Ford car. In conimeiiiliiK on the roadH Mr. Simpson Hays: "Krom Minims to Prlncvlllo and from Prineville to Bend the roiulH were smooth as pavement and not dusty But from Bend began the, Journey which caused the comment. The rouds from Hend to I.alMno had Just been cleared of snow and as they drove over the divide and through the Des chutes National Forest, the snow still lay on the road and In the ditches at many .points." In many places it was almost Impossible to crank a car on account of the mud. Mr. Simpson's was the first car to make the trip directly through from The Dalles to I.akevlew and on to Ontario. W. I. 8. TWO MORE CALLED Two Men To Go From Prlnevlllo To Fort McDowell, Cal. Two men will be sent from here to Fort McDowell, California, April 29. This is the second call In tho Isst thirty days, the first having been for six men. Otis Wnyne Rnmsower and Hurry Farnsworth are the next in lino with Thomas B. Phillips and Joseph Rotintroe as substitutes. There will be a call between May 1 and May 15 for 60,000 from tho nation. Oregon's quota will be 261 men. There will be several calls each month In the future. The six men who go from here April 25, will be sent to American Lake.. w. s. s. JOURNAL HAS NEW FOREMAN W. II. HunncH Takes Cliargo of Mo cliiinlcnl riant W. D. Russell, who for years has been connected with the McMinnvillo publishing house whore the Pacific Baptist, Telephone Register and College publications are printed, has accepted tho foremanslilp 'Of tho Journal mechanical department, and arrived In Prlnnvlllo, Saturday, to start his new work. Mr. Russell hns dnvoted many .years to the printing business, aud is a past master at the art. Crook I I Victory Is a '"N . . n t. i send-the Wheat Meat-Fats Sutfar :he Riel for FJdhters MITlri 1IAf rnOD M).ilNHTKATION SUGAR BEET SEED HERE FOR MM TEST PLOTS I.nke M. Heehtell has 100 pounds of augur beet seed, which has been shipped to him by thn David E'tIcb Company of Ogdtm, I'tah, which he will distribute to 65 or 70 furmers In the vicinity of Prlneville, prefer ably those who could supply beets to a factory, should one be erected In this city. The seed will be given out in lots of about 1H pounds each, and this will be sufficient for a plot of ground 60x100 feet. ; It Is the desire of the company that an honest test be made of all the territory within an eight mile radius, which la about as far jtt a profitable haul of beets can be made. ' An exception will be made how ever In the territory lying on the north slope of Powell Butte, where conditions are thought to be favor able to" ths growing t sugar beet. After the benls bavo attained suf ficient size, they must be thinned aud Irrigated as well as cultivated, and In this manner placed In the same condition ss they would be In larger fields should the Industry de velop here. Mr. Rcclos will visit this territory In May or June, in order to Inspect the growing beets. He advises that lnte planting of samples received from this commun ity last year showed that they were not matured, and advises Immediate action, In order that the beets may have time to mature. If you can care for one of these plats, get tho seed at once from Mr. Heehtell, and prepare to plunt and care for It. The seed Is provided and tests of the beets made free, In order that a check can be made on the possibili ties for the Industry here. w. s. s. KKI) CltOSS SHIPMENT The ladles of the Red Cross sent their April shipment lust week. It consisted of 190 pieces. The first of next week a shipment of knitting will be sent, containing 76 pairs of socks and 14 sweaters. More ma chines and more workers are need ed. Make a special effort to be present on Wednesdays and Fridays. w. s. s. AXNCAI, MKKTINd AT ONTARIO Stockmen Will Attoml Meeting of Cuttlo & Horse KuiNcrs Assn. 'All Btocknion wishing to attend the annual meeting of the Cattle & Horse Raisers' Association at On tario on April 23-24 and then visit breeding plants and feeding ex perimental lots of cattle In Union and Baker counties, are requested to correspond with R. A. Ward at Redmond. . Professors Potter and Nelson of O. A. C. are going to accompany the stockmen on this tour. , Autos for the trip through Unlon and Baker counties will be furnished by the County Agents of those counties. w. s. s. , OOI.D IS D1SCOVKRED Workmen on John Grimes Tluce Dis cover Gold In Gravel Workmen who are excavating for a drop or headgate on the John Grimes place yesterday, discovered placer, gold in the gravel. A sample has been taken and tests are being made as to the extent of the pay dirt. This Is located about tour miles from Prlneville. ' ' County Journal PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL S. S. INSTITUTE SET lAV WILL ItK HIHY ONK KOIl YOUNG rKOPI,K AIL THE PRINEVILLE SCHOOLS Will Take Part In Program Aimed to AnhImI in Kumluy School Work Prlneville will have a Sunday School Institute on Sunday, May 6. The day will bo a busy one for the young people of the city and the Sunday schools from the PreBby terlun, Christian, Mothodlst and Baptist churches will participate in the programs. While a definite program Is ni-t yet announced. It has been decided by those in charge of the arrange ments that the afternoon and even ing will be devoted to the work. " If the day la nice, an outdoor pro gram may be arranged for the after noon, and a basket picnic dinner! may be had. A meeting of the workers will be held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon, to complete arrangements after which complete details will be announced. CLEAN-UP WEEK WILL . BE FIRST WEEK IN MAY A state-wide movement is on to make the first week in May, Clean-Up-Week. The maiter was discussed at the Friday luncheon and R. L. Schee was appointed to look after the matter. He will take it up with the council at their next meeting. The Mayor will no doubt issue a proclamation to this effect. w. s. s. JIDGK COKK VISITS CITY Caiiiliilute For Supreme Itcnch In Prlneville Yenterduy Judge John S. Coke, of Eugene, was In the city yesterday. Judge Coke is a candidate for Justice of the State Supreme Court. He is now and has been for the past ten years, Circuit Judge of the Second Judicial District. Judge Coke Is a man of wide ex perience and hlB record is one of constructive and broad aims. He should receive the vote of everyone who is Interested in encouraging the development of the state's resources. V VHp ill-'tff to r'tftyl l WILL LECTURE ON THE 5 ARMENIAN . II, i. WIXGATK, OK TAKLAS, '. TI RKKY, I. P1UXKVIMJC AT METHODIST CHURCH AT7:30 Man Who has Hail Personal ex perience With Turks Will Speak H. S. Wineate. of Tarlaa. Turkev. Is in Prlneville today and will ad dress a mass meeting at the Metho dist church this evening at 7:30 on the Armenian situation. A meeting of the business men of the city will be held at 2:30, at the Methodist Church, which will be ad dressed by Mr. Wingate also. Mr. Wingate left Armenia about thirty days ago and will lecture on conditions there. He is accompanied by J. J. Hundsaker, head of the Ar menian Relief Work In Oregon. Wa have read and heard much about the Armenian -situation but have not before had an opportunity to hear an address from one who has witnessed the conditions there, and the vivid description of these conditions will be of great interest to every citizen, besides the human appeal In the lecture. w. . . SPEAKS ON THE WAR Senator S. B. Houston addressed a large audience at the Commercial Club smoker Tuesday evening. He ! spoke on the war and conditions In , general. He is very much interested having two sons In the service. He rli.l nnl matili.ni Ilia f.w.f In hi nA i ' dres that he was a candidate for United States Senator. w. s. s. UTON FILES TOO LATE Would Have Been Candidate For Joint Representative Jay H. Upton filed his declaration of his intention to become a candi date for Joint representative, on his return from a Liberty Loan speak ing tour through Klamath County. However the filings reached the of fice of the Secretary of State too late to allow him a place on the ballot. Bad roads were probably respon sible for his losing the place. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CITY OF PRINEVILLE 18, 191S KEEP it COMING Wc must not only feed our Soldiers L - front but the millions of ; - 4 women fc- children behind our lines1 CmJoAmJiAnJtlnf VVASTE NOTHING BOYS TO ENROLL FOR WORK ON THE FARMS Oregon's Job in the National drive to recruit boys for farm labor which opens on April 15th, is to enroll at least 9500 boys for work on Ore gon's farms, fruit ranches and dairies. It Is a big Job and is being handled In a big way. Considering the activities that have been set in motion to promote the work, it will be surprising If the total number of boys enrolled does not greatly ex ceed the allotment fixed as Oregon's quota. The recruiting Is being conducted by the State Office of the Boy's Working Reserve, 809 Corbett Building, Portland, in co-operation with the State Council of Defense and through the Public Schools, Private Schools, Y. M. C. A's, Boy Scouts, Play Grounds and every or ganization that deals with boys, is expected to reach every boy1 is the State between the ages of 16 and 21. W. S. 8. , H. McCAJLL SELLS JERSEYS One of the top live stock sales of the year was made last Friday when Sam Woods, a prominent Jersey breeder of Redmond, purchased six head of top notch Jerseys from Henry McCall of Prineville for $3,000.00. These were animals of exceptional quality, three of the cows being in the register of merit Spermfield Owl, Flying Fox and the famous Golden Glow strains were represented in the breeding of the cows purchased. This deal gives Mr. Woods 14 pure-bred Jerseys of outstanding breeding on his Red mond stock farm. w. s. s. ROSE BCYS STAGE LIXE James Toney Sells Interest N To His Partner, Enos Rose A sale was made recently where by Enos Rose becomes the sole own er of the passenger stage line be tween Prineville and Redmond. Toney and Rose formerly operated the line together. Mr. Toney will be foreman for Herbert Angell on the ranch recently purchased from Dixon Bros. w. s. s. RECENT SALES OF O. & W. CO. The following sales were recently made by the Oregon and Western Colonization Company: Cal Clem mons 320, H. H. Hawley 1280, J. J. Melton 320, N. E. Melton 320, C. S. Congleton 80, A. T. Powell 640, D. J. Evans 720, W. A. Carson 640, I. M. Mills 640, C. S. Edwards 240, E. W. Doni.clly 80, M. Miller 960, T. F. Matney 240, L. J. Ogden 160, Jake Hughes 640, L and J. J. Weis enfels 640. Total sales 8880 acres. FIRE IX CORXETT RESIDENCE A fire which ' Started from a lighted match being dropped in one of the rooms on the second floor, completely destroyed the entire con tents of the room in the residence belonging to John Cornett, on the north side of the Ochoco, Sunday night about 10:30 o'clock. Prompt response of the Fire De partment saved the residence from being completely destroyed. DAVID. Dl'NN FOUND GUILTY David Dunn was found guilty of attempting the life of Grover Cald well in Bond last March. The trial lasted t"'o days. It is understood that Dunn's at torneys will make a motion for a new trial. NO. 23 LIBERTY LOAN QUOTA PASSES 150 PERCENT Hl'BSCRIPTIOXS STILL COMING IX IS LAST REPORT 1150,000 SUBSCRIBED TO DJITE Crouk County Qutatljr Goes "Ore The Tope" In Her Usual Manlier The quota for the Third Liberty Loan for Crook Cobnty was 191,090. The subscriptions o date are $15. 000. . The last report from the banks was to the, effect that subscriptions wer'e still coming in and It looked very much like the quota was going to be doubled before the drive i finished. The Crook County Liberty Loan leaders were well and efficiently or ganized before the drive started and we went over the top in the usual manner without any trouble. V , . w. a. . BOWMAN TO BE CHAIRMAN Luncheon At Hotel Prlneville To morrow At Twelve O'clock The Commercial Club luncheon will be held at the Prineville Hotel at noon tomorrow, with A. Si. Bwman as chairman. Matters of considerable- importance to the community will be discussed at this time and a large crowd is expected. ' w. a. : ''" WAR HORSE INSPECTION Captain Frank Von Stade, of the War Department, will be in Prine ville, April 25th to 27th for the pur pose of inspecting horses. Unbroke horses will be taken, also artillery horses, between the ages of four and nine years. The price will be $135 for satis factory animals. Have your horses in the city and ready for inspection at that dat,e. w. 8. 8. C. E. ELECTS OFFICERS The Christian Endeavor of the Christian Church held their semi annual election recently. The fol lowing officers were elected: Presi dent, Mary Randall; vice president, Vivian Hinkle; secretary, Myrtle Lister; treasurer, Blanche' Rowell; pianist, Zenda Hendrickson. w. s. 8. BOWMAN JA)R TREASURER Judge A. R. Bowman filed his dec laration yesterday to become a candidate for the office of county treasurer. Judge Bowman is well and favor ably known throughout the county and will no doubt recelce a heavy vote. w. a. s. , DEPOT SAFE CRACKED Thieves Escape With $200 Cash From Redmond Depot Safe Monday night thieves entered the Redmond depot and escaped with $200 cash from the safe. The cul prits have not been located, but the authorities are on their trail and it is thought they will be apprehended. w. s. s. WILL INSPECT GUAGES Fred F. Henshaw Arrived Today on Periodical Trip ' Fred F. Henshaw, District Engi neer for the U. S. C. S., la in Prine vile today on one of his regular trips, inspecting the stream gauges in this vicinity for the government. w. s. s. COSGRAY-HAGEXBERGER j Sergeant H. V. Cosgray, of the 403d Squadron Signal Corps, Van couver, Wash., and Miss Jannle Hagenberger were married at the home of the bride's parents in Port land, Wednesday, April 10. Mrs, Cosgray formerly resided r-ear How ard and has many friends' in. Prfne ville. . ,